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Group #: 5

Group Leader: Joshua Salyh

Group Secretary: Chloe Teves
Group Members: Hannah Aquino
Karlo Marquez
John Carlos Amores
Edzel Malongayon
Marecris Boiser
Irish Factor

Chapter 2


This chapter presents a brief review of local and foreign related literature and studies

gathered by the researchers from particular articles in the internet and published materials that

would support the research problem with regards to existing solar-powered lights and their

capabilities for improvement for the betterment of Ateneo de Davao Senior High School’s

Ecoteneo advocacy. The authors of the literature were properly cited and sanctioned. The

propositions, findings, and theories of the authors served as a guide in understanding this study.

LED-type Lights for Solar-Powered Lamps


The Philippines has potentially greater aspirational target of 1,528 MW attributed to solar

power in the National Renewable Energy Plan. The country’s energy consumption is about

149,067 gigawatt-hours by 2030 ,with an estimated demand of 86,809 GWh for the year 2018

and a precise demand of 55,417 GWh in year 2008. The maximum demand should hit 14,311

GWh by 2018 and increases up to 24,534 GWh by 2030.

About 17,000 MW new capacities should be put in to ensure sufficient power supply

considering the demand. Luzon will be needing 12,500 MW for the next 20 years while

Mindanao and Visayas are both experiencing electricity shortage. Hence, both will need 2,150

MW and 2,500 MW for new capacities ( DOE,2009-2030).

According to the National Renewable Energy Program (NREP), the status of the

country’s RE base should reach 15,304 MW in 2030 which is triple the existing installed base

with 10% of the base for solar power. The price of electricity was particularly high in 2010 in

which Php 2.92 per kWh was recorded last August 2010 where it brought possible savings of

only 59 centavos per kWh using the NREB model.This study proves that the RE model is

effective, including solar causing the power price to decrease.

Solar is affordable, the rate of solar will not add Php 9.68 per kWh. With 50MW of solar

power, the impact on consumers will only be 0.3 centavos per kWh.Thus, a household that

consumes an average of 300 kWh a month costs less than P1 a month. The FIT (Feed-In Tariff)

allows solar energy price to be fixed for 20 years, however the price of power derived from fossil

fuels will continue to arise (Zusammenarbeit, 2013).

Climate Change

A recent study exhibits a factor about photovoltaic energy we by no means anticipated

or thinking viable – it contributes to climate change.

The study, conducted via climate exchange lookup scientist Aixue Hu of the National Center for

Atmospheric Research and published Monday in the journal Nature Climate Change, observed

that solar panels tend to reason regional cooling when converting daylight into electricity and

increase city area temperatures when said electrical energy transforms into heat.

Researchers carried out climate model sensitivity experiments to appear at the outcomes of

solar panels placed in a variety of regions.

Solar electricity is the world’s most important source of renewable energy, in accordance to the

Solar Energy Industries Association. Yet despite its abundance, researchers say the use of

even the smallest amount of attainable photovoltaic strength would be adequate to supply

electricity for the whole globe.

If just a little amount of electricity would help us for years, wouldn’t it be smart to installation

copious amounts of photovoltaic panels for an endless supply? As the study reveals, likely not.

Large solar installations affect global and regional climate with the aid of taking solar radiation

and distributing it in a unique manner than herbal processes. In turn, the farms exchange

neighborhood radiation balance, “resulting in adjustments in atmospheric circulation.”

Furthermore, aside from the find out about the results, the manufacturing of solar panels has its

own negative environmental impacts.

Various chemicals, inclusive of sodium hydroxide and hydrofluoric acid, are used in panel

production, emitting greenhouse gases and creating waste, National Geographic reports. The

Solar Scorecard, a notion generated through the Silicon Valley Toxic Coalition, ranks the world’s

producers every yr and pushes for businesses to use more sustainable practices.

But in the end, in spite of the drawbacks of instillations, solar power consumption is still a higher

alternative to the usage of fossil fuels (Harvey, 2014).

