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Stream #46

Callsign: WZZ1CP EPKK (Kraków) LIMC (Milan-Malpensa) AIRBUS A320NEO

Warszawa Radar – 125.450 – Prośba o zgodę na lot do LIMC: (46:08)

Cpt. Paffs: Warszawa, dobry wieczór, WZZ1CP at Kraków, stand 16, with information B, requesting
IFR clearance to Milan Malpensa.

EPWW_CTR: WZZ1CP, cześć, Warszawa, cleared to Milan as filed, departure RWY25, after departure
direct TUSIN, climb FL280, squawk 1000, weather B.

Cpt. Paffs: We are cleared to Malpensa, departure RWY25, after departure direct TUSIN, climbing
FL280, squawk 1000, B on board, WZZ1CP.

EPWW_CTR: WZZ1CP, readback correct.

Warszawa Radar – 125.450 – Prośba o uruchomienie silników: (49:32)

Cpt. Paffs: WZZ1CP, Kraków, stand 16, requesting start-up.

EPWW_CTR: WZZ1CP, start-up approved, QNH 1021.

Cpt. Paffs: Start-up approved, QNH 1021, WZZ1CP.

Warszawa Radar – 125.450 – Prośba o kołowanie do pasa: (56:29)

Cpt. Paffs: WZZ1CP, Kraków, stand 16, we are ready to taxi.

EPWW_CTR: WZZ1CP, taxi to holding point RWY25 via Z and A, number 1.

Cpt. Paffs: Z, A to holding point RWY 25, WZZ1CP.

Warszawa Radar – 125.450 – Zgoda na zajęcie pasa: (59:10)

EPWW_CTR: WZZ1CP, line-up RWY25.

Cpt. Paffs: Line-up RWY25, WZZ1CP.

Warszawa Radar – 125.450 – Zgoda na start: (1:00:35)

EPWW_CTR: WZZ1CP, ready?

Cpt. Paffs: Affirmative, we are ready, WZZ1CP.

EPWW_CTR: WZZ1CP, cleared for take-off, RWY25, wind 270 degrees, 7 knots.
Cpt. Paffs: RWY25, cleared for take-off, WZZ1CP.

Warszawa Radar – 125.450 – Po starcie: (1:02:28)

Cpt. Paffs: WZZ1CP, Kraków, after departure, passing 2500 (feet).

EPWW_CTR: WZZ1CP, Warszawa Radar, identified, continue climb FL280.

Cpt. Paffs: Continue climbing (FL)280, WZZ1CP.

Warszawa Radar – 125.450 – Przekazanie: (1:09:55)

EPWW_CTR: WZZ1CP, contact Praha Radar, frequency 127.125, dzięki.

Cpt. Paffs: Over to Praha, 127.125, piękne dzięki za kontrolę i do powrotu, WZZ1CP.

Praha Radar – 127.125 – Zgłoszenie na częstotliwości: (1:11:04)

Cpt. Paffs: Praha Radar, good evening, WZZ1CP with you out of FL230, climbing FL280.

LKAA_CTR: WZZ1CP, hello, Radar, you’re identified, climb FL340.

Cpt. Paffs: Climbing FL340, WZZ1CP.

Praha Radar – 127.125 – Przekazanie: (1:21:36)

LKAA_CTR: WZZ1CP, contact Wien, 132.6, goodbye.

Cpt. Paffs: 123.6, thank you very much and good night, WZZ1CP. (pomyłka, miało być 132.6 )

Wien Radar – 132.600 – Zgłoszenie na częstotliwości: (1:22:34)

Cpt. Paffs: Wien Radar, Guten Abend, WZZ1CP with you, FL340.
LOVV_CTR: WZZ1CP, Wien Radar, Servus, identified.

Wien Radar – 132.600 – Przekazanie: (1:46:29)

LOVV_CTR: WZZ1CP, contact Milano Radar 127.450, Servus.

