Level-2-Student-Book B1

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University of Cauca

Language Education Program



English I I

Student’s Textbook

Classroom Language

Can I come to your office?

How should I pronounce “…”?

How do you pronounce this word?

Would you pronounce the word “…”?

How do you spell “…”?

What does UK stand for?

Would you give us an example?

How do you spell that?

Could you explain a little bit more about that?

What do you mean?

What is the difference between “a” and “b”?

I didn’t understand today’s lesson.

I don’t understand the homework.

Just a minute/second/sec.

When is the homework due?

Excuse me; can I talk to you for a minute?

I’m sorry I am late.

Can I go to the restroom?

Can I change seats?



White cotton T-shirts were first worn by the US Navy in the Second
World War and by 1948, every American soldier was wearing one
too. But it was Hollywood films that made the T-shirt really popular:
Marlon Brando and James Dean wore classic white T-shirts in
On the Waterfront (1945) and Rebel without a Cause (1955). After
these films, every young man wanted to wear one.

Women didn’t begin to wear T-shirts until the end of the 1950s. In the 1959 French film A
bout de soufflé (Breathless), American actress Jean Seberg wore a T-shirt advertising an
English language newspaper. This started a new fashion in T-shirts for women, but it
wasn’t until the mid-1960s that companies like Budweiser and Coca-Cola started using T-
shirts as “walking advertisements”.

Later, the T-shirt became a way of saying something important. For example, soon after
the black American leader Angela Davis went to prison in 1970, people all around the
world were wearing T-shirts with the message “Free Angela”.

In the 970s, French fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent designed a famous
blue T-shirt with his name in white letters. Giorgio Armani has also used T-
shirts in his fashion shows. And in 2001, a limited number of white “J’ adore
Dior” T-shirts sold quickly at well over £100 each!

Today people of all ages are wearing T-shirts. They can be found in any colour, fabric,
and fashion. The T-shirt is becoming the branded casualwear in our closets and
dressers. With so much history, it’s safe to say T-shirts will never go out of style!

What is your favourite T-shirt? Talk about it, using sentences like these:

I like it because… On the front, it has a picture of…

On the back, there is a… I bought it in …
The message says … It’s the oldest / newest / most unusual T-shirt I have

2. What do you know about the history of the T-shirt? According to the text, decide if
the sentences are right (R) or wrong (W). If there is not enough information in the text,
select doesn’t say (DS).


1. In the 1940’s, white T-shirts were part of a uniform.
2. T-shirts became more popular because of two 1950s American films.
3. Many women were wearing T-shirts in 1955.
4. By 1960, companies were using T-shirts to advertise their products.
5. In 1970, a T-shirt with the words “Free Angela” won a prize.
6. Giorgio Armani included the T-shirt in his 1970s designs.
7. In 2001m one “J’ adore Dior” Christian Dior T-shirt cost almost £100.


Which tenses are used in the underlined verbs? Why are two different tenses in
sentence 2?

1. Hannah is wearing jeans today. She wears jeans nearly every day.
2. Luckily, Hannah was wearing jeans when she fell off her bike.
3. Most women were wearing skirts while men were wearing suits. It was a great party!

Present Continuous Past continuous

We use the present continuous to talk about We can use the past continuous to:
something temporary, which is true now but
not in general. 1. Talk about a situation in the past that is
interrupted by a specific time.
Compare these sentences:
Yesterday at around 9 a.m. most people were
I’m wearing a skirt today because wearing white shirts and jeans in the
I have an interview. (Present demonstration.
2. Indicate that a longer action in the past
was interrupted by a shorter action in the
I usually wear jeans.
(Present simple) I was shopping for shoes when my mobile
phone rang.

3. Talk about two ongoing actions that were

happening at the same time.

I was buying a blouse while my husband was

looking for some shoes.


A. Read and complete the description. Pay attention to the underlined phrases to
decide which tense you must use.

Hi. My name is Mara and I live in Oxford. I’m eleven years old and I’ve got
an older sister called Sue. My sister loves going shopping and she’s
fashionable. In this photo, she _____________________ (1. wear) a striped
skirt and a plain blouse. She __________________ (2. have on) a pair of
sandals, too. My sister prefers smart clothes, but I usually ________________
(3. wear) sporty clothes. In this photo I _________________ (4. wear) a T-
shirt and pair of sweatpants because I’m going to play basketball with my

B. Complete the story. Put the verbs in the timeline in the correct tense.
Yesterday morning, I ________________
____________(1. walk) around town when I saw
my friend through a clothes shop window. He
__________ _____________ (2. try on) a leather
jacket, so I decided to go inside the shop. I said
“Hi” to my friend and then I went to look at some
jeans. I found some really nice ones and I
______________________ (3. wait) to pay for
them when the fire alarm started. We both left the
shop immediately.

C. Read and complete Mara’s blog. Use the present or the past continous forms of the
verbs given. Pay attention to the underlined phrases.

I’m still at the campsite with my friends. All my friends _____________ (1. do) different activities now.
Most of us ________________ (2. wear) comfortable clothes today because the weather is really nice. I
________________ (3. have) a great time. But yesterday, there was a huge storm! I ____________________
(4. sit) on the grass when it happened. I _______________ (5. not/do) anything really. I ________________
(6. look) around at everybody else. Abby and Lorna __________________ (7. walk). Tom
_________________ (8. climb) a tree. I didn’t know what the others ____________________ (9. do).

Suddenly, I saw a big flash of light. Then I heard a loud BANG. It was a thunderstorm! We went to our tents
and stayed there until it finished. Mike was a long way from the tent and he got really wet when he
___________________ (10. run) back. We tried to chat but it rained so hard. So we played on our mobile
phones while we ______________________ (11. wait). It was fun!


 Verbs ending in –e lose this letter:

drive → driving I was driving beside the river when I saw a bear.
Hope → hoping Mike was hoping to meet you last weekend.

 Verbs ending in consonant + vowel + consonant usually double the last letter:

begin → beginning Women were beginning to wear shorter skirts in 1963.

 Verbs ending in –y, x or –w do not double the last letter:

pay → paying I was paying for the jeans when I heard the alarm.

 Verbs ending in –y; the final letter “y” is in the same place.

enjoy → enjoying She was enjoying her ice cream when her son arrived.
try → trying I’m trying to speak in English all the time.

Write the –ing forms of these verbs:

a. break: b. make: c. stay:
d. admit: e. sit: f. leave:
g. throw: h. lend: i. win:
j. do: k. dance: l. agree:



1. What are your favorite clothes?
2. Where do you usually buy your clothes?

Name the clothes in the pictures.

3. Picture 1 shows a pair of boots. Picture 2 shows a couple of hats. What is the difference
between these phrases? Which other pcitures show a pair of something?

4. Choose a picture from above, and use some of the words below to describe it, but
don’t say the clothes word. Guess what your partner is describing.
Example: This pair has two pockets. The material looks light. (trousers – picture 16)

Adjectives Nouns
Short / long Pair
Old / new Size
Large / small Pocket
Dirty / clean Button
Cheap / expensive Zip
Heavy / light material
Fashionable / unfashionable
Leather / cotton/ wool


1. Listen to some English teenagers talking about the last clothes they bought. Who
bought what? Check the correct answer in the table.


2. Listen and complete the blanks with the word you hear.

Speaker 1 I work as a _____________ on Wednesday evenings and I save most of the

(Ben): money I earn. My dad said I should buy some new ___________________

for work, but yesterday I saw this ___________ of yellow cotton
_______________, with lots of ______________ and ___________. They
looked wonderful, and I decided to get them for the summer, with a couple
of extra _______________. Dad still thinks I need some
________________, but my boss doesn’t mind what I wear!
Speaker 2 There was this beautiful Italian leather __________________ in the sale. It
(Louisa): was soft black _______________, with a _______________ on each side. I
tried it on over a red ___________ I was wearing at the time, and it looked
so cool. But the thing was that it cost well over £_________, even in the
sale! In the end, my mum lent me half of the _____________. I’m really
pleased I got it. It‘ll stay in fashion for years, I’m sure.
Speaker 3 I don’t buy many _____________. Until last Saturday, I had two
(Chris): ___________ of _____________ and some ________________ and that
was about it. But I saw a great pair of baggy __________________ in town,
dark _______________ and really well cut. My girlfriend was with me when I
tried them on. She hated them. She prefers me in _____________, you see.
Anyway, I decided to get them. I bought this _______________ in the same
colour, too. Nice, isn´t it?


A. Listen to Ben (previous audio) and complete the spaces with the missing words.
Then repeat the sentences and phrases.
1 I __________________ as a ________________ on _______________ evenings
2 ______________ I saw this pair of _____________ cotton shorts
3 with lots of pockets and ___________
4 they looked ______________________
5 with a couple of ____________________ T- shirts.

B. Now write down the words you hear. They begin with w-, y-, z- or ex-. The number of
letters is given.
1. ___ ___ ___ 5. ___ ___ ___ ___
2. ___ ___ ___ ___ 6. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
3. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 7. ___ ___ ___ ___
4. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 8. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


Pair work. Imagine you are on holiday in places 1-4. Take turns to say what you were
wearing yesterday. Think of two or three items each time.

Remember to use the past continuous to talk about:

 a situation in the past that is interrupted by a specific time.
 a longer action in the past that was interrupted by a shorter action in the past.
 two ongoing actions that were happening at the same time.

Choose A, B or C to complete these conversations.

1. Do you have this dress in a smaller size? A. You can tell.

B. Let me check.
C. No it doesn’t.

2. You are wearing your T-shirt back to front! A. Take it back then.
B. Yours is the best.
C. I prefer it like that.

3. Is it OK to wear jeans to Sam’s party? A. I’m not certain.

B. Are you sure?
C. He’s OK, I think.

4. Good evening, can I take your coat? A. It’s mine.

B. Is this it?
C. Thank you.

5. Bring a warm sweater for later. A. Is it always warm?

B. Do I really need one?
C. How much are they?


1. Listen to the teacher talk about Serena Williams (The teacher makes a short introduction
of the text)
2. Move into groups of four.
3. Listen for meaning: Listen to the whole text.
4. Listen and take notes: Take notes listening key words.

5. Work in groups to reconstruct an approximation of the text from notes (one student acts as
the writer)
6. Compare the reconstructed text and the original. Notice the type of errors that got in the
way of understanding the text.


Discuss the questions below with your partner.

Student A

Student B


Write a composition considering the following questions: What kind of

clothes did you wear in a special occasion? What occasion was that? How
much did you spend? Did you like your clothes?

1. Listen to Jane talking to a friend about some clothes that she has bought for her
holiday. What colors are her clothes?
For questions 1-5, write a letter A-H next to each of her clothes. You will hear the
conversation twice.

Before listening
 Read all the clothes and options before you listen.
 Cross off the answers you choose.
 You may hear all the options but only five are correct.
 Check your answers on the second listening.


0 shirt H
Clothes Colors

1 dress A black

2 jacket B blue

3 sweater C brown
4 coat D green
5 shoes E gray
F orange
G red
H white

2. Listen to Sue talking to a friend about her new clothes. Why did Sue decide to buy
each thing?
For questions 1-5, write a letter A-H next to the clothes. You will hear the conversation

0 jeans F
Clothes Sue bought Why?

1 jacket A big

2 dress B cheap
3 sweater C expensive
4 coat D light
5 t-shirt E long
F purple
G short
H soft


SPEAKING: Talk about the kind of clothes you wore in a special occasion.


Read the text about a successful designer. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each

Vera Neumann was a designer and businesswoman whose products made their way
into the homes of people across the USA.
Vera was born in Connecticut in 1907 and showed artistic (1) ……… from an early age.
After attending art college in New York, she got a job as a textile designer, but didn’t like
being (2) ………what to do. Determined to develop her own style, Vera started to produce tablecloths each item
printed by hand in her kitchen.
But it was her scarves that (3) ………Vera’s name. Good fabric was in short (4) ……… during the Second
World War, but Vera was lucky enough to (5) ……… across some silk left over from the manufacture of
parachutes. Vera used it to design scarves with floral, abstract, and geometric designs. These were an (6)
……… success when they appeared in department stores and during the 1950s, they were the (7) ……… of
fashion, being worn by celebrities such as the film star Marilyn Monroe. By 1960, the company which Vera had
(8) ……... was employing 200 staff and producing 130 patterns per season.

1 a. training b. talent c. expert d. gift

2 a. led b. directed c. told d. forced
3 a. got b. did c. gained d. made
4 a. supply b. availability c. quantity d. delivery
5 a. fall b. come c. happen d. run
6 a. acute b. urgent c. instant d. extreme
7 a. height b. peak c. top d. crown
8 a. worked out b. put on c. carried off d. set up


1. You will hear a teenager asking for information about a sports shirt. Listen and
complete questions 1-5.

Before listening
 Read the information carefully.
 Decide whether the answer is a date, time, name, etc.
 Don’t write more than one or two words or a number.
 Check your spelling carefully – write numbers in figures, not words.
 Check your answers on the second listening.

