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Registration No: 77221365048




CHAPTER-I Introduction
CHAPTER-II Theoretical perspective
CHAPTER-III Objective and Scope
CHAPTER-IV Research Methodology
CHAPTER-V Data Collected
CHAPTER-VI Data Analysis
CHAPTER-VIII Suggestions
CHAPTER-IX Conclusion
CHAPTER-X Limitations of the study



In addition to pursuing and completing my Course Name and other commitments, I took on
the task of completing my project, "A project report on how digital marketing affects
customer preferences in choosing HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED." To this
end, for granting me permission to perform my project while also providing unshakable
support, I'd like to express my gratitude and admiration to the company's upper management
team. I'd also like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to all of the personnel at this organization
who assisted me with my project and shared their honest opinions with me throughout the
process. In closing, and maybe most importantly, I'd want to convey my appreciation to my
most loyal and Beloved Parents and friends, without whose blessings and encouragement this
endeavor would not have been possible.



I hereby declare that this Project Report entitled “A project report on how digital
marketing affects customer preferences in choosing HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA)
LIMITED” submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement of “RETAIL
MANAGEMENT” of NMIMS University is based on primary & secondary data found be me
in books, magazines and websites & collected be me in under guidance of my project guide.

Registration no – No. 77221365048


1. Customer s monthly income


3. Apart from HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED visit retail

4. Purpose behind visiting HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED

5. Demand for other retail outlets in a mall

6. Products mostly purchased by customers

7. Expenditure pattern of customers coming

8. Time spent by customers in shopping

9. Comparison of footfalls in weekdays and weekends

10. Customer’s preference of timing to visit HYPERCITY RETAIL

11. List of products and purchasing products on an unplanned basis

12. Brand preference of customers in HYPERCITY RETAIL

13. Comparison of brand preference on different product category

14. Mode of payment of customers in HYPERCITY RETAIL

15. Comparison of factors which encourages customers to come

16. Services of the sales personnel in HYPERCITY RETAIL

17. Customers’ mode of transport to HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED

18. Parking space availability in HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED

19. Customers preference towards Kirana store

20. Comparison of HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED with any

Kirana store
21. Comparison of HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED with others

Organized retailers


When we talk about digital media marketing, we're not just referring to the Internet or mobile
phone marketing, but also display ads and other forms of online advertising. An ever-
increasing number of people are exposed to various kinds of digital and social media every
single day. Customers may carry out their duties as consumers with the help of this platform,
as it allows them to gain knowledge about items, shop for and use those products, and then
talk about their experiences with others. As a direct result of this mental shift, businesses are
relying more and more on digital marketing channels to reach their target audience. Since
digital marketing relies on computers and other internet-enabled electrical devices and
software, it can be thought of as a subset of online marketing. That is to say, the rising worth
and efficacy of digital marketing may be traced back to the widespread use of technological
applications and the increasing global significance of these developments. Digital
marketing, in the context of the marketing industry, is the promotion of products, services,
and brands using electronic or electrical device channels and media, and electronic
information. Digital marketing allows firms to track and analyze the success of their own
marketing campaigns because it keeps detailed records of all marketing efforts. Thanks to
digital marketing, you can track not only how many people have seen your ads, articles, and

