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Digital Marketing: Strategies, Models and Frameworks –

Week 4
Targeting Customers: Planning for Paid Advertising on Digital Platforms
What is Paid Advertising

Paid advertising includes paying for advertisements on social media platforms

or advertising on search engines and marketing via email search engines
Why Is Paid Advertising Important

Paid advertising on social media

platforms and search engines is
necessary for businesses to increase
market reach and target new
customers Since organic reach has decreased
on social media platforms, it is
necessary for businesses to
allocate a marketing budget for
paid advertising in order to grow
Planning for Paid Advertising on Digital Platforms: Topics Covered
Planning for Paid Advertising on Digital Platforms: Topics Covered

The goal of a landing

page is to get
customers do a
successful call-to-
action or CTA, which
leads to conversion
Digital Marketing Funnel
Each customer has a unique path to purchase and they use different digital channels in the
process. Digital marketers should be able to influence customers in different touchpoints
Digital Marketing Channels
Acquisition and engagement channels are not mutually exclusive.
Planning a Paid Ad Campaign Using the Funnel: TOFU
Planning a Paid Ad Campaign Using the Funnel: MOFU

MOFU Strategy Examples:

Customer testimonials, free
samples or product videos
Planning a Paid Ad Campaign Using the Funnel: BOFU

BOFU Strategy Example:

Promotion campaigns offering
limited-time discounts
Planning a Paid Ad Campaign: Conclusion

Decide the campaign goal by

mapping your campaign to the
part of the funnel your
prospects are in
Planning a Paid Ad Campaign: Paid Campaign Goals

• The starting point when you set up a new marketing

campaign in any digital platforms is the selection of
your marketing campaign goal
• Campaign goal selection affects how platforms
optimise the campaign, campaign performance and
billing method
Mapping Campaign Goals to the Funnel: Google Ads
Step 1: Selecting the campaign goal: TOFU
Mapping Campaign Goals to the Funnel: Google Ads
Step 1: Selecting the campaign goal: MOFU
Mapping Campaign Goals to the Funnel: Google Ads
Step 1: Selecting the campaign goal: BOFU
Mapping Campaign Goals to the Funnel: Facebook Ads Manager
Step 1: Selecting the campaign goal
Mapping Campaign Goals to the Funnel: Facebook Ads Manager
Selecting the campaign sub goals

At the TOFU stage your sub goals

should be to create brand
Mapping Campaign Goals to the Funnel: Facebook Ads Manager
Selecting the campaign sub goals

At the MOFU (consideration)

stage, your sub goals can be any
of these:
• Traffic
• Engagement
• App installs
• Video views
• Lead generation
• Messages
Mapping Campaign Goals to the Funnel: Facebook Ads Manager
Selecting the campaign sub goals

At BOFU you can choose to:

• Drive conversions,
• Launch catalogue sales
• Generate store traffic to your
ecommerce site
Mapping Campaign Goals to the Funnel: LinkedIn Advertising

Step 1: Selecting the campaign goal

Planning a Paid Ad Campaign: Paid Campaign Goals


• You cannot launch any advertising

campaigns on Google, Facebook or
LinkedIn if you are not clear about
your marketing goal
• Having a clarity of your campaign
goal is an absolute necessity!
Landing Page and Landing page Optimisation (LPO)

Landing page is a page that users land on after they

click an ad banner or a search request

Landing page optimisation refers to a group of

tactics to make your landing page convert better
Example of a Landing Page

The goal of landing page is to

get a person to do a specific
call to action (CTA)
Examples of Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

• Submitting a form • Watching a video

• Registering for an event • Subscribing to your
• Joining a contest newsletter
• Liking a Facebook fan page • Buying your product

The CTA you choose should be related to either a

MOFU or BOFU marketing goal
Choosing CTAs according to the Funnel
Choosing CTAs according to the Funnel
Choosing CTAs according to the Funnel
Choosing CTAs according to the Funnel
Why Visitors Leave a Landing Page

Majority of visitors to your landing

page may leave because:

• Your offer is not compelling enough

• The landing page does not meet their
The Conversion Process

What are Conversions

• Visitors who undertake the


• The total number of actions

that completes a company’s
desired goal on a landing page
Calculating Conversion Rate (CVR)