Fast Pace Sports Equipment

Order Form

Ítem: Tennis shirt

Color: 1

Size: 2

Price: 3 £

Date of order: 4 March

Send to: 5 59 Street

2. You will hear five short conversations. For questions 1-5, put a tick under the right
Before listening
 Look at the questions.
 Decide what information you need to find.
 The questions often ask about time, place, cost, and people.
 Check your answers on the second listening.

1. Who is the woman?

2. How much are the trainers now?

3. What time does the shop close today?

4. What does the boy want to get for his mother?

5. Where are they?


Read the sentences about Kim’s shopping trip. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for
each space.

1. Kim wanted to …… some new clothes last weekend.

A. spend B. buy C. shop

2. The shop …… showed her some pairs of jeans.

A. customer B. person C. assistant

3. There was a special …… for people under 16.

A. money B. cash C. price

4. Kim’s mum paid for all Kim’s new clothes by credit ……

A. cheque B. change C. card

5. The shop was …... by the time Kim and her mum left!
A. changing B. closing C. renting


A. Watch the video scene 1 and answer the questions.

1. What event is happening tomorrow?
2. Does Bob want to give an opinion about the clothes?
3. What’s Bob’s opinion about the blouses?
4. Which clothes does Bob like better, Marie’s clothes or his couple’s clothes?

B. Watch the video scene 2 and choose the right information.

1. Tomorrow, Bob is wearing Pants and a shirt Jeans and a T-shirt
2. Bob thinks that the yellow color pants are Too wild Too loose
3. Bob wants looser and cooler Pants Jeans
4. Bob thinks that some shirts are Cheap Too expensive

C. Taking into account the previous information, write a short

paragraph about what you inferred from the two video sequences.
Why didn’t Bob want to give an opinion about the clothes? What do
you think about the couple? Do they know each other very well?

Look at the picture. What’s happening?

A. LISTENING: Listen to some people in the audience. Decide which model each
speaker is talking about. Choose A, B, C or D.

1 A B C D 7 A B C D
2 A B C D 8 A B C D
3 A B C D 9 A B C D
4 A B C D 10 A B C D
5 A B C D 11 A B C D
6 A B C D 12 A B C D

B. WRITING: You are writing a report for a fashion magazine. Look at models A and D.
Write about what these models are wearing.
The woman is wearing…

The man is wearing…

SPEAKING: Talk about the fashion show. Which model did you like the most? Which
one did you like the least? What is in fashion at the moment?



Carrie-Anne Moss was lucky to get the part of Trinity in THE

MATRIX. She wasn’t famous at the time, but directors Larry and
Andy Wachowsky knew she was the right actor for their film. Carrie-
Anne had to do three long days of film tests to show she could do
all the difficult fight scenes. This included three hours of running
and kung fu on the first day.

In the film, the cartwheel scene (where she had to turn over and
over on her hands) was the hardest thing she did. During the
weekend before they filmed it, she was in tears, saying, “I can’t do
it, I can’t do it.” Then just before she did the scene, she fell badly
on her foot. It hurt very much but she kept her boots on and finished
the work. Afterwards, she couldn’t walk for days.

Carrie-Anne is really pleased with her work on all three MATRIX films – and her fans are

Read the following sentences. Are they Right (R) or Wrong (W)? If there is not enough
information to answer, write down “Doesn’t say” (DS).
1. Carrie-Anne was a well-known actress before THE MATRIX.
2. Carrie-Anne had to do three months of film tests to show she was
able to do all the fights.
3. Carrie-Anne had to run for three hours during the three long days of
film tests.
4. During the weekend before the film, Carrie-Anne fell badly on her
5. Carrie-Anne was hospitalized for days after she fell on her foot and
finished her work.


Modal Use Examples

Must In the present, we use must to talk You must finish your homework
about obligation. before you go out.
In the past, we cannot use must. I had to queue for twenty minutes
Instead, we use had to. at the cinema.

May We use may to talk about possibility. I may come with you tonight.

Can and In the present, we use can to talk about I can ride a bike.
Could ability.
In the past tense, we use could and Sam could play the guitar before
couldn’t. he was 12.
He couldn’t read music when he
was at school.


A. Underline the modal verbs in the following sentences and match a-e below with
sentences 1-5.
1. I can understand most films in French __3_ Talking about obligation in the present.
and English.
2. Jenny may buy that television, but she’s ____ Talking about obligation in the past.
not sure.
3. You must book in advance for the new ____ Talking about possibility.
Tom Cruise film.
4. I had to take my passport to the cinema ____ Talking about ability in the present.
to show my age.
5. When he was in New York, Roberto ____ Talking about ability in the past.
could choose to see a different movie
every night.

2. Underline the correct word.

1. Mary’s just phoned. She can’t / couldn’t come to the cinema with us tonight.
2. We must / had to sit at the side of the cinema last time because we booked so late.
3. We couldn’t / can’t see very well and the seats weren’t very comfortable.
4. There was nothing we must / could do about it, but this time let’s book earlier!
5. May / Can you buy the tickets at lunch time?
6. We may / must all meet at the cinema no later than 7.15.
7. There can / may be time to have an ice cream after the film.

8. Perhaps, but I could / must catch the 10 o’clock bus because that’s the last one.

3. Complete the sentences using each modal verb once only.

can can’t couldn’t had to may must

1. Danny didn’t know how to find the cinema. Danny couldn’t find the cinema.
2. Perhaps I’ll come to the theatre tonight. I ____________ come to the theatre tonight.
3. Please wear a white shirt and black trousers at tonight’s concert. You ____________ wear
a white shirt and black trousers at tonight concert.
4. Sorry, but I’m busy next Friday. I ____________ go out with you next Friday.
5. The front door of the club was locked. We _____________ use the back door of the club.
6. I know how to play the drums. I ___________ play the drums.


Read the text about a famous film. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space.

The film “Pirates of the Caribbean” had a wonderful story, (1)

……… really great special effects. The (2) ……… actor in the
film was Johnny Depp, who (3) ……… play the pirate Jack
Sparrow. Jack was clever and he (4) ……… very well but he
lost his ship, the Black Pearl, to a very bad pirate called
Captain Barbosa.
Barbosa sailed into the town of Port Royal and (5) ……… a beautiful young girl called Elizabeth away
as his prisoner. Jack Sparrow said “I (6) ……… help find Elizabeth”. He said this because he (7)
……… get his ship back. Of course, there is lots of adventure in this film. It (8) ……… very funny.

1 a. by b. with c. from
2 a. best b. better c. good
3 a. cannot b. had to c. may
4 c. could sailing b. can sail c. could sail
5 a. took b. takes c. taken
6 a. cannot b. may c. couldn’t
7 a. had to b. may c. must
8 a. is also b. also is c. is too


Pair work: Ask and answer questions about films. Follow the topics and
words given. Share the information about your classmate’s favourite film
with the whole class.

Topic Questions Answers

1. Favourite film?

2. What / about?

2. Who / main actors?

3. Favourite scene?

4. How long / the film?

5. When / see it?


You will hear five short conversations. For questions 1-5, put a tick under the right
Before listening
 Look at the questions.
 Decide what information you need to find.
 The questions often ask about time, place, cost and people.
 Check your answers on the second listening.

1. How much did Craig earn from the concert?


2. Which band did the girl see?


3. Where is the next band from?


4. What does Ben play?


5. What must Kim bring to the party?



1. Listen to Anna. How does she say the short questions below?
Boy: Ray’s ill.
Anna: Is he?
Boy: Perhaps you can play in our band one day then.
Anna: Can I?

Now listen to sentences 1-6. Choose the right short questions from the list below.
Write the sentence number next to the question. There are some questions which you
will not need to use. Then listen to check your answers.
Example: You hear: 1. You left these CD at the party.
Can’t you?
Did they?
Must I?
Have you?
Don’t you?
Isn’t it
Aren’t they?
Did I? 1
Couldn’t she?

2. Now listen again and choose a short phrase from the box to follow your question.
Say the question and phrase aloud. More than one phrase may be possible.

Example: You hear: 1. You left these CDs at the party.
You say: Did I? Thanks.

Never mind. That’s bad. What a pity. Thanks. Great news! How wonderful!


1. Listen to the recording and complete the sentences and/or answer the questions.

1. Music can:


2.You can listen to music:

3. Who even likes music?
4. What instrument does
the king play?
5. How many songs has
the king written?

2. Write a short paragraph about music using the previous information you wrote in the
graphic and your own information.


Pair work: Find the errors that some students have made in the following sentences. Correct
the errors; all of them are related to spelling problems with vowels.

1. Yesterday I was at a beatiful rock concert.

2. It’s my favorit cinema.
3. I’m selling my piano becouse I don’t want it anymore.
4. A lot of turists visit my town.
5. I went to a nightclub with my frends.
6. There are two musuems in the city.

Some English words contain two or three vowels together and many of these are mis-spelled
by students. Look carefully at the vowels used in these words.
beautiful idea easy museum
favourite because friend tourist

Read the following words and correct them. All of them have spelling problems with vowels
although they do not contain two or three vowels together:

1. definately
2. dependant
3. privelege
4. rediculous
5. seperate


Pair work: Read these sentences with a partner. Say what you think about each one and
give some extra information. Report your partner’s opinions to the whole class.

1. Animals must not be kept in zoos.

2. Ten years ago, people in offices couldn’t wear jeans.
3. All films must have special effects.
4. We must all look after the planet.

5. Students can get into museums and theme parks more cheaply than adults.
6. Children under 5 years old must not use cell phones and tablets.
7. Some years ago, people couldn’t take online courses offered by prestigious universities.
8. Students can study and work at the same time.


1. Listen to Laura talking to a friend about places to go. What is the problem with each place?
For questions 1-5, write a letter A-H next to each place. You will hear the conversation twice.
Before listening
 Read all the places and options before you listen.
 Cross off the answers you choose.
 You may hear all the options but only five are correct.
 Check your answers on the second listening.

0 cinema F
Places Problems

1 restaurant A closed

2 disco B cold
3 swimming pool C dirty
4 theatre D expensive
5 sports field E full
F hot
G noisy
H wet

2. Listen to Jane talking to her friend Marian about her American cousins. For questions 1-5,
mark A, B or C. You will hear the conversation twice.
Before listening
 Read the questions and options carefully.
 Remember that the questions are in the order that you will hear them.
 Think about each question separately.
 Check your answers on the second listening.

1. Jane’s cousins will arrive on A. Sunday

B. Monday
C. Tuesday

2. The best thing at Pizza Roma is A. pizza

B. coffee

C. ice cream

3. The film they will see at the cinema is A. Friends and Enemies
B. Catch a Train
C. Purple Rain

4. The first boat leaves at A. 1:30

B. 11:30
C. 8:30

5. They decide to go to the beach A. by train

B. by bicycle
C. by bus

1. Choose A, B or C to complete these conversations.
1. I’m keen on dancing. A. It’s better.
B. I like it too.
C. I don’t.

2. Let’s go swimming. A. Sorry, I can’t.

B. That’s OK.
C. Don’t worry.

3. Do you like basketball? A. Of course.

B. That’s a great idea.
C. We don’t have a ball.

4. What shall we do today? A. That’s a great idea.

B. Not again.
C. I don’t know.

5. I bought tickets for the film. A. How much did they cost?
B. Where were they?
C. If you want to.

2. Read the text quickly and say what the pictures show.

The Chinese State Circus

Have you ever been to the Chinese State Circus? It’s like no other circus! It’s an
exciting and colorful display of acrobatics, music and dance by men and women

from China. You can see excellent martial arts such as Kung Fu. You can see people juggling,
people dancing in lion costumes and even Chinese ballet and opera. It’s a traditional show, but the
technology of the lights and the special effects is amazing.

Acrobatics has been an important part of Chinese history for a

very long time. We know this because there are paintings of
acrobats on old pots and plates. Some of these pots are
more than two thousand years old. The Chinese State Circus
began in the 1990s. This was when a director called Philip
Gandey saw a group of Chinese acrobats performing.
He loved what they were doing and decided to create the
circus. The circus has performed in theatres in more than a
hundred different countries since then.

The Shaolin Warriors are a famous part of the show. They perform at different
times, before and after the acrobats. They are very strong and can break wood
and bricks with their hands and feet. This is a kind of martial art. In most
circuses, clowns come on between the acts. In the Chinese State Circus, the
Monkey King appears. The Monkey King is a character from a Chinese story. In
the story, he has magic powers and can control the wind and water. During the
circus he makes everybody laugh. He sometimes asks people watching to come
onto the stage.

The Chinese State Circus is a brilliant night out. There is something for
everyone in the show: children, parents and grandparents. Everyone loves it and
comes out smiling.

Read the text again and answer the questions.

