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Meeting Transcription 045025303d

Meeting starte:/ 2,4,303d1 88AdDA2d uM

mPration/ 83 linPtes
barticipants/ ujCert TanahPra1 ungejo Byito GaHron1 Cene hosepy
cantijjas1 Neraj: Man:al1 gerjie ogatis1 kPP Jyat1 Marv
xoyn mej uầejjano1 reâon osorio1 TrVn Twl

.ieO originaj transcript to e:it yigyjigyts1 get access to screensyots an: attacye:


00A00 gerjie ogatis/ fvaH1 so 9ole to sole eâtentS ujso groPn: cyeese ?aije:
in tyis particPjar partnerS ke :i: not actPajjH oầercole tyat vin: o? reajitH tyat in
or:er to estaCjisy a NerlanH no tyere are preconstitPte: institPtions ?ejt tyat tyere
are no tyere are no preconstitPte: institPtions are cjasses so ye ?aije: in tyat eầen
grPlpH ?iej: in
00A3L gerjie ogatis/ Jo ye ?aije: to notice tyat tyere are reajjH constitPtes interest
Oyetyer HoP jive it or notS 9o Oyat Gren:an lentione: to PsI koO can HoP eầen
conầince tyel1 eầen
08A83 gerjie ogatis/ GPt ?or post Marâists jive Fa BjaO an: loầeS 7? HoP reajjH Oant
to Oin1 HoP ajso yaầe to oầercole :i??erent ?actorsS 7n tye societH1 part o? tyat
is capitajislS GecaPse i? HoP laH1 HoP Oijj eầentPajjH Ce :e?eate: i? HoP cannot
actPajjH tave in otyer ?actorsS
03A32 Cene hosepy cantijjas/ 'or Tye enầironlentaj loầelent/ Tye enầironlentaj
loầelent articPjates tye interests o? ầarioPs groPps1 incjP:ing enầironlentajists1
scientists1 an: pojicHlavers1 Oyo are concerne: aCoPt cjilate cyange an:
enầironlentaj :egra:ationS Tye loầelent articPjates :i??erent ejelents jive
cjilate cyange1 pojjPtion1 energH1 an: sPstainaCijitH to ?orl a cojjectiầe i:entitH
an: pojiticaj prohectS
0DA4z gerjie ogatis/ JoO1 7 ligyt en: lH jectPre yere hPst ?or HoP to Ce aCje to
tyinv aCoPt 7 Oijj jeaầe HoP yanging an: Oe6jj continPe oPr jectPre aCoPt tyis neât
leetingS Tye sociaj is openS Tye sociaj is ansOere:S 7n otyer Oor:s1 tye sociaj is
open ?or anH potentiaj :iscoPrseS Tyat ligyt giầe an e??ect to HoPr reajitHS Tye
:iscoPrse tyat tyeH Pse a??ect reajitHS fvaHS so1 7t6s not reajjH tyat eầerHtying is
ajrea:H :e?ine: no Oyat ra:icaj :elocracH yere is giầing Ps is a certain certain
reajiqation tyat tye sociaj ?iej: is open ?or anH ?orl o? interpretation o? articPjation
o? pojiticaj articPjationS
0LA40 gerjie ogatis/ 9o tye GGM sPpporter is cajje: tye yPlp on u colponentS
7t6s nice1 rigytI 7 lean got oneS 9o ajso i? HoP are Ceing jaCeje: as tye meaty 9tar1

8,Y TranscriCe: CH Tacti-

tyere6s ajso not a goo: terlS JoO tye territorH an: tire: retar:e:1 rigytI (ejjoO
Torres is soletying jive tyatS 9o tyis is tye :anger yereS Tye sociaj is ầerH openS
9o it seels tyat tye cyajjenge reajjH is ?or HoP to create a pojiticaj articPjation tyat
can Ce yegelonHS
80A28 gerjie ogatis/ 76jj giầe HoP a yea:s Pp ayea: o? tile CecaPse it seels tyat
Oe are Ceing inầite: to con:Pct a ?ace)to)?ace ?inaj :e?ense ?or tyose Oyo are
ajrea:H Pn:er ?eces OritingS 9o 7 hPst CroOse oầer lH scye:Pje to:aH so tyat 7 can
giầe HoP a yea:s Pp1 76jj jeaầe one assignlent pjease in oPr CjacvCoar: to:aH1