Cpt.Paffs: Over to Milano 127.450, danke schön und gute Nacht, WZZ1CP.

Milano Radar – 127.450 – Zgłoszenie na częstotliwości: (1:48:01)

Cpt.Paffs: Milano Radar, ciao, WZZ1CP with you, FL340, inbound DETSA, requesting FL330 as filed.
LIMM_CTR: WZZ1CP, radar contact, FL340, descending FL330 approved.
Cpt.Paffs: Descending (FL)330, WZZ1CP.

Milano Radar – 127.450 – Instrukcje podejścia: (1:52:03)

Cpt.Paffs: WZZ1CP, go ahead.

LIMM_CTR: WZZ1CP, cleared EVRIP2E arrival, expect ILS Z approach RWY35L, information K.

Cpt.Paffs: Expecting EVRIP2E arrival for RWY35L, ILS Z, K on board, thank you, WZZ1CP.

Milano Radar – 127.450 – Rozpoczęcie zniżania: (1:55:06)

LIMM_CTR: WZZ1CP, also for you, start descent now FL290.

Cpt.Paffs: Starting descending now to FL290, WZZ1CP.

Milano Radar – 127.450 – Raport prędkości: (1:57:11)

LIMM_CTR: WZZ1CP, report MACH number.

Cpt.Paffs: MACH .74, WZZ1CP.

LIMM_CTR: WZZ1CP, roger, MACH .70 for the moment.

Cpt.Paffs: MACH .70, WZZ1CP.

Milano Radar – 127.450 – Dalsze zniżanie: (1:58:35)

LIMM_CTR: WZZ1CP, continue descent FL210.

Cpt.Paffs: Continue descending FL210, WZZ1CP.

LIMM_CTR: WZZ1CP, my mistake, (FL)230 will be for you.

Cpt.Paffs: Descending (FL)230, WZZ1CP.

Milano Radar – 127.450 – Redukcja prędkości i przekazanie: (2:01:26)

LIMM_CTR: WZZ1CP, speed 28…correction 270 knots.

Cpt.Paffs: Speed 270 (knots), WZZ1CP.

LIMM_CTR: …and WZZ1CP, contact Milano 126.750.

Cpt.Paffs: Over to Milano 126.750, thank you very much, ciao, WZZ1CP.

Milano Approach – 126.750 – Zgłoszenie na częstotliwości: (2:02:25)

Cpt.Paffs: Milano, ciao, WZZ1CP with you, FL230, inbound LUSIL, K on board.

LIMM_APP: WZZ1CP, Milano, hello, identified, information L now, you can continue descend FL160,
speed 260 knots.
Cpt.Paffs: Information L, descending FL160, speed 260 (knots), WZZ1CP.

Milano Approach – 126.750 – Redukcja prędkości i skrót: (2:07:00)

LIMM_APP: WZZ1CP, speed now 250 knots and direct to MC761.

Cpt.Paffs: Speed 250 (knots), direct MC761, WZZ1CP.

Milano Approach – 126.750 – Dalsze zniżanie: (2:07:21)

LIMM_APP: WZZ1CP, descend FL1…standby, sorry, descend FL120.

Cpt.Paffs: Descending FL120, WZZ1CP.

Milano Approach – 126.750 – Dalsze zniżanie: (2:10:35)

LIMM_APP: WZZ1CP, descend FL110. (nie usłyszałem, zagadałem się )

LIMM_APP: WZZ1CP, Milano, descend FL110.

Cpt.Paffs: Descending FL110, WZZ1CP.

Milano Approach – 126.750 – Dalsze zniżanie: (2:12:40)

LIMM_APP: WZZ1CP, descend FL80.

Cpt.Paffs: Descending FL80, WZZ1CP.

Milano Approach – 126.750 – Redukcja prędkości: (2:13:17)

LIMM_APP: WZZ1CP, reduce speed 220 knots.