1. The circus performers are all: a. Chinese

b. men
c. acrobats

2. The performers sometimes: a. do dances from other countries

b. wear modern clothes
c. dress up as animals

3. What is true about acrobatics in China? a. People have been doing it for many years
b. The acrobats use pots and plates
c. The acrobats sometimes do paintings

4. The Chinese State Circus started: a. two thousand years ago

b. about thirty years ago
c. one hundred years ago

5. The Shaolin Warriors: a. are a type of acrobat

b. do martial arts
c. usually appear once

6. The Monkey King: a. invites people onto the stage

b. tells stories
c. is a clown

7. Who enjoys the show most? a. Young children
b. People of any age
c. Families


WRITING: Write about the entertaining activities that hold your attention,
interest, and give you pleasure and delight.



Name of teacher: Owen

Number of people in the group: 1

11:00 – 11:15 2 Drinks and ____________

Meet for tour at: 3 ___________ studio

1:00 – 2:00: 4

Day ends at: 5


1. Pair work: Read this conversation between friends. Look at the underlined words before
and after gap 1. Which of A-H fits the gap?

Molly: Hi Adele. It’s me, Molly. A. Yes, it’s open every day.
Adele: ¡Hi Molly! How are you?
B. You can buy tickets more cheaply with
Molly: I’m bored! What shall we do? a student card.
Adele: 1 _____
C. At about nine o’clock in the evening, I

Molly: That sounds good! What time does it close?
D. They’ve got a café, so we can eat
Adele: 2 _____
Molly: Oh, we’ve got ages. Is it expensive?
E. How about going to the theme park in
Adelle: 3 _____
Molly: Good, I’ve got one of those. How shall we get
F. No, sorry, I can’t.
Adele: 4 _____ G. Or why don’t you come to my house?
Molly: Shall we meet at the bus station then?
H. We’ll get there more quickly by bus
Adele: 5 _____ than by train
Molly: OK. I’ll be there in twenty minutes.

2. Read the conversation out aloud. Check the answers with the whole group.


SPEAKING: speak about the entertaining activities that hold your attention, interest, and give
you pleasure and delight.


1. LISTENING: You will hear a girl asking about a film club. Listen and complete questions 1-
5. You will hear the conversation twice.

Before listening
 Read the information carefully.
 Decide whether the answer is a date, time, name, etc.
 Don’t write more than one or two words or a number.
 Check your spelling carefully – write numbers in figures, not words.
 Check your answers on the second listening.


For people aged: Over 15

Day of club: 1

Time club opens: 2

Cost for one 3 £


Ask for: 4 Jon

Club is next to 5

2. WRITING: You are Jon’s assistant. He asked you to re-write the sentences underlined
using modals. These are the rules of the International Film Club.

Welcome to the International Film Club

One film will be chosen each month by one of our members to be

viewed and discussed either at official Club screenings or
independently, depending on member geographies and
Non-members, please comment at any time, but if you wish to
become a member of the International Film Club, please contact

1. You do not talk during the screenings.


2. If screen shows "THE END", goes black, or rolls credits, the film is over.

3. A screening happens with just one person.


4. One film at a time.

5. No cell phones.

6. The films will go on as long as they have to.

7. If this is your first night at Film Club, you bring the popcorn.

SPEAKING: Talk with your classmate about the information given in exercises 1 and 2 about
the International Film Club. Would you be interested in joining the club? Why?


Read the following conversation between Martha and Jane. Pay close attention to the
underlined phrases.

Martha: What horrible weather today. I'd love to go out, but I think it will just continue

Jane: Oh, I don't know. Perhaps the sun will come out

later this afternoon.

Martha: I hope you're right. Listen, I’m going to have a

party this Saturday because I’m travelling next week.
Would you like to come?

Jane: Oh, I’d love to. Thank you for inviting me. Who’s going to come to the party?

Martha: Well, a number of people haven’t told me yet. But Peter and Mark are going to
help out with the cooking!

Jane: Hey, I’ll help, too!

Martha: Would you? That would be great!

Jane: I’ll make lasagna!

Martha: That sounds delicious! I know my Italian cousins are going to be there. I think
they’ll love it.

Jane: Italians? Maybe I’ll bake a cake... Would you like your travel to be the theme for
the party?

Martha: No, I don't think so. This is just a chance to get together and have fun.

Jane: I think it’ll be lots of fun.

Martha: But I’m going to hire a clown!

Jane: A clown? You're kidding me.

Martha: No, no. As I child, I always wanted a clown. Now, I’m going to have a clown at
my own party.

Jane: I guess everyone will have a good laugh.

Martha: That’s the plan!


WILL + VERB. We use will: I think/I believe I will pass the course.

 To make a prediction (to say what we believe I bet he will get angry.
will happen in the future). We usually use
I’m not sure you will pass the exam.
will with these expressions: I think, I
believe, I bet, I am not sure/afraid, I I’m afraid you will not pass the exam.
suppose/I guess, I hope; or with these
adverbs: probably, possibly, perhaps, I suppose/I guess he will go to the party.
maybe. I hope I will get a pay raise.
 For things that we decide to do now. This is
when you make a decision at that moment, in I will probably/possibly be at home this
a spontaneous way. weekend.
 To make a promise, an offer, or a threat.
 To warn somebody about something.
 For a habit that is a predictable behavior. I’ll call a taxi for you.
I promise I will come back.
Be careful! You will hurt yourself with that knife.
My daughter will fall asleep as soon as she is
put into bed.

 To talk about future plans or intentions We are going to have an exam next week.
 To talk about predictions based on what we
Look at those black clouds! It is going to rain.
see or know (It’s going to rain)


 To talk about an action happening now, at I am reading a magazine now.

the moment of speaking.

 To talk about actions happening around the

She is studying for the final exams.
time of speaking.

 To talk about something, we have already

arranged to do. The time is almost always What are you doing tonight? I am staying
given, and it is usually in the immediate home.
He is playing in the concert tonight.
We are eating dinner after the concert.

Form Affirmative Negative Question
Will + Verb I will graduate in two I will not graduate soon. Will you graduate next
years. (won’t) year?
(I’ll) Yes, I will / No, I won’t.
Going To + You are going to watch You aren’t going to watch Are you going to watch
Verb TV tonight. TV tonight. TV tonight?
No, I’m going to study for
a test.
To Be + I am playing basketball I’m not playing basketball Are you playing
Verb ING tomorrow. tomorrow basketball tomorrow?
Yes, I’m playing with
some friends from work.


1. Write will or going to as appropriate.

1. 2.
A: We don’t have any bread. A: We don’t have any bread.
B: I know. I __________________ get B: Really? I __________________ get
some from the shop. some from the shop then.

3. 4.
A: Why do you need to borrow my A: I’m really cold.
suitcase? B: I __________________ turn the heating
B: I __________________ visit my mother on.
in Scotland next month.

5. 6.
A: Are you going to John’s party tonight? A: What are your plans after you leave
B: Yes. Are you going too? I university?
__________________ give you a lift. B: I __________________ work in a
hospital in Africa. I leave on the 28th.

7. 8.
A: Are you ready to order? A: Are you busy tonight? Would you like to
B: I can’t decide … Okay, I have coffee?
__________________ have the steak, B: Sorry. I __________________ go to the
please. library. I’ve been planning to study all day.

A: Why are you carrying a hammer?
B: I __________________ put up some

2. Choose the right answer A or B.

1. 'I haven't got my phone.' 'That's OK__ 2. It's Julia's birthday next week, so __ her
you mine. some flowers.

A. I’m going to lend A. We’re going to buy

B. I’ll lend B. We’ll buy

3. Will you lend me £10? I promise __ it 4. __ a barbecue tomorrow. It's all planned,
back to you tomorrow. so I hope it won't rain.
A. I’m going to give A. We’re going to have
B. I’ll give B. We’ll have
5. 'Jim's starting university tomorrow.' 'What 6. You__ that film. It's very frightening. Let's
__ study? choose another one.

A. is he going to A. aren’t going to like

B. will he B. won’t like
7. Do you think they __ the presents we got Look! The coach ___! Run over or we’ll
for them? miss it.

A. are going to like A. is going to leave

B. will like B. will leave

3. Complete the conversation. Use the correct form of will or going to.

Kate: Hi Toby! What are your plans for next summer?

Toby: I (1) ________________ (travel) around Europe with my family.
Kate: Which places (2) ______________________ (you/visit)?
Toby: I don’t know yet. We (3) _______________ (probably/decide) later. What about you?
Kate: I (4) _______________ (not/go) anywhere next summer, but (5) _______________
(stay) with my cousins in Australia next week.
Are you ready for your trip?
Well, I (6) ________________ (go) into town this afternoon. I need to buy a few things.
I (7) _______________ (come) with you. I’ve got to get my mum a birthday present.
Great! I (8) ______________ (see) you in ten minutes at the bus stop.


A. Listen to four people talking about their plans for their next holiday. Match the
people to the places and the type of holiday. The first one is already done.

1 Julie Greece sailing

2 Daniel France walking
3 Simon Australia camping
4 Natalie Switzerland beach

B. Listen again and write down how they are going to travel.

5. Julie – by ______________ 7. Simon – by ____________

6. Daniel – by _____________ 8. Natalie – by ____________


Look at the pictures and create a story about their plans.

Prepare your stories here:


Look at the words below. Underline the words that contain the sound

hand holiday why home hill when

honest how happy hour school hotel

Listen to check your answers.


Complete the conversation. What does Stella say to the travel agent? Choose from
replies A-H below. There are three extra replies that you don’t need to use.

Travel agent: Good morning. Can I help you?

Stella: 1._______
Travel agent: Where would you like to go?
Stella: 2. _______
Travel agent: Florida is very popular.
Stella: 3. _______
Travel agent: It is all year, but there are lots of hotels.
Stella: 4. _______
Travel agent: Well, what about a holiday center in Sardinia?
Stella: 5. _______
Travel agent: Yes, you can fly there easily and this year the price is only going
to be 450 Euros a week.
Stella: 6. _______
Travel agent: That’s fine. Take some of these brochures so you can both look at
them home.

A Isn’t it very busy in summer?

B Oh, that’s more than I thought! I’m going to have to talk to my friend first.
C I’m not sure. I like places where I can do lots of things.
D Really? I thought the beach was good.
E That sounds more interesting. Is it easy to get to?
F No, I have a couple of weeks free.
G I’m not sure. What else do you have?
H Yes, please. I’d like to book a holiday.


Conversation: You and your partner will speak to each other. You will ask and answer
questions. The teacher will give you and your partner a card with some information on it. Your
partner will use the words on the card to ask you questions about the information you have.
Then you will change roles.

Student A Student B

Mountain adventure Mountain

 Where? adventure
 How long / trip? 14-day trip to India
 Go / climbing?
Date of flight: 1oth October
 Where / stay?
 $? Includes: walking and climbing in the mountains
Accommodation: stay with local people
Cost: $ 7.000.000 million each person

Holiday in Spain Holiday

Come horse riding and mountain biking in
 Where?
beautiful Spain!
All ages welcome  What / do?

Special prices for students  When /go?

Flights leave London daily  Cost / student?
Interested? Call 09865 488622  Telephone?


 Usually when we add an ending to words ending in –y, the –y changes to –i.

baby –babies, hurry- hurried, funny – funnier, carry – carries

 But –y does not change to –I if the words end in – ay, -ey, -oy, or –uy.
boy – boys, stay – stayed

Complete each sentence with a word from the box in the correct form.

buy enjoy family happy holiday

key monkey play stay study

1. We had many happy _______________ in Chile.

2. Shakespeare’s _______________ are known all over the world.
3. Lucy is much _____________ now she has a new flat.
4. I’ve lost my ____________ and can’t get into the house.
5. We like the ____________ best at the zoo.
6. Ben is ____________ Italian university.
7. Dr. Turner very much ____________ the film he saw last night.
8. Sheila always ____________ at the same hotel when she’s in Rome.
9. I think big ____________ are much more fun than small ones.
10. She ____________ her clothes from a well-known designer.


WRITING: Write down about traveling. Do you like to travel? Why? What places would you
like to go?


Are you a world traveler?

Read the following questionnaire and ask and answer the questions with a partner. Look at
the scores to find out if your partner is a World Traveler, a Happy Tourist or a Stay-at-Home.