00A00 gerjie oS/ fvaH1 so 9ole to sole eâtentS ujso groPn: cyeese ?aije: in tyis
particPjar partnerS ke :i: not actPajjH oầercole tyat vin: o? reajitH tyat in or:er
to estaCjisy a NerlanH no tyere are preconstitPte: institPtions ?ejt tyat tyere are
no tyere are no preconstitPte: institPtions are cjasses so ye ?aije: in tyat eầen
grPlpH ?iej: in
00A3z gerjie oS/ oầercoling econolisl ut sole pointS
00A3L gerjie oS/ Jo ye ?aije: to notice tyat tyere are reajjH constitPtes interest
Oyetyer HoP jive it or notS 9o Oyat Gren:an lentione: to PsI koO can HoP eầen
conầince tyel1 eầen
00A40 kPP JS/ ki eầerHone1 tyis is an aPtolate: lessage to jet HoP vnoO lH
Tacti- eâtension Wyttps/,,tacti-Sio,r,transcriCingR is transcriCing tyis leeting ?or
le so 7 can giầe lH ?Pjj attention to HoPS
00A48 gerjie oS/ i? HoPr articPjation is goo:I Eyat yappene: yereI 7t aPtolate: isS
mescriCing tyis leeting ?or le to 7 can giầe lH ?Pjj attention to HoPS Eyat is tyis
noOI 9o anH tyat tyat particPjar partS JoS un: so tyat6s tye cyajjengeS JoO1 yoO
:o HoP oầercole tyat particPjar jilitI 9o syoPj: sociajisl is hPst one colponents
o? Qa:icaj :elocracHS
08A83 gerjie oS/ GPt ?or post Marâists jive Fa BjaO an: loầeS 7? HoP reajjH Oant
to Oin1 HoP ajso yaầe to oầercole :i??erent ?actorsS 7n tye societH1 part o? tyat
is capitajislS GecaPse i? HoP laH1 HoP Oijj eầentPajjH Ce :e?eate: i? HoP cannot
actPajjH tave in otyer ?actorsS
08Ad2 gerjie oS/ JoS 7n ?act Oyat Oe are not Ceing aCje to rejate to OoPj: Ce tye
neO con:itions o? HoPr societHS Jo antagonistic groPps jive HoP ajso yaầe to ?actor
in Tye interest o? ?elinislS Jo1 it6s ầerH strongS Eyat :oes tyeH yaầe to ?actor in
enầironlentajistI FNGTS 7t6s ajrea:H jong FbN jgCt-iaS 7 :on6t eầen vnoO Oyat tyese
tyings stan: ?orS un: otyer eâistingS JeO reajitiesS Tyat ligyt strPggje against HoPr
attelpt ?or a NerlanH1 tyese tyingsS 9o HoP yaầe to consi:er tyese tyingsS
03A8D gerjie oS/ 7t6s ầerH irrejeầant ?or HoP to Oage HoPr strPggjeS

