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1. What is Computer Bootstrapping?

In computing, bootstrapping is commonly known as booting. This happens when you turn on or
restart a computer, it automatically loads a sequence of commands that initializes the system,
checks for hardware, and loads the operating system. This process does not require any user input
and is therefore considered a bootstrap process.

2. What are the types of computer-booting?

There are two Types of Booting.

- Cold Booting
When the computer starts for the first time, when the computer is in shut-down state
and we press the power on button to start the system, then this type of process to start
the computer is called cold Booting. During cold booting, the system will read all the
instructions from the ROM (BIOS) and the Operating System will be automatically get
loaded into the System.

- Warm Booting
The warm Booting is the booting process in which the system is allowed to restart
during on condition. It is also referred to as rebooting. Rebooting may be required when
we install new software or hardware and the system requires the reboot in order to set
changes in software or hardware configuration or sometimes systems may behave
abnormal or may not responding properly. In such a case, the system has to be a force
restart. Most commonly Cntr+Alt+Del button is used to reboot the system. Else, in some
systems, the external reset button may be available to reboot the system.

3. Discuss the process of computer bootstrapping and the relation of the Operating System on it.

Booting (also known as booting up) is the initial set of operations that a computer system
performs when electrical power is switched on. The process begins when a computer that has
been turned off is re-energized, and ends when the computer is ready to perform its normal
operations. On modern general-purpose computers, this can take tens of seconds and typically
involves performing power-on self-test, locating and initializing peripheral devices, and then
finding, loading and starting an operating system. Many computer systems also allow these
operations to be initiated by a software command without cycling power, in what is known as a
soft reboot, though some of the initial operations might be skipped on a soft reboot. A boot
loader is a computer program that loads the main operating system or runtime environment for
the computer after completion of self-tests.

4. In Operating System approach, explain the following terms

a. Interrupt - An interrupt is an event that alters the sequence in which the processor executes
instructions. An interrupt might be planned (specifically requested by the currently running
program) or unplanned (caused by an event that might or might not be related to the
currently running program).
b. Trap - also known as an exception or a fault, is typically a type of synchronous interrupt
caused by an exceptional condition (e.g., breakpoint, division by zero, invalid memory

5. Discuss the different I/O Techniques used by Operating System (Programmed I/O(Polling),
Interrupt Driven I/O(Interrupt-Based I/O), and Direct Access Memory).

Polled (or programmed) I/O: The CPU periodically manually checks if there are any I/O requests
available. If there isn't, it keeps executing its normal workflow. If there is, it handles the I/O
request instead.

Interrupt-Driven I/O: The CPU doesn't need to manually check for I/O requests. When there is
an I/O request available, the CPU is immediately notified using interrupts, and the request is
immediately handled using an interrupt service routine.

DMA is a method allowing devices (typically has very slow I/O speeds) to access main memory
without needing the CPU to explicitly handle the requests. When the CPU initiates data transfer
from I/O devices to main memory, the CPU instructs the DMA controller to handle this task. The
CPU will then "forget" about this operation, and proceed with other tasks. When the DMA
controller has completed the transfer, it will signal the CPU using an interrupt. The CPU will then
"conclude" the task needed associated with the data transfer it initiated.

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