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Professor and Chair

University of South Alabama
Department of Civil Engineering


Doctor of Philosophy: Civil Engineering 1986

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Dissertation: “A comparison of Subsurface Biodegradation Rates of

Methanol and Tertiary Butanol in Contaminated and Uncontaminated
Sites”, John T. Novak, advisor.

Master of Engineering: Environmental Engineering 1983

Louisiana State University

Thesis: “Investigation of Heavy Metal Distribution and Relative

Contamination of Bottom Sediments”, Marty E. Tittlebaum, advisor.

Bachelor of Science: Biochemistry 1980

Louisiana State University


Professor University of South Alabama 2000-

Department of Civil Engineering, Mobile, AL

Research Interests: Wastewater Treatment (Constructed Wetlands, On-site systems,

Decentralized Wastewater Management, etc.), Stormwater Management,
Bioremediation Processes, Industrial Waste Treatment

Associate Professor University of South Alabama 1997-2000

Department of Civil Engineering

Assistant Professor University of South Alabama, 1991-97

Department of Civil Engineering

Hydrologist (Research) - U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources 1986-90

Division, Louisville, Kentucky

* Water Quality Specialist, Kentucky District Office

* Project Chief, Kentucky River Basin Pilot Study,
National Water Quality Assessment Program
White, K.D. and Rouse, G.B.; 2005: “Design of Stormwater Treatment Wetlands: Treatment
Volume, Allocation of Treatment Volume, and Other Key Design Criteria”, Proceedings
of the Transportation Research Board 84th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.

McCoy, C., Cooley, J., and White, K.D.; 2004: “Turning Wastewater into Wine -- Wastewater
Woes in Alabama’s Black Belt Leads to New Opportunities”, Water Environment and
Technology, Vol. 16, No. 11.

White, K.D. and West, L.T., 2003; “In-Ground Dispersal of Wastewater Effluent: The Science
of Getting Water into the Ground”, Small Flows Quarterly, Vol. 4, No.2.

White, K.D. and Burken, J.G., 2001, “Natural Treatment and On-Site Processes”, Water
Environment Research (Annual Literature Review), Vol. 73, No. 5.

White, K.D. and Wang, J.F., 2000, “Natural Treatment and On-Site Processes”, Water
Environment Research (Annual Literature Review), Vol. 72, No. 5.

White, K.D., Wilhelm, K.A, Baker, H.C, and W.M. Steeves, 2000, “Implementation of a
Decentralized Wastewater Management System Employing Reuse in Suburban Mobile,
Alabama”, Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation 73rd Annual Conference
and Exposition, Anaheim, CA.

White, K.D.; 1999, “The Use of Stormwater Treatment Wetlands for Non-Point Source
Managment”, Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation 72nd Annual Conference
and Exposition, New Orleans.

White, K.D. and Burken, J.G., 1999, “Natural Treatment and On-Site Processes”, Water
Environment Research (Annual Literature Review), Vol. 71, No. 5.

White, K.D. and Burken, J.G., 1998, “Natural Treatment and On-Site Processes”, Water
Environment Research (Annual Literature Review), Vol. 70, No. 4.

White, K.D.; Norris, T.A.; Meyers, A.L.; Spector, M.P.; and Hill, R.S.; 1998, “Performance and
Economics of Alternative On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems: Peat Biofilters,
Constructed Wetlands, and Intermittent Sand Filters”, Advances in Environmental

White, K.D. and Zafar, A., 1998, “Reuse of Abrasive Blast Media From the Shipbuilding
Industry into Concrete”, Proceedings of the 13th Mid-Atlantic Industrial and Hazardous
Waste Conference, Villanova University, Philadelphia, PA.

White, K.D. and Shirk, C.M., 1998, “Performance and Design Recommendations for On-Site
Wastewater Treatment Using Constructed Wetlands”, proceedings of the 8th National
Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems, Orlando, FL.
O’Driscoll, J.P.; White, K.D.; Salter, D.W., and Garner, L.; 1998, “Long-Term Performance of
Peat Biofilters for On-Site Wastewater Treatment”, proceedings of the 8th National
Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems, Orlando, FL.

White, K.D. and Borneman, R.C., 1998, “A Look at Lagoons: Treatment with Wetlands”, Water
Environment and Technology”, Vol. 10, No. 1.

