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Email #1

From: Peta
To: Seydou
Subj: [Important] Assistance needed for conversing with stakeholders

[Greeting and intro]

Hi Seydou, I hope this email fins you well. As you’ve known, Omar and Deanna want to
expand the rollout of the tablets to more than one area, and since you were active and
present in the past meeting we had I would like to ask you for help.

As we’ve been working well the past time on this project, you might know that it’s in all of our
best interest to launch and land this project in the best way possible. This being said, and
taking into account your feedback on this issue, it has come to my knowledge that not only is
riskier to rollout the tablets to the rest of the restaurant, it’s that because of that the
satisfaction of the customers in general could suffer. Besides that, as Larissa and Alex said,
the staff morale could be impacted and that’s an issue too. Also I strongly believe that this
bigger rollout would make us go over budget and make us late.

This being the reasons why I kindly ask you if you could meet with me and Alex for a meeting
with Omar and Deanna in addition that your amazing experience in your own field would give
us a great input about why it’s not wise to expand the rollout.

[Email closing]
Expecting a positive answer from you, I thank you for your invaluable help.

Peta Tsosie
Project Manager.

Email #2

From: Peta
To: Alex
Subj: [Important] Assistance needed for conversing with stakeholders

[Greeting and intro]

Hi Alex, I hope this email fins you well. As you’ve known, Omar and Deanna want to expand
the rollout of the tablets to more than one area, and since you were active and present in the
past meeting we had I would like to ask you for help.

As we’ve been working well the past time on this project, you might know that it’s in all of our
best interest to launch and land this project in the best way possible. This being said, and
taking into account your feedback on this issue, it has come to my knowledge that not only is
riskier to have the morale of the staff negatively impacted, also that because of that the
satisfaction of the customers in general could suffer. Besides that, Seydou said, the piloting
the project into bigger areas suppose a higher risk and that’s an issue too. Also I strongly
believe that this bigger rollout would make us go over budget and make us late.

This being the reasons why I kindly ask you if you could meet with me and Seydou for a
meeting with Omar and Deanna in addition that your amazing experience in your own field
would give us a great input about why it’s not wise to expand the rollout.

[Email closing]
Expecting a positive answer from you, I thank you for your invaluable help.

Peta Tsosie
Project Manager.

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