other types of material, but also how much of an impact they have had on your company's
bottom line. Not only does this help the company attract a larger number of customers for
less money, but it also reduces overhead costs. If a company uses this technology, they can
track not only what their customers like, but how they feel about the products they buy.
Businesses can use the information gleaned from such tracking to develop and launch
innovative forms of advertising down the road. Furthermore, user activity can be used to
foretell the launch of forthcoming products. The study's primary focus was on digital
marketing, namely the benefits to consumers and the market as a whole that it has brought
Due to time constraints, we will be focusing on only four of them, which we believe to be the
most crucial. Promoting mediums currently in use include social media sites like Facebook,
blogs, and mobile apps. Gartner (2015) predicts that both the demand for electronic gadgets
and the level of future competition will increase. Buying anything, but especially anything
long-lasting like an electrical item, requires careful consideration and research (Mourali et
al., 2005). To wit: (Malhotra, 1986). To decide the best course of action, it is vital to do in-
depth research into the impact that digital marketing has on the selection of these items by
customers. Tapscott (2009) a continues by arguing that the growth and increasing brazenness
of Millennials and Generation Z are a major role in the current state of the industry.
Hypercity Retail (India) is proud to present this exceptional offer (Tapscott, 2009). Our
generation's unique distinctions from those of earlier ones are directly to blame for the
unpredictability of the market. Our primary target audience has been students so that we may
learn more about the digital habits and preferences of Hypercity Retail (India) Limited's
clientele. To create a successful marketing strategy, one must have an in-depth familiarity
with, and the capacity to predict, the needs and wants of target clients. If you want to capture
the interest and trust of the millennial generation, you'll need to either live up to or beyond
the high standards they've set for you. Recognizing how people's thoughts, feelings, and
deeds shape the communities in which they grow up and spend their adult years is just as
crucial. It's a reasonable assumption that millennials' purchasing decisions are influenced by
the availability of various forms of technology at the store at the time of purchase. This site
was built to disseminate crucial information about how various population subsets perceive
and evaluate the wide variety of digital marketing strategies available. By analyzing their
responses with a method called choice-based conjoint analysis (CBC), we were able to learn
which strategies they favored (Louviere and Woodworth, 1983). Hypercity Retail (India)
Limited, a leader in the field of marketing research, has been aggressively employing this
method for more than a decade. It has since found use in sectors as diverse as healthcare, the
environment, politics, and philanthropy. If we investigate the reasoning behind people's
choices, we can learn more about their preferences for common knowledge and the factors
that impact their opinions (in this case, marketing strategy). Participants in the Consumer
Barometer (CBC) are given a variety of options to pick from to mimic the experience of
making a purchase decision (Helme and Kallio, 2011). (choices). As it pertains to them, it is
only reasonable and evident that this condition be satisfied (Desarbo et al., 1995).
Participants in the poll will be asked to select the purchasing approach they feel will provide
them with the greatest benefit when making a purchase choice. The results of CBC will help
us priorities elements of our current and future digital strategy, as well as identify areas
where we can expand our efforts and better integrate them into our overall marketing mix.
Findings from CBC will be used to do this. As a direct result of the Internet's widespread
availability, businesses in the current day have access to a bewildering array of digital
marketing alternatives. Multiple digital marketing channels are available to businesses
seeking to expand their customer base, attract new clients, or increase their return on
investment (ROI) (ROI). Conventional forms of advertising have been supplanted by web-
based strategies in recent years. This is because as more individuals gain access to the
internet, the market and the technology have gotten more competitive (Alnsour, 2018). More
than a quarter of the global market is comprised of digital marketing strategies, which
employ digital technologies to cut expenses and promote businesses on a global scale (Rafiq
& Malik, 2018). Customers are happier with online purchases than with traditional
marketing, and they view digital marketing as more secure than traditional marketing
(Alzyoud, 2018).

Digital marketers have a tremendous opportunity to promote their products because clients
carry their phones everywhere and have access to everything at all times. Reason being,
everyone always has their phone on them. Digital marketing, often defined as a "unique
marketing technique," has allowed businesses to flourish in ways that were previously
impossible with more conventional methods of advertising. Jordan's mobile firm has become
one of the fastest growing in the globe thanks to the increased number of middle-class
Jordanians who use mobile phones to communicate with one another. It is predicted that the
number of users would skyrocket to millions in the future decades. Therefore, the results of
future study into digital advertising channels will have significant implications for business
management. Because of this, nowadays people generally agree that digital marketing is a
sort of technology-driven marketing where businesses are encouraged to try out novel
approaches. Furthermore, Internet marketing enables companies to reach out to prospective
clients no matter where in the world they may be. Many people still believe that Internet
marketing isn't as effective as more conventional methods, but the reality is quite different.
The modern advertiser can choose from a wide variety of media outlets. Multimedia
advertisements, such as banner ads and online commercials like e-marketing, and
communication marketing strategies, such opinion surveys, game augmentations, and mobile
marketing, are all examples of these forms of media (Garg et al., 2021).