White, K.D. and Meyers, A.L., 1997, “Above Par Stormwater Treatment”, ASCE Civil
Engineering, July 1997

White, K.D. and Meyers, A.L., 1997, “Stormwater Management and Aesthetics using Wetlands”,
proceedings of the 24th Annual Water Resources Planning and Management Conference,
Houston, TX.

Kruzic, A.P. and White, K.D.; 1996, “Natural Treatment Processes and On-Site Processes”,
Water Environment Research (Annual Literature Review), Vol. 68, No. 4.

White, K.D.; Byrd, L.A.; Robertson, S.C.; O’Driscoll, J.P.; and King, T.; 1995, “Evaluation of
Peat Biofilters for On-Site Sewage Management”, Journal of Environmental Health, Vol.
58, No. 4.

White, K.D.; 1995, “Enhancement of Nitrogen Removal in Subsurface-Flow Constructed

Wetlands Employing a 2-Stage Configuration, an Unsaturated Zone, and Recirculation”,
Water Science and Technology, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 59-67.

White, K.D.; 1995, “Performance and Economic Feasibility of Alternative On-Site Wastewater
Treatment and Disposal Options: Peat Biofilters, Constructed Wetlands, and Intermittent
Sand Filters”, proceedings of the 68th Annual Water Environment Federation
Conference, Miami, FL.

Cowan, R.M., Love, N.G., Sock, S.M., and White, K.D.; 1995, “Activated Sludge and Other
Suspended Culture Processes”, Water Environment Research (Annual Literature
Review), Vol. 67, No. 4.

Stevenson, R.J. and White, K.D.; 1995, "A Comparison of Natural and Human Determinants of
Phytoplankton Communities in the Kentucky River Basin, USA", Hydrobiologia,
Volume 297, pp. 201-216.

Porter, S.D., White, K.D., and Clark, J.R.; 1995, “Water-Quality Assessment of the Kentucky
River Basin, Kentucky: Distribution of Metals and Other Trace Elements in Sediment
and Water, 1987-90", U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Investigations Report

Griffin, M.S., Martin, G.R., and White, K.D.; 1994, “Surface-Water-Quality Assessment of the
Kentucky River Basin, Kentucky: Fixed Station Network and Selected Water Quality
Data, April 1987 through August 1991, U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources
Investigations Report 94-4029.

White, K.D.; 1994, "Enhancement of Nitrogen Removal in Subsurface Flow Constructed

Wetlands by Employing a 2-Stage Configuration, an Unsaturated Zone, and
Recirculation", proceedings of the 4th International Conf. on Wetland Systems for Water
Poll. Control, Guangzhou, China.

White, K.D. and Dodge, G.K.; 1994, "Nitrogen Removal by Constructed Wetlands Employing 2-
Stages, an Unsaturated Inlet Zone, and Recirculation", proceedings of the 67th annual
Water Environment Federation Conference, Chicago, IL.

White, K.D., Hamilton, M.E., and Ott, E.S; 1993, "Coastal Non-Point Source Pollution
Abatement: The Shipbuilding and Repair Industry", proceedings of the Eighth
Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management, New Orleans, LA, Volume 3, pp. 2881-

Martin, G.R., Smoot, J.L., and White, K.D.; 1992, "A Comparison of Surface-Grab and Cross
Sectionally Integrated Stream Water-Quality Sampling Methods", Water Environment
Research, Vol. 64, No. 7, pp. 866-876.

Rathbun, R.E., White, K.D., and Evaldi, R.D.; 1992, "Trihalomethane Formation Potential of
Kentucky River Water", U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report

White, K.D.; 1991, "Quality of the Ohio River and atmospheric deposition and its relation to
corrosion of lock and dam facilities in the lower Ohio River Basin near Paducah,
Kentucky", U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigation Report 91-4050.

Tai, D.Y., Jennings, M.E., White, K.D., and Garcia, L.A.; 1991, "Evaluation of a modified
automatic sampler for the collection of water samples for analysis of trace organic
compounds or suspended sediment", U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 91-469.

Smoot, J.L.; Liebermann, T.D.; Evaldi, R.D.; and White, K.D.; 1991, "Surface water-quality
assessment of the Kentucky River basin, Kentucky: analysis of available water-quality
data through 1986", U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-360.

