2022-23 - Eng (S) - G9 WRT1 - Letter To The Editor - T

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Pui Kiu College

G9 English 2022-2023
Writing 1 – Letter to the Editor
Pre-writing tasks

Name: ____________________________ Class: G9________ ( ) Date: ____________________

After completing this writing, you are expected to be able to:

● Write an emotional, ethical, or logical appeal in the closing (LF1: Content)

● Use at least two taught sentence patterns to express cause and effect (LF2: Language)
● Give supporting details after expressing your viewpoint (LF3: Language)
● Include all essential elements to open and sign a letter to the editor for the HKDSE (LF4:

What is a letter to the editor?

A letter to the editor is a way of informing a newspaper, magazine, or any other media about the current
issues you are concerned about as a reader. It is also a way of expressing your opinions to a larger audience
because when such letters are published, they often appear in the first few pages of the print.

Why should you write a letter to the editor?

Letters to the editor are among the most widely read features in any newspaper or magazine. They allow you
to reach a large audience. You can probably think of many more specific reasons why you might want to
write to the editor, but here are a few general ones:
● Suggest an idea to others
● Influence public opinion
● Educate the general public on a specific matter
● Influence policy-makers or elected officials directly or indirectly
● Publicise the work of your group and attract volunteers or program participants

Write an emotional, ethical, or logical appeal in the conclusion (LF1: Content)

You can also make an appeal to your audience. There are 3 ways to appeal to your audience:

Emotional appeal Figurative language – metaphors, similes, analogies, and so on – can capture attention and
appeal to emotions. Concrete and descriptive language can paint pictures in readers’
minds, thus building in emotional appeal..

Ethical appeal Audiences respond well to writers or speakers who seem authoritative or
trustworthy. You can thus make ethical appeals to any audience by demonstrating
that you’re knowledgeable – you know what you’re talking about and can make
your case.

Logical appeal audiences respond well to the use of logic – to facts, statistics, credible testimony,
cogent examples, even a narrative or story that embodies a good sound reason in

support of an argument.

Identify which appeal is used in the examples below.

“Imagine Marie, inched her heavy wheelchair up the narrow, steep entrance ramp to the library, her arms
straining to pull up the last twenty feet, her face pinched with the sheer effort of it. Is this the way to treat
those who have served our society all their lives? We should improve the city’s elderly support right now.” –
Emotional appeal

“Numerous scientific research has shown that if you smoke, you are 20 times more likely to get lung cancer.
If you smoke, you are twice as likely to die before the age of 65. If you smoke, your life will almost
certainly be shorter. Therefore, I hope this letter will encourage a straighter ban on cigarette selling.’ –
Logical appeal

“My three-month observation of the communications procedures in a highly successful software firm
demonstrates that teenagers are relying on the Internet more than we imagine. We need to take this matter
into our own hands before it is too late.” – Ethical appeal

Use two taught sentence patterns to express cause and effect (LF2: Language)
Refer to G&U U24. Choose two taught sentence patterns and use them in your letter to the editor. Highlight
them in the final draft.

Give supporting details after expressing your viewpoint (LF3: Language)

When you are writing a letter to the editor, you wish to persuade the readers that your opinion is logical and
convincing. Therefore, you should use a formal and objective tone and avoid using words or phrases that
may suggest an opinion instead of facts.
One simple way to make your opinion sound less subjective is to provide evidence. Cite research results,
include expert’s opinions, quote survey results - all these help.

Underline the judgment word in the following sentence. Add relevant supporting details to make the opinion
more objective.
Hong Kong people work ridiculously long hours. The recently published Work-life Balance Cities Ranking
2021 by BPO has revealed that Hong Kong is the world’s most overworked city with 30% of workers
putting in more than 48 hours per week (Suggested answer).
Remark: Be careful if you intend to include any judgment words in the HKDSE.

Include all essential elements to open and sign a letter to the editor for the HKDSE (LF4:
Open the letter with a simple salutation
Don't worry if you do not know the editor's name. A simple "Dear Editor," or just “Dear Sir/ Madam,” is

Sign the letter properly

In real life situations, very often we have to write your full name (and title, if relevant) and to include your
address, phone number, and e-mail address. Newspapers do not print anonymous letters, though in some
cases they may withhold your name on request. They may also call you to confirm that you wrote the letter
before they publish it.
In the HKDSE, simply write “Yours faithfully,” and “Chris Wong” in the next line.

Sample writing

Dear Editor, LF4: Write the proper


Many Hong Kong students are familiar with the local Diploma of
Secondary Education (DSE) curriculum, and those who go to
international schools are well acquainted with the International
Baccalaureate (IB), the British A-level system, or even the US’
Advanced Placement classes and exams. What do these curriculums all
have in common? They are centred around exams and academic
performance. Too many students nowadays are pressured to do well at
school in order to attend a prestigious university. However, grades are
not the only indicator of success.

University is not for everyone, and it should not be presented as the

only option for students. But society tries to convince us otherwise.
For example, when we walk outside, we can see many advertisements Although Chris Wong expresses
for tutorial lessons or study books that promote students’ high scores his opinion, he does not use “I”
or brag about the universities their clients have attended. The reason to maintain objectivity. Instead,
why students may also feel pressure from their families to go to a well- he makes his point of view more
known school is because they think it’s the most sure-fire way of persuasive by using “we” and
getting a good job. “you”.

There is nothing wrong with attending university. You can dive deeper LF2: Fill in the missing words
into topics that you’re passionate about, meet new people and have which you have learnt in G&U
new experiences. U24.

But what is wrong is demeaning people who don’t want to, or can’t,
attend university, or pressuring them into going. Some people would
prefer going into a trade or getting an apprenticeship where they can
learn practical skills and start earning money right away. Some might
want to start a business or work freelance. There are many options a
student can choose from after secondary school, besides attending
university. Furthermore, if a person wants to learn, university is not
their only option: advanced skills like coding can be self-taught
through online boot camps or professional certificate programmes
offered by sites like Coursera.

Higher education costs a ridiculous amount of money. To attend

university, you have to pay high tuition fees, as well as room and
board – and these numbers get scarier if you study abroad. Take the
US for example, where the average student loan debt a graduate has is
US$25,000. The debt can stick with you long after you graduate,
especially because of the high interest rates they have. If someone
wants to skip university so they do not end up tens of thousands of
dollars in debt, that’s not something we should look down on.

Schools should offer more technical and hands-on skills so students LF3: Highlight judgment words
can have a more well-rounded education. Whether it be woodwork, in yellow. Underline relevant
robotics or even Home Economics (cooking, cleaning, and other supporting details.
things required for taking care of a home), these practical skills are
just as valuable as academic knowledge. Schools should encourage
students to explore their passions and not force them into a one-size-
fits-all path. University is not the only way to succeed. The students of
LF2: Fill in the missing words
today are going to be the leaders of tomorrow, and we need people
which you have learnt in G&U
with unique perspectives and skill sets to improve the world we live in.

LF1: Does the writer use an

Yours faithfully, emotional, ethical, or logical
appeal in the conclusion?
Chris Wong
Explain. (Suggested answer)

LF4: Sign the letter properly.

Writing question

You are Chris Wong, a Grade 9 student in Hong Kong. Some parents believe that it is beneficial if all
Grade 9 students should spend a term studying abroad before they study for the HKDSE.

Write a letter to the editor, showing your agreement OR disagreement with their viewpoint. Write at least
300 words.

Greeting ____________________,

State the purpose of
writing and stance.

First argument

Second argument

Third argument/ rebuttal

1) Sum up your
2) Call for action

Closing Remark ______________________,

Your name

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