Theoretical Perspective

In a study that was published in the journal Marketing Science, the relationship between how
people act and how digital and social media marketing works was looked at. Andrew T.
Stephen, who lives in New York City, writes science fiction and fantasy and also works as
an editor (2015). One of my pieces was in a special issue of Current Opinion in Psychology
about how people act as consumers. On this website, you can find examples of recent
consumer research in other areas, like digital and social media marketing. Scientists may
want to focus their research on the following five areas: Some of the things about digital
culture and consumer behaviour that I find interesting are online word-of-mouth, smartphone

settings, and internet advertising (WOM). These articles talk about how customers interact
with, have an effect on, and change their digital environments. Word-of-mouth, which is a
small part of the digital consumer experience, is getting more attention from researchers than
other parts of the customer experience. He goes by the name P. Sathya (slang for Sathya
Patel) (2015) The effects of digital marketing on Hypercity Retail (India) Limited are being
looked into right now. For ISSN 2319-7064, the answer would be the same as in the last
sentence. In the case of 2319-7064, the same answer as in the previous phrase would be right.
Number of ISSN: 2319-7064 This magazine's ISSN is 2319-70. (Online) The International
Journal of Science and Research encourages and helps fund original research in a number of
fields (IJSR). This journal puts it out every two months after peer review (IJSR). Digital
marketing is a form of electronic communication that businesspeople use to tell more people
about their goods and services. Digital marketing's main goal is to make it easier for
customers to use a product online. Given that all economic indicators are going in the right
direction, the Indian consumer may soon be crowned king. Representatives from a wide
range of international organizations will be at the coronation because they all think that India
will soon become the world's largest consumer market. In retail, on the other hand, Indian
American customers are treated like royalty. As part of this research project, I plan to look
into and evaluate the Indian retail market. It will be looked at on a global scale, along with
the factors that could affect its growth and development over the next few years. It is the last
part of the supply chain that connects places that deal with bulk goods to the people who will
use them.

The retail business in India is going through a lot of changes. When it comes to supply chain
management, no one seems to agree on the best way to handle the chain as a whole. A study
by AT Kearney found that unorganized retail makes up most of India's 400-billion-rupee
retail business. So, only about Rs. 10,000 crores, or about 10% of the sector's annual revenue,
is tracked and managed. Forecasts say that India's retail sales will be over Rs. 160,000 crores
in 2005. This is a huge jump from Rs. 20,000 crores in the current fiscal year. The TOTAL
retail market is expected to grow from Rs. 400,000 crores in 2000 to Rs. 800,000 crores in
2005, which is an increase of Rs. By 2011, India is expected to be one of the top five markets
in the world for consumer goods, with $450 billion in sales each year. How good are the
chances for India's consumer markets? A lot of talk goes on about them. KPMG's analysis of
the Indian consumer markets from earlier this year can be found online. The conclusions of
the research show that this is true both nationally and internationally: "India's economic
potential is huge." The results of this study, on the other hand, show that the next step in the
rise of the consumer market will happen quickly because of improvements in the retail
sector. "Foreign retailers entering India's consumer market is expected to be the next step in
the country's growth and development. Even though foreign direct investment in retail is
mostly banned in the U.S. and Canada right now, many businesses think it will soon start to
grow." Dipankar Senalka, Executive Director and Head of Consumer Markets at KPMG
India, gives the following explanation: Foreign direct investment (FDI) in retail is now
possible because Prime Minister Manmohan Singh recently gave an interview to McKinsey
& Company in which he said he was sure he could convince the Left parties. As part of a
marketing campaign to show off the retail sector in India, the company plans to hold a
roadshow in the US and a few European countries. Also, the data from Hypercity Retail
(India) Limited backs up the firm's strategy of being aggressive.

There is SRISTY RUNGTA, ATSHAYA S, and RUNGTA S in the RUNGTA family.