White, K.D.; Smoot, J.L.; Jackson, J.K.; and Choquette, A.F.; 1987, "Surface water-quality
assessment of the Kentucky River basin, Kentucky: project description", U.S. Geological
Survey open-file report 87-234.

Wilson, W.G.; Novak, J.T.; and White, K.D.; 1986, "Enhancement of biodegradation of alcohols
in groundwater systems", proceedings of the Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia.
White, K.D., Novak, J.T., Goldsmith, C.D., and Bevan, S.M.; 1985, “Microbial degradation
kinetics of alcohols in subsurface systems”, proceedings of the National Water Well
Association/American Petroleum Institute conference Petroleum Hydrocarbons and
Organic Chemicals in Groundwater: Prevention, Detection, and Restoration, Houston,

Goldsmith, C.D., Jr.; White, K.D.; Novak, J.T.; and Benoit, R.E.; 1985, "Biodegradation of the
alcohol components of gasoline in groundwater aquifers", proceedings of the American
Water Works Association National Conference, Washington, D.C.

White, K.D. and Tittlebaum, M.E., 1985, "Metal distribution and contamination in sediments",
ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 111, No. 2.

White, K.D. and Tittlebaum, M.E., 1984, "Statistical comparison of heavy metal concentrations
in various Louisiana sediments", Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol 4, pp.


“Decentralized Wastewater Concepts and Experience to Date in Alabama”, 16th Annual Alabama
Non-Point Source Conference, Alabama Department of Environmental Management, Montgomery,
AL January 2005.

“Design of Stormwater Treatment Wetlands: TreatmentVolume, Allocation of Treatment

Volume, and Other Key Design Criteria”, Transportation Research Board 84th Annual Meeting,
Washington, D.C., January 2005.

“Integration of Decentralized Wastewater Management Concepts Into an Urban Centralized

Infrastructure in Mobile, AL” (invited), Reusing, Recycling, and Reclaiming Wastewater with
Decentralized Systems Pre-Conference Workshop, National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association
National Conference, Albuquerque, NM, 2004.

“Design of Stormwater Treatment Wetlands: Treatment Volume and Other Key Design
Criteria”, FHWA National Hydraulics Conference, Asheville, NC, 2004

“The Use of Decentralized Wastewater Management Systems in Mobile, AL” (invited), 58th
Annual Interstate Environmental Health Conference, Point Clear, AL, 2004.

“Decentralized Wastewater Management Systems in Mobile, Alabama” (invited), Water

Environment Federation 75th Annual Conference and Exposition Workshop, “Decentralized
Wastewater Management”, Chicago, IL, 2002
“Implementation of Decentralized Wastewater Management Systems by a Large Urban Utility
in Mobile, AL” (invited), Water Environment Federation 74th Annual Conference and Exposition
Workshop, “Decentralized Wastewater Management”, Atlanta, GA, 2001.

“Implementation of a Decentralized Wastewater Management System Employing Reuse in

Suburban Mobile, Alabama”, Water Environment Federation 73rd Annual Conference and
Exposition, Anaheim, CA, 2000.

“The Use of Stormwater Treatment Wetlands for Non-Point Source Managment”, Water
Environment Federation 72nd Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, October 1999.

“The Use of Decentralized Wastewater Treatment in Regional Wastewater Management”,

American Society of Civil Engineers Alabama Section Meeting and Conference, Gulf Shores, AL ,
August 1999.

“Decentralized Wastewater Treatment: Bringing Affordable Sewer to Rural and Suburban

Communities”, Alabama Water Environment Association Annual Conference, Orange Beach, AL,
April 1999.

“The Present and Future of On-site Wastewater Treatment”(Keynote Address), 10th Annual
Alabama Onsite Wastewater Conference, Auburn, AL, January 1999.

“Long-Term Performance of Peat Biofilters for Onsite Wastewater Treatment”, 8th National
Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems, Orlando, FL, Mar. 1998.

“Performance and Design Recommendations for On-Site Wastewater Treatment Using

Constructed Wetlands”, 8th National Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage
Systems, Orlando, FL, Mar. 1998.
“Municipal Lagoon Upgrade Incorporating Constructed Wetlands and a Nitrification Filter
Bed”, Water Environment Federation 70th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, October 1997.

“Wetlands Treatment of Non-Point Source Runoff”, Alabama Water Environment Association and
Air and Waste Management Association Joint Conference, Orange Beach, Alabama, April 1997.

