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To prevent contamination of the urine and to
1. Ask the woman to wash her hands.
prevent spread of infection.
2. She then needs to open the commercial Prepare the equipment needed. To avoid
clean-catch urine specimen kit and moisten consuming the time.
the cotton balls with the antiseptic solution
or open the prepared antiseptic wipes.
3. Ask the woman to sit on the commode and To easily catch the urine sample.
separate her labia with her nondominant
4. She should then cleanse her perineum, Front-Back practices the principle: cleanest to
washing from front to back, using a cotton dirtiest. To prevent contamination of the urine
ball or wipe for only one stroke and then sample.
discarding it.
Maintain sterile technique to prevent
5. Caution her to avoid touching the
contamination which may alter the
inside of the container or cap
6. The woman should begin urinating, allowing This reduces the risk of the sample being
the first urine to flow into the toilet. Next, contaminated with bacteria from: your hands
she should hold the container under the and the skin around the urethra, the tube that
urine stream until approximately 10 to 20 ml carries urine out of the body. Adequate volume
has been obtained. Once the specimen is of the urine sample (approx. 10-20ml) is also
obtained, she can remove the container, important to further examine the urine. Not
release her hand from her labia, and finish enough urine sample, may result to difficulty of
voiding into the toilet. assessing and examining the sample.
Be sure to put the correct label (name, age,
7. To finish, she should cap the specimen
gender) of the container before sending it to
container, wash her hands, and bring the
the laboratory for testing. Further assessment of
specimen to you. Encourage her to report
the elimination pattern, include presence of pain
whether she felt any pain on urination.
on urination which may indicate UTI.
1. Assemble the necessary equipment. To avoid consuming the time.
Using midstream clean catch method will
2. Collect a midstream clean catch urine prevent harboring bacteria from the
genitals of the patient.
Using the pipette(dropper), take 5ml of the
3. Take 5 ml of Benedict’s solution into the test solution to the test tube. Benedict’s solution is
tube used to test for the presence of sugar in the
Urine was used as a type of clinical sample.
4. Add 8-10 drops of urine into the Benedict’s Presence of glucose in the urine may indicate
solution Glycosuria. It typically occurs due to high blood
sugar levels or kidney damage.
Some sugars such as glucose are called
reducing sugars. When reducing sugars are
5. Now fix the test tube holder, bring the test mixed with Benedicts reagent and heated, a
tube near the Bunsen burner and allow it to reduction reaction causes the Benedicts reagent
heat for 2 minutes. to change color. The color varies from green to
dark red (brick) or rusty-brown, depending on
the amount of and type of sugar.
6. While it is heating, keep stirring the tube Wait until it boils or changes it color to further
continuously. see the result.
 If the color upon boiling is changed into green,
then there would be 0.1 to 0.5 percent sugar
in solution.
• If it changes color to yellow, then 0.5 to 1
percent sugar is present.
• If it changes to orange, then it means that 1
7. Observe the changes
to 1.5 percent sugar is present.
• If color changes to red, then 1.5 to 2.0
percent sugar is present.
• And if color changes to brick red, it means
that more than 2 percent sugar is present in

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