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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT CB ESISCHEN ey TOOL scvas Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, July/August 2022, ‘Applied Hydraulics Time 3 bes. Mas yo Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from Modules 1a. Define repeating variables. What are the guidelines for selecting (6 Marks bb, Derive the seale ratios for the following quantities as per Frou () Velocity (i) Discharge Gi) Fore Civ), (as Marks ce. A-spillweay model is constructed in the laboratory such tht cin the model are respectively 2 m/s and 2.5 m/s. Ifthe velocit otype is AD ms, what is the scale rate and the discharge in the prototype? (6 Marks on 2) a Deline: @) Meta center (i) Metacentric height Ey bose are used to chosk the stability of fosting bodies (06 stark) bb. The resisting torque T against the motion pa lubricated bearing depends on viscosity 1, the rotational speed N, the di 1d bearing, pressure p. Show tha T ND’. P| where 9 represents gion (8 Mark AR] wee ov costar) Find the volume of water dispacs of density 630 kan? when i oa FOBT center of buoyancy for # wooden block fer hag(Fontally. The width of block ie 2.5m, depth is 1.5 mand lengths 6m ‘on stars) 3 a. Distinguish between: 6) Gradually vaied (i) Tota eneray is) Subertieal No (06 Marks b. The discharge of water rectangular channel of mn wid is 16m when the depth foal velocity (06 Marts) spezoidal section, prove that hall af top widih is equal to Side slope yow that hydraulic mean depth is equal 0 halfof the flow depth. (08 Marts) oR inditions at cities! point on specifie energy curve (04 Marks) y's equation for uniform rate of flow in a channel, Hence write Manning's (8 Marks) angular channel Gm wide and Im depth of wator has a hed slope of 1 in 900 and 12. Determine the discharge. What will be the dimensions of this channel for saximum discharge? Also compute percentage increase in discharge. (0 Starks) Lotz BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT iecyas Deline hydraulic jump. List tbe appli (osatarss) Derive dynamic oe differential equation for GVF- (08 Ma ‘A rectangular channel Sm wide discharges water with a dopih of 0.4 m. Ifthe estical OF low is 08 m, compute the depth of flow afler jump, #f jump occuts. Furthef{fxse cealeulate energy 1085 108 Mos or Give the flow depth condition for M1, 83, CL, H2 water suface profiles. Cor Manges Derive the relationship botween conjugate’ depths in ease of a hydy Wp -etangular channel ‘ ‘rectangular channel with bottom width 4m and bed slope 0.0008 Nise Pe ot 113 aa. The depth of flow ata certain section in GVF is 0 mI Sr ope of profile Mos sort Modules Define eiciencios of turbines and yive relationship betwen gl. (os viens) Show that the maximmy efficiency of jot striking at the Si of series of symmmetieat coves vanes n + e000 tons = F(1 + e000) 5 ‘A pelon wheel turbine has to be designed for the tollggine speption ‘Shait power~ 12000 KW, Head = 380 m, specdaggsO 85%, d= cy = 098 €,= 045, Determine: (i) Runner diameter (i + (ii) Number of jets (07 Marka oR State impulse-momentum equation. Giga, (04 Marty Sketch and explain general layout of wer pla (6 ‘a symmetrically curved movie i §pt so that there is no shock, Velocity of jet at exit n magnitude Sirsction? Also compute work (00 Marks speed of a ecntifigal pump having $0 ons andl 43 en a8 “working against 10m hes (6 tasks) ge of an inward flow Francis twibine are 06 mand |i, inlet and outlet is 12 en. The head over the turbide is 9m sane angle at outlet is 20° and discharge at outlet radial wil pute: (Gi) Vane angle at inlet (i) Speed of uubine (iv) Discha (6) Water power 1 Marka or Explain with S¥tch various components of a centrifugal pump. 7 Mae centrifugal pur is to delivery 0.13 ms ata speed of 1430 qpm impel diameter is 250 mm and width is 50 mm at outlet. Mo inst 2 heal O62 1 . Determine the am fa the outer periphery of impeller: (8 Mtashs) snow of multistage centr fal pumps. 05 Marks 20f2 Go green BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative

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