The oldest of the three is SRISTY RUNGTA, who is twenty-one (2016) In this essay, we will
look at the differences and similarities between digital marketing and internet marketing.
Pages from Volume 3, Number 1 from January to April 2016. It was in the January-April
2016 issue of Volume 3, Number 1. The total number of pages in Volume 3, Number 1
(January-April 2016) is 168. Research in Marketing Management and Economics Volume 3
Number 1 covers January–April 2016. (29-33). This essay goes into detail about digital and
internet marketing and gives many examples. Even though most people think they are the
same, Internet marketing and digital marketing are not the same thing. As digital marketing
becomes more popular among businesses, the differences between digital and traditional
marketing are becoming more important for the marketing strategies of businesses. Even
though they are similar, the paper says that you can't switch between the two. In the article, it
is pointed out that online marketing is a part of digital marketing, which is a broader term
that includes more than just internet marketing. There is a thorough look at online marketing,
with a focus on the different communication and distribution channels for digital marketing.
By looking closely at both issues, you can tell the difference between digital marketing and
internet marketing. Oscar Roboyo and his colleagues wrote a paper that was published in
Journals of Revista, Volume 38, Number 61. It looked at the idea of mobile marketing and
how it could be used. It looks at mobile marketing and compares it to other ways businesses
market themselves. In this section, we look at different points of view and study results to
learn more about how people accept and feel about mobile marketing. Perceived usefulness
and perceived usability, both of which can be interpreted in different ways by different
people, show how the acceptance process is going. After looking at the results of the study,
the report ends with suggestions for more research on the subject of mobile marketing.

Several companies, like Tata, RPG, Raheja, and Piramal, have spent a lot of money to grow
their retail businesses over the past five years. As part of their plans to grow, these companies
have opened stores, shopping centres, and other places to buy things. Along with Piramal's
Crossroads Mall and Raheja's Shopper's Stop, RPG also owns Food World. Together, these
three malls are worth about Rs1.8 billion. Also, RPG thinks that the network of stores that
Food World owns is worth about Rs1.9 billion. Many of these projects began as simple
attempts to make better use of the space that was already there, but they quickly turned into
successful businesses.

Those who work in the grocery and convenience store industries say that there are more gas
stations. BPCL and HPCL aren't the only big oil and gas companies that are growing at the
same rate. Gas companies are getting into retail because they want to make as much money
as possible and diversify their business, so they don't have to rely so much on commodities
like gasoline. They are also worried about fitting in with the area and making the best use of
their real estate. On the other hand, established family-run businesses are growing. There are
many successful companies in the world today, but three stand out: Nilgiris, a food chain
with headquarters in Bangalore; Vivek's, a consumer goods company with headquarters in
Chennai; and Narula's, a North Indian food chain with headquarters in Delhi. Surprisingly,
manufacturers also support the creation of supplier networks based on their own brand
identities and supply chain integration. Companies in the clothing, shoes, and durable goods
industries have helped both multi-brand stores and specialised chains get back on their feet.

Even though the retail industry in India employs more people than any other, second only to
agriculture, and is mostly made up of small, privately owned family businesses. Even though
it is spread out and mostly made up of family-owned businesses, retail is India's second
largest employer after agriculture. Middle-class and upper-middle-class Americans are
spending more of their own money, which is boosting retail sales in the United States. Large
companies, like well-known real estate companies, are more and more likely to do retailing
through Hypercity Retail (India) Limited. It is expected that this trend will keep going in the
years to come. Specialty and theme malls are a sign that India's retail and leisure industries
are getting more modern. In the organised retail sector, more and more well-known
businesses and brands like Crossword, Shopper's Stop, and Pantaloon are taking the lead in
their fields. Along with Piramal's, Tata's, and Raheja, other well-known names in India's
organised retail industry are ITC, S. Kumar's, RPG Enterprises, Aerens, and Omaxe, among

Indian consumption cosmos

Private expenditure on goods and services by individuals has been India's primary engine of

economic expansion throughout the course of the previous few decades.

fashion accessories 5.5%

Telephone consumer
1.8% durable 4%

Enterainm furniture
ent 7.9% 3.4%
$350 billion

Fashion beauty & pharama 3.8%

Book &
food 62%
music 1.1


The Indian supermarket chain Hyper City is owned and operated by Hyper City Retail (India)
Limited. The company's retail outlets sell not just a varied selection of fresh produce, but also
household goods and toiletries. It is true that Hyper City Retail does business in India. Value-
added services are another thing hyper City Retail has to offer.
HyperCity, or just HyperCity, is a twenty-store Indian grocery chain. Food, interior
decoration, and clothing are always hot topics.

