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The goal of the study was to identify the elements that affect small farmers' ability to
produce their own rice, which would increase the respondents' productivity. Without
having an adverse impact on the environment, but rather for a sustainable farming. The
Influence of Palay Production Practices for Family’s Self Sufficiency. Crop production is
the primary endeavor in agriculture. Due to the shifting climatic circumstances, pest
infestations, and disease infections, the farm family may not be able to survive the
entire year on the income from crops. Thus, when the crop is joined with other firms or
when other crops are integrated, an ensured regular cash flow is conceivable. To
accomplish better dividends among the produce crops, however, wise enterprise
combination is also a significant factor, keeping in mind the local environmental
conditions. It will concurrently promote effective waste and residue recycling. Irrigated
lowland farming systems, sustainable agroforest land technology, rice + vegetable
production systems, rice + off-season vegetable production systems, rice + fish
production systems, rice + duck integration systems, rice + rice cropping patterns, rice +
upland crops cropping patterns, and rice + duck integration systems are a few of the
rice-based cropping systems used in the country.
Integrated agricultural techniques also provided farmers with a reliable and stable
income. Pest and di[=-sease accumulation must be decreased through natural crop
management in order to raise system productivity and achieve agro-ecological
equilibrium. Multiple cropping systems are more productive than solitary cropping
systems in terms of the amount of harvestable products per unit area per unit time. As a
result, this strategy raised the net income of the Filipino farmers.
Parent farmers are discouraged from pursuing their objectives even further by the risk
involved in using rice as a dietary source of revenue. for their children to follow in their
footsteps. They attribute the yield's irregular behavior and actual income to its
unpredictability. Weather conditions, shifting input costs and product pricing, natural
disasters like flooding, droughts, and heavy rain, as well as insect and disease
infestations, are all factors. Parent farmers are discouraged from pursuing their
objectives even further by the risk involved in using rice as a dietary source of revenue.
for their children to follow in their footsteps. They attribute the yield's irregular behavior
and actual income to its unpredictability. Weather conditions, shifting input costs and
product pricing, natural disasters like flooding, droughts, and heavy rain, as well as
insect and disease infestations, are all factors.
However, farming households have significant and advantageous repercussions for
farmers' desires for how their progeny would resemble them. Farmers' ages and the
total number of children in a family. Farmers required help since they were getting older.
preserving the rice and maintaining the land according to family farming practices.

The study's main goal was to identify the components impacting farmers' independence
to increase their output in an eco-friendly method. sufficient economic theories that
emphasize strengthening agricultural capability through independence by utilizing social
capital, Natural resources and local knowledge for rural development that is sustainable.
While market changes in the rice industry result in lower consumer pricing in particular
that benefits everyone, rice imports are on the rise and cause disadvantaged people to
be displaced. that mainly rely on agriculture for factor incomes, especially on the
cultivation of palay rice and other linked pursuits. Production of and prices for output of
the palay fall. This results in less of a demand for reduced factor prices in agriculture,
decreased factor inputs in the sector, and decreased factor revenues for these
households. As a result, both the level of poverty in these groups and overall income
disparity worsen. However, the outcomes of the tests using different poverty-offsetting
strategies show that a stronger safety net may be possible with an increase in direct
government disbursements to certain family categories.
For around 80% of Filipinos, rice is a necessary food item. Key component of
consumers' consumption basket. It is the most crucial thing. Consequently, the
Philippines' agricultural product is a significant source of income for Filipino farmers
number millions. Politically significant as it is, the government is extensively invested in
its distribution and supply chains to guarantee consumers a sufficient and to provide a
steady supply at affordable costs and to provide rice producers with a fair return,
sufficient pricing incentives.
Several studies in the Philippines have examined political concerns relating to
nonetheless, the methodology used mostly uses partial equilibrium analysis. Partial
However, equilibrium analysis undervalues the potential impacts of the reforms because
Due to its importance as a major agricultural crop, rice has several connections, both
direct and indirect. Economic system. Additionally, the majority of the empirical research
done does not extend the analysis to consider how it affects poverty While previous
research offers estimations of It does not affect changes in consumer and producer
surpluses or the Gini coefficient. Enlighten us on the causes of poverty and the extent of
it. This essay fills in the literature's methodological vacuum. The review directed the
researcher’s path in order to come up with a precise move in the conduct in the study.

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