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Etapa locală a olimpiadelor naționale școlare - 2022

Probă scrisă

Limba engleză


 Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

 Nu se acordă puncte din oficiu.
 Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 2 ore.


I.1. Read the following text and fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms. 20 points

Everyone looks forward to having a great time on holiday, but what do you do when your holiday turns
into your worst nightmare? This is what 1) (happen) _____to me last summer. My friend Georgia 2)
(invite) _____ me to spend a month with her, so I 3) (book) _____ a flight for her hometown San José,
California. I finally 4) (arrive) _____ in San José. I stepped outside the airport and, to my surprise,
Georgia 5) (not/wait) _____ for me. After I 6) (wait) ____ for forty minutes, I asked if I was in San José,
and they said I was. Where was she? Finally an airport official 7) (come) _____ up to me and asked me
what was wrong. After we 8) (talk) _____ for a few minutes, he started laughing. I 9) (get)_____ more
and more annoyed when he finally 10) (explain) _____ . I was in San José but in Southern Mexico! I
was 1,000 km away from my destination!

I.2. Read the following text and decide which answer (A, B or C) best fits in each gap. 20 points

"This month we’re doing a project on unusual animals and my team got the Japanese Macaques, or as
they are often called, snow monkeys. It was exciting to (1) …… out so much about them. These
monkeys live at much lower temperatures (2) …… any other monkeys, feeding on a few plants while
trying hard to stay warm. But what makes them so strange is their (3) …… to pass on new ideas to each
other, something (4) …… in a scientific study when a single snow monkey started washing her food in
the ocean. Following this, after (5) …… generations, every monkey was doing it.
People who are (6) …… in the Macaques often visit the Jigokudani Monkey Park in Jigokudani Valley,
Japan. There the Macaques often have hot baths (7) …… a snowy winter’s day. Well, this is not part of
their typical (8) …… . They have once again copied a single snow monkey (9) …… decided to jump into
the hot spring water back in 1963 on a(n) (10) …… cold day.

1. a. carry 2. a. then
b. find b. than
c. check c. that
3. a. qualification 4. a. discovered
b. lesson b. invented
c. ability c. located
5. a. a few 6. a. amazed
b. later b. curious
c. any c. interested
7. a. in 8. a. behaviour
b. on b. portrait
c. like c. act
Probă scrisă la limba engleză clasa a VIII-a
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9. a. it 10. a. extreme
b. there b. spring
c. which c. freezing

I.3. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in each sentence. 10 points

1. At the …… of spring, people go to see the race. BEGIN

2. The first …… information was in a message sent to the government. WRITE
3. Coming down the steep hill, the …. sometimes lose control. RUN
4. The event has become so …... that it appears on TV. FAME
5. Near the city of Gloucester, a special and ….. race takes place. USUAL


Read the text below and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

At the age of 14, I had already decided that I wanted to be a vet. So, last summer I convinced my
parents to spend our summer holidays volunteering. I really wanted to deal with sea animals, so when a
friend told me about Archelon, the sea turtle organisation in Greece, I was really excited because I would
leave the UK for the first time and go to a perfect destination, but I had no idea how amazing it would
really be or how many new friends I would make. Now, I would recommend volunteering to any student
who wants to get job experience, or simply have fun and meet great people.

Turtles have been on our planet for millions of years but are dying in large numbers because of fishing
and pollution. This was a shock to me when I spent a few days at a Rescue Centre in Athens before
leaving for my first project. There, I found out that the majority of the centre's turtles had been injured on
the head by humans. Some were by accident, from speedboats, but a lot were done on purpose, often
by angry fishermen as these creatures get caught in their fishing nets while trying to eat the fish which
are part of their natural diet. For the fishermen, however, this has a cost, as fewer fish mean less money,
so they view the turtle as their enemy, even though these turtles are a protected species. And as if this
isn't enough for these unlucky creatures to deal with, they also face the problem of eating plastic bags,
thinking they are jellyfish, which are a key part of their diet.

The following months were spent learning and having fun in five different locations, but the most
memorable was the last project, where we camped in an old museum with no electricity or water.
However, the main problem was the insects which shared the museum with us, especially those that bit.
But even that could not stop me from enjoying the daily contact with the turtles, and relaxing around a
campfire sharing stories after sunset. Volunteering is a life experience I really recommend for any

1. What do we learn about Tina in the first paragraph?

A. She has a job with animals.
B. She only likes sea animals.
C. She is going to be an animal doctor.
D. She finished studying a year ago.

Probă scrisă la limba engleză clasa a VIII-a

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2. While Tina was in Greece,

A. she found out about an organization called Archelon.
B. she enjoyed herself and formed new friendships.
C. she volunteered for several animal organisations.
D. she worked for Archelon as part of her training.

3. What does Tina say about fishermen?

A. Their actions make her angry.
B. She could understand their actions.
C. They try to look after the turtles.
D. They try to catch the turtles.

4. Tina suggests that

A. despite the difficulties she enjoyed herself.
B. insects spoilt her last project.
C. having no water was a big problem.
D. she enjoyed the nights most.

5. Which of the following is the best description of Tina?

A. a professional woman who is paid to look after sea turtles
B. a girl who hopes to help animals through her work in the future
C. a girl who has been volunteering abroad in the summer holidays for years
D. a girl who had wanted to help turtles all her life.

SUBIECTUL al III-lea –WRITING (25 points)

Write a narrative essay ending like this:

She still wondered at how things had turned out that way.

Write your story in 150-180 words and give it an appropriate title. Pay attention to the following:

 you don’t need to write long descriptions;

 use dialogues only if they are relevant to your characters or events;
 you should use this plan:

1. Introduction (paragraph 1 – set the scene)

2. Main Body (paragraph(s) 2/3 – develop the story)
3. Conclusion (paragraph 4 – end the story).

Don’t count the given ending.

Probă scrisă la limba engleză clasa a VIII-a

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