Both Shoppers Stop and HyperCity Retail India Ltd., which first launched in 2006, are
subsidiaries of the same parent business, K Raheja Corp. HyperCity was acquired by Future
Group for $655 million in 2017. The first HyperCity store opened in 2012 in Malad,
Mumbai. Twenty locations across India have been opened by the company, including those
in Hyderabad, Bangalore, Jaipur, Bhopal, Navi Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Pune,
Delhi-NCR, Panvel, and Thane.


Mobile marketing was the subject of a 2017 research report, which was followed by Mobile
marketing: a study conceptualization and synthesis, written by Oscar Roboyo and his
colleagues. As of right now, Issue 61 of Revista Journals, Volume 38, is available online.
Introduction: The essay begins by contrasting mobile marketing with more conventional
forms of advertising. The next step is to examine the many perspectives and research
findings on the use and reception of mobile marketing, as well as some of the most
influential theories in the sector. A product's likelihood of being adopted is largely
determined by how simple and helpful its users perceive it to be. Having neither of these will
make someone unacceptable. The results of Hypercity Retail (India) Limited's study into
mobile advertising are discussed here. Acrobatic and talented, Marin Istvanic hails from
Croatia as a singer and actor. Zagreb, Croatia is the city of his birth. (2017) These days,
businesses can't afford to ignore digital marketing methods. There were sixty-five pieces
published in Volume 8 Number 2 of the International Journal of Electrical and Computer
Engineering Systems in 2017.

EEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (IEEE) Promotion of products is more crucial
than ever in the modern era, and digital marketing methods and tools are widely employed to
this end. More and more people are warming up to digital marketing since it allows them to
more directly communicate with their target audience through channels like targeted ads and
search results that are tailored to the individual user's interests. In this piece, I'll discuss the
several options available for online advertising, including the technologies that power them
and the benefits and drawbacks of each. We will be concentrating on search engine
optimization, search engine marketing, display advertising, social network marketing, and
email marketing in addition to social media marketing. Internet advertising, social media, and
company networks are just a few examples of the cutting-edge business practises that the
authors of this study hope to examine.


Objective And Scope


• According to the business, digital marketing has an impact on consumers' opinions

of Hypercity Retail (India) Limited.
• Learn what items Hypercity Retail (India) Limited clients prefer to purchase, then
build your recommendations on that knowledge.
• Discover what clients of Hypercity Retail (India) Limited, both existing and
prospective, think of the business.

• There are numerous techniques to assess the level of satisfaction of Hypercity

Retail (India) Limited store patrons.

• The names and market share of the principal rivals of Hypercity Retail (India)

The following are the study's aims and objectives:

The goal of this study, according to Hypercity Retail (India) Limited, is to find out how
people in the National Capital Region buy things. Both first-hand and second-hand sources
were used to get information for this investigation. We didn't have much time, so we could
only reach a small number of people. Since this study was only done in the National Capital
Region, only urban areas can use the results. It was hard to compare the different buying
habits of rural consumers because their social norms, social status, views, and sense of what
was acceptable were different from those of urban consumers. In the National Capital
Region, there aren't as many places to do research as there are in other parts of the country.
Because this project has been so successful, researchers in the organized retail sector of the
National Capital Region have decided to do more research. To do this, you have to look at
how innovative a company's technology is, how competitive its managers are, and other

Taking into account the significance of scientific investigation:

People from the National Capital Region indicated that Hypercity Retail (India) Limited was
their preferred retailer in a recent survey. The foundation for future coordinated retail
research has been established in the National Capital Region, which is advantageous both
now and in the future. According to the results of an online survey conducted in the National
Capital Region, it appears that clients of Hypercity Retail (India) Limited, particularly
women, are satisfied with their purchases. According to a recent survey, National Capital
Region consumers are satisfied with Hypercity Retail (India) Limited. Additionally, research
must be conducted to determine the size, rate of growth, and potential of the National Capital

Region market for Hypercity Retail (India) Limited. We might develop a strategy for the
future of Hypercity Retail (India) Limited based on these realisations.

The findings demonstrate the possibilities and limitations of Hypercity Retail (India)
Limited's environmental efforts, which can be applied both inside and outside the
organisation. According to the findings of these investigations, the following businesses are
organised retailing's main rivals: The findings of this study will serve as a roadmap for
Hypercity Retail (India) Limited's upcoming activities in the Delhi-NCR region. Customers
of Hypercity Retail (India) Limited were requested to complete an online survey to rate their
satisfaction with the chain's retail establishments.