3,Y TranscriCe: CH Tacti-

03A32 Cene hScS/ 'or Tye enầironlentaj loầelent/ Tye enầironlentaj loầelent
articPjates tye interests o? ầarioPs groPps1 incjP:ing enầironlentajists1 scientists1
an: pojicHlavers1 Oyo are concerne: aCoPt cjilate cyange an: enầironlentaj
:egra:ationS Tye loầelent articPjates :i??erent ejelents jive cjilate cyange1
pojjPtion1 energH1 an: sPstainaCijitH to ?orl a cojjectiầe i:entitH an: pojiticaj
03A3Y gerjie oS/ 7? HoP1 i? HoP :riầe aOaH lelCers o? tyis progressiầe groPps1
QelelCer1 no1 i? HoP :riầe aOaH1 tye articPjate1 tye incyes o? ầirPs groPps1
incjP:ing enầironlentajjH scientists pojicHlavers1 Oyo are concerne: aCoPt
tye cjilate cyange an: enầironlentajS megra:ation tye loầelent articPjates
:i??erent ejelents jive cjilate cyange pojjPtion to ?orl a cojjectiầe i:entitH an:
pojiticaj tyat is trPe pojiticaj prohectS JoS ầen tyis i:ea o? jive ?igyting ?or Oolen1
rigyt NaCriejjaS
03A2Y gerjie oS/ GPt Oe ajso ?aij to notice tyat tyis groPps can Ce (oP vnoO1 in a OaH1
:ictate: CH sole vin: o? prele:itate: pre)eâisting insPrance1 tyeH ligyt eầen Ce
sPstaine:S GH a groPp tyat ajso yas an interestS Tyere ligyt Ce pojitics Ceyin: i? HoP
Oant to ?or le to pPt it CjPntjHS Tyere ligyt Ce pojitics Ceyin:S Tye organiqation
o? tyis groPpS Fet6s saH NaCriejja1 7 ligyt saH it6s not pPrejH ?or pPrposes o? jive
peryaps :e?en:ing Oolen6s1 rigytI TyeH ligyt Ce pojitics Ceyin: tyatS
0dAdD gerjie oS/ nầironlentajisl1 tyeH ligyt Ce pojitics Ceyin: tyatS 9o i? Oe ?aij
to tave in tyis progressiầe groPps interest1 an: tyen Oe ligyt ajso ?aij in Oaging
or laHCe Oeaầing a NerlanHS GecaPse tyere6s a :i??erence e-Pation Ce?ore an:
a?ter capitajisl an: Oe are ?acing noOS u ầerH cyajjenging 9itPationS 9o CH Oaging
yegelonH1 Oe ajso yaầe to Ce reajistic aCoPt tye eâistence o? tyis progressiầe
groPps1 not in tye ancient regileS
04A83 gerjie oS/ 7t6s ầerH easH to 7 lean1 HoP vnoO1 :iầi:e tyelS 7t6s hPst CetOeen
Tye ?eP:aj jor:s an: tye pope1 tyat6s Oyat tye pojiticaj :iầi:e is ajj aCoPt :Pring
tye ancient regileS Bapitajisl on tye otyer yan: yas a lore colpjeâ i:entitH an:
rejationsS fvaHI 9o in tyere?ore it6s not reajjH easH to :iầi:e societH into tOo calps
noOa:aHs1 GetOeenS un oppressor an: oppressS 7t6s not easH to silpjH :iầi:e tye
societH CetOeen an oppressant an: an oppressS
04A4L gerjie oS/ Ee notice tyat1 rigytI Pl ilagine it is ajso yar: to :raO tye
?rontiers in tye capitajist societH it laves yegelonic articPjation ầerH crPciaj
relelCer in tye tyir: Test tile noO Tye tyir: :aH is Ceing a articPjate: Psing
so lanH terls1 rigytI ke can Ce an enelH o? tye cyPrcyS 7t :i: yappen at sole
point Oyen 7 Oent to Piapo an: tyere Oas atten:ing one scye:Pje: lasterS
02A33 gerjie oS/ Tye priest OoPj: Ce so ầPjgar in 7 reajjH QPnning sPpport ?rol
peopje to go against tye1 vijjing tye TovangS Jo1 CecaPse1 o? coPrse1 it6s reajjH
ầiojatiầe o? oPr rigyt ?or ji?eS un: tyat eầerHCo:H Ceing vijje: is reajjHS BrilinajsS
JoO1 tyere are tyose Oyo are actPajjH innocent an: hPst Oe hPst Pse tye Oor:
cojjateraj :alage1 rigytI us oPr OaH o? jive1 MaHCe 'orgeting tye :arv si:e o? tyatS