“Design Recommendations, Economic Feasibility, and Performance of Alternative On-Site

Wastewater Treatment Systems: Peat Biofilters, Constructed Wetlands, and Intermittent Sand
Filters”, Alabama Water Environment Association and Air and Waste Management Association Joint
Conference, Orange Beach, Alabama, April 1996.

“Design and Monitoring of Constructed Wetlands and Intermittent Sand Filters”, Seventh
Annual On-Site Sewage Treatment and Disposal Conference, Auburn, AL, January 1996.
“Performance and Economic Feasibility of Alternative On-Site Wastewater Treatment and
Disposal Options: Peat Biofilters, Constructed Wetlands, and Intermittent Sand Filters”, 68th
annual Water Environment Federation Conference, Miami, FL, October 1995.

“The use of Alternative On-Site Wastewater Treatment Options to Enhance and Protect Coastal
Water Resources”, Alabama Water Environment Association Annual Conference, Orange Beach,
Alabama, April 1995.

“Enhancement of Nitrogen Removal in Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands by Empoloying

a 2-Stage Configuration, an Unsaturated Zone, and Recirculation”, 4th International Conference
on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Guangzhou, China, November 1994.

“Nitrogen Removal by Constructed Wetlands Employing 2-Stages, an Unsaturated Inlet Zone

and Recirculation”, 67th annual Water Environment Federation Conference, Chicago, IL, October,

"BOD and Nitrogen Removal using Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment" Alabama
Water Environment Association Annual Conference, Orange Beach, Alabama, April 1994.

"Coastal Non-Point Source Pollution Abatement: The Shipbuilding and Repair Industry",
Eighth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management, New Orleans, LA, 1993.

"Evaluation of Constructed Wetland Design Criteria for Treating Seafood Processor

Wastewater", Alabama Association for Water Pollution Control Annual Conference, Orange Beach,
Alabama, April 1992.

"Characterization of the Alabama-Tombigbee-Mobile River corridors: Lessons from other

large-scale assessments", Alabama Water-Resources Association, Fifth Annual Conference, Gulf
Shores, Alabama, September, 1991.

"Large-scale water-quality assessments -- Data needs and monitoring designs necessary to

evaluate current status and trends", Alabama Association for Water Pollution Control, Fourteenth
Annual Conference and Technical Program, Mobile, Alabama, April, 1991.

"The Kentucky River basin pilot study of the National Water-Quality Assessment program",
Kentucky-Tennessee Water Pollution Control Association 44th annual meeting, Chattanooga,
Tennessee, June, 1990.

"Water quality and atmospheric deposition chemistry in the lower Ohio River basin: an
assessment of current and historical conditions", Kentucky Water Resources Symposium,
Lexington, Kentucky, November 1989.

"Point and non-point source influences on dissolved oxygen, bacteria, and nutrient
concentrations in surface waters of the Kentucky River basin, Kentucky", Kentucky Water
Resources Symposium, Lexington, Kentucky, November, 1989 (co-author).

"A comparison of surface-grab and cross sectionally integrated stream sampling techniques",
Kentucky Water Resources Symposium, Lexington, Kentucky, November, 1989 (co-author).

"Analysis of variance in the sampling of streambed materials for anthropogenic organic

compounds", U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, National Symposium on Water
Quality, Orlando, Florida, November 1989.

"Evaluation of a modified commercial automatic sampler for the collection of water samples
containing trace organics", U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, National
Symposium on Water Quality, Orlando, Florida, November, 1989.

"Assessment of water-quality conditions and atmospheric deposition chemistry in the lower

Ohio River basin", The Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education, Fifth Annual
Scientific Symposium, Athens, Ohio, September, 1989.

"Biodegradation of methanol and tertiary butyl alcohol in subsurface systems", U.S. Geological
Survey Toxics Substances Hydrology Program Technical Meeting, Poster Session, Phoenix, Arizona,
September, 1988.

"The Kentucky River basin pilot study of the National Water-Quality Assessment program",
The Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education, Third Annual Scientific Symposium,
Indiapolis, Indiana, November, 1987.

"Subsurface biodegradation of gasoline components", U.S. Geological Survey Technology

Transfer Conference on Organic Compounds, Lawrence, Kansas, July, 1987.