Local and International Universities and Cities with Solar Power-related Projects

Solar-powered lights are not new inventions, but at the same time they are not outdated

as well. In fact, according to (n.d.), several schools in the U.S. have already

installed solar on-campus in some form, such as Yale, Princeton, Northwestern, University of

San Diego, and the University of Arizona. Additionally, more than 5000 K-12 schools have also

installed solar in the U.S. Moreover, in an article by Tailor (2014), Boston Scientific has also

engaged in utilizing renewable energy sources by adding a dozen wind and solar-powered
street lights within the campus perimeter. Most of the schools use LED lights because of its

many advantages like long product life, low-maintenance traits, and crisp white light that do not

fade with intensity.

Another form of utilizing solar power as exemplified by the Aurora Higher Education

Center (AHEC) from the University of Colorado Denver are solar lighting system for kiosks. The

systems can run for a maximum of 6 hours after dusk to greatly maximize the power of the

system (SEPCO, 2014). Kiosks are usually installed in areas that typically have no access to an

electric power source, leading to poor to no lighting at all after dusk. are usually placed in areas

where electric source is not readily available. This usually leads to poor to no lighting at all after

disk or during nighttime which completely erases the purpose of a kiosk.

The Pros and Cons of Solar Power

Just like all things, solar power has both its advantages and disadvantages. For one, the

main factors behind solar power manufacturing are rooted in politics since solar power is

promoted to compete with other energy sources in the marketplace. On the other hand, the

government of the United States, like the rest of the world, provides incentives for every major

market for power production– not just solar (,n.d).

However, not everybody has the money to make an advance payment for investment of

this extent. With that being said, there is a range of solar financing options available to help one

get around this solar con, such as government-backed loan programs, rentals, and power

purchase agreements (Richardson, 2019).

Energy storage devices like the Tesla Powerwall home solar battery can also help to

smooth demand and load, making solar power more reliable, but these solutions are also

costly(Sendy, 2019).
Furthermore, many solar cells require expensive and rare resources in nature. This

applies in particular to thin-film solar cells relying on either CdTe or Copper Indium Gallium

Selenide (CIGS) (Sendy, 2019).

One of the drawbacks of installing solar panels on one's house is that it is expensive to

move. The net meter contract with the utility must be set on land. Nonetheless, in reality, solar

panels add value to one's home, and even if these are moved around, one is likely to see the

cost of investment in solar panels reflected in the higher selling price (Sendy, 2019).

For solar panels, the most important factor is the wind. Living in an area prone to cloudy

days, storms, and rain for an extended period of time will have a negative effect on how the

solar panel system operates. During winter months, the system is likely to be less efficient than

in summer period (Parkman, 2019).

One of the many advantages of solar energy is that the cost of maintaining a solar panel

is negligible. It also insures one's energy source for the next 10-20 years, depending on the

quality Solar panel manufacturers also provide long-lasting warranties on these panels so that

in case of a problem, it is easier to get in touch with them. Finally, these panels must also be

washed several times a year (Vyas, 2019).


Known for its greening initiatives and the Ecoteneo advocacy, the Ateneo de Davao

University (AdDU) is one of the pioneering academic institutions in the Philippines on electricity

effectivity and renewable energy via the use of solar electricity technology.

Dr. Randell U. Espina, the Dean of the University’s School of Engineering and Architecture,

initiated the task in 2011, given the looming energy crisis in Mindanao beginning 2011.

Espina careworn that it began as a research based totally challenge and has been pushed via

to implementation because of the unwavering support of the University President, Fr. Joel E.

Tabora, S.J.
Moreover, the photovoltaic power era task aimed at building the AdDU capacity especially the

capabilities to create, increase and understand the solar electricity. The solar-PVs can be

operated additionally on a standalone kingdom whereby AdDU can optimally harvest electrical

energy for its personal use. However, for a standalone mode, constructing rewiring or an

electricity administration device is needed.