1. How often do you go on holiday? 2. How many countries have you visited?
a. hardly ever a. two
b. once a year b. none
c. twice a year or more c. six or more

3. You win the lottery – where will you go? 4. What type of holiday do you like?
a. to Disney World for a month a. staying at home doing nothing
b. to an expensive hotel in my country b. activity holidays such as sailing
c. on a trip round the world c. lying on a faraway beach and dancing all night

5. Your hotel room isn’t very nice. Do you 6. What do you buy on holiday?
a. complain to the manager? a. presents for all your friends
b. not worry about it? b. one or two souvenirs
c. not notice? c. some sweets for yourself

7. Do you send postcards? 8. Who do you like to go on holiday with?

a. no – never a. no one – I prefer to be alone
b. yes – to everyone I know b. my best friend
c. yes – to a few friends c. my family

1 a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 World Traveler 21 – 24 points: You really like holidays and
enjoy everything about them: buying presents, seeing friends
2 a. 2 b. 1 c. 3 and having fun. But remember you can have fun at home too!
3 a. 2 b. 1 c. 3
4 a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 Happy Tourist 12 – 20 points: You like to go to new places.
You enjoy quiet holidays with a few friends, and you prefer
5 a. 3 b. 2 c. 1
not to spend too much money.
6 a. 3 b. 2 c. 1
7 a. 1 b. 3 c. 2 Stay-at-Home 8 – 11 points: You quite like going away, but
8 a. 3 b. 2 c. 1 you prefer to be with people you know. You are also happy at
home. You believe holidays should be relaxing.


Read this email from Susi, who is on holiday on the moon. Decide which word (1 -10 below)
best fits each space.
Dear Manuel,

I’m having a lovely time on holiday at the Lunar hotel. I arrived (1) ……. Monday after (2) ……. good journey on
the space bus. I booked some trips today and tomorrow I (3) …… go on the trip to the Space Museum. My
bedroom (4) …… under the ground (5) …… there’s a restaurant on the surface with a great view of Earth from
(6) …… large windows. I (7) …... even see Spain! The food is OK and (8) …… is a lot to do. Tonight, I’m going
to the Space Club with (9) …… new friends. I’ll see you next week when I get back. You (10) …… really like the


1 on / at 6 their / its
2 the / a 7 must / can
3 I’m going to / will 8 there / it
4 is / has 9 some / any
5 or / but 10 will / do


SPEAKING: Talk about traveling. Do you like to travel? Why? What places would you like to


1. Task 1: Read the options for each question in task 2. Remember that the words you read
in the questions are often different from the words you hear, although they have similar
meaning. Can you match the words from the questions (1-6) with the words which have a
similar meaning (a-f)

1. some poetry _c_ a. a show

2. with a group of tourists __ b. travelling by bus across the States
3. two weeks __ c. a poem
4. travelling by air __ d. flying
5. crossing the States by bus __ e. a tour organized by travel agent

6. an exhibition __ f. a fortnight

2. Task 2: You will hear a radio interview with a woman called Philippa about a trip she is
going to make. For each question, put a tick in the correct box.

1. How did Philippa win her prize? A. By writing some poetry

B. By writing a novel
C. By describing a journey

2. Philippa is going to travel with: A. A group of tourists

B. Two friends
C. Her brother

3. When are they going to leave the UK? A. Immediately

B. In two weeks
C. At the end of the year

4. Where are they going to stay first? A. Amsterdam

B. New York
C. California

5. Which part of the trip is Philippa most excited A. Travelling by air

about? B. Visiting famous cities
C. Crossing the Sates by bus

6. When Philippa returns, she is going to: A. Have an exhibition

B. Get a job
C. Study


1. Look at the photos. Where do you think these students are? What do you think
they’re doing?

2. Read and listen to the advert for a company that organizes expeditions and answer
the questions.

Who are we?

Young World Challenge is an international organization. We started in London in 1985 as a
small company. We now have offices all over the world including Australia, India, and

What do we do?
We organize expeditions around the world for young people in schools aged 12-16. You’ll
travel in groups of maximum of eighteen people. Each trip is two to three weeks long and
you can choose from over fifty places in different countries.

What will you do on the trip?

During the trip, you’ll take part in a project. For example, you may build a new classroom for
a school, or help decorate part of a hospital. You will stay in simple huts close to the project
site with beds and fire for cooking. You won’t have running water but will fetch you water
from the village.

What about free time?

During the project, there are opportunities for extra activities at the weekend, such as
spending time with the local people, visiting markets, and taking part in football matches
with children.

At the end of the end of the project, you’ll also have the opportunity to explore the area.
Many students choose to go on safari in national parks and get close to elephants, hippos
and lions.

3. What did you understand about the Young World Challenge? According to the text,
decide if the sentences are right (R) or wrong (W). If there is not enough information in
the text, select doesn’t say (DS).
1. Young World Challenge has offices in more than one country.

2. The company organizes trips for young people of any age.

3. You can go to one of fifty countries.

4. All the projects are in schools.

5. You stay in a hotel during the trip.

6. There is electricity in all the villages.

7. You can work with animals in your free time.


Listen to Jake talking to Sally about his holiday. For questions 1-5 choose a, b or c.

1. Jake is going away with: 2. Jake is staying:

a. his parents a. in a city
b. a group of his friends b. on the coast
c. his friend’s family c. in the mountains

3. Jake is planning to: 4. Jake will be home on:

a. go sightseeing a. 7th August
b. do water sports b. 11th August
c. visit a town c. 18th August

5. The prize money is:

a. $100
b. $400
c. $1.000


Plan your own dream vacation to your favorite place

in the world with your classmates. Make a poster
about your vacations and describe them using
CONTINUOUS. Present it to the class and answer
questions about it. Take this information into

 Place you are going to visit.  Things you are going to buy.
 Date you are going to go and come back.  Transportation you are going to take.
 Things you are going to take with you.  People you are going to go with.
 Activities you are going to do there.  Food you are going to eat.
 Tourist attractions you are going to visit.  Place where you are going to stay,


A. LISTENING. Listen to the article about the future and choose the right answer according to
what you listened.
1. The new report shows the way life: 2. According to experts, the way we live,
a. will be in 10 years from now work and play:
b. is going to be in the near future a. will be the same

c. will be in a relatively far future b. will be totally different
c. will be a little different

3. According to experts, changes in the next 4. The adults interviewed predicted that:
century: a. people will have to work more in offices
a. are very easy to be predicted b. few people will go to an office
b. would be more unbelievable than changes in c. people won’t have work meetings
the past
c. will not be as impressive as the ones in the

5. 3D printers will: 6. The adults interviewed also predicted that:

a. allow people to print food a. people will have holidays beyond planet Earth
b. make food unnecessary b. the Earth will be totally destroyed
c. make visits to the doctor unnecessary c. people won’t be able to travel to space

Listen again and mark for things predicted and for things not predicted.

Predicted Not predicted

1 Taller buildings
2 Larger families
3 Underwater cities
4 More offices
5 More poverty
6 The end of the world
7 A unique language

B. WRITING. Write a short paragraph about the information you listened to. Do you agree or
disagree with the report? Why?

C. SPEAKING. Talk to a classmate about the way the future might be in 100 years.



1. Read the article. Pay attention to the use of there is / there are in the text.

My name is Ana Karina Espinel. I live in Cumbaya, Ecuador. My family

has a very nice house with a two-car garage. There is a big, beautiful
garden. Downstairs there is a large living room, dining room, and a
large kitchen, but there isn’t a swimming pool. Upstairs there are four
Ana Karina bedrooms but there is no study room. And we have a lot of bathrooms-
five in all! My mother also has an office upstairs. We love our house.

I’m Cem Korcan and I’m from Turkey. I live in a three-bedroom apartment
in Istanbul. In the building there is a garage and a big garden. There is
one bathroom, a big living room, and a small kitchen. There’s no dining
room. It’s a small apartment, but that’s OK. My favorite room is the living
Cem Korcan room. It has a beautiful view of Istanbul and the sea.

I’m Soon-Ju Cho, from Korea. I’m a bank assistant. I live in a small house
with my husband, Sun – YoonJong. There are three floors and a
garage. There are two bedrooms, a small living room, a small kitchen, a
dining room, and one bathroom. My favorite room is the living room
because it has a TV! However, there aren’t pictures. I really want a
garden, but unfortunately, we don’t have one.

Soon-Ju Cho

2. What did you understand about text? According to the reading, decide if the
sentences are right (R) or wrong (W). If there is not enough information in the text,
select doesn’t say (DS).

1. Soon-Ju Cho is married.
2. Cem Korcan is married.
3. Ms. Cho likes to watch TV.
4. Ana Karina Espinel has a large family.
5. Mr. Korcan doesn’t like his apartment.
6. Ms. Espinel lives with her mother.

3. Deduce the grammar rules from the previous text and complete the following
sentences with there is, there isn’t / there are, there aren’t or there was / there were.

My name is Annie and I live in a very big house. _________________ twenty-three rooms
in my house, but _________________ only twelve bedrooms. I live in one of the rooms of
the third floor. In my room, _________________ a huge bed and _________________
nine windows. My bedroom isn’t small. On my bed _________________ lots of pillows and
_________________ my cat, Fluffy. Now, in my closet _________________ many clothes,
but before _________________ many toys. In my bedroom _________________ a
bathroom because _________________ a bathroom next to my
room. Also, in my house _________________ two kitchens, a big
dining room and three living rooms. This is a really big house, but
before I lived in a very small house. In my small house
_________________ only two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a
kitchen. I had to share my room with my brother. Fortunately,
now I live with all my family in a very large house.


Use of there is, there are in sentences and questions in SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE

  Singular Plural
Affirmative There is a chair in the living There are chairs in the living
sentences room. room.
Negative There is not a picture in the There are not two pictures in
sentences living room the room.
There is no picture in the There are no pictures in the
room room.
Yes/no Questions Is there a lamp in the room? Are there two lamps in the
Wh Questions How much noise is there in How many floors are there in
your neighborhood? your house?

Contracted forms of there is, there are

 Contractions are only possible from there is – there's

 The form there're is not used.
 Do not form contracted forms in questions with is there/are there

Use of there is, there are in sentences and questions in SIMPLE PAST TENSE

  Singular Plural
Affirmative There was a chair in the living There were chairs in the
sentences room. living room.
Negative There was not a picture in the There were not two pictures
sentences living room in the room.
There was no picture in the There were no pictures in
room the room.
Yes/no Questions Was there a lamp in the Were there two lamps in the
room? room?
Wh Questions How much noise was there in How many floors were there
your previous neighborhood? in your old house?


A. Put in there is / there isn’t / there are / there aren’t.

1. There _aren’t any_ old houses in my city.

2. No, _______________ a film in the camera.
3. _______________ five people in my family: my parents, my two sisters and me.
4._______________ a computer in my office.
5._______________ any students in the classroom.
6._______________ some CDs on my bed.
7. _______________ any movies that I want to see in the cinema.
8. It’s clear today and _______________ a bright sun in the sky.
9. Yes, Sir. _______________ some packages for you today.
10. In my neighborhood, _______________ any children.

B. Complete the sentences. Write there was / there wasn’t or there were / there weren’t.
1. ______________________________no nice stores in my previous neighborhood.
2. We wanted to go to the concert, but _______________ any tickets.
3. ______________________ a swimming pool near my old house.
4. _____________________ some fun cafés near the park where I lived before.
5. ______________________ no cafeteria in my last office building.
6.______________________ some museums near here before.
7. I was very hungry, but _______________ any food in the refrigerator.
8. _______________ no money in my bank account so I couldn’t pay the bill.
9. Henry could bake the cake because _______________ some sugar in the cupboard.

10. _______________ a flight from here to London yesterday.

C. Correct the following sentences:

1. _____________________________________________________________________.
There was good restaurants in my neighborhood.
2. _____________________________________________________________________.
There weren’t some old buildings in my city.
3. _____________________________________________________________________.
There isn’t any gym in my neighborhood.
4. _____________________________________________________________________.
There’s not mall in this city.
5. ______________________________________________________________________
There are not parks in this town.
6. ______________________________________________________________________
There is a good bargain yesterday in the store.
7. _____________________________________________________________________.
Many people say that there were a statue in my neighborhood before.
8. _____________________________________________________________________.
How many chairs there are in your living room?
9. _____________________________________________________________________.
Tell me, there is a restroom near here?
10. ____________________________________________________________________.
There were many students in last night party?


A. Match the words to the pictures.

1. cooker 6. fridge 16. bedspread 21. bidet 26. toilet paper 31. T.V.

2. dishwasher 7. bed 17. pillow 22. shower 27. sofa 32. round table

3. toaster 13. rug 18. lap 23. toilet 28. armchair 33. picture

4. oven 14. blanket 19. bedside table 24. washbasin 29. fireplace 34. curtains

5. sink 15. wardrobe 20. bath 25. mirror 30. DVD player 35. telephone

B. Match these definitions with their words A-J. There are two words you don’t need.

1. It’s the top of a house. J_ A. wall

2. You can put this on your bed when you’re cold. B. door
3. It’s outside. Children can play here. C. hall
4. It’s a type of light. D. floor
5. It’s another word for apartment. E. blanket
6. It’s the first room at the front of a house. F. flat
7. It’s People put their car in this place. G. garage
8. You can put pictures and posters on this. H. garden
I. lamp
J. roof

C. Read the description of some things you can find in a house. What is the word for
each one?
1. You put this on the floor to make it soft and warm. C __ __ __ __ __.
2. You put these at your windows to keep the light out. C __ __ __ __ __ __ __.