"Organic degradation kinetics in subsurface systems", Chapman Conference on Microbial

Processes in the Transport, Fate, and in-situ Treatment of Subsurface Contaminants, Snowbird, Utah,
October, 1986.

"Degradation of t-butyl alcohol by groundwater microorganisms", American Society of

Microbiology Annual Meeting, Poster Session, Washington, D.C., March, 1986.

"In-situ biodegradation of alcohols", American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference,

Chicago, Illinois, November, 1985.

"Kinetics of alcohol biodegradation in subsurface environments", American Society of

Microbiology section meeting (VA, NC, and Washington, D.C. branch), Greensboro, North Carolina,
October, 1985.

“Infiltration Hydraulics and Trench Design for Onsite Wastewater Applications” (invited), New
Mexico Department of Environment, Wastewater Technical Advisory Committee, Albuquerque, NM,
February 2005.

“Stormwater Management Practices Employed into the New Highway 98 Design”, ASCE
Lecture, Mobile, AL, October 2004.

“Incorporating Stormwater Treatment Wetlands and Decentralized Wastewater Treatment into

Site Design”, Innovative Low-Impact Site Design Workshop, sponsored by Mobile Bay NEP and
Grass Roots, Inc., November 2004.

“Centralized vs. Decentralized Wastewater Management Concepts”, Florida/Alabama Onsite

Wastewater Association Training Course, Mobile, AL, June 2004.

“Stormwater Wetland Demonstrations and Performance in South Alabama”, Stormwater

Wetlands Workshop, Mobile Bay National Estuary Program/Auburn Marine Extenstion Service,
Mobile, AL 2003.

“Stormwater Wetlands and Other BMPs”, Alabama Soil and Water Conservation Society Annual
Conference”, Mobile, AL, 2003.

“The Future of Decentralized Wastewater Management” (invited), keynote address, Alabama

Onsite Sewage Conference, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 2002.

“Infiltration Hydraulics in Onsite Systems”, Florida Onsite Wastewater Association Annual

Convention and Trade Show, Daytona, FL, 2002.

“The Use of Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems by a Municipal Sewer Utility”

(invited), Onsite and Small Community Wastewater Management Symposium, University of
Arkansas, Conway, AR, 2002.

“Constructed Wetlands and Decentralized Wastewater Management: Simple Solutions to

Wastewater Problems” (invited), Constructed Wetlands Symposium sponsored by the South
Carolina RC&D and Soil and Water Conservation Society, Columbia, 2002.

“Wastewater Management: Why” and “Decentralized vs. Centralized Wastewater Management

for Small Communities”, The West Alabama Symposium on Wastewater Treatment, Alabama
Department of Economic and Community Affairs and the University of West Alabama, Livingston,
AL 2002.
“Onsite Wastewater Management: From Septic Tanks to Alternative Treatment Systems and
Beyond”, Weeks Bay Reserve, August 1999.

“Constructed Wetlands and Other Natural Treatment Systems”, University of South Alabama
Continuing Education Workshop, September, 1997, Mobile, AL.

“Alternative On-Site Wastewater Treatment and Disposal”, University of South Alabama

Continuing Education Workshop, September 10-11, 1996, Mobile AL.

“Alternative On-Site Wastewater Treatment and Disposal”, Alabama Department of Public

Health, Workshop, March 21 and 26, 1996.

"Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment", Mississippi State University, Department of

Civil Engineering, September 1993.

“In-Situ Bioremediation of Contaminated Groundwater”, Earth Science Technologies, Inc.,

Workshop, Louiville, Kentucky, March 1991.


Registered Professional Engineer (Alabama)

American Society of Civil Engineers
Water Environment Federation (member, Small Community Wastewater Committee)

“Integration of Decentralized Wastewater Management Concepts Into an Urban “Centralized”

Infrastructure in Mobile, AL”, USEPA National Decentralized Wastewater Demonstration Project, a
cooperative project with Mobile Area Water and Sewer System, $1,040,000 EPA, $400,000 MAWSS
cash contribution ($160,000 to USA over 2 years for research coordination/monitoring/reporting);

“Pilot-Scale Wastewater Treatability Study Using Aeration”, sub-contract with ARCADIS G&M,
Inc., (Chattanooga, TN) with funding from GAF Materials Corporation (Wayne, NJ), $23,000, 2004

“Field Monitoring of Low Impact Development Applications to Transportation Systems in the

Coastal Environment”, (Task 8), Federal Highway Administration, $37,100, 2004, year 2, (ongoing).

