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Department of Electrical Engineering

Alternate Mid-Semester Examination, 2023
Session: 2022 - 2023 (Spring)
B.Tech in Electrial Engineering
6th Semester
Subject Name: Advanced Control Systems
Subject Code: EE3302
Number of Pages:2 Full Marks: 30 Duration: 2 Hours


• Answer all the Questions.

• Figure in the right margin indicates the full marks allotted to a question.
   
0 1 0 0
1. consider the following A and B matrices: A =  0 0 1 B = 0

−6 −11 −6 1

Now check whether the three following vectors B, AB, A2 B can play the role of the basis
vectors for a three-dimensional vector space. If yes, please represent the matrix A and
B concerning the same basis vectors. Can you find out any interesting features of this
algebraic operation? If yes, please explain your observation regarding the same. [4]

2. Devise a state transformation technique that will yield the following state model in the
diagonal canonical form:
   
−23 −160 −300 1  
A=  1 0 0  B = 0 C = 0 0 1
 D=0
0 1 0 0

3. Find the zero input-output response

 from
 the system (description
 givenbelow)
 for
0 −3 0 0 0 0 0
0  0 −1 1 0 0  0
     
an initial condition X[0] = 0 A = 0
   0 −1 1 0  B = 0 C =
  
0 0 0 0 −1 1  0
1 0 0 0 0 −1 1
1 0 0 0 0 D=0 [4]

4. Find out the linearized model for the following nonlinear system. Do you think the
model is reliable enough to design a control law based on the linearized model of the

ẋ1 = 10x51 + x2
ẋ2 = −x1 + 60x2 6
y = x1 [4]

Contd. to the next page. . .

Advanced Control Systems Alternate Mid-Semester Examination Page 2 of 2

5. Find a state space model for the MIMO system’s transfer function matrix as shown
below. Try to consider minimum number of the state variables to represent the model
in the state space form.
 
1 3
 2s + 1
 2s2 + 5s + 2

G(s) = 

 1 (s + 1) 
s+2 (s + 2)2


6. Comment on the veracity of the following statements. Without a cogent argument and
appropriate justification, no answer will be considered. All parts of this question 6 must
be written in the same place.

(a) A continuum of equilibrium can be found in the A matrix with all non-zero distinct
eigenvalues. [2]
(b) During the decoupled representation of an asymptotic stable system, the A matrix
sometimes becomes skew-symmetric. [2]
(c) The dimension of the transfer function matrix gives an idea about the number of
inputs and outputs are present in a system [2]
(d) For an n-dimensional LTI system, the system will have a unique trajectory in the
state space even if the initial conditions differ. [2]
(e) The input distribution matrix reveals how the rate of change of state variables get
affected by input. [2]

End of question paper

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