d,Y TranscriCe: CH Tacti-

02A2z gerjie oS/ Eyat ejseI ke can ajso Ce tye enelH o? tye Oorving cjass1 not
pPtting an en: to tye en:1 to tyinv tyat ye prolise: :Pring tye calpaign1 f?
coPrse1 ye Oasn6t an enelH o? tye OolenS TyeH agreeS ujj tye raầe hoves an: tye
lacyislo tyat ye yas to tyroOS 9ye can ajso Ce an enelH o? tye intejjectPajs1 Tyis
attelptI Five1 7 tyinv it6s reajjH :ejiCerate1 not hPst speav in tye GisaHaS
0YA3D gerjie oS/ un: articPjating yilsej? to Ce a lessiay1 jive1 tyat is eầen Psing
ầisaHa aOar:s jive eầen :irtH Oor:s1 jive HaOa an: soletying jive tyatS 7t6s a ầerH
:irtH CisaHa Oor:1 CPt laHCe it6s ajso yis lanner o? jive1 laving an: articPjation
tyat ligyt appeaj1 to peopje tyat 76l a collonerS un: 76l Oity1 HoP vnoO1 so in
trHing to CPij: a NerlanH1 tyere are :i??erent ejelents tyat Oe yaầe to consi:er
tye i:entities o? tye ejelent are not CreavS
0YA24 gerjie oS/ ầen1 it :epen:s on yoO HoP rejate or jinv tyel to otyer peopjeS
9o1 tyis is noO tye trPe cyajjengeS 7? Oe reajjH Oant to attain NerlanH1 Oe ajso
yaầe to lave an attelpt to CPij: cyains o? e-Piầajence CH :i??erent positions1
ovaHI GH :i??erent sPpport groPps i? HoP OantS JoS 9o1 7 OoPj: joầe to continPe
eầerHtying neât leeting CPt Oejj o? coPrse Oe yaầe so lanH articPjate: terls jive
tye telp car:s tyat 7 yate HoPr loneH articPjation pinv jaanS Fet6s ajso a yegelonic
0zAd2 gerjie oS/ Ban HoP ?ojjoOI 7t6s jive :irecting HoP into a certain OaH o?
jive i:enti?Hing tyelS Eyat ejseI Tye 7 :on6t vnoOS koO :o HoP cajj tye GGM
sPpportersI 7 :on6t vnoO reajjH1 CPt FennH at sole pointS ker enelH Oere ầerH
sPccess?PjS ker enelies Oere ầerH sPccess?Pj in articPjating tye terl1 pinv ?joOer
oneS 7t6s not a goo: terl CecaPse eầen i? HoP are proloting sole vin: o? pinv
jiCeration loầelent CPt HoP are stijj Ceing tie: to tye HejjoO :ejaPna tye
0DA0D ungejo BSGS/ sa CCl po vavalpon
0DA0L gerjie oS/ joans HejjoOS 9o pinv ja once it6s not a goo: terl an: tyeH eầen
re?er to tye HejjoO1 tye HejjoO car:s1 HoP vnoO Oyat1 a HejjoO tar:isS 7t6s not ajso
a goo:S BajcPjation1 7? HoP are Ceing jaCeje: as a HejjoO tar:1 noS 7t6s jive HoP6re
retar:e:S 7t6s 7t6s sole vin: o? tyis psHcyojogicaj1 7 :on6t vnoOS 9o HejjoO Torres
an: tye pinv ajjoOanceS un: so tyese tyings vnoOs a yegelonic prohect o? tye
cjoP: an: loầeS
0DAdL gerjie oS/ Tyere are ajOaHs lanH colpeting yegelonic articPjationS
GecaPse tye sociaj1 tyis is tye tye Ca: si:e aCoPt itS
0DA4z gerjie oS/ JoO1 7 ligyt en: lH jectPre yere hPst ?or HoP to Ce aCje to
tyinv aCoPt 7 Oijj jeaầe HoP yanging an: Oe6jj continPe oPr jectPre aCoPt tyis neât
leetingS Tye sociaj is openS Tye sociaj is ansOere:S 7n otyer Oor:s1 tye sociaj is
open ?or anH potentiaj :iscoPrseS Tyat ligyt giầe an e??ect to HoPr reajitHS Tye
:iscoPrse tyat tyeH Pse a??ect reajitHS fvaHS so1 7t6s not reajjH tyat eầerHtying is
ajrea:H :e?ine: no Oyat ra:icaj :elocracH yere is giầing Ps is a certain certain
reajiqation tyat tye sociaj ?iej: is open ?or anH ?orl o? interpretation o? articPjation
o? pojiticaj articPjationS

