Summary Chapter 6

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Cloud as the elastic leasing of pooled computer resources over the Internet.
The term cloud is used because most early diagrams of three-tier and other Internet-
based systems used a cloud symbol to represent the Internet, and organizations came
to view their infrastructure as being “somewhere in the cloud.” Besides, the term
elastic, which was first used this way by Amazon, means that leased computing
resources can be increased or decreased dynamically, programmatically, in a short
span of time and that organizations pay for only the resources they use. Elasticity is
not the same thing as scalability, which is the ability to respond to slow incremental
growth in demand. Cloud resources are pooled because many different organizations
use the same physical hardware and they share that hardware through virtual
organization.  With the cloud, the resources are accessed over the internet such as a
Google Chromebook. The cloud is the future for most organizations for three reasons
which are processors, data communication, and data storage are so cheap that they are
nearly free (Moores Law), virtualization technology enables the near instantaneous
creation of a new virtual machine and internet-based standards enable cloud-hosting
vendors to provide processing capabilities in flexible yet standardized ways. There are
also have three type of cloud service offerings which are infrastructure as a service
(IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS). A content
delivery network (CDN) is a system of hardware and software that stores user data in
many different geographical locations and makes those data available on demand.
Lastly, a virtual private network (VPN) uses the Internet to create the appearance of
private, secure connections. A private cloud is a cloud owned and operated by an
organization for its own benefit. Meanwhile, virtual private cloud (VPC) is a subset of
a public cloud that has highly restricted, secure access.

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