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Our teachers' daily routine

1. Kim Ashman – What is your daily routine? – Put the lines into the correct order.

__ I go to work at about 3 o'clock

__ And when I finish I go home
__ I wake up every day at 8 o'clock.
__ I finish every day at 9 o'clock
__ and I eat my lunch.
__ I make myself some dinner
__ And then I go outside and I do some exercise.
__ And I start teaching at about 5 o'clock.
__ and then I go home
__ and I have a shower
__ and I watch TV.

2. Sam Valentine – Fill in the gaps.

back, check, emails, shower, read, morning, cup, have, name, bed, teach, hour, news, get, about

Hi! My ……………………………… is Sam. I wake up at 9 o'clock in the……………………………….., about 9

o'clock. And then I get up, and make a …………………….. of coffee. I …………………………………. Facebook
and have a look at the ……………………………….. I spend about an ………………………………. drinking coffee,
look at my computer. Then I have a ……………………………….., go to work. I normally ……………………………..
to work at 10:30ish. When I get to work I check my …………………………., talk to my colleagues, what I
need to work. And I ………………………… lunch about 2 o'lock. And then, normally ………………………….. 4
o'clock I go to Quanhai, I need to get the MTR to Quanhai to ………………………….. until 7 o' clock. Then I
come ………………………. home, have dinner, ………………………… for a bit, watch television and go to
…………………………… at about 1 o'clock.

3. Clare Growran – Answer the questions.

a. What time does she get up?
b. Who does she wake up then?
c. With who does she have breakfast?
d. What time do they leave the house?
e. How do they get to school?
f. What time does she drop them off at school?
g. What does she do after?
h. What does she do after collecting her children from school?

4. THE BEST PART OF MY DAY – Fill in the table below.


readi to her children,
have a glass of wine
between 9 and 10
going home, eating my Kim
dinner, watching TV

5. My dream day – Correct the mistakes.

Kim: sun is shining, astronaut, „Will you marry me?”,

Sam: bunch of flowers, see George Clooney, no job, experience weightlessness
Clare: I love you, unemployed, wake up on a spaceship

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