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I'm Bella

I'm Galang


a teaching module by
Desi Sri Fatimah, S.Pd.
General information
Teacher : Desi Sri Fatimah, S.Pd. Academic Year : 2022/2023

Class / Semester : VII / I Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes (1 meeting)

Prior Knowledge
Before studying this module, students should be familiar with:
Vocabulary : Name (Nama), Age (usia), School (Sekolah), and Sibling (Saudara Kandung)

Profile of Pancasila student Facilities

1. Have faith, fear of God Almighty, and noble 1. Media
morality - Student's Worksheet
Students begin and close the learning by - Audio
praying. (
2. Global diversity /content/media/rar/
Students are open-minded in receiving
knowledge about introduce themself using a 2. Tools
foreign language and maintaining good Laptop and Speaker
manners in accordance with Indonesian
3. Self-reliance
Students do their own task independently and
4. Creativity
Students arrange their own ideas creatively in
order to introduce theirself

Students Target
This module can be used to teach all students in grade VII

Learning Strategies
1. Learning Approach : Contextual teaching learning
2. Learning Model: Task based learning
3. Learning Technique : questions - answers, role play, and games

Diagnostic Assessment
Formative Assessment
Core components
Learning Objectives

Trough do listen - repeat and role play students are properly able to introduce themselves

Meaningful Understanding
After studying this module, students will be able to introduce themselves in English and
become global citizen.


1. Have you ever meet people from another country ?

2. If yes, how do you talk to them for the first time ?
3. How do you introduce yourself to other ?

Learning Activities
Pre-Activities (15 minutes)
- Teacher greets students using English to build habituation of English Environment.
- Teacher makes sure that students are ready to study and opens the lesson by praying.
- Teacher checks the students’ attendance.
- Teacher asks some questions related to the material.
- Teacher explains the learning objectives.

Main Activities (70 minutes)

- Students write what they usually say when introducing themselves in worksheet 1.1
- Students listen an audio about Galang and identify Galang's identity to complete
worksheet 1.2
- Students write their identity and draw themselves in worksheet 1.3
- Students write their self introduction in worksheet 1.4
- Students practice introduce their self based on the worksheet 1.4.
- Students introduce themselves in front of class

Closing (5 minutes)
- Students review and conclude the lesson by teacher’s guidance.
- Teacher informs the material for the next meeting. S
- Students end the lesson by praying.
- Teacher says goodbye to the students.
Learning Objectives
1. Types
a. Diagnostic assessment
b. Formative assessment
c. Summative assessment
2. Techniques
a. Attitude : Observation and Peer Assessment
b. Knowledge : Test
c. Skill : Role play (Speaking)
3. Instrument
a. Grid and questions (Attached in Students’ Worksheet)
b. Assessment Rubric and Scoring Guidelines

Enrichment and Remedial

Enrichment is given to students who have exceeded the criteria for achieving learning
objectives (KKTP) in the form of additional readings from similar types of texts to enrich
Remedial is given to students who have not exceeded the criteria for achieving
learning objectives (KKTP) in the form of re-learning and/or re-assessment.

a. Is the learning model that I use in accordance with the material and characteristics of
b. Are students confidence to speak in front of class ?
c. Which part of this material is difficult for students to understand?
Student's Worksheet

Worksheet 1.1

Let me introduce
my self

Audio script
“Hi. My name’s Galang. I’m from Kalimantan. I live on Jalan Sumatera. I’m thirteen
years old. I go to SMP Merdeka. I like fishing. and I have two sisters.”

Worksheet 1.2
Student's Worksheet

Worksheet 1.3


Worksheet 1.4
Diagnostic Asessment

1. Saya telah mampu memperkenalkan diri saya dalam bahasa inggris

a. Ya
b. Tidak

2. Hal yang perlu saya sebutkan saat memperkenalkan diri adalah (pilih
lebih dari satu)
a. Name (nama)
b. Age (usia)
c. Hobi (hobby)
d. Alamat rumah (address)
e. Tidak tahu.


1. Buku

2. Audio

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