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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT GBS SCHEME vusy LLU ascy: celestial Le th Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Feb./Mar. 2022 Applied Hydraulics ime: 3 rs, Max. Marks: 100 Nowe: 1. Answer any FIVE full questions choosing ONE full question fo retul? 2. Assume any missting date suitably Mowulest 14 What is dimensional analysis? Where is it applicd? Which Fetes of dimensional analysis? (0s Marks) b. Ina capillary tube of radius *r, the capillary rise “h’ di ity of liquid, acceler ty “g’, surface tension of liquid cgdfow 0 igham x - method (ia Marky oR 2. Distinguish hetwoen distorted and undistored modeWyith ed mples. (os ntarks) 1b. The velocity and discharge observed in 81) IY were 3.25 mis and 5.3 ms respectively. Ifthe velocity in the protoryp Find out the scale eatio oF the mode! Also find the discharge inthe prototype. os tanks) ©. When do you say geometric similarity exist rode and the prototype? (04 Marks) aa rive an expression for the most economical a0 Mars) b the condition of (i) Maximum velocity and i) Maximum discharge, channel of diameter, 2.5 m laid out © a slope 6 Vin 1000. Take Chery" au atans) or 4a Explain specie e sora the procedure to draw specific energy curve. Describe its salient features, b. Compute the (2Marks) gible discharge in a 6.0 m wide channel having specific energy 0F6.0 }v (wars) Modu sa te depths in case of hydraulic jump in «rectangular chsnnel ap occurs in a rectangular channel 0.75 m wide with a depth of flow of .20 en umber is 3, determine critical depth, sequent depth, loss of head and power aulie jump, (UoMane) on o. Nynat Miradually varied flow? Derive the dynamic equation for gradually varied fow CO Mar) ‘angular channel of 15.0 m width and 4.0 m depth of flow, lid to a bed stope of 14000 hawa discharge of 40 nvis. Taking Chery’s © = 50, find the slope of free water surface. “0 arg) 1of2 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT 1gCva3 Modute-4, 7 4 Obtain an expression for forve exerted by a jot striking at the center of am symmetrical curved vane, And show tha its maximum efficiency is limited to 16727 co 1b. Ajet of water impinges on a curved plate with 9 velocity of 20 ms making an angie OMe ‘with the direction of motion of vane at inlet and leaves at 130° to the diretion of motion futet. The vane is moving with velocity of 1 mvs. Compute: (i), Vane angles, so that water enter and leaves without shock (Gi) Work done per second per unit weight of water oR 8 a Draw the general layout oa hydro-electric power station and giv tion of cach ofthe components doMarhs) bb. Avsingle jot Pelton wheel develops 75 kW power when worki of 50 mand running at 250 rpm. Assuming an overall efficiency of 87%, @Fe mi locity of 0.98 and speed ratio a5 0.48, determine: (i), The jet diameter and wheel diameter Gi). The size and number of buckets cosas, Modute-s 9. Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of reactioMgbigg§ over impulse turbines {6 tart) ‘What isa drat tube? Explain its fetions in bine. (06 Marks) ©. A Kaplan turbine develops 25,000 KAW po ratio as 2.0, Bow ratio as 0.6, dismeter of ba ‘overall efficiency of 90%, calculate thy se Iicad of $0 m. Assuming speed = 3S times diameter of runner and Fad specific speed of turbine. (0 Marks) 10a. Explain various efficiencies of 4 (06 Maris) Derive an expression for min speed of a centrifugal pump. (6 Marks) ‘A centrifugal pump lis jicad of 40m. The suction and delivery pipes are ‘each 150 mm in diam in the suction and delivery pipes are respectively er is im in diameter and 25 mm wide at mouth, Kerevolves ile at cutlet is 30°, If the manometie efficiency is 80%, (os tants) 20f2 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative

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