3. This is a place on the wall to put books. S __ __ __ __.
4. You can put this picture made of paper on the wall. P __ __ __ __ __.
5. You fill this with water then get into it and wash. B __ __ __.

 Nouns ending in –f or –fe usually change to –ves in the plural:

One knife Two


wife: wives
thief: thieves
life: lives

Try these:
elf: ________________ calf: ________________ scarf: _______________

 Some nouns don’t change:

roof: roofs cliff: cliffs

Café: cafés dwarf: dwarfs

Make the underlined words plural:

1. There’s a shelf in the kitchen: ________________________________________________
2. The roof is red: ___________________________________________________________
3. His wife is in the kitchen: ____________________________________________________
4. I found a leaf on the floor: ___________________________________________________
5. There was a wolf outside the house last night: ___________________________________


A. Listening: Katy’s apartment

1. Read the following sentences about the conversation.
Write True (T) or False (F) for each sentence. Explain why a
sentence is false.
a. Kathy’s apartment is small.
b. There is a bedroom, a kitchen and a garage.
c. There’s no dining room or living room.
d. Kathy’s apartment has two windows.
e. There’s a sofa, a coffee table and a television.
f. There are no bookshelves.

2. My new apartment. Listen to the conversation about a new apartment and choose
the correct answer.

1. How does the woman like her apartment? 2. What rooms does the apartment have?
a. she thinks it’s terrible a. a bathroom, a dining room, and a kitchen
b. she doesn’t like it b. bedrooms, a living room, and a kitchen
c. she likes it very much c. a bedroom, a kitchen, and a garden
d. she thinks it’s small d. a bathroom, a garage, and a kitchen

B. Listening to a conversation between a girl called Lisa and her friend Tom about her
family’s new flat. She is telling him in which room (A-H) the family has put the objects
0-5. For questions 1-5, write a letter A-H next to each object.

0. The metal desk A. the bathroom

1. The leather sofa B. the hall
2. The computer C. the living room
3. The CD player D. the dining room
4. The large mirror E. the garage
5. The new bookshelves F. Lisa’s bedroom
G. the kitchen
H. her parents’ bedroom


LISTENING: Who lives in a house? Who lives in an apartment?

Listen to these people talking about their house or apartment. Complete the chart.

Ana Karina Espinel Cem Korcan Soon-Ju Cho

1. Where does he/she live?

2. Does he/she live in a

house or an apartment?

3. Who does he/she live

4. What rooms does
he/she have in his/her
5. What is his /her favorite

6. Does he/she like his/her

house or apartment?

A. Complete these sentences with information from the reading.
1. Ms. Cho lives in a house, but Mr. Korcan _______________________________.
2. Ms. Espinel has a big garden, but Ms. Cho _____________________________.
3. Ms. Cho has one bathroom, and Ms. Espinel ____________________________.
4. Cem Korcan has a small kitchen, but Ana Karina Espinel __________________.
5. There are three bedrooms in Mr. Korcan’s apartment, and _________________ in Ms. Espinel’s

B. Read the paragraphs again. Write what you like and don’t like about each home.
In Ana Karina Espinel’s home
I like ____________________________________________________________________________
I don’t like ________________________________________________________________________

In Cem Korcan’s home,

I like ____________________________________________________________________________
I don’t like ________________________________________________________________________

In Soon-Ju Cho’s home,

I like ____________________________________________________________________________
I don’t like ________________________________________________________________________


WRITING: Write about the house or apartment you are living right now. Give specific details
and examples.


A. Conversation: My new apartment

Practice a conversation about a new apartment. Then change the underline sentences by
using your own information.
Linda: Guess What! I have a new apartment.
Chis: That's great! What's it like?
Linda: It's really beautiful
Chris: Is it big?
Linda: Well, it has a big living room, a small bedroom, a bathroom, and a kitchen.
Chris: Where is it?
Linda: On Lakeview Drive.
Chris: Oh, nice! Does it have a view?
Linda: Yes, it does. It has a great view of another apartment building.

B. Picture memory game

Group work: Look at the
photo and remember as
much details as you can.
Look at the photo for one
minute, then hide the photo.
You must recall as many of
the objects as you can,
using there was, there
were. You get 1 point for
each correct sentence
using there was or there
Pair work: Look at the
picture with your classmate
for one minute and hide the
picture. Ask and answer
questions about the items in
the room. Keep a record of
the correct answers and
incorrect answers. Look at
the picture to check who
answered more questions


1. Listen to four people called Neil, Ian, Adam, and Patricia talking about where they live. Write
the name of the speaker next to each photograph.

A:_________________ B:_________________ C:_______________ D: _______________

2. Listen again. Who talks about these things? Mark your answers in the table.
Ian Patricia Adam Neil
Dining room
Central heating
Solar power

3. Read and listen to the text. Answer these questions.

a. How does Ian save money? e. What did Adam use to make his house?
b. What does Ian do when he gets bored with f. Why isn’t Adam worried about his house?
the view?
c. What were Patricia and her husband doing g. Why doesn’t Neil mind the noise?
when they found their unusual home?
d. Where is Patricia’s sitting room? h. Why is Neil’s house perfect for him?

1. I’m Ian. I’m student, so I’m not rich but I’ve found a good way to save money. I don’t pay rent.
My home has a very small kitchen and a living room downstairs. There are curtains and carpets
– it’s very comfortable. I’ve got central heating, and on the first floor there’s a little bathroom and
my bedroom. I can’t give you my address because I often move. You see, when I get bored of the
view, I can drive my home away and park somewhere new!

2. I’m Patricia. My husband and I were looking for a traditional house when we found our unusual
home. It’s in two old railway carriages. They’ve been here since 1902. The carriages stand side by
side, the sitting room and dining room are between them and there’s a normal roof over the
whole building. We enjoy living here and our guests enjoy visiting us.

3. My name’s Adam. I’m fifteen. My home is twelve meters above the ground. I made it myself. I
didn’t use any nails, only ropes, so I haven’t damaged any branches. I use solar power to heat it

and I have a proper kitchen and a shower and so on. I’ve got my hi-fi up here and there’s plenty
of space for guests. Sometimes the tree moves when the wind blows, but my house hasn’t fallen
down yet, so I’m not really worried.

4. I’m Neil and I rent this amazing place between London and Brighton. It’s two towers. The
windows have a view of the railway line, and it could be noisy for some people, because you hear
the trains passing through the tunnel under it every hour, but I don’t mind the noise because I’m a
party animal. I enjoy giving enormous parties with really loud music because there aren’t any
neighbors to complain. It’s perfect for me.


SPEAKING: Speak about the house or apartment you are living right now. Give specific
details and examples.
Here are five texts about people who all want to do a language course at a collage in England
and eight advertisements for colleges. Underline the important information in 1-5 below.
Decide which college will be the most suitable for the following people.

1. 2.

Alma doesn’t like cities and wants to live somewhere Kostas enjoys city life. He wants to do a part-time
quiet with an English family. She wants to do a full- course and have a part-time job as well. He is not
time course. interested in going on trips or doing activities with the
college after his classes. He wants to rent his own flat.

3. 4.

Margarita would like to live in a hostel with other Tomek is looking for a full-time four-time course at a
students. She wants to do full-time course. She likes college which organizes social activities for students.
to play sports in her free time. He doesn’t mind living in the city or the country, but he
wants to stay with a family.

Hiroki wants to do a part-time course at a college

which can arrange his accommodation. He loves
walking, so he wants to be near the countryside. He
doesn’t enjoy organized trips and activities.

A. Language College is on the edge of a small town B. Anderson College is in the center of the city. Students
surrounded by hills, twenty kilometers from the city. It can choose from a range of part-time courses –either
offers English lessons in the mornings with activities, mornings only, afternoons only or three
sports and trips to other towns and places of interest in mornings/afternoons and two evenings. The collage has
the afternoons and at weekends. Courses last six or sports facilities, a drama center, library, and club which
twelve weeks. All students live with local families. students can use if they wish. The collage does not arrange

C. The Park School is ten kilometers from the city. It is D. Highcliff College is in the city near the university. It runs
surrounded by woods and there are lots of footpaths four-week and eight-week full-time courses. Students live
through attractive countryside. All students live in a with families. They spend evenings and weekends with their
hostel next to the school. There are classes in the families learning about English family life and practicing
mornings and the rest of the time students are free for their English.
private study.

E. The Milburn Academy is in the city center. It offers F. The Waterside College is a large city college which has
full-time twelve-week courses. Students are also part-time English courses all year round. All students live in
expected to join in the social and sports events college hostels in different parts of the city. The college has
organized for evenings and weekends. The college its own sports hall and swimming pool and at weekends
owns several large houses nearby where students live there are trips to other cities.
and prepare their own meals.

G. The Marlowe School offers two-week, and four-week H. The Beechwood Academy is in a village about 15 km
courses all year, full-time. It is situated in a quiet part of from the city. It offers full-time courses. Students live with
the city but there are buses both into the center and to families in the village and are encouraged to join in family
the nearby countryside. Students stay with local life as much as possible. The village has a leisure center.
families if they wish. Every evening during the week
there is a social event for students and there are trips at


1. Read the following text.


The Lon don Eye is one of the most popular attractions in London, and it is visited by people
from all over the UK and the world. It was designed by David Marks and Julia Barfield for a
competition which was organised by a British newspaper in 1994. The newspaper wanted a
new London building to celebrate the year 2000.
The Eye is 135 metres tall, and it is the largest observation wheel in the world. Up to 800
people are carried on it at any one time. Marks and Barfield designed and built the Eye in
less than 16 months. More than 1700 people worked on building the London Eye and much of
it was built in other countries. The wheel was developed in the Netherlands. Experts in the
Czech Republic and Italy made some of the metal parts. The capsules which the people sit in
were made in the French Alps and the glass was produced in Italy.

2. Answer the following questions.

1. What is one of the most popular True or False?

attractions in London?
1. The London Eyes was designed by
2. Who designed the London Eye? two men. _____

3. When was the competition organized? 2. The competition was organized by

the New York newspaper. ____
4. How many people are carried on it?
3. The London Eye is 135 meters tall.
5. Where was the wheel developed? _____

6. Where were the capsules made? 4. The Eye was only made by British
people. _____
7. Who produced the glass?
5. The London Eyes was built in about
16 months. _____


Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known,
however, who or what is performing the action.


IS + Past participle of the verb + Past participle of the verb

 Sue waters the flowers (active voice)  Sue watered the flowers (active voice)
 Flowers are watered by Susan  Flowers were watered by Susan
(passive voice) (passive voice)


Make passive sentences in the present simple

1. (the room / sweep / twice a day)
2. (this shop / open / before 8:00)
3. (nice cars / produce / in Germany)
4. (more trees / cut down / day by day)
5. (some animals / kill / in jungles)
6. (new projects / make / in the company)
7. (mobile phones /produce / in China)

Make passive sentences in the past simple

1. (this song / sing / everywhere in 1970)
2. (telephone / invent / in England)
3. (this school / build / 10 years ago)
4. (your computer / infect / by a virus)
5. (my clothes / wash / last night)
6. (my car / produce / in 2008)
7. (the forest /burn down / in 1986)

Correct these sentences
1. The telephone is invented by Alexander Graham Bell.
2. The little boys are took by their parents to school.
3. Delicious soup are served in this restaurant every morning.
4. This project were made by Melinda last year.
5. Nice books was written by this author last year.


ON + Dates and Days

We write: He was born on 2nd March 1960.

We say: He was born on the second of May nineteen-sixty.

ON + Monday/ Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday/ Friday/ Saturday / Sunday

IN + Months, seasons, years, decades, centuries

My birthday is in January not in June.

He was born in 1985


March 7 → March seventh
Month + Day Even if the –th is not written, an
ordinal number is still said.
December 21→ ____________________________
The United States of
7th March → The seventh of March
Day + Month

21st December → ____________________________



We always use ordinal numbers for the date in spoken English:

1st first 11th eleventh 21st twenty first

2nd second 12th twelfth 22nd twenty second
3rd third 13th thirteenth 23rd twenty third
4th fourth 14th fourteenth 24th twenty fourth
5th fifth 15th fifteenth 25th twenty fifth
6th sixth 16th sixteenth 26th twenty sixth
7th seventh 17th seventeenth 27th twenty seventh
8th eighth 18th eighteenth 28th twenty eighth
9th ninth 19th nineteenth 29th twenty ninth
10th tenth 20th twentieth 30th thirtieth
31st Thirty first

MONTHS: Months always start with capital letters. Remember: IN + Month

January May September

February June October
March July November
April August December

YEARS: Years are normally divided into two parts:

19 84

Nineteen eighty-four
But now let’s study these years:

1900: nineteen hundred

1902: nineteen oh two
1980: nineteen eighty
2001. two thousand and one
2010: two thousand and ten or twenty ten

Check the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vw54Nu1SXcE

Exercise: Now read and write these dates: Month/ Day /year
1. 06/05/2001: ___________________________________________________________
2. 08/17/1965: ___________________________________________________________
3. 01/01/1800: ___________________________________________________________
4. 11/22/1993: ___________________________________________________________
5. 05/13/2017: ___________________________________________________________

Answer the following questions.