Research Methodology

Modern society is shaped by recent technology developments as well as by how individuals

shop and what they require. When discussing specific products, the word "research
methodology" refers to a collection of techniques for learning more about a variety of market
sectors. Virtually no firm can survive without conducting research to understand more about
its products and how to use them. The research doesn't address anything else because it
exclusively focuses on marketing. All of these conditions must be met for this approach to
function, and none of them can be accomplished manually. Prudence, skill, talent, savvy in
business, and inventiveness are all crucial traits.

In many disciplines, including medicine, exploratory research is a form of study design that
can be used to gather data.

• Contains a kind of sampling that isn't dependant on luck and can be applied in a variety of

• 350 items from a client's sample could be examined.

Data is gathered from an individual's direct interactions with a variety of consumers. A

personalised questionnaire is now being created to collect information, and this effort is
ongoing. Both informal and formal conversations with a variety of respondents are employed
to get the necessary information. It's crucial to get information from secondary sources to
supplement that from primary sources. When potential customers enter the store,
HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED conducts a market study where they speak
with them and inquire about their spending habits and marketing techniques.

Data Collected

Depending on where the information is coming from, there are two different forms of
data collection:

Primary data and secondary data. Here are a few examples of the numerous categories:

data from the initial sources;

data gleaned from other sources:

There are numerous techniques to gather data, and each has advantages and disadvantages
that must be considered. It was important to compile primary and secondary data from a

number of sources in order to complete the research project report and accomplish the overall
objective of the study.

Consider the following significant sources of knowledge and data:

Questionnaire A twenty-item, goal-oriented questionnaire (which is fully discussed in the

Annexure) was created with the study's objectives in mind in order to accomplish this

Citations and resources are also included.


Interviews The remaining queries are succinct and direct. Only one of the questions doesn't
fit this mould. On the other hand, the language is understandable and crystal clear. Client
interviews were conducted as part of the research process to understand more about the
company. Their disagreements and inquiries were answered in public.

In order to supplement the primary piece of information, secondary data is acquired from
publicly accessible business papers on the Internet, such as company websites. In order to
gather more details, a variety of additional journals and industry organisations' websites were
also examined. The National Capital Region and Delhi were the locations of the sample
study. It was carried out with the stated intent and in the designated venue and environment.
The sample study was conducted in the predetermined setting. As part of the sample strategy
for this inquiry, 350 CONSUMERS were contacted. The study path had to be kept in mind at
all times since NON PROBABBITITY - CONVINCENCE SAMPLING is a sort of
probability sampling.

The survey was self-completed by the respondents, who then returned it to the surveyors for
collection. It appears that there are currently issues with data collection and survey
completion. It makes logical that some of the respondents were anxious because this was
their first time participating in a survey. Given the nature of the survey, it was acceptable that
some respondents left the form blank since they were pressed for time. However, due to a
lack of time, a number of participants did not complete the questionnaire. They either came
up with their own solutions or, if they preferred, elected to leave the issue unresolved when
they couldn't find a good solution among the provided possibilities. The number of responses
was counted once each questionnaire was returned to its sender.

Each respondent was assigned to one of four categories based on how many responses they


The market of Hypercity Retail (India) Limited was physically surveyed to acquire data
for this study. About 350 customers of Hypercity Retail (India) Limited in Delhi and the
National Capital Region (NCR) responded to my online survey that I performed on the
business' website. The survey was carried out on the business' website. To find out more
about the customers and their businesses, we walk around Hypercity Retail (India) Limited
and have one-on-one conversations with them. We design a questionnaire specific to each
customer's needs and make it only available to them in order to better serve them. I have used
the data on client consumption habits provided by customers of Hypercity Retail (India)
Limited extremely well. Your help has been much appreciated. I gathered all of this
information and went over it with a fine-tooth comb to make sure it was accurate.

The results and interpretations of the analyses are further discussed in the part that follows on
this page. User feedback drove each analysis, and I did my best to offer a thorough
interpretation of the data based on what I learned.