Cpt.Paffs: Reducing 220 (knots), WZZ1CP.

Milano Approach – 126.750 – Zniżanie i ustawienie na prostą do pasa: (2:14:28)

LIMM_APP: WZZ1CP, after MC756, direct INLER, descend 6000 (ft), QNH 1020.

Cpt.Paffs: After MC756, direct INLER, descending 6000 ft, QNH 1020, WZZ1CP.

Milano Approach – 126.750 – Dalsze zniżanie: (2:15:27)

LIMM_APP: WZZ1CP, continue descent 5000 ft.

Cpt.Paffs: Continue descending 5000 (ft), WZZ1CP.

Milano Approach – 126.750 – Redukcja prędkości: (2:16:23)

LIMM_APP: WZZ1CP, speed 200 knots.

Cpt.Paffs: Speed 200 knots, WZZ1CP.

Milano Approach – 126.750 – Redukcja prędkości: (2:18:10)

LIMM_APP: WZZ1CP, speed 180 knots as well.

Cpt.Paffs: Speed 180 (knots), WZZ1CP.

Milano Approach – 126.750 – Zgoda na podejście ILS: (2:19:08)

LIMM_APP: WZZ1CP, descend 4000 ft, cleared ILS Z RWY35L, report established.

Cpt.Paffs: Descend 4000 ft, cleared ILS Z RWY35L, we’ll report established, WZZ1CP.

Milano Approach – 126.750 – Stabilizacja na podejściu: (2:21:33)

Cpt.Paffs: WZZ1CP, fully established 35L.

LIMM_APP: WZZ1CP, roger, number 2, maintain 180 knots until 6nm, Tower 119.0, ciao.

Cpt.Paffs: Number 2, maintaining 180 knots until 6nm, Tower 119.0, ciao, thank you, WZZ1CP.

Malpensa Tower – 119.000 – Zgłoszenie na częstotliwości: (2:22:28)

Cpt.Paffs: Milano Tower, hello, WZZ1CP, ILS 35L.

LIMC_TWR: WZZ1CP, Malpensa, buona sera, wind 260 / 4 knots, continue approach, number 2;
number 1 short final.
Cpt.Paffs: Continue approach, number 2, WZZ1CP.
Malpensa Tower – 119.000 – Zgoda na lądowanie: (2:23:45)

LIMC_TWR: WZZ1CP, wind 260 / 4, 35L, clear to land.

Cpt.Paffs: Cleared to land, 35L, WZZ1CP.

Malpensa Tower – 119.000 – Zwolnienie pasa / przekazanie: (2:25:33)

Cpt.Paffs: WZZ1CP, RWY vacated.

LIMC_TWR: PODWÓJNA TRANSMISJA (WZZ1CP, contact) Malpensa GND 121.9, ciao.

Cpt.Paffs: Over to Malpensa GND 121.9, ciao, thank you, WZZ1CP.

Malpensa Ground – 121.900 – Zgłoszenie na częstotliwości / kołowanie do stanowiska: (2:26:12)

Cpt.Paffs: Malpensa GND, hello, WZZ1CP, RWY vacated on L, requesting taxi to the gates.
LIMC_GND: WZZ1CP, Malpensa GND, buona sera, left on W, right R, behind the company traffic to
stand 501.

Cpt.Paffs: Say again please, WZZ1CP.

LIMC_GND: WZZ1CP, Malpensa GND, buona sera, left on W, right on R, follow the company traffic
now on R to stand 501.

Cpt.Paffs: Left W, right R, follow company traffic to stand 501, WZZ1CP, thank you.

Malpensa Ground – 121.900 – Pożegnanie: (2:33:08)

Cpt.Paffs: WZZ1CP, at stand 501, thank you very much for your ATC, grazie and ciao, bye bye.

LIMC_GND: You’re welcome, ciao, buona notte.


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Cpt. Paffs

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