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According to the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, a race is a categorization of

humans based on shared physical or social qualities into groups generally viewed as
distinct within a given society. The term was first used to refer to speakers of a
common language, and then to denote national affiliations. By the 17th century, the
term began to refer to physical (phenotypical) traits. Modern science regards race
as a social construct, an identity which is assigned based on rules made by society.
While partly based on physical similarities within groups, race does not have an
inherent physical or biological meaning.

Social conceptions and groupings of races have varied over time, often involving
folk taxonomies that define essential types of individuals based on perceived traits.
Today, scientists consider such biological essentialism obsolete, and generally
discourage racial explanations for collective differentiation in both physical and
behavioral traits.

For centuries now the race of the ancient Egyptian has raised a lot of controversy
between african and europeans scholars. While most Africans, led by people like
Cheick Anta Diop, support the idea that the ancient Egyptians were Africans and
black, in Europe however the tendency is now to claim that they were semitic,
“Brown” which means a mixture between black and white or that they belonged to
a Mediterranean race.

Lately Geneticists came in to back up the European theory by providing, through

DNA studies, proofs that the ancient Egyptians were anything but black african.

What did the ancient Egyptians say about themselves? Because they could write, is
it possible that they might have mentioned it somewhere?

Among the different groups living in the African continent, according to European
anthropologists we have one of the world’s largest ethnolinguistic one called


The word Bantu for the language families and its speakers is an artificial term based
on the reconstructed Proto-Bantu term for "PEOPLE" or "HUMANS". It was first
introduced (as Bâ-ntu) by Wilhelm Bleek in 1857 or 1858, and popularized in his
Comparative Grammar of 1862.
Basically any group that uses the word NTU for people or humans can be
considered part of this big black african ethnolinguistic family.

The word has many forms besides MU-NTU: MU-TU, MO-TO, HU-TU, UMU-NTU,
WO-TO etc.


The term generally put forward by linguists and archaeologists is “” in Coptic:
ⲣⲰⲘⲈ ⲣⲰⲘⲓ ⲖⲰⲘⲓ. This term is in fact a Bantu word for man (MU-NTU MU-LUME),
husband (MU-LUME) or uncle for instance in Zulu (MA-LUME). In Swahili the “L” falls
and it becomes UME (MWANAUME).

If the term rmtw is not the generic word for people or humans then what was then
used? In fact the ancient Egyptians used NTU. That makes them black, africans and
BANTU speaking people.

The word MU-NTU (Pl. BA-NTU) was written in three different ways:

1. Using a human head which is called MU-TU / MO-TO in many bantu


2. Using a small elevation sign MU-TU-NDA often accompanied by a N sign as

3. Using a bird LU-BU-TU / MBU-TU. This form is often attached to the name of
a country or city to signify “People of '', “inhabitant of”. Note here that
MBUTU is phonetically close to BUNTU or UBUNTU which means humanity.

The same hieroglyphic signs are also used for THING(S) which in Bantu languages
is the same as human with a different prefix. CI-NTU in Tshiluba and KI-TU in

In conclusion we can say without any possible doubt and despite all the
controversies that the ancient Egyptians spoke a BANTU language thus they were

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