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There are 22 questions in this part.
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below
each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on
1: Skydiving is ___________. I’m not brave enough to try it!
A. an indoor sport
B. an extreme sport
C. a water sport
D. a winter sport
2: My hair is very short. I can’t have a __________.
A. tail B. ponytail C. detail D. pony tale
3: I’m ___________ my co-worker. She got promoted and I didn’t.
A. jealous of B. afraid of C. fond of D. similar to
4: If the weather is hot, we _________ on the air conditioner.
A. would turn B. turn C. turned D. turning
5: Of all the social studies classes, my favorite one is _________.
A. geometry B. biology C. history D. art
6: Customer: Excuse me. Do you have this in brown?
Salesclerk: ___________________________.
A. It looks nice on you.
B. They’re on the second floor, in Footwear.
C. No, I’m sorry. It only comes in black.
D. They’re here, behind you.
7: I don’t know why she loves to wear those ___________ trousers. Actually, they were popular 3 years ago,
but nobody wears them now.
A. old-fashioned
B. trendy
C. glamorous
D. fashionable
8: Today, there are many TV shows with people __________give opinions about the clothes that actors and
actresses are wearing these days.
A. which B. who C. whom D. what
9: I think high heels are fashionable. Unfortunately, _________.
A. I always get seasick
B. it was a frightening experience
C. I cannot walk in them
D. I do not get contact lens
10: My father _____ the soccer game when the electricity suddenly went off.
A. watches B. has watched C. was watching D. watched
11: Choose the word that DOES NOT belong to the same category as the others.
A. a ring B. earrings C. a bracelet D. glasses
12: When I was younger, I ___________with my toys.
A. use to play
B. used to play
C. used to played
D. used to playing
13: She often gets sick. _________, she wasn’t sick on her vacation, and she had a great time.
A. Immediately
B. Sadly
C. Amazingly
D. Unhappily
Huy: Tet Holiday is coming and I am so _________ about that!
Susan: I see. It’s the most important holiday in your country, so you must be very happy.
A. excited B. confused C. shocked D. bored
15: Usually Tom ___________ work at 5:00, but this week he ________ until 6:00 to earn some extra money.
A. finishes/ is working
B. finishes/ works
C. is finishing/ works
D. is finishing/ is working
16: He ____________ a bone in his hand so he had to visit a doctor.
A. broke B. won C. lost D. ate
17: Elena: “Can I check my text message in class?
Sam: “Sorry. _______ turn off your cell phone. It’s one of the rules.
A. What I mean is
B. You used to
C. You have to
D. I mean
18: Ruben: ___________________________.
Diana: No, I didn’t.
Ruben: There was an accident on Main Street.
A. You’ll never guess what happened!
B. Guess what!
C. Did you hear what happened?
D. Sorry, I have to go.
19: Daisy: How many times ________up on the space shuttle so far?
Mr. Pettit: Twice.
A. have you gone
B. did you go
C. are you going
D. were you going
20: We have never tried frog legs but our brother ______________ them once a few years ago.
A. was trying B. have tried C. tried D. has tried
21: Mr Okada: Can I have lunch at my desk?
Ms. Jones: No, I’m sorry. ________________to eat in your office.
A. You can permit
B. You’re not permitted
C. You don’t permit
D. You’re permitted
22: Tom: “Do you always study English on Mondays?”
Jerry: “___________________”
A. Yes, I speak to you in English on Mondays
B. No, I speak English on Wednesdays.
C. Yes, I do. I always study it on Wednesdays.
D. Yes, but I sometimes have lessons on Wednesday, too.
There are 8 questions in this part.
Questions 23 through 26 refer to the following text.
Going shopping 23:
Mrs. Smith is going shopping with her son. They are looking for a present A. a pair of shoes
for Mr. Smith's birthday. Mrs. Smith wants to buy him a new camera and B. a pair of sneakers
Tom wants to buy him (23) _____. C. contact lenses
They drive to the department store on the high street. Mrs. Smith (24) D. a jumper
_____the escalator to go to the Electrical Department on the third floor and 24:
Tom takes the stairs up to the Men's Clothing Department on the first floor. A. takes
When she gets to the Electrical Department, she finds that cameras are sold B. has taken
in the Photography Department on the ground floor. She takes the elevator C. took
down and asks the (25) _____ there for some help. She (26) _____ much D. is taking
about cameras and needs some advice. He recommends an automatic camera 25:
by Olympus, but it is too expensive. She asks him if he has anything a little A. manager
cheaper and he tells her about a special offer on the Pentax range. It still B. son
seems expensive so she thanks the clerk and decides to shop around first. C. security
Meanwhile, Tom is looking at the jumpers. He only has £10 to spend so he D. sales clerk
can't afford most of them. He finds his mother and they decide to go to the 26:
smaller shops round the corner. A. knew
B. knows
C. has known
D. doesn’t know

