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i Le Taso ae an od aces |[_acivne ||| ieee Ofcecom_] the alignment. Once the rond alignment finalize it is very difficult to change i daring construction, Basic requirement of an ideas alignment ‘The ideal alignment between two termimal stations should meet the following basic requirements. i Short: the alignment of road should be as short possible it provide economy in construction, maintenance and traffic operation. i. Easy: the alignment of road should be easy in construction maintenance and traffic operation To meet these requirements the alignment should make as fat as possible a Economical: alignment of road should be economical in construction maintenance and weffic operation. in order to have an economy the road should be free from excessive cutting) and filling . It should have minimum cross ~ drainage work such a bridges, culvert etc. iv, GHEBBhe alignment of road should give maximum utility) To meet this requirement the Alignment of road should pass through maximum population area. It should pass through intermediate important town, and group of villages. + GHD The alignment of roxd should be safe in trafic operation: To meet this requirement all the geometric elements of road should be desizned property. \1 QRUMEEEEED!. the oligrment/of yond showsld:pass through good nauwrabaspect To mect ths requirement, the abgnment of road should pass through a region of matural beauty and sseeneey. 2.7 Factors Controlling Alignment of Road As far as possib! + all the geometic elements of road should be desizned properly. vt Natural aspect: the alignment of road should pass through good natural aspect. To meet this requirement, the alignment of road should pass through a region of natural beauty and scenery 17 Factors Controlling Aligament of Road — As far as possible the ahanments of road should be short so that it will be economical ix “construction and maintenance To fulfill this requirement the alignment of road should be | sraigbt But there are oue or more reasons because of which alignment aced to be change. 1. The alignment of road should pass through mtermediate important town ot villages, group of villages, social, commercial places ete, ii Tf the alignment needs to bypass the existing town or'city than it has to be chaiiged by eee eririogely iu The gradient [pf road should ot too steep. So in onder to avoid excessive sise or fall slgnment needs to be chanze, iv@QUINB the aligtment should have flat curve. The radius of curve should aot less than 230 egy fereien igen fa odes curve the alignment need t0 be change. \ CEST TVAGENEE: The alignment should pass through such area where cross. drainage work is minimum. The construction cost of the road along each alternative — 2.8 Questions se your Ofice pout isiactve To use for fies. sigh and use the Webs version. drainage work is minimum. The construction cost of the road along cach alternative alignment depends upon number of eross drainage work vi. Existing river, railway crossing: As far as possible the road alignment should cross railway line or river at right angle. vat Costly land: the alignment of road should not pass through costly land vai, Nature of soil: the subgrade soil through which alignment of road passing should be sufficient strong. 1 ix Earthwork: there should be minimum earthwork: approximate amount of cutting should be ‘equal 1o amount of filling 2.8 Questions Q11. Discuss the methods of conducting following types of survey (@ Map study or paper location —_—__ji) Reconnaissance survey (iii) Preliminary survey _iv) Location survey Q2. Explain with sketch how will plot the altemative alignment on topographic map of hilly Q3. what are the objectives of reconnaissance survey. Q4 list out the points to be cover while preparing the reconnaissance report 5 list out the points to be cover while preparing the Detail Project Report (DPR) for road Q6. Discuss various types of drawing to be prepared with recommended scale and size for new highway project Q7. Howl yo | jeet.gsaglecm thang you een

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