The success of a landing page is measured by conversion rate or CVR

Total number of conversions

X 100
Total number of clicks received on the ad

Unit: Percentage

The benchmark for measuring landing page conversions is average CVR

of 2-5%
Comparing Global Conversion Rates
Comparing Global Conversion Rates
Goal of Landing Page Optimisation (LPO)

The goal of Landing page optimisation is to

provide a good conversion experience and
compel users to click the CTA
Landing Page Optimisation: Principles
Landing Page Optimisation: Principles
Benefits of Increase in Landing Page Conversion Rate

• More conversions for the same

number of visitors
• More sales or leads for the same
amount of money spent on
• Increase in return of marketing
investment or ROI
LPO Principle 1 : Attention Ratio
Attention Ratio

Attention ratio = Interactive elements on a page : Conversion goal

for the page

Interactive elements on a
landing page: Remove all other interactive
• Other CTA buttons elements and leave only the
• Navigation links to other single CTA button that is your
web pages conversion goal
• Menu bars
Attention Ratio: Poor Example
Attention Ratio: Good Example
Building Landing Pages Using the Attention Ratio Principle

Build a
landing page
with just one
CTA to achieve
a high
conversion rate
LPO Principle 2 and 3 : Conversion Coupling
Conversion Coupling

Elements of conversion
• Message matching: Match the
Conversion coupling is matching
copy or message in the ad to the
the user experience of the source of
headline of the landing page
the click (advertisement) with the
landing page
• Design matching: Match the
design of the display ad to the
design on the landing page
Message Matching: Good Example
Message Matching: Poor Example
Design Matching: Good and Poor Examples
Design Matching: Elements

In design matching, you should

consider the following elements:

• Colour scheme
• Font type
• CTA button
• Images used
LPO Principle 4 : Value Proposition
Value Proposition

Value proposition should directly address your target audience and clearly
state the unique value proposition (USP)

Why USP is important:

• Your ad USP attracts internet users to

click your ad and visit your landing page
• An enhanced and elaborated USP on
your landing page encourages CTA
Landing Page 1 with a Clear Value Proposition
Landing Page 2 with an Irrelevant Value Proposition
Creating Mobile Friendly Landing Pages

• Ensure that your headline, value proposition and

CTA button are within the mobile screen and
easily viewable
• Since mobile screens are much smaller and
don’t offer much space for copywriting, please
choose your words you use in your value
proposition very carefully
LPO Principle 5 : Touch Interaction Zone
Touch Interaction Zone

Touch interaction zone:

Place form fields or CTA buttons in
comfortable to reach touch zones
How Users Hold Mobile Phones
CTA Button and Touch Interaction Zone

Place the CTA button in

an area that is
comfortable for the
thumb to reach
Examples of CTA Button Placement on a Landing Page
LPO Principle 6: Page Speed
Google’s Tool to Check Website Loading Speed: Test My Site
Key Factors Affecting Page Loading Speed
Impact of Speed on Bounce Rate

Exit by your web visitor
due to slow page loading

Check your page load

speed first before
spending on advertising
Post-Conversion Marketing (PCM)
PCM is the act of asking for and getting more from your leads after they have converted
Upselling Example

Persuading customers who purchased a new mobile phone to

upgrade to a high-end model
Cross-Selling Example

Persuading customers who purchased a new mobile phone

model to buy mobile accessories
Thank You Page

• Thank you page is the page a customer

sees after they have converted
• Post-conversion marketing requests of
upselling and cross selling happens at
the thank you page
• Thank you page is a special page for
your most valuable visitors
Thank You Page: Poor Example
Thank You Page: Good Example
Thank You Page: Good Example

If you have no other

products or services to
upsell, you can simply
ask your new customers
to become your social
media fan or follower
Planning for Paid Advertising on Digital Platforms: Summary

Examples of CTAs

o Reading a testimonial
o Requesting a free sample
o Watching a video
o Buy Now
o Enquire Now (BOFU)
o Fill up a contact form
Impact of Increase in Conversion Rate on ROI
Example: Social media advertising
Impact of Increase in Conversion Rate on ROI
Example: Social media advertising
Impact of Increase in Conversion Rate on ROI
Example: Social media advertising

When you’ve improved

your current landing
page by applying the 6
LPO principles, your
conversion rate has risen
from 1% to 5%
Impact of Increase in Conversion Rate on ROI
Example: Social media advertising

With the same $1000

of advertising, your
ROI increases from 1
to 5

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