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Individual Report Proposal GP

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Your Name: Taliya

Research topic select one from the listed ones by highlighting or ticking:

Water, Food and Agriculture.

Disease and Health.

Social Inequality.

Trade and Aid; Poverty.

Digital world.

Issue within topic selected:

gender inequality, gender discrimination

Final Research Question:

To what extent does gender inequality affect women.

Research Justification: You need to justify this is an issue that is of local, national and global concern.

Why you selected it-Personal interest/engagement and why it is a local issue.

Personal interest. In some rural or relatively backward areas, gender discrimination is particularly

Why this is a national issue of concern:

Gender inequality is a national issue of concern because it affects the well-being and progress of a society
as a whole. When certain groups of people, such as women or marginalized genders, are systematically
disadvantaged in terms of opportunities, resources, and access to basic rights, it can have far-reaching
consequences that impact the entire country.
Why this is a global issue? What other countries are you going to research?

gender inequality can have serious social and cultural consequences, such as discrimination, violence, and
restricted access to education and healthcare. These consequences can have long-term effects on
individuals, families, and communities, and can hinder progress towards social justice and human rights.

Within each of these you need to give a citation that links to evidence for this.

Types of sources to be used (e.g., journals; newspapers; books; Internet sites – which must be fully cited, not just the
address; interviews — if interviews will be used, please state who you are planning to interview and who they are) .

Journals, books, internet sites, news.

How will I have access to these sources?

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