4,Y TranscriCe: CH Tacti-

0LA40 gerjie oS/ 9o tye GGM sPpporter is cajje: tye yPlp on u colponentS 7t6s
nice1 rigytI 7 lean got oneS 9o ajso i? HoP are Ceing jaCeje: as tye meaty 9tar1
tyere6s ajso not a goo: terlS JoO tye territorH an: tire: retar:e:1 rigytI (ejjoO
Torres is soletying jive tyatS 9o tyis is tye :anger yereS Tye sociaj is ầerH openS
9o it seels tyat tye cyajjenge reajjH is ?or HoP to create a pojiticaj articPjation tyat
can Ce yegelonHS
80A80 gerjie oS/ un: tyat ligyt ajso tave in a jot o? neO eâisting ?orces1 neO reajities
tyat Oe yaầe to :eaj Oity to:aH1 jive tye eâistence o? tyis groPps1 jive ?elinisl
enầironlentajjHS 9o it6s a reajjH easH as it is CecaPse HoP are actPajjHS 7 lean
?acing a jot o? spora:ic sociaj ?orces1 koO can HoP get tyeir sPpport1 ovaH1 an: tye
prolotion o? an: loầe yere1 tyeH6re proposaj is ?or HoP to create peryaps a ầerH
strong pojiticaj artic fvaH1 so 7 :on6t vnoO i? 7 can atten: oPr cjass neât leetingS
80A28 gerjie oS/ 76jj giầe HoP a yea:s Pp ayea: o? tile CecaPse it seels tyat Oe
are Ceing inầite: to con:Pct a ?ace)to)?ace ?inaj :e?ense ?or tyose Oyo are ajrea:H
Pn:er ?eces OritingS 9o 7 hPst CroOse oầer lH scye:Pje to:aH so tyat 7 can giầe HoP
a yea:s Pp1 76jj jeaầe one assignlent pjease in oPr CjacvCoar: to:aH1
88A38 gerjie oS/ Eyen Oijj Ce oPr jast leeting1 tye eâal is on1 tyeH yaầe an i:eaS
88A3D ujCert TS/ .erH yigyS
88A3L gerjie oS/ MaH 30S
88Ad3 ujCert TS/ 30S
88Add gerjie oS/ 30S
88Ad4 ujCert TS/ 2S
88Ad2 gerjie oS/ MaH 2S
88Adz ujCert TS/ 32S
88A40 Cene hScS/ 'iầe1 MaH 32S
88A48 ujCert TS/ 4 21 4S
88A43 TrVn TS/ laH 34
88A43 gerjie oS/ igyt to ?iầeS
88A4d ujCert TS/ EyenI
88A44 gerjie oS/ Ban HoP rigyt yereI
88A42 Cene hScS/ 32
88A42 gerjie oS/ MaH 34S Tyanv HoPS us HoP get 76jj giầe HoP 30 ?or 32S 76jj giầe HoP
one piece to:aH an: 76jj trH to pPt in oPr lessenger groPp1 Oyateầer ligyt yappen

2,Y TranscriCe: CH Tacti-

CecaPse 7 ligyt actPajjH go tyere an: atten: tye onjine eityer ?ace to ?ace :e?enseS
GHe eầerHoneS No: CjessS kaầe a goo: :aHS
83A0D Neraj: MS/ Tyanv HoP ?or MolS
83A0D Cene hScS/ fvaHS
83A0D gerjie oS/ TyanvsS
83A0L Marv xSmSuS/ Tyanv HoP1 MolS
83A0L reâon oS/ Tyinv aCoPt Miss Neraj:ineS
83A80 gerjie oS/ Tyanv HoPS
83A88 TrVn TS/ Tyanv HoP
83A8d ungejo BSGS/ Tyanv HoP ?or No: CjessS

Y,Y TranscriCe: CH Tacti-

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