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FT-3361905 FABRICATION TECHNOLOGY-3361905 Assignment /Chapter-1 Explain the scope of Fabrication Technology in Industries. (4) Explain selection criteria of power source. (3) Define weldability and explain its importance. (2) Classify power source & list advantages & limitation of t. (5) Explain the concept of Weldability (2) = Describe application of power sources for welding process? Sool fole|e Define weldability and list the factors affecting welability (2) JChapter-2 NY List types of welded joint and explain Tee-joint with its application Draw sketch for corner joint, edge joint and lap joint (3) Draw the diagrammatic layout for piping joints. (3) Explain shop weld plan.(5)_ J Explain weld test plan (WTP) (3) Draw three foundation bolt. it 2 3 4 5__| Explain need of welding codes (4) 6 7 8 Explain grouting. (3) 9 | Explain welding procedure specific 10 _| Enlist welder performance qi 11 __| Enlist the welding position for Bipe and draw sketch for each position. Draw the stand: tion of elements of welding symbols with the help of neat sketch. (1) 15 | Draw any,sixsupplémentary weld symbols (2) 16 | Explain cOnflepjoint and its application. 17 _| Enlisi{th@welding position for pipe and draw sketch for each position (2) 18 e bill of material for gas welding (3) 1 bill of material for arc welding (2) 20 je the rules for showing weld symbol in welding drawing Chapter-3 List equipment and machines used for edge preparation (4) Write fabrication steps of pressure vessel Write fabrication steps of heat exchanger (4) Draw sketch for any three edge preparation for welding 1 2 3 ‘4___| Explain with neat sketch plate welding position 5 6 Write need and application of edge preparation, (4) By: Diploma Mechanical E-Learning. FT-3361905 7__| Explain need of preheating (4) 8 __| Explain need of post heating (2) 9 | List method of reliving thermal stress & explain pening of them (6) 10 | Describe friction welding with figure. 11 _| Explain concepts of welding automation 12 _| State the methods of post heating (3) 13 _ | Write application and selection criteria of post weld heat treatment. 14 | Explain Laser beam welding process. And also State the advantages and applications of laser beam welding (7) 15 Describe friction welding with figure. s 16 | Explain electron beam welding with figure (4) 17__| Explain need of stress reliving & list application. 18 _ | Explain method of removing thermal stress 19 | Explain ultrasonic welding process (3) 20 _ | Explain post-héating in welding i —- 21 _ | Explain pre-heating in welding 22__| Describe friction welding with figure 23 _| State the methods of post heating 24 | Explain the methods for preheating of weld. 25 _ | Write application for post heating of weld, 26 | Explain with neat sketch plate Welding position 27__| list necessary precautions for welding safety.(3) 28 | Write safety norms of arc welding (4) 29 | Write safety norms of gas welding. (4) a r-4 Write the definition of thermal distoftion, its Causes, types and effect (3) Write methods to control thermal distortion (5) Write the difference b ispection and testing of weld. (3) List various weldi ‘explain any two of them (2) List the weld hods and explain any two of them (2) \F crack and their remedies for weld (2) ality and explain its importance (2) 1 2 3 4 5 6 _ | Write the cause: complete joints and remedies of its. (2) 7 8 9 1 in h any six welding defects Write remedies for preparing defect free weld. Explain methods of surface cleaning \/Chapter-5 Explain surface color coating by rollers (4) Explain sand blasting (3) Classify surface color coating & explain air-spray (4) Explain surface cleaning. By: Diploma Mechanical E-Learning FT-3361905 Describe sand blasting surface preparation method 6 _| List surface finishing methods and explain brushing and grinding methods for surface finishing. (2) Chapter-6 Explain erection procedure for piping. (5) State erection steps for common fabrication structure.(5) Explain meaning of Installation and Commissioning. (3), Explain erection procedure of fabricated equipment (2) Briefly describe procedure of alignment_—)—— olalelelr|=| Explain the foundation of boiler rr By: Diploma Mechanical E-Learning.

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