1. When’s your birthday? ___________________________________________________

2. When’s Thanksgiving Day? _______________________________________________
3. When’s Mother’s Day? ___________________________________________________
4. When’s Christmas? _____________________________________________________
5. When’s Halloween? _____________________________________________________


1. Write these dates as words.

Example: 1173 – eleven seventy-three


2. Write these dates as words.



 Play in pairs.
 Place a pile of cards (given by the teacher) between you.
 Each person takes a card in turn and has to say what the two things on the card have
in common, using either past simple passive or the present simple passive.
EXAMPLE: a wardrobe and a chest of drawers

Possible answer: They are both made of wood.

 Only one answer is necessary, and a correct answer gets a point.
 The winner is the person who gets the most points.


wood leather paper metal silver

glass gold wool plastic cotton
silk polyester clay aluminum denim
brick cement cardboard sugar salt


1. Look at the pictures of inventions. Can you guess what they are used for?




2. Listen to someone talking about two of the inventions. Which ones are they? What are they
used for? Were you right?

3. Work with a partner to write a description of one of the inventions (or another one you can
think of) and read it out to the class. Use the language in the box, the questions, and the
example to help you.
It’s round/square. It’s a kind of … It’s like a …
It’s used for ….ing. It’s made of … It must be …
It might be … It could be … It can be …

Guide questions:
What does it look like? What is it made of? What is it used for?

What is this everyday thing?
They are used all over the world, in both hot and cold countries. Today they are made of
material and metal or plastic. They can be used instead of a coat to keep you dry. They can be
folded up and put in a bag or pocket when they are not needed.

4. Read your description. Other students may interrupt if they can guess what it is. Can you
get to the end of your description before they guess?



A. Read the information about the Titanic. Choose the best Word a, b or c.


The Titanic 1. _____ in 1912. It 2. _____ in a new way and it 3.

_____ to be unsinkable. Because of this, it 4. _____ enough
lifeboats for the passengers and crew. The hull 5. ____ by a
collision with a huge iceberg and it sank very fast. A total of 1,513
people 6. _____ that day. Because of this disaster, a lot of magazines 7. _____ in
many languages. In 1985 the wreck 8. _____ on the seabed and the ship 9. _____.

Several successful films 10. _____ about the Titanic since then, and the most recent
was released in 1997.

1 a. were built b. was built c. is built

2 a. were designed b. is designed c. was designed

3 a. is thought b. was thought c. were thought

4 a. wasn’t given b. is given c. isn’t given

5 a. damage b. were damaged c. was damaged

6 a. was drowned b. is drowned c. were drowned

7 a. was printed b. were printed c. is printed

8 a. were located b. was located c. are located

9 a. was explored b. were explored c. are explored

10 a. is made b. was made c. were made

B. Read the text again and write T for True or F for False. Correct the false statements.
N Statement T/F Correction

1 The Titanic was built in 1812

2 There weren’t enough lifeboats in it

3 There was a collision with another boat

4 There were 1513 deaths

5 The Titanic remains were found in 1997

WRITING: Write a paragraph about a disaster you know. What happened? Where did it
happen? How many people died?

SPEAKING: Tell the class about the disaster you wrote about.


A. Here is part of an interview with Michael Owen, the famous England football player. Read
questions 1-5 carefully. Then decide which answer Michael gives to each question: A, B or C.
1. You started playing for Liverpool at 17. What
was it like playing big matches then?
A. I’m older now, but I still enjoy playing.
B. When you’re that age, you don’t think. It’s just a
C. Some stadiums are bigger now and they’re
always full.

2. When did you first play for your country?

A. I was a different player against Argentina in the World Cup.
B. I remember the matches in Germany and Brazil.
C. I played for the England school boys’ team.

3. What is the most important thing about the game for you?
A. I was born near Liverpool, but many clubs haven’t got any local players.
B. Football is very important in my life, but I enjoy golf too.
C. A striker has got to get the ball into the net. I live to score goals.

4. You run very fast! Can you explain why?

A. It usually takes me about 35 or 40 minutes to drive home from the club.
B. My dad, and my mum as well, were both quick when they were young. All their kids
are flying machines!
C. When I came back from the 1998 World Cup in France, I scored three goals for
Liverpool at Newcastle.

5. Michael, what makes a top football player extra special?

A. You have to have something in your head. You need a good body, but you need to
think too.
B. The fans like to see us buy a foreign player for 10 or 20 million.
C. I didn’t know all the players’ names then. Now I know them all.

B. What do you know about Michael Owen now? Write five sentences about him, using some
of the information from the interview.

C. Pay attention to the questions in the interview and tell what word order you can identify in

In questions, the word order subject-verbs-object is the same as in affirmative sentences. The
only thing that’s different is that you usually have to put the auxiliary verb (or the main verb
“be”) before the subject. Interrogatives are put at the beginning of the sentences:
auxiliary subjec other indirect direct
interrogative place time
verb t verb(s) object object
What kind of would you like to tell me
Did you have a party in your yesterday?
When were you here?

You don’t use an auxiliary verb if you ask for the subject. In this case the interrogative simply
takes the place of the subject.
interrogative verb(s) object
Who asked you?

Put these words in the right order to make questions.

1. tennis / you / play / can Can you play tennis?__________________

2. team / Totti / which / does / play for __________________________________________
3. got / a snowboard / you / have __________________________________________
4. the next / World Cup / is / when __________________________________________
5. didn’t / why / go / you / to the match __________________________________________
6. is / favorite / which / sport / your __________________________________________
7. does / the refereeORDER
come / from _______________________________________

A. Arrange the words to make questions.

1. do / a dog / you / have
2. you / coffee / do / like
3. speak/ she / English / does
4. he / can / dance
5. play / at / you / the weekends / do / tennis
6. go / last night / out / you / did
7. the train / when / leave / does
8. him / she / did / the truth / tell / why

9. on / they / holiday / are
10. she / Australia / from / is

B. Ask for the subject (in bold print). Use 'who' (for people) or 'what' (for everything
1. Gareth speaks English.
2. Mandy plays the guitar.
3. John is from Australia.
4. Our room is on the second floor.
5. You will meet them next week.
6. My bike is blue.
7. The show started early.
8. My computer doesn't work.
9. Her brother went to Canada last year.
10. Your friends don't like pizza.

C. Write questions for these answers.

EXAMPLE: Snowboarding is easier than skiing and the clothes look great!
What do you like about snowboarding?

1. I’m getting to Saturday’s competition by car. How _______________________________?

2. Christiano Ronaldo plays football for Portugal. Which _____________________________?
3. Gianni plays tennis with friends from his college. Who_____________________________?
4. The gym is open until 10 PM. When __________________________________________?
5. The lights went out, so the referee stopped the match. Why _______________________?
6. There were over 40,000 people in the stadium. How _____________________________?
7. I’m going to go sailing on Lake Bolsena. Where__________________________________?


Listen to five teenagers talking about the sports in the photos. Say what each sport is.
Do they play/do the sport or watch it?

Sport Play/do or watch?

Speaker 1
Speaker 2
Speaker 3
Speaker 4
Speaker 5

A. Listen and repeat.

basketball bigger boots bought

vegetable video village volleyball

1. Bob plays basketball.

2. Brenda bought some new boots.
3. I live in a very small village.
4. There’s a very good video on volleyball.
5. Bill eats bread and vegetables before he plays volleyball.

B. Write a sentence using as many words beginning with ‘b’ and ‘v’ as you can. Read
your sentences to your classmates.


Write seven questions about sports following the prompts. Compare your questions with a
partner. Then Student A asks the questions. Student B answers the questions. Switch roles.

Prompts Questions:

1. Play sports?

2. When?

3. How often?

4. Who?

5. Why?

6. Favorite sport?

7. Important?

1. Do you do anything to keep fit or do you hate taking exercise?
2. Answer the questions in this chart and find out who you are like.


1. There are several examples of verbs in the –ing form in the previous chart, for example, Do you
like watching TV? Find ten examples in the chart and underline them.

2. The –ing is added to the infinitive of the verb. For example: Watch – ing = watching. I enjoy
watching TV.

3. Some verbs need to be followed by other verbs in the –ing form. For example: enjoy, dislike, and
don’t mind. I really enjoy exercising at the gym. I don’t mind working hard at the gym.

Other verbs –like, love, hate, and prefer– can be followed by the –ing form or by infinitive (to +
verb). For example: I like watching TV or I like to watch TV.

4. We often use the infinitive (to + verb) to say why we do things. For example: Liz needed a new
bed. She went to a large furniture store. Liz went to a large furniture store to buy a new bed.


A. Complete these sentences with a verb from the box in the –ing form.

go hit move play practic wait walk win

1. Jess really enjoys snowboarding, but she hates ___________for the chair lifts up the
2. Please stop __________________ the ball outside the court – we’ll lose it!
3. I don’t mind ___________________ in goal but I really want to be a striker.
4. I feel like __________________ for a run. Do you want to come?
5. Keep ________________ your arms and legs or you’ll get cold.
6. If we start _________________ now, it’ll take us an hour to get home.
7. Mark doesn’t spend enough time _____________________ his golf shots.
8. If the team keeps _________________ every week, we’ll soon be at the top!

B. Say how you feel about the activities below, using verbs in the –ing form. You can
add really to make the sentence stronger. Example: I really enjoy exercising at the

love don’t mind dislike

enjoy hate
1. exercise at the gym 5. swim at the pool
2. run in a park 6. walk to the university
3. climb stairs 7. dance with my friends
4. play computer games 8. go for a bike ride

3. Make one sentence using a phrase from A and a phrase from B. For example: I went
to the bus stop to catch a bus to town.

1. I went to the bus stop ____ a. to pass the exam
2. I turned on the radio ____ b. to buy a book
3. I went to the museum ____ c. to take to the party
4. I borrowed some money ____ d. to see an exhibition
5. I worked hard ____ e. to listen to the news
6. I bought a cake __1_ f. to catch a bus to the town


Look at the next example about a writing related to somebody’s

favorite sport and write about your own favorite sport.

My favorite sport is skiing. I like downhill skiing! You’re outdoors in a beautiful setting
surrounded by snow-capped mountains. It’s just you, the mountains, and the sky. I really enjoy
skiing. But best of all is the thrill of speeding down the mountain, going as fast as you dare. You
feel as if you are one with nature, while at the same time you are like a speeding train, with the
wind whooshing through your hair and the sun beating down on your face. Nothing like it!

1. Look at the photographs. They show some unusual sports –bossaball, curling, snowfering
and karting. Can you guess which sport is in each photograph?

A _____________ B _______________

C ____________
D ____________

2. Listen to four people talking about these sports. Which sport is each person talking about?
Write 1, 2, 3, or 4 next to each photo.

3. Listen to some more information about these sports. Write the answers to these questions.
a. What do they always wear? They always wear shorts.
b. When do they usually play this?

c. What do they use?
d. What do people sometimes say?

e. How fast can you go indoors?
f. What is a kart?

g. Where do they do this?
h. What do they use?

4. Listen again. The speakers say how they feel about these sports. Which words do they





Write five questions using the card below. Compare your questions with a partner. Then
Student A asks the questions. Student B answers the question with his/her information.

Student A Student B


To be held on the College Sports Field on
 When? Saturday 12 June (10:00 – 3:30)
 Sports? Football, volleyball and running for
 Where? everyone.
 What / clothes?
 Prizes? Win one of 50 T-

Don’t forget your shorts and trainers!


WRITING: Do you exercise? Why? What is your favorite sport? Why?


A. You will hear some information about a fitness club. Listen and complete questions


Opening hours: (1) 6.30 am - _______________ pm

For gym introduction, phone Jack Bergman: (2) 0453 _________________
Swimming pool: (3) _______________ meters.
To become a member, speak to: (4) Mrs. _______________________
Guided tours on: (5) _____________________ afternoon.

B. Listen to the recording and answer the following questions:

An Interview with Shawn Johnson

Useful vocabulary

 coach
 to work out
 blanket
 good-luck charm

a. Who does Shawn train with? ___________________________________________

b. How often does she practice? ___________________________________________
c. How much does she train on Saturdays? __________________________________
d. What does she like to do in her free time? _________________________________
e. What does she do for good luck? ________________________________________
f. Who are her biggest fans? ______________________________________________

SPELLING: gu–, qu–

Remember you sometimes need to include the letter ‘u’ after ‘g’ if it is pronounced /g/,
as in guided tour. The letter ‘u’ always follows ‘q’, as in queen.

Spell the words that have these meanings.

