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Name: ________________________ ( ) Class: 9_____ Date: _________________

Pui Kiu College

2022 – 2023 G9 English Language
Module 2: The joys of volunteering (OATA U6)
Proofreading & Open Cloze 1
Open Cloze (10 marks)
Fill in each blank below with ONE suitable word.
For the past two weeks, the charity HandsOn HK organised its annual community service
I also joined some of the volunteer activities. While distributing resources to people in
1) ___________ during a “kindness walk” with ImpactHK, I interacted with many people I
normally would not have met. From Tai Kok Tsui to Jordan, my bag full of Vitasoy drinks became
lighter with every person my group approached – homeless individuals, street cleaners and
“cardboard grannies”.
Not 2) ___________ did I learn about their needs and stories, but I also learned about how
NGOs improve their living conditions. For example, ImpactHK’s centre provides a community
fridge and laundry services for street sleepers.
For a volunteer activity with Feeding Hong Kong, I went to their food bank at Yau Tong to pack
donated food items into boxes for delivery. Listening to the staff at Feeding Hong Kong, I learned
about the enormous food waste produced by Hongkongers every day. The astronomical figures
were even more infuriating when compared to the number of people in the city who are facing
food insecurity. According to the government’s Poverty Situation Report released last year, one
in five Hongkongers lives 3) ___________ the poverty line. A granny told me that during the
city’s fifth wave of Covid-19 cases, she only survived because of a delivered package from
Feeding HK. This 4) ___________ to show how important volunteering is to society.

Through talking to the staff and volunteers, I learned about the difficulties that Hong Kong’s
NGOs have 5) ___________ in continuing their work during the pandemic. With a
6) ___________ of volunteers because of the city’s social-distancing restrictions, many were
unable to overcome the 7) ___________ of Hong Kong’s fifth wave.
I was told that many elderly people became food insecure because of their inability to move
around. Before the government launched door-to-door vaccination services, many were unable
to receive three 8) ___________ of the vaccine. Thus, some had trouble entering markets to buy
food without their vaccination codes.
Joining the Serve-a-thon was a truly rewarding experience, and it helped me develop a better
understanding of Hong Kong’s social issues. I learned to see from the perspective of those in
need, and how NGOs have to build trust with the people they serve to effectively conduct their
Doing something meaningful filled me with a great 9) ___________ of purpose and unexpected
joy. The smiles and conversations 10) ___________ were priceless.
Proofreading (10 marks)
There is ONE mistake in each numbered line in the following passage. Changes to punctuation should not be made.
Corrections must be done exactly as follows:

Wrong word - underline the wrong word and write the correct word above it as in Example A.

Extra word - cross out the extra word as in Example B.

Missing word - mark the position of the missing word with a “⋀” and write the correct word above it as in
Example C.

William Wu Man-chun wants

want to spread hope in Hong Kong and help those in need through

volunteer services. The 20-year-old has been a volunteer since from secondary school. He

eagerly joins projectswith

⋀ various community centres and organisations.
Wu and his team at the Rotaract Club, a community service organisation in the Hong Kong
2. University of Science and Technology, have visited elderly centres and distributed food to


3. Work with The Hub Children and Youth Centre, which serves underprivileged children in Sham

4. Shui Po, his team also taught basic computer skills to disadvantage youngsters.

5. The team’s aim is to help the less fortunate develop digital literacy since a young age and provide

6. them a pathway to long-term training in STEM.

7. “Many communities in Hong Kong needs help,” Wu said. “My team wants to bring hope to people

by providing different services.”

8. His work to help various under-resourced communitiy in the city has earned him a nomination for

this year’s Spirit of Hong Kong Awards.

9. A marketing and management student, Wu said he had no leanings for any particular field of

community work or groups. “I hope to expand my scope and try different things,” he said. “Each has

its own significance.”

10. Yet he attached importance to pass on the spirit of helping others. “I hope more people in need

can get help,” he said.

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