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Saint Louis University


Department of Religion

Religious Involvement

3rd Grading 2nd Semester

Submitted To:

Ben D. Cayandag Jr.

Submitted By:

Ariola, Dimple Marie T.

Cawagas, Athea

Cosalan, Aiyumi Yasha Lorraine M.

Flores, Alyssa

Nuñez, Pauline Claire

12 STEM C – Saint Francis of Assisi

SLU-LHS, Senior High

April 28, 2023

First Beatitude: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

Interview Questions:
1. What is your idea of the beatitude “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom
of heaven.”?
2. In your own opinion how can a person fulfill this beatitude?

Interview Transcript

Interview #1:
Interviewer: What is your idea of the beatitude “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is
the kingdom of heaven.”?

Interviewee: My idea for that [the first beatitude] is that for those who are struggling; those
who are lost. Will eventually have Jesus helping them at the end of the day. Through prayers,
they will gain their ideals which symbolizes the kingdom of heaven.

Interviewer: In your own opinion how can a person fulfill this beatitude?

Interviewee: Simply, through faith and prayers.

Interview #2:
Interviewer: What is your idea of the beatitude “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is
the kingdom of heaven.”?

Interviewee: The way I understand [the first beatitude] there are many people who are lacking
faith— not technically “faith” per sé. There are times when we feel really down (in regards to
our faith). There are times in which we encounter such problems we think we could overcome
such problems with our own strength, but the word of the Lord says that “Blessed are those
who are poor in spirit…” meaning when you acknowledge that you have your own flaws or your
own defaults. God acknowledges that humility you are showing, why? Because we cannot
overcome our own problems just by using our own strength we actually need the Lord, when it
comes to tackling our own problems. There are times when we get conquered by our fear; the
adversities of life. But showing that you are poor in spirit, it means you need God to be
dependent in His mercy; in His grace. And by showing that humility you are showing that you
trust the Lord God. It means God is actually valuing your humility— you being humble.

Interviewer: In your own opinion how can a person fulfill this beatitude?

Interviewee: Well for me in my case there are actually [situations] where God shows that you
are nothing without him. For example, there are certain problems where we realize, “Oh I
cannot do it on my own. I need someone to help me.” So for me when it comes to fulfilling this
beatitude it is through reading the word of God, because there are some instances where we
meditate through his words he actually shows certain passages where we can relate to. For
example, if you’re feeling down and you suddenly read Proverbs 3:5-6 meaning “Trust in the
Lord with all your heart…”. Those memory verses allow us to open our eyes; it teaches us to
depend more on God. So by meditating on His word we are shown of God’s goodness in our
life and at the same time we can inculcate or adapt these teachings of the Lord God hence, we
are able to fulfill this thing we call Beatitude.

Interview #3:
Interviewer: What is your idea of the beatitude “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is
the kingdom of heaven.”?

Interviewee: Personally, I view that [the first beatitude] is recognizing one's spiritual poverty
and dependence on God. This could translate into a mindset of humility and gratitude in the
workplace, recognizing that our abilities and success come from God's grace and that we
should not take them for granted. It could also mean being open to learning from others and
being willing to admit mistakes and shortcomings.

Interviewer: In your own opinion how can a person fulfill this beatitude?

Interviewee: Through acknowledging your spiritual shortcomings and surrendering yourself to

Reflection: [Write-Up]
1. Summarize the answers of your interviewees?
From the interview transcripts, the interviewees understand the first beatitude as the
recognition of one's spiritual poverty and reliance on God. This might translate into an
attitude of appreciation and humility at work, realizing that God's grace is what makes us
capable and successful and that we shouldn't take it for granted. Also, it is the promise of the
kingdom of heaven could be seen as a reward for those who prioritize spiritual values over
material ones. Another interpretation of this beatitude is that it offers comfort and hope to
those who are struggling or suffering. In the workplace, this could apply to workers who are
facing challenges such as job insecurity, discrimination, or burnout. Consequently, the
interviewees stated that through humble self-awareness, meditation, and prayers one can
simply fulfill the first beatitude.

2. How can you (as a student) fulfill the beatitude assigned to your group?
To fulfill the beatitude "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven"
(Matthew 5:1-3, NRSV), one can cultivate an attitude of humility and dependence on God.
This can involve recognizing one's own limitations and weaknesses, acknowledging the
contributions of others, and seeking to serve others rather than seeking personal gain. It can
also involve developing a spiritual practice such as prayer, meditation, or reading sacred
texts. By focusing on spiritual values rather than material ones, one can experience a deeper
sense of purpose and fulfillment in life.

3.How can the beatitude assigned to your group lead to happiness?

The beatitude "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" can lead to
happiness by offering a different perspective on what constitutes success and fulfillment.
Rather than seeking wealth, power, or status, this beatitude encourages us to focus on
spiritual values such as kindness, compassion, and love. By cultivating these qualities, we
can experience a sense of inner peace and contentment that transcends the ups and downs
of external circumstances. In addition, by recognizing our dependence on God and seeking to
align our will with His, we can experience a sense of purpose and direction that can bring
deep joy and fulfillment.

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