1. Fast (adverb) q ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

2. One of the four parts of something q ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
3. A musical instrument g ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
4. A person staying at a hotel g ___ ___ ___ ___
5. Not saying anything (adjective) q ___ ___ ___ ___
6. If you don’t know the answer, you have to do this g ___ ___ ___ ___


Listen to Ben talking about his friends and being healthy. How does each person stay
healthy? For questions 1-5, write a letter A-H next to each person.
0 Chris E
1 Ricky A playing tennis

2 Katie B running
3 Mum C swimming
4 Dad D yoga
5 Simon E playing football
F cycling
G walking
H healthy diet


SPEAKING: Speak about exercising. Do you exercise? Why? What is your favorite sport?


EXTREME SPORTS - current trends

READING: Read about the extreme sports in the text and look for the unknown
Kitesurfing – Kitesurfing is a water sport where you attach a large kite to your harness and
use the kite to generate power and velocity to raise you out of the water.
Once out of the water, you have a kitesurfing board (similar to a
snowboard or wakeboard) attached to your feet in order to skim over the

BASE Jumping – BASE jumping is one of the

most extreme sports we know. Athletes hurl themselves off objects
and pull a parachute before impacting the ground. BASE stands for
buildings, antenna, spans (bridges), earth (cliffs & mountains) – the
four main types of objects that athletes jump off from.

Wingsuit Flying – Wingsuit flying is a variation of BASE

jumping where athletes hurl themselves off cliffs or other high

objects and then “fly” through the air using their wingsuits (sometimes called “flying squirrel
suits”) only to pull their parachute before narrowly crashing into the ground.

Street Luge - Street luge is very similar to luge, but instead of it

being a winter sport, you do it wherever you can find a street with
a downhill long enough for your liking. Have fun.

Abseiling - Run down the side of a building while holding on to a rope

with a harness attached. This might sound like suicide, but it’s
actually quite fun (or so I’ve heard...).
Ironman - The Ironman is 140.6 miles of swimming biking and
running. 2.4-mile swim. 112-mile bike ride and a full marathon – 26.2
miles – to finish it all off. Do you have what it takes to be an

SPEAKING: Pair work. Interview your partner about extreme sports.

1. What do you think of extreme sports?
2. Which extreme sport would you like to try? Why?
3. Which extreme sport would you never try?
4. What do you think people feel when they try these sports?
5. Do you think these sports are dangerous? Why?

WRITING: You have just interviewed your partner and now you know about his/her
attitude to Extreme Sports. Your task is to write a small article about your friend’s likes
and dislikes.

Please include the following information:

- Preferences (e.g., John can’t stand doing bungee jumping. He is afraid of height)
- Adjectives which describe a type of extreme sport your friend does or would like to do
(e.g., John would like to try snowrafting. He finds this type of sport amazing)
- adjectives which describe your friend’s feelings when people do the extreme sport or
what he/she might feel if he/she started doing it (e.g., He usually feels excited when he
goes parachuting. He thinks he might feel scared if he did sky surfing)
- Try to support your ideas (e.g., John wouldn’t like to try ice diving because he would
feel cold and also because he would need a lot of time to put on special equipment)
- Express your attitude to your friend’s preferences (e.g., Though John is fond of
snowrafting, I would never try it. It’s really dangerous. There have been some terrible

A. Read the text below.
Hello, my name is Joe Hayden and
I am twelve years old. My eldest
brother David is sixteen and
Michael is fourteen. I have three
younger brothers. My little sister,
who is called Naomi, is only two.
David, Michael and I are all into
music, something we always enjoy. David plays the
drums and Michael plays guitar, both quite loud but no
one really minds. I get on well with David but not so
Hi, my name is Sam. I am nine and I live in a family much with my younger brothers Jacob and Sam. David,
of nine. I’ve got five brothers and their names are Michael and I are lucky because we all get to escape!
David aged sixteen, Michael aged fourteen, Joe We go to a school that is far, far away and we are only at
aged twelve, Jacob aged seven and Isaac aged home during the holidays. It’s good being in a big family.
four. I’ve got a little sister; her name is Naomi. She You can play games like football and cricket with
is two years old. My mother is called Pamela and everyone. In smaller families, this is not possible. Also, a
my dad is called Bernie. I live in the county of big family means a big house, so you can always find
Angus; it is in Scotland. I get on quite well with my somewhere to be by yourself. I like that sometimes. The
brother Michael because he is kind and helps me. I bad things are that you always get little kids bugging you.
don’t get on so well with my brother Joe because he They can be so noisy! Everything around you is very
is a bit annoying, and he doesn’t like me. I like living busy and really messy, and there’s lots of washing up
in a big family, and I wouldn’t like to change and laundry to do. It also costs much more to go
anything. anywhere. But I prefer being in a big family.

B. Read what Joe says again. Are sentences 1-7 below “Right” (R) or “Wrong” (W)? If
Joe doesn’t tell you the answer, choose “Doesn’t say” (DS).
1. Michael is older than Joe
2. When David and Michael play music, the others think they are noisy
3. Joe’s school is very famous
4. Joe comes home from school most weekends
5. The Hayden children play more football than cricket
6. Joe enjoys spending a bit of time alone
7. Joe does all the washing up when he is at home
C. Pay attention to the words in bold letters. What kind of words are they? What is their
function? When are they used?
D. Read the underlined words. Do you know their translation?


A pronoun is defined as a word or phrase that is used as a substitution for a noun or noun
phrase, which is known as the pronoun’s antecedent. Pronouns are short words and can do
everything that nouns can do and are one of the building blocks of a sentence.

An adjective is a describing word, such as blue, angry, cold, dry and hard. Technically,
an adjective is described as modifying or quantifying a noun or pronoun. An adjective tells us
more and gives us extra information about something.


Subject Object Possessive Reflexive NOUN/CASE
I me mine myself my
you you yours yourself your It is usually added
‘s to a noun or
he him his himself his name to show
she her hers herself her possession.
it it its itself its
you you yours yourselves your Examples:
our Granddad’s party
we us ours ourselves
Mario’s restaurant
they them theirs themselves their Carlos’ money
It takes the It is normally It designates It is preceded It is used to
place of used as a possession by an adverb,  describe the noun.
a noun as the grammatical and replaces adjective,  It is used to show
subject of a object of the noun. pronoun, ownership. It
sentence (the a verb, or as Example: or noun to comes before a
subject of a the object of Ours is a which it refers. noun in the
verb). a preposition. family farm Example: The sentence and lets
Example: Example: children  had us know to whom
Kate was Michael took to look after  the noun belongs.
tired so she the children themselves Example: The dog
went to bed with  him. buried its bone.


A. Circle the correct word.

0. I saw Mr and Mrs Jones in the park with their / theirs grandson.
1. Our / Ours family isn’t very big.
2. Your / Yours cousin is younger than my / mine.
3. Claudia’s coming tonight. Let’s meet outside her / hers flat at 7:00.
4. Dave and Jane’s car is faster, so why don’t we go in their / theirs?
5. Would you like to visit my / mine grandfather with me?
6. Can I have the address of that American cousin of your / yours?

B. Identify the mistake and write the correct sentence on the line.
0. Is this your new cellphone? I thought it was my. I thought it was mine.
1. They don’t look like they brothers. ____________________________________________
2. It’s your father’s idea, not my. _______________________________________________
3. Sam and me went to that concert at the weekend. ________________________________
4. I’ve never met you parents, you know. ________________________________________
5. A: Who's coming to the cinema? B: Only Paul and my. ___________________________
6. I would do anything for he. _________________________________________________
7. My is from a different shop. ________________________________________________
8. Have you seen our project? I hope they get an A+. ______________________________

C. Complete the gaps with a correct word and apostrophe (where needed).
0. It seems that I got Mary’s card. Where is mine?
1. That’s my brother_____ cup and this is ______. My grandmother gave it to ______.
2. Good morning. Can _____ help _______?
3. Ah, there’s Jade _____ watch. Could _______ pass it to _____? I’ll keep it safe.
4. That poor dog has lost one of ______ legs.
5. Look! I’ve got Poppy_____ phone number! She gave ______ to me last night.
6. Adrian doesn’t mind where _______ go but ______ doesn’t like the beach.
7. ______ never lets ________ watch TV after 9 p.m.
8. Do you like ______ new car? ______ is second-hand.

D. Put the sentences into the possessive case; use apostrophes.

1. The book of the girl.
2. The bike of Jim.
3. The shoes of the women.
4. The husband of Mrs. West.
5. The toys of the children.
6. The room of Helen.
7. The leg of the dog.
8. The eyes of the cats.
9. The garden of Mrs. Brown.
10. The father of Jean.
11. The brother of Helen.
12. The books of the boys.


Compounds of every, some, any, and no.
one body thing where
ever everyone everybody todo el mundo, everything todo everywhere en todas partes
y todos
som someone somebody alguien something algo somewhere en algún sitio
e anyone anybody alguien (preg.) anything algo (preg.) anywhere algún sitio (preg.)
any nadie (nega.) nada (nega.) ningún sitio (nega.)
no no one nobody nadie nothing nada nowhere ningún sitio

1. The compounds of every can be used in negative, affirmative, and questions. Example: I don’t have to do everything.
2. The compounds of some can be used in affirmative sentences. Example: She has something to tell us.
3. The compounds of any are used in negative sentences and questions. Examples: do you have anything to say?
4. The compounds of no can be used with affirmative verbs to form an alternative structure to the negative construction with any.
Example: I didn’t meet any body at school. I met nobody at school.

A. Complete the sentences with the correct pronoun from the previous table.
0. I’m really bored – there’s nothing to do.
1. ____________ is on the phone for you, Mum.
2. Why doesn’t granddad remember ___________ about his schooldays?
3. Have you got a minute? I want to ask you ____________.
4. There was ____________ at tennis practice yesterday – only me!
5. Are you sure you’ve got ___________ you need?
6. This is important for ___________ in the class, so listen carefully.
7. There wasn’t ___________ in the playground because it was raining.
8. Do you plan to do _____________? I’m really worried about your studies.
9. Is _____________ right? Why are you so angry?
10. ___________ was at the university. It was because ____________ was on vacation.
11. Let’s play ___________. I’m getting bored here.
12. Did your Mum say ____________ to your Dad? No. ___________.
13. It is necessary to do _____________. We are here to help each other.
14. Do you want to go _____________? There are many places we can go sightseeing.
15. ___________ is happy today. Why?

B. Read the text about Giorgio Angelozzi. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each
space for questions 1-10.

Italian “granddad” finds a family

At the age (0) ____ 80, Giorgio Angelozzi felt sad because he (1)
____ living alone. (2) ____ decided to advertise for a “new” family and
got letters from (3) ____, including Colombia!
Mr Angelozzi (4) ____ a family in Bergamo in northern Italy. Elio and
Marlena Riva answered the advert because Mr Riva’s parents are
dead and (5) _____ parents live far away in Poland. Their children
Mateush, 18, and Dagmara, 16, are pleased to have a new grandfather because they miss (6) ____.
The teenagers, who both like loud music, say that (7) _____ will be quieter at home now. Dagmara
said: “I just want to have a granddad. (8) ____ is more important than that.”
In Italy today a lot of old people live by (9) _____, but perhaps Mr Angelozzi has started (10) ____ new!

0. A of B. by C in
. .
1. A is B. was C has
. .
2. A His B. He C It
. .
3. A nowhere B. somewhere C everywhere
. .
4. A chose B. chooses C chosen
. .
5. A his B. her C its
. .
6. A ours B. yours C theirs
. .
7. A them B. theirs C they
. .
8. A Nothing B. None C Everywhere
. .
9. A yourselves B. ourselves C themselves
. .
10. A something B. anything C nothing
. .


Listen to a girl called Helen asking Nick about their grandfather’s party. For questions
1-5, tick A, B, or C. Listen again to check your answer.

1. The party for their grandfather will be on:

A. Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday
2. Where will the party be?
A. At a restaurant B. At a golf club C. At Nick’s house
3. The party will begin at:
A. 2:45 B. 3:30 C. 4:00
4. Who will Helen drive to the party?
A. Aunt Rose B. Uncle Jack C. Nick
5. Which present does Helen want to buy?
A. Some CDs B. A mirror C. A suitcase


1. Listen to the teacher talk about Scarlett Johansson (The teacher makes a short
introduction about the text)
2. Move into groups of four.
3. Listen for meaning: Listen to the whole text.
4. Listen and complete the spaces in Scarlett Johansson’s family tree.

5. Work in groups to reconstruct an approximation of the text from notes and the previous
family tree (one student acts as the writer)


6. Compare the reconstructed text and the original. Notice the type of errors that got in the
way of understanding the text.