Questions 27 through 30 refer to the following email.

Date 12th July
Subject: Hi! 27:
Dear Jacek, A.  fun
How are you? I’m fine. Here’s an email in English. It’s good practice for you and B.  funny
me! C.  funnily
D. funly
I have classes in English at The Embassy Language School. I’m in a class with seven students.
They’re all from different countries: Japan, Brazil, Switzerland, Germany, and Italy. Our teacher’s 28:
A. have
name’s Simon. He’s very (27) _____ and a very good teacher.
I live with an English family in a small, old house near the centre of town. Robert and Valerie (28) B. are
C. be
_____ a daughter and a son. Their daughter, Becky, is 19. She’s a student at Brighton University.
Their son, James, is a software designer for a computer company. He’s 25. They’re all very friendly, D. take
but it isn’t easy to understand them. They speak very fast! 29:
Brighton isn’t very big, but it’s very (29) _____! The restaurant and nightclubs are expensive, (30) A. excited
_____ the student bars and cafés are cheap. It’s hot now, and it’s lovely to be near the sea. I’m very B. excite
happy here. C. exciting
Email me soon! D. excites
Love, Danka 30:
A. as
B. so
C. but
D. that


There are 30 questions in this part.
Directions: In this part of the test, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper
articles, letters and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Choose the correct answer to
each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your ANSWER SHEET.
Questions 31 through 35 refer to the following article.
Ted Robinson has been worried all the week. 31: Ted was worried because ______.
Last Tuesday he received a letter from the A. the police would catch him.
local police. In the letter he was asked to call B. he didn’t know why the police wanted him.
at the station. Ted wondered why he was C. he went to police station yesterday.
wanted by the police, but he went to the D. he received a letter
station yesterday and now he is not worried 32: The police who talked to Ted was ______.
any more. At the station, he was told by a A. surprised
smiling police-man that his bicycle had been B. worried
found. Five years ago, the policeman told C. pleasant
him, the bicycle was picked up in a small D. small
village four hundred miles away. It’s now 33: Why was Ted very surprised when he heard the news?
being sent to his home by train. Ted was A. Because his bicycle was stolen 20 years ago.
most surprised when he heard the news. He B. Because his bicycle was found when he was a boy of fifteen.
was amused too, because he never expected C. Because the bicycle was sent to him by train.
the bicycle to be found. It was stolen twenty D. Because he thought he would never find the bicycle.
years ago when Ted was a boy of fifteen. 34: When was Ted’s bicycle found?
A. Last Tuesday
B. Five years ago
C. Twenty years ago
D. Yesterday
35: Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Ted is no longer anxious.
B. Ted is 35 years old now.
C. The police asked Ted to go to the station.
D. The policeman told Ted the good news five days ago.

Questions 36 through 60 refer to the following advertisement and notice.

