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Critical Analysis on Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management is concerned with recruitment and selection in an organization. The HRM seeks to develop

the management of man and shaping one’s skills, talents, and dynamic nature. It also evaluates performance and

management capabilities of each employee which could lead to promotions for the best performers. As it deals with

industrial and employee relations, the HRM makes sure that employees get compensated, receive due retirement benefits

and other incentives and attend career development activities for personal and career growth.

However, the operations are not smooth-sailing and the advantage goes to the wrong side. For some times, the HRM also

gets confronted with issues and concerns that put them in hot seats. Issues on retention and laying-off of employees,

recruitment, discrimination and diversity, discipline against favoritism, outsourcing and salaries among others send the

department to doubts.

In the long run, the HRM must find ways to correct the mistakes so the operations move forward. It must learn to anchor

all its decisions to the company’s vision and mission, with service orientation as their core. The needs of the organization

must be equal to the needs of the managers and employees since its consultative function is to provide overall guidance

and direction on workforce matters.

Keeping the company’s best advantage equates to keeping the good and high potential employees by protecting their jobs,

promoting within and giving people a piece of their actions. A good HR invests in their employees thru personality

development and trainings. It also attends to empowering their employees by allowing them to participate in problem-

solving and decision-making situations and involving them in work and process improvements thru team building


HRM not only manages with strategic approach but also develops manpower, thus the success of the employees is

definitely the shining glory of the organization.


One of the major factors of a successful management or human resource (HR) management is to apply an array of skills

to deal with a variety of situations. It simply isn’t enough to have knowledge of HR, such as knowing which forms need

to be filled out. It takes multiple skills to create and manage people, as well as a cutting-edge human resource department.

The development of human resource is envisioned as strong organizational strategy for restructuring. Development is the

process of preparing a person to take on more responsibilities or equip him or her for future promotion within the

organization. Development encompasses a range of transformation in experience and knowledge as vital ingredient for

both individuals and organization.

Thus, the HRM needs skills to keep an effective organization-employee relationship. These skills include human or

interpersonal relations, multi-tasking, organization, ability for a dual focus, trust and confidence, dedication to

continuous improvement, negotiating and problem- solving skills, team- orientation, honesty and integrity, and work life

conflicts in organization management.

Knowledge and commitment may not be enough if the HR fails to establish positive interpersonal relationship among its

employees. The rest of the skills would not also show if the employee does not develop the confidence and trust towards

the organization.

Without trust and confidence, the employees could not establish rapport with others. There will be no strong association

thus, the workplace becomes toxic. The HR must come in professionally, flexibly relate to people, foster cooperation and

collaboration and demonstrate diplomacy so to foster an environment conducive to open and transparent communication

for everyone.

The HR must also learn to multitask so to provide a wider perspective in dealing with the different facets and departments

within the organization. It must also be good at organizing documents- from simple letter of communication to the

complicated files of investors and employees. Orderliness is a key to keeping things at bay without neglecting small details.

It may be little but it could impose a bigger impact if forgotten.

The HR must understand and learn to balance the needs of the organization and the workforce. The success of the

employees will send the organization to pedestal. This will also objectively earn the respect and trust of the employees

and the management, without insinuating conflicts. If effective relationship fosters, employees become part of the

direction of the organization.

Lastly, integrity and honesty encompass all other skills. As the conscience of the organization, moral and ethical

deliberation of all other issues and concerns must be on top of all priorities. The HR must show its leadership since it’s

where the employees benefits meet with the management’s expectations.


Human resource planning is the continuous process of systematic planning ahead to achieve optimum use of an

organization’s most valuable asset- quality employees. This ensures the best fit between employees and jobs while

avoiding manpower shortages or surpluses.

Since it ensures that the right personnel who are capable to completing those tasks that help the organization reach its

objectives assess manpower needs and skill requirement for future and making plans for recruitment and selection,

determine the professional and the development needs of the organization, anticipate surplus or shortage of staff and

avoiding unnecessary detentions or dismissals, control wage and salary costs, help the organization to cope with the

technological development and modernization, ensure career planning of every employee of the organization and making

succession programs and ensure higher labor productivity the HR Planning must provide a clear direction for everyone

to see.

It is important to provide a solid investment perspectives, Expansion and Diversification Plans and international

expansion strategies, at the same time, conform with the government guidelines and provide a highly talented manpower

inventory. The challenges include forces that are always changing, getting sick, getting promoted or getting leaves. Thus,

a record of skilled employees who can take the place of vacant positions is a vital skill in HRP.

Having a good HRP strategy in place can mean productivity and profitability for a company. The best-performing

employees are kept while balancing between labor supply and demand and developing plans that support the company’s

goals. HRP allows companies to plan ahead so they can maintain a steady supply of skilled employees. The process is used

to help companies evaluate their needs and to plan ahead to meet those needs. Its focus is on the strategy on keeping the

best employees to boost productivity and avoiding surpluses. It needs therefore to be flexible enough to meet short-term

staffing challenges while adapting to changing conditions in the business environment over the longer term by assessing

and auditing the current capacity of human resources.

If the HRP is at its best, a high level of employee engagement is maximized which is essential for a company’s success.

Thus, investing in HRP is one of the most important decisions an organization can make.

“ The very first step to have an effective hiring is by having the right recruitment policy and guidelines in place.”

In times when an organization is confronted with shortage of manpower, or eligible candidates for the positive left vacant,

it is the HR who has to provide a direction towards planning, selecting, hiring and orientation of the eligible applicants.

Recruitment is the process of identifying an organizational gap and attracting, evaluating and hiring employees to fill

that role. It refers to searching, and obtaining a pool of job applicants and from that, the right person can be selected.

From recruitment, follows placement. Placement is the process of assigning specific jobs to selected candidates. When the

right applicants are already selected, a proper orientation is a must. In an orientation, the introduction of the new

employees to their jobs, to their co-workers and the organization is planned and held.

To avoid wastage and hiring of non-eligible employees that may turn to assets than liabilities in the later time, a clear and

well-crafted recruitment policy and guidelines is needed. This will offer a clarity on strategy to used which is non-biased

and flexible. The needs of the organization is met thru the proper flow of identifying the applicants to the approval of the

application and the stakeholders have shared responsibilities.

Organizations need to have a recruitment policy in place to ensure hiring of the right candidate following the right

recruitment policy and guidelines, no job mismatches, and there will be fair selection. This process will shorten the

process of orienting the employee because he/she is no longer a neophyte to the tasks expected of the job. The shorter the

orientation, the faster the transition and the more productive the employee becomes. If the recruitment policy and

guidelines are chaotic and biased, conflicts may arise from the workplace. Promotions will be questioned and later, the

employees will start to question the credibility of the HR. Thus, productivity is affected.

Effective flow of selection and hiring of applicants leads to effective orientation. A well-define policy contributes to hiring

of the competent worker. It ingrains loyalty among employees, accelerates learning, promotes communication, improves

performance and reduces turn-over rate. The better the policy, the higher the chance of getting good performing workers.

One of the reasons why organizations fail is when they also could not find the right person for the job. The HR has to

possess the abilities to see beyond what the eyes could only see. It is also good to keep track of the records of the good -

performing employees so it is easier to fill in positions. It is also clear on what possible skills the department is looking

for if the policy of selection is clear and well-announced.

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