Customer s monthly income

Higher income Group 5%

Middle Income Group 50%

Lower Income Group 20%

No Income Group 25%


25% Higher me
Inco Group
(> Rs 0000-60000)
Middle me
Inco Group0000-40000)
50% (Rs. 4 roup
20% Lower

The graph below shows how clients of HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED are
paid. 55% of the 350 answers came from users earning between Rs10000 and Rs40,000 per
month. Higher monthly income earners (> Rs. 60000) are the least likely to shop there,
making up only 5% of all transactions, claims HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED.
More than 25% of Hypercity Retail (India) Minimal's customers are on a tight budget.

Students make up the majority of the low-income population, which is estimated to be one-
fourth of the total population.
As previously stated, middle-class consumers favour HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA)

Weekly 29%

Monthly 34%

Quarterly 23%

On unplanned basis 14%

LIMITED as their favourite shopping destination because of its affordable pricing across all
product categories.
Much Hypercity Retail (INDIA) Limited does not get customers from the highest income
level because it does not sell branded goods. Hypercity Retail (India) Limited is more likely
to accept applicants with higher income levels. Due of their social status, they are
embarrassed to purchase at HYPERCITY.
They are embarrassed by the low-cost merchant RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED. Since its
inception, HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED has gained a lot of support from
the underprivileged. which makes them feel uncomfortable. Ever since it began,



On a unplanned basis



Yes 64%
No 36%

Customers visit HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED on a weekly average of 29%, a

monthly average of 34%, a quarterly average of 23%, and a scheduled average of 14%,
indicating that the bulk of customers visit on a weekly and monthly basis.

Apart from HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED visit retail outlet








yes no

Because of this, I predict that 64% of HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED customers
shop at other retail establishments for their needs, as opposed to 36% of HYPERCITY
RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED consumers, who do not. It reflects the higher degree of client
satisfaction that HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED has.

Purpose behind visiting HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED

Shopping 60%

Outing 10%
Both 30%

Garment Outlet 65%

Footwear Outlet 20%
Food Court 30%
Entertainment 20%
Gift Corner 10%

60% (350) of the respondents to the survey said they went shopping, 10% went out for an
outing, and 30% did both when they visited HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA LIMITED).
According to what I understand, HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED is primarily a
shopping center, but it also offers a specific ambiance and protocol to people visiting the mall
for leisure, including tourists. Even if they have no intention of making a purchase while
there, people enjoy coming to HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED because of the
setting and infrastructure. HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED is a well-known
retail chain with a solid reputation in India. This is very helpful because of the huge number
of customers the company has.

Demand for other retail outlets in a mall

Jewelers and Watches Store 10%

30% : 65 percent of customers purchase apparel from stores other than


and Watches


g to a 2015

just a shoe store; it contributes 20% of the mall's total shoe sales. Additionally, 20% of mall
patrons visit for entertainment. Customers of HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED
make up 10% of the malls' gift and jewellery shops' clientele (10 percent).
Because shopping malls have a variety of branded merchants, most buyers choose to
purchase clothing there rather than at huge bazaars. Shopping centres that house numerous
well-known shoe stores encourage consumer spending. People take their loved ones to the
theatre or a shopping centre to spend time together. Malls continue to be the favoured
location for the vast majority of people, even though just a small portion of the population
purchases there for jewellery and presents. Due to this, the huge bazaar will be at a
significant competitive disadvantage because it won't be able to draw in and keep clients
from rival retail stores. Branded goods are necessary for HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA)
LIMITED to draw in and keep mall patrons. It might be home to the most prestigious
clothing and jewellery businesses in an effort to draw brand-conscious customers.

Products that consumers at HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED most

frequently purchase

Clothes 60%
Grocery 70%
Food Item 50%
Leather Item 25%

Electronic Item 15%
Gift Item 10%
Any other Item 10%

Any other Item

Gift Item Electronic Item

Leather Item

Food Item Grocery Clo

Analysis: Customers claim that 70% of all purchases are made in the food category.
Clothing choices can be connected to 60% of all sales. Fifty percent of all demand is for
dietary supplements. According to HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED, there has
been a 25% increase in demand for leather goods. 10% of total demand is made up of gifts
and other non-electronic items, compared to 15% for electronic goods. 15% of all consumer
demand is for electronic goods.