Dr. Espina explained that the solar panels had been designed as a grid-tied system, where the

energy generated by means of the solar panels can be at once used via all electricity ingesting

gadgets together with lights, air conditioning units, computers, and different appliances.

With the full implementation of the photovoltaic power project, carbon dioxide production was

once reduced. By decreasing dependency on the base load strength disbursed via DLPC,

AdDU can keep away from 358.57 Metric Tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year.

Solar-PV does no longer only acquire and generate energy, it also saves the surroundings via

the avoidance of the manufacturing of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that contributes to

global warming. Aside from advocating for a greener society, the mission also seeks to attain

energy sustainability and self-sufficiency.

Espina stated the Philippines still imports sources of energy, in particular coal, and they need

one day to happen that country would never depend on those countries electricity supply.

The university targets to have more photo voltaic strength technological know-how projects

including the showcasing of the 20 to 25 KW photo voltaic tracking system, proposed set up of a

hundred and eighty to 200-kW solar-photovoltaic (PV) at the Finster Hall and proposed

development of a solar-PV hybrid technology. Espina stated that it involves also electricity

research on where it was part of one of the research plan on Australian National University and

it gives a significant project that serves as an eye opener.

Espina shared that taking action about the strength of crisis which our country faces right now

and proposes to convert research to application.

Espina also emphasized that there was once a hazard for the task to fail, however with the full

aid of Fr. Tabora and as part of the mission of the Ateneo, the use Solar-PV used to be tested

possible as it was once already efficaciously carried out in the university (Bustamante, 2018).

Space Optimization

In every floor plan, structures are not the only elements taken into consideration but

space as well. The amount of space needed depends on their function and purpose which is

why it is necessary to determine these to create an efficient floor plan (Przybylek, n.d.).

However, those spaces that serve no use become wasted space (Lou, 2017). One way of filling

up space is through adding lamp posts powered by solar energy. As stated by Energy

Informative Organization (n.d.), solar energy requires space in order for solar power to be

acquired and collected.


● To save energy and decrease the eletricity usage.

● To secure the lives of the people while driving to mitigate them from car accidents.

● To secure the security and safety of the people from theft during night time.


Ateneo pushes energy sustainability through solar technology. (2016). Retrieved from


Bustamante, J. (2018). Ateneo solar panels: Using the sun to run your needs. Retrieved

November 22, 2019 from

Energy Informative Organization. (n.d.). Solar Energy Pros and Cons. Retrieved November 22,

2019 from

Harvey, C. (2014). Surprising study finds that solar energy can also cause climate change (a

little). The Washington Post, Retrieved November 22, 2019 from


Lou, N. (2017). Wasted Space to Avoid in Your Dream Home. Retrieved November 22, 2019


Przybylek, S. (n.d.). What is Space Planning? - Basics & Architecture. Retrieved November 22,

2019 from

Solar panels for schools: how much are the costs and benefits of solar for k-12s and

universities? (n.d.). Retrieved November 22, 2019 from



Solar Powered Kiosk Shelters for Campuses and Parks. (2014). Retrieved November 22, 2019



Tailor, D. (2014). Promoting Campus Safety and Sustainability Through Solar Lighting. PUPN.

Retrieved November 21, 2019 from


Wind and Solar Light Up Boston Scientific’s Campus. (n.d.). Retrieved November 22, 2019 from

Parkman, K. (2019, May 22). 10 Solar Energy Pros and Cons. Retrieved from

Vyas, K. (2019, October 6). The Pros and Cons of Using Solar Energy. Retrieved from

Sendy, A. (2019, July 4). How the pros and cons of solar power have changed in 2019?

Retrieved from

Richardson, L. (2019, October 28). Solar Energy Pros And Cons 2019: Top Benefits/Drawbacks

| EnergySage. Retrieved from


Solar Energy Pros and Cons. (2012, January 20). Retrieved from

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