“Design Concepts for Treating Stormwater Runoff from Coastal Bridges and Causeways”, (Task
9), Federal Highway Administration, $43,928, 2004, year 2, (ongoing).

“Test Protocol and Test Facility for Evaluating Mechanical Stormwater Treatment Systems”,
(Task 11), Federal Highway Administration, $32,825, 2004, (ongoing).

“Phytoremediation Applications to Coastal Transportation Systems”, (Task 12), Federal Highway

Administration, $32,743, 2004 (ongoing).

“Monitoring and Application of Constructed Wetlands for Stormwater Treatment from

Transporation Systems in the Coastal Environment”, (Task 7), Federal Highway Administration,
$55,823, 2003, year 1 (90% complete).

“Field Monitoring of Low Impact Development Applications to Transportation Systems in the

Coastal Environment”, (Task 8), Federal Highway Administration, $19,816, 2003, year 1,
(continuing in year 2).

“Design Concepts for Treating Stormwater Runoff from Coastal Bridges and Causeways”, (Task
9), Federal Highway Administration, $20,505, 2003, year 1, (continuing in year 2).

“Reporting Activities for Tasks 7, 8, 9, 11, and 12", Federal Highway Administration, $31,900,
2003-04, (ongoing).

“Estimation of Wastewater Strength Reduction using Lab-Scale Aeration Studies”, GAF

Materials Corporation, Mobile, AL Plant, $6,941, 2003

Development of a Nested 3-D Large Eddy Simulation Model of the Mobile Bay Estuary”, co-PI
with Dr. Charlie Zheng (ME, now with Kansas State University), $72,820, Alabama Center for
Estuarine Studies, funded by USEPA, 2002-2003.
“Evaluation of Chemical Exposure Hazards Associated with Marine Transfer Operations”,
subcontract from UAB, U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Coast Guard, $106,175, 2002.

“Minimization of Disinfection Byproduct (Trihalomethanes and Halo-acetic acids) Formation

During Drinking Water Production in Mobile, AL”, Mobile Area Water and Sewer System
(MAWSS), $29,568, 2001-2002.

“Standardized Utility Response to Sanitary Sewer Overflows”, Mobile Area Water and Sewer
System, $8,863, 2001.

“Technical Guidance for a Regional Drinking Water Supply Study in Mobile and Baldwin
Counties”, South Alabama Regional Planning Commission, $15,000, 2002.

“Organization and Analysis of Shellfish Sanitation Water-Quality Data”, Alabama Department of

Environmental Management, $27,169, 2000.

“EPA BMP Data Transfer Grant–Stormwater Wetlands”, USEPA, $7,836, 1999.

“Stormwater Wetlands Monitoring and Evaluation”, Alabama Cooperative Extension System,

$1,800, 1999.

“Long Term Evaluation of Peat Biofilters for On-Site Wastewater Treatment”, Alabama
Department of Public Health (EPA 319h program), $10,400, 1998.

“Performance Evaluation of Baldwin County Alternative Onsite Sewage Disposal Systems”,

Alabama Department of Public Health, $26,000.

“Efficiency of Peat Biofiltration for Onsite Sewage Management”, Alabama Department of Public
Health, $19,080

“An Integrated Approach to Added Value Reclamation of Solid Waste (Shipbuilding Waste
Blast Recycling into Concrete), Alabama NSF-EPSCoR (with Auburn University), $138,289.

“Evaluation of Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems for Treatment Efficiency and
Cost Effectiveness”, Alabama Universities/TVA Research Consortium (AUTRC), $29,586.

“Demonstration of Alternative Onsite Sewage Management”, contract with Mobile County Health
Department, funded by EPA Gulf of Mexico Program, $148,853.

“Water Quality Enhancement of Golf Course Runoff via Constructed Wetlands”, contract with
Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM), funded by EPA Gulf of Mexico
Program, $96,525.
“Investigation of Constructed Wetlands Configuration and Design Criteria to Effect
Nitrification and Denitrification”, Alabama Universites/TVA Research Consortium (AUTRC),

Development of Best Management Practices to Minimize Water Quality Degradation from the
Shipbuilding and Repair Industry, Alabama Department of Environmental Management, $68,000.