Pacific International University 36: What is PIU?
PIU, America’s #1 ranked online A. It’s a high school.
university, is a school of higher B. It’s a language institution.
education like no other. C. It’s an online university
You learn what you won’t learn D. It’s a two-year college.
anywhere else – skills to prepare you
to succeed in the global economy. 37: How can students get lectures from professors?
Our accredited degree programs are A. By attending tutorials
online. B. By the Internet
That means you have access to the C. By visiting professors
best professors without geographic D. By attending seminars
limitations. 38: What is one advertised advantage of the programs offered by
Class Schedules PIU?
Accessible wherever you are, A. Free seminars
courses begin eight times per year, so B. Meeting successful professionals
you can choose the schedule that suits C. Flexible access
you most: D. Inexpensive tuitions
* November 15, 2015
39: How many times are the classes offered a year?
* January 3, 2016
A. Six times
* February 14, 2016
B. Eight times
* April 4, 2016
C. Seven times
* May 16, 2016
D. Five times
* July 5, 2016
* August 15, 2016 40: Which is the last day in 2015 to apply for classes?
* October 3, 2016 A. November 14
* November 14, 2016 B. May 16
C. January 3
D. November 15

Questions 41-45 refer to the following passage.

Foods from Around the World 41: Some food of other countries might be ____.
Foods that are well known to you may not be familiar to people from other A. unfamiliar
countries. Tourists and other travelers almost always get to try some unfamiliar B. preserved
food. Here are four people’s experiences with foreign food.
Birgit is from Sweden. She traveled to Australia on vacation. “I was in a
C. absolutely
restaurant that specialized in fish, and I heard some other customers order flake. D. willing
So I ordered some, too, and it was delicious. Later, I found out that flake is an 42: The Hindu religion forbids ____.
Australian term for shark. After that pleasant experience, whenever I see a new A. green vegetables
food I try it out on purpose. You know why? I remember how much I enjoyed
B. beef
Chandra is a dentist in Texas. She originates from India. “I’m afraid to try
C. chemicals
new foods because they might contain beef. I’m a Hindu, and my religion D. candy
forbids me to eat meat from the cow. It’s a sacred animal to Hindus, so that’s 43: Cattle are sacred to ____.
the reason I can’t eat hamburgers or spaghetti with meatballs.” A. Christians
Nathan is from the United States. He taught for a year in China. “My
B. Muslims
friends gave me some 100-year-old eggs to eat. I didn’t like their appearance at
all. The eggs were green inside, but my friends said the color was normal. The C. Hindus
Chinese put chemicals on fresh eggs. Then they bury them in the earth for three D. Jews
months. So the eggs weren’t really very old. Even so, I didn’t want to touch 44: Hundred- year- old eggs are really
them.” only ____.
Life in new country can be scary but it also can be fun. Would you eat a
A. three months
100-year-old egg? Would you order shark in a restaurant?
B. three decades
C. three years
D. thirty days
45: In Australia, flake is another word
for ____.
A. shark
B. Octopus
C. Cheese
D. hamburger

Questions 46 through 49 refer to the following advertisement.

Sale! Sale! Sale! 46: What is not on sale?
McGruder’s Department Store A. Women’s business suits
B. Women’s shoes
announces its biggest sale of the year.
C. Men’s shoes
You’ll find fantastic savings throughout D. Men’s summer clothes
the store. 47: What is the first day of the sale?
25% off all men’s and women’s business A. On Saturday
suits B. Next week
25% off all men’s and women’s shoes C. Today
50% off all women’s summer clothes D. On Sunday
Don’t miss out on this great
48: How much do women’s summer clothes cost?
opportunity to get stylish designer items A. One quarter of the usual price
at bargain prices. With prices like these, B. $50 each
you can’t afford not to shop. C. $50 less than the usual price
Now through Saturday at all D. Half the usual price

McGruder’s locations: 49: The word “Mall” in line 10 is closest in meaning to _______ .
Park Avenue Mall A. Pedestrian track
B. Parking lot
Springfield Center
C. Food stall
Downtown Manchester Depot D. Shopping area
Open Monday-Saturday, 8:30 A.M. -
9:00 P.M.
Closed Sunday

Questions 50 through 53 refer to the following passage.

