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Medelyn A.




A hauling facility called an agricultural tramline is constructed of steel cables, pulleys, carriers,
poles, a power house, and platforms for loading and unloading.

Tramways save money, time, and effort while moving goods. Upland and downhill fields and
the major road leading to the trade post will be faster connected thanks to the wire
connections. Additionally, it will end the reliance on the porter system, which damages and
spoils produce while being transported.

Through their local cooperative, the Philippine Center for Post Harvest Development and
Mechanization (DA-PHILMECH), formerly known as the Bureau of Post Harvest Research and
Extension (BPRE), and Wire Rope Corporation of the Philippines collaborate to produce their
first project in Barangay Bukal, Nagcarlan, Laguna.

Nagcarlan, Laguna's WRCP/DA-PHILMECH Tramline Project is 1.8 kilometers long. 500 kilograms
of harvested fruits and vegetables can be transported from the plantation to the roadside using
a tramline.

Through the Department of Agriculture, WRCP also provides steel cables for the various
tramline projects taking place throughout the Philippines.


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