“Constructed Wetlands Pilot Study—Small Seafood Processor Wastewater”, Alabama

Universities/TVA Research Consortium (AUTRC), $30,000. (Note: significant match was supplied
by Degussa Corp. in the form of Green House construction and chemical analysis).

Graduate Student Guidance

As my department does not have a Master’s program (as yet), my research activities have been performed with
the help of graduate students from the Chemical Engineering Department and the Marine Sciences Department,
and with the help of numerous undergraduate Civil Engineering Students.

Ph.D. Student Joseph Jablecki

Ph.D, UAB School of Public Health, Fall 2004
“Evaluation of Human Pathogen Transmission Potential from Selected
Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems and the Development of a
Rating System for Selection” (KDW committee member, but with significant
research direction)

Graduate Assistants(2004-05): Ginger Rouse (Chemical Engineering, FHWA)

Brian Kelly (Chemical Engineering, FHWA)
Venu Kalva (Chemical Engineering, EPA Demo)

Previous Grad Students: David McFee (Marine Science)

Amy Morales (Chemical Engineering)
Amir Zafar (Chemical Engineering)

Current Undergraduate Research Assistants

Karman Richardson (Civil Engineering, FHWA)

Triple Sawyer (Civil Engineering, FHWA)
Ariel Chavez (Civil Engineering, EPA Demo)
T. J. Touchstone (Civil Engineering, EPA Demo)
Mark Green (Civil Engineering, NSF Fellowship)
Scholarly/Creative Activities
Invited member: National Onsite Wastewater Advisory Board, (current) an invited-member board of
academics, regulators, and industry representatives to prioritize national research needs
of the onsite wastewater industry and focus research efforts on these needs.

Invited Member: Soils subcommittee, National Model Code Development Committee, (current)
National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association (NOWRA). This national
organization, using expertise from around the U.S, is developing a “model” national
code for onsite wastewater treatment/dispersal/reuse that can be adopted by all State
regulatory offices.

Invited Member: “Mapping the Future of Onsite/Decentralized Wastewater Treatment”, a national

strategy/policy development organization sponsored by the National Decentralized
Water Resources Capacity Development Project (U.S. EPA funded), Arlington, VA,
2001 to present.

Invited Member: Alabama Onsite Wastewater (Licensing) Board. 2nd 3-year term, nominated (and re-
nominated) by the Alabama Lieutenant Governor. Professional licensing board for
onsite wastewater professionals.

Invited Member: Grassroots, Inc., a non-profit Mobile-based organization organized to educate the real-
estate and home-building professions about environmental issues. Two, full-day
workshops on Stormwater Management and Innovative Conservation Site Design were
developed and presented in 2004.

Wastewater Expert Lowdnes County Alabama Rural Decentralized Wastewater Management, USEPA
funded National Decentralized Wastewater Demonstration Project. I have provided
technical guidance in helping to develop a “model” rural management entity that can
provide and manage wastewater infrastructure to a rural, economically depressed
county in the Black Belt of Alabama (transferable throughout the South). Coordinating
with EPA and the National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise (NCNE) of
Washington, DC.
Service to Professional/Research Organizations

Invited Member: Project Subcommittee, Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF)

Research Project “Feasibility, Design Criteria, and O&M Requirements for Small Scale
Contructed Wetland Wastewater Treatment Systems”. (current), As an identified
national research need by WERF, I directed the development of a “Request for
Proposals” for this project and am overseeing implementation (with 6 other committee

Member: Water Environment Federation, Small Community Wastewater Committee

Member: University of South Alabama Research Committee (USARC)

Member: University of South Alabama Undergraduate Research Committee

Member: Alabama Water Resources Research Council (Auburn WRRI), USA representative to
the council, 1994 to 2001.

Hosted: Delegation from Sydney (Australia) Water Company and the Australian EPA to discuss
(and tour) decentralized wastewater concepts and applications in Mobile, AL. (June

Hosted: Sump and Sewage Pump Manufacturers Association Annual Meeting, with emphasis
on Decentralized Wastewater Management Applications and Field Visits. (April 2005).

Member: Program Development Committee, “Environmental Toxicology”, an interdisciplinary

Masters Degree Program recently approved and implemented at USA.


2003-2004 College of Engineering, Researcher of the Year Award.

2004 “Green Award”, Mobile United. Awarded for efforts supporting environmentally sustainable
activities/infrastructure in Mobile, AL.

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