South-East Asia has many attractions. If you are interested in 50: South-East Asia has _____.
history, you could visit many ancient monuments and the Royal Palaces A. many attractive places.
in Thailand, Cambodia or Hue Citadel in Vietnam. B. a lot of foreign tourists.
The attractions range from the beautiful Khmer temples of Angkor C. attractive tourists.
Wat to the huge Buddhist temples of Borobudur in Java. You may be D. few historic sites.
interested in the traditions of different cultures. You can see different 51: What activity is recommended in Indonesia?
shows - from colorful dances in Thailand to shadow puppet shows in A. Swimming and diving
B. Visiting Royal Palaces
Indonesia. During these shows, you can listen to and enjoy traditional
C. Enjoying puppets shows
music. D. Going dancing
You may prefer the ocean. There are a lot of resorts and thousands
52: Ha Long Bay _____.
of kilometers of beaches. You can swim. You can dive and admire A. is an interesting place to see in Vietnam.
colorful corals and fish. You can sail and enjoy a healthy outdoor life. B. has the most beautiful resorts.
Ha Long Bay is a wonderful site to see whenever you visit Vietnam. C. has the longest beaches.
If you like shopping on your holidays, Singapore is a perfect place for D. All are correct.
you to explore. Like Hong Kong, there are months for sale in which you 53: Singapore _____.
A. has few things to explore.
can buy a lot of things with surprisingly cheap prices. B. is next to Hong Kong.
C. sells things at the cheapest prices.
D. is a wonderful place to go shopping.

Questions 54 through 55 refer to the following passage.

For every season – winter, spring, summer, and fall – 54: Which of the following statements is
there are new clothes and new fashions in the stores. INCORRECT?
Colors and styles keep changing. One season black is the A. The “correct” length of your clothes can
“in” color, and the next season everyone is wearing make you look unfashionable.
orange or pink or gray. One season tight-fitting clothes B. Fashion styles can be repeated.
are fashionable, and the next season baggy clothes are C. Fashion trends are slow to change.
“in”. D. Keeping up with the fashions can cost a lot
The length of women’s skirts goes up and down from of money.
year to year. Each season there is always a “correct” 55: According to the passage, how can you be
length and if your skirt is just a little too long or too short, economically fashionable?
some people will think that you are very unfashionable. A. Wear anything you like
Keeping up with the fashions can be very expensive. So B. Buy second-hand clothes
one way to save money is never to throw your old clothes C. Save old clothes for later use
out. If you wait long enough, the clothes that are out of D. It’s impossible.
style today will be back in style tomorrow. “Yesterday’s
clothes are tomorrow’s new fashions.”

Questions 56 – 60 refer to the following story.

Marie Curie was one of the most successful scientists in history. 56: What did Marie and Pierre discover?
Together with her husband, Pierre, she discovered radium, used A. Cancer 
for treating cancer, and studied uranium. Pierre and Marie's B. Collaboration
collaboration later helped to unlock the secrets of the atom.
C. Physics
Marie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, where her father D. Uranium 
was a professor of physics. At an early age, she displayed a 57: Why did Marie left Poland for France?
brilliant mind. Her enthusiasm in learning made her wish to A. Because she earned her master's degree and
continue studying after high school. However, she was upset doctorate in physics.
because the university in Warsaw was closed to women. B. Because her father was a professor of physics
Determined to receive a higher education, she left Poland and in
C. Because she displayed a brilliant mind
1891 entered the Sorbonne, a French university, where she
earned her master's degree and doctorate in physics. D. Because she wanted to receive a higher
Marie was fortunate to have studied at the Sorbonne with some 58: How old was Marie when she entered the Sorbonne
of the greatest scientists of her day, one of whom was Pierre University?
Curie. Marie and Pierre were married in 1895 and spent many A. 1891
productive years working together in the physics laboratory. A B. 1895
short time after they discovered radium, Pierre was killed by a
C. 24 (=1891-1867)
horse-drawn wagon in 1906. She was very depressed, but the
two young daughters helped her to overcome the loss. After
D. 31 years old
that, she was asked to succeed her husband as a physics 59: How long did Marie and Pierre live together?
professor at the Sorbonne. She was the first woman to be given A. 1895
a professorship at the world-famous university. In 1911 she B. 1906
received the Nobel Prize in chemistry for isolating radium. C. 2 years 
D. 11 years (=1906-1895)
60: What did she receive Noble Prize for?
A. For isolating uranium
B. For discovering uranium
C. For being the first professorship in the world-
famous universities
D. For treating cancer

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