I moved away from the town where I grew up. When I go back it’s quite easy for me to visit
all my relatives because most of them live in the same part of town. In fact, my (a)
grandmother, Lily, lives next to her (b) ____________ Caroline. My (c) ___________
Hugh lives in the next street to my grandma and my father lives about ten minutes away, so
my grandma has all her children near her. That’s good because her (d) __________, Bob,
died a few years ago, so she’s alone now in the house. My parents got divorced about ten
years ago and my father remarried. My (e) ___________ Sarah and I weren’t sure about
our new (f) __________, Clare, at first but now we like her a lot. She and my father have
one child, so I have a (g) __________. She’s called Emily. Emily is only six and I have a (h)
____________, Leo, who is the same age. I also have a (i) __________ called Anna. I get
on really well with my (j) ___________ Nick. Sarah, Nick, Leo and Anna live in Scotland,
and I often visit them. I have one (k) ____________ called Michael. We used to play
together a lot when we were small. Michael married young and he’s divorced now but we
still see his (l) _____________, Joelle, because she’s my sister’s best friend.

2. Work with a partner. Tell your partner about your family. Your partner draws the
family tree for you. Then do the same for your partner’s family.

3. With your partner, look at the family trees you made. Compare the information. Use
possessive forms.

Examples: Your father is called…

Your brothers are older than mine. Their names are…

B. Report back to all your classmates about what you found.

Examples: Paul’s father is called…

His brothers are older than mine.
Our sisters are both older than us.


Cow /aʊ/ Draw /ɔː/

How to pronounce the /aʊ/ sound

/aʊ/ is a diphthong sound which means it is a combination of two vowel sounds
that are pronounced within the same syllable. The /aʊ/ sound is a combination
of /æ/ and /ʊ/ or /u:/ Like vowels the diphthongs are all made through the mouth
and are voiced which means that you vibrate your vocal chords to make the
sound. When you pronounce a diphthong sound, your mouth will change
position and shape as you say the sound, because they combine two vowel
sounds.So as you say the /aʊ/ sound your mouth will start on the position of the
/æ/ sound and then allow your mouth and lips to close as you finish on the
position of the /ʊ/ or /u:/ sound.
The /aʊ/ sound is often spelled with the letters “o” or “o-u”, as in the words:
 down /daʊn/  around /әˈraʊnd/  allow /әˈlaʊ/
 our /aʊə/  power /ˈpaʊә/  how /haʊ/
 without /wɪð’aʊt/  however /haʊˈevә/

How to pronounce the /ɔ:/ sound

/ɔ:/ sound is a vowel sound and it’s the technical name is the ‘Open-Mid Back
Rounded Vowel’. All vowels are made through the mouth and are voiced so you
vibrate your vocal chords to make the sound. It is similar to the /ɒ/ sound, but the
two little dots mean that it is a longer sound /ɔ:/ not /ɒ/. To produce the sound put
your tongue low and at the back of your mouth and lightly push your lips together
while making a long voiced sound.

The /ɔ:/ sound is often spelled with the But it can also be spelled with the letter ‘a’
letters ‘o-r’ as in the words: as in the words:
 for /fɔː/  also /’ɔːlsəʊ/
 more /mɔː/  talk /tɔːk/

A. Write these words in group 1 or group 2 below

all August draw house mouth now

or order out shout town

Group 1 Cow /aʊ/ Group 2 Draw /ɔː/

B. Listen to the recording to check your answers and repeat the words.


The word uncle is often spelled wrongly as uncel. Sort the letters below to give other
words with the same –le ending.

Organized word Hint

1. t a c l s e A large old building
2. e c y b l c i This has two wheels
3. p a e l p A good fruit to eat
4. n i l g e s Not married
5. t i l l t e Small
6. p o l e p e Men, women and children


Do you remember Sam’s and Joe’s family? Read the texts again. Answer the following
questions. Report your opinion to the whole class.

1. What are the good and bad things about being part of a small family or a very large
2. Decide which of these things may not be possible in big families.

a. being by yourself
b. playing sport with others
c. helping younger children
d. living in a big house or flat
e. keeping the place tidy
f. having a low supermarket bill
g. doing lots of washing
h. travelling cheaply
i. annoying your older brothers and sisters

Listen to Tom and Jan talking about Tom’s birthday presents. Which present did each person
give Tom? Match 1-5 with A-H.

0 Tom’s brother H
Persons Presents

1 Tom’s mum and dad A CDs

2 Tom’s sister B T-shirt

3 Tom’s grandparents C Jeans
4 Tom’s cousin D Poster
5 Tom’s best friend E Mobile phone
F Skateboard
G Money
H Camera

Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question, circle
the letter next to the correct word –A, B, C, or D.

Fathers and Sons

Harry Redknapp and Frank Lampard played football

together for West Ham football club (0) ___ the 1960s.
They were best friends and married two sisters, so
their sons, Frank Lampard junior and Jamie
Redknapp, are (1) ___. Their fathers used to take
them to the football field after school and make them
(2) ___. All the hard work meant that they were soon
very good (3) ___ football and they both (4) ___ to be professional footballers. In the (5)
___ they both played for England like their fathers. Harry and Frank (6) ___ playing football
for West Ham in the 1980s. Later, Harry became the manager of West Ham and Frank
senior took the job of assistant manager. Frank junior (7) ___ them and played for West
Ham and then Chelsa in London (8) ___ Jamie went to the other side of the country and
played for Liverpool for eleven years. Jamie and Frank aren’t married to two sisters like
their fathers. Jamie’s wife is (9) ___ singer who hasn’t got (10) ___ sisters.

0. A. during B. on C. by D. for
1. A. cousins B. nephews C. brothers-in-law D. uncles
2. A. train B. training C. trained D. trains
3. A. to B. at C. with D. on
4. A. wanted B. preferred C. enjoyed D. liked
5. A. final B. end C. conclusion D. finish
6. A. continued B. missed C. began D. stopped
7. A. attended B. joined C. shared D. added
8. A. but B. so C. because D. also
9. A. the B. one C. a D. that
10 A. some B. no C. few D. any

1. Listen to four people speaking. What position are they in their families (oldest, middle,
youngest, or only child)? What disadvantage does each person talk about?

Speaker Position Disadvantages

in family

2. Read these descriptions. Write Rebecca, George, charlotte and Peter against the correct
heading. Add your name to one of the headings.

Oldest children: Youngest children:

 Expect to do well  Love taking risks

 Are good at looking after other people  Have a good sense of humour
 Need to keep everything tidy  Often refuse to do what other people tell them
 Like keeping rules  Are interested in studying artistic subjects

Middle children: Only children:

 Are good at solving arguments  Prefer being with adults

 Enjoy being with other people  Are quite serious
 Are good managers and leaders  Are afraid of failing
 Don’t mind changing their plans  Are hard-working

3. Listen again and look at the descriptions above. For each person, put a tick next to the
things they do or did.
4. Find other people in the class who are in the same position as you in their family. Discuss
how you feel about your position in your family. Do you agree with what the descriptions say?
Use language like this to help you.

I agree that…
I don’t agree that…
It’s true that…
It’s not true that…

Example: I agree that middle

children enjoy being with other

5. Are there any other things your group wants to add to the list? Use language like this to
help you: We think … In our opinion, …
Tell the rest of the class about what you discussed. What is the best position in a family?


You cannot be at the bus station when your father arrives there. Your friend
is going to meet him for you.
Write a message to your friend. Say:
 When your father will arrive
 What he looks like
 What he will be wearing
Write 50-60 words.
Read the following answers given by students. What grade will receive each one from 1 to 5?
Student A: Student B:

Deir Ann, Tomorrow morning at nine o’clock, my father will
I hoap you can help me, please My father arrive at New Street Bus Station.
on holiday, and he will arrive today at 10 He is a Japanese. And he is taller than me. He
p.m. at the bus station. He’s toal and is wearing glasses and he doesn’t have a lot of
fact. He has got toal dark hir and he has hair on his head.
a bard. He will wear suit Thank, Michitaka

Student C: Student D:
Hello Mauro My father arrive half past ten, then he looks like
My father will be arrive to the bus station dark short hair, brown eyes, big ears and quite
on Saturday 23th march, at nine o’clock
in the morning you know I cannot be fat. He wear black coat.
there. Could you go with your blue jacket, Thank you, Olga.
an please don’t forget the paper with
your full name because my father knows
Thank you, your friend Alejandra

Read this text and deicide if sentences 1-6 are correct or incorrect. If a sentence is correct,
write A. If it is incorrect, write B.
1. Stella has three sisters. B
2. Stella’s mother was a photographer.
3. Stella met Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss for the first time at her fashion show in 1995.
4. Everyone was surprised when Stella McCartney was on front page of the newspapers.
5. Stella had jobs in fashion before she left college.
6. Stella thinks about the kinds of clothes famous models like to wear when she is designing.

Stella McCartney was born in 1972, the daughter of pop star Sir Paul
McCartney. She is the youngest of three sisters. One sister is a potter,
and the other sister does the same job as their mother used to do –she
works as a photographer. Stella’s brother, James, is a musician. Stella
first hit the newspapers headlines in 1995 when she graduated in
fashion design from art college. At her final show, her clothes were
modelled by her friends, Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss, both well-
known models. Unsurprisingly, the student show became front-page news around the world.
Stella hadn’t been in the news before as a fashion designer, but she had spent time working in
the fashion world since she was fifteen. In March 1997, Stella went to work for the fashion
house Chloe. People said the famous fashion house had given her the job because of her

surname and her famous parents but Stella soon showed how good she was. She designs
clothes which she would like to wear herself, although she’s not a model, and many famous
models and actors choose to wear them. In 2001 Stella started her own fashion house and has
since opened stores around the world and won many prizes.

WRITING: Write about your family. How many members are there in your
family? How old are your parents and siblings? What do they do?

Do the following crossword.

Across Down
1 My mother’s brother. 2 My brother’s son.
6 I call my mother this. 3 I am his wife.
7 My husband’s sister. 4 My aunt’s child.

9 I call my father this. 5 My father’s father.
11 My father’s wife (not my mother). 8 My child (male).
12 My child (female). 10 My mother’s brother’s wife.


SPEAKING: Speak about your family. How many members are there in your family? How old
are your parents and siblings? What do they do?


A. LISTENING: Listen to a woman talking to a friend. For questions 1-5, mark A, B or

C. You will hear the conversation twice.

1. Eva has a A. big family

B. small family
C. doesn’t know

2. How many siblings does Eva have? A. 1

B. 2
C. 3

3. Eva’s brother is A. 25
B. 18
C. 80

4. Eva’s sister is A. 25
B. 18
C. 52

5. Eva’s sister is A. a chess player

B. a chef
C. a chief

B. WRITING: Read this notice on a wall at your school.

Hi! I’m Eva and I’m writing something for the
school newspaper on families. Can you help me?
How many brothers and sisters do you have? Are

you the youngest or the oldest in your family – or are you
middle or an only child? What do you most enjoy doing
together as a family?
Leave me a note in Room 9. Thanks!
Write a note to Eva. Answer all her questions.

C. SPEAKING: Talk about your family to the whole class. Answer the questions they
ask about your family.


Pay attention to the few features that must be correct in any piece of writing that is to be
marked. If more than one minimum requirement error is found, the writing is returned for
checking before it is marked.

No Minimum requirements Incorrect Correct

1. Subject-verb agreement She hate onions She hates onions

2. Pronoun-noun agreement Please call Maria to tell she about Please call Maria to tell
her mother her about her mother
3. Every sentence must I from Perú I am from Perú
contain a subject and a
4. No spelling errors I need to go witht you I need to go with you

Sign Meaning Example

Prep Wrong preposition prep
I have classes in the night.
Pron Wrong pronoun pron
My father is a teacher. She Works at a
WW Wrong word ww
I have to make my homework.
Word order She is wearing a dress blue.
VT Verb tense vt
Forty years ago, most women stay at home.
SVA Subject verb agreement sva
Many people is_ studying English.
# Number (singular or plural) #
They have a books.
Sp Spelling sp
Yenny lives whit her sister.
˄ Word missing I love chocolate because ˄ is delicious.
------ This is not necessary They are have many problems.
Punc Punctuation punc
He worked all night so he was tired.
Cap Capital letter cap
canada is the second largest country in the
/ New sentence
// New paragraph
______? Unclear She was proper from the law.?

Write your score for each reading passage at the bottom of the chart. Then put an X in one of the
boxes above the reading passage number to mark your time for each passage. Look on the right side
of the chart to find your reading speed for each reading passage. wpm: Words per Minute.

Time wpm
1.50 300
2.00 275
2.10 254
2.20 236
2.30 220
2.40 206
2.50 194
3.00 183
3.10 174
3.20 165
3.30 157
3.40 150
3.50 144
4.00 138
4.10 132
4.20 127
4.30 122
4.40 118
4.50 114
5.00 110
5.10 106
5.20 103
5.30 100
5.40 97
5.50 94
6.00 92
Reading 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14 1 16 17 18 19 2
1 5 0


Each time you do 10 minute writing, put the number of words you wrote on this graph. When your
written work has been marked and returned to you, put the number of errors per 100 words on the
graph for that piece of writing.

Number of words

Error rate per 100 words

Pieces of Writing 1 2 3 4 5


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