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Bing Hotel Bills For the Period 21st - 20th Feburary,2017 ROOM ARRIVAL DEPARTURE NUMBER SN NO DATE DATE OF NIGHT = AMOUNT 2 RONY 335 21-Feb 24-Feb a 47,484.20 2. SAMSON OLUKAN 334 Reb 24-Feb 31,662.80 yore ross SORES IID RSAC DESIST Date 24-Feb-17 z QuarterHouse Hotel Time 6:18:70 aM * +2 ghn Rn Maal RS, Kane NSH * * ‘Mobile: 4234 (09810402 7573 * oeemeceick GUEST BILL tccnckein iit Room Number 334 Roony Rate _—~18,50°0,_ Bill Number 4598 Diecount OF 20 Nae Guest Name OLUKAN SAMSOM ea 3 C- ‘Arrival Date 22-Feb1T —s Departure Date 24-Feb-1T > } No in Room 1 : = = Sottiement OF Bi G1 $2 [Master Bill] ve, ome Reon, OM at a PE Gore. 1 aBFebAT 34 ROOM Road 13.248,00 13,248.00 2 22FebiT 334 sicharge Rod 4,686.00 44,904.00 3 tare? a4 Vet Road 6240 15,566.40 4 22FeD i? 334 Tourism Lev ROG 26500 15,834.40 8 aeFobtT 384 ROOM Rae 13.2480 28,079.40 6 2erebtT 3 SiCharge Raa 1,686.00 30,735.40 7 HiFebtT 3a Vat R334 02.40 34,397.80 6 23 Fobt7 934 TourismLey —-RA84 265.00 -34,682.80 Total 31882 60 T ‘Gost Bl Printed BY MERCY vaubet Sige Have You Dropped Your Gor Gard? Date Fray, February ‘Thanks Fer Staying With Us. Page tol! BOSSE EIEIO ICRI IR TOI IOI IE : QuarterHouse Hotel * * (Oba Mala GIA, Rada Nigeria = ‘ Moni 734 (M0 #1275 * Sphbctoninte GUEST BILL iiceresisssssis Room finder 335 Room Rate Bill Number 4583 Discount OF Guest Name HAGE RONY ji arrival Date 21-Feb-17 : Departure Date 24-FebA7 No in Room 1 = Settlement Of Bill G1 S2 [Mastor Bi - So. Sele Reon va ret oni cok 1 RufebiT as ROOM a8 3248.00 2 2tFebi7 235 ‘siGherge Ra36 1886 00 T 3 RMFebtT 355 Val 35 62.40 4 21Feb1T 335 Tourism Lev R335 265.00 5 2FebIT 355° ROOM R98 1324800 6 Btwoit 335 — SiChage BSS 1188600 7 @2FebtT 335 Vat R335 862.40 & BFebit 335 ToulsmLey R805 265.00 @ 2dFebIT 336 ROOM R336 15,248.00 10 23Femi? 336 ‘SiGharge: R38 1,656.00 T 1 Bre Svat rans o88a6 120 23-Feb17 335 Tourisin Lew R35 265.00, ata 4749420 Guest Signature Guest rind BY MERCY Date Friday, February ‘Thanks Fer Staying With Us. Page tot Date 24-Feb-17 Time 7:19:20.4M, lanes 13,248.00 14,904.00 15,566.40 415,834.40 20,079.40 20,738.40 31,387.80 31,662.80 4431080 46,566.80 47-228.20 47,494.20 Have You Dropped You Door Card?

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