According to Hypercity Retail (INDIA) LIMITED's research, consumers are more

interested in groceries and clothing, with food items coming in second and third. The latest
tools and technologies do not fascinate customers. The public is uninterested in trinkets and
other decorative objects. The most popular goods are clothes and food, with shoppers
favouring these two categories the most... If Hypercity Retail (India) Limited wants to keep
customers coming back for more, it must continue to offer low costs and high-quality goods.
Customers are attracted to HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED by the wide
selection of locally branded goods and clothing it offers. Branded products should also be
highlighted to maximise the likelihood of increased sales.

Customers' spending habits when they visit HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED

Below Rs.500/single visit 11%
500-1000 /single visit 16%
1000-1500 /single visit 22%
1500-2000 /single visit 22%
Hypercity Retail (India) Limited than 2000
/single visit 29%




Analysis: 29 percent of customers at HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED spend

more than Rs 2000 per visit, indicating that the vast majority of customers make expensive
purchases. Customers of HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED spend similar
percentages of their purchases between Rs 1000 and Rs 1500 and between Rs 1500 and Rs
2000. (22 percent). Only 11% of Hypercity Retail (India) Limited's customers make
purchases totaling less than Rs 500.
Therefore, I think the vast majority of buyers buy in bulk, which results in a huge financial
outlay. It is commonly known that HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED has a big
sales volume. Due of the cheaper prices of HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED's
products, customers are more inclined to make greater purchases there. Spending more
money at HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED makes customers more inclined to
frequent the store. The majority of customers at HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA)
LIMITED who spend less than Rs 500 do so to pass time. Throughout the operation, they
frequently spent money on food and other products while commuting by car. Their impulsive

buying tendencies have a big impact on their shopping decisions. Additional savings are
available for those who make large purchases. Hypercity Retail (India) Limited predicts
that people will spend more money in other places as a result of this.

Time spent by customers in shopping in HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA)


Less than half an hour 10%

Half an hour to 1 hour 15%
1 hour to 1 1/2 hours 35%
1 1/2 hours to 2 hours 22%
Hypercity Retail (India) Limited than 2 hours 18%




Series 1
10% 18%
5% 10%

Less thanHalf an hour 1 hour to 1 1 1/2 hours More than 2
half an hourto 1 hour1/2 hours to 2 hourshours

Analysis: At the well-known retail centre HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED,

people spend a lot of time. The significant majority of respondents (35%) claimed to work at
HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED for between one and one and a half hours each
day. In addition, 22% of respondents said they visited HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA)
LIMITED for between one and two hours while they were at the museum. In HYPERCITY
RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED, any time spent in the store that is less than half an hour is
referred to as "less than a half-hour."

My statistical study shows that consumers are growing choosier about the products they buy,
which is why they spend so much time at HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED.
Due to the aesthetically pleasing surroundings, customers are more inclined to stay longer at
RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED do not stay for less than 30 minutes. To take advantage of the
sales and make a few small purchases, they had headed to the store. Despite only buying
small products, people spend a disproportionate amount of time in stores. Salespeople should
give special attention to and prioritise clients who browse for a long time and make
numerous purchases because of how important they are as customers.

Comparison of footfalls in weekdays and weekends

Weeks days 40%

Weekends 60%



Weeks days

Analysis: The data demonstrates that Hypercity Retail (India) Limited sees more visitors on
the weekends than during the week, which is a positive trend. During weekday business
hours, 40% of the populace visits HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED, while 60%
do so on weekends.
Based on this data, I can say with confidence that most customers at HYPERCITY
RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED prefer weekends to weekdays for making purchases. The fact
that there are more customers on Saturday and Sunday indicates that weekends are busier
than weekdays at HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED. Only 40% of customers

visit HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED during the week as opposed to the
weekends, even if weekend foot traffic increases by 10%. Hypercity Retail (India) Limited
should stay open later on Saturday and Sunday because the weekends draw in more
customers. Weekends and weeknights are ideal times to undertake small infrastructure
upgrades that will improve the visibility and mobility of your clients. To entice customers to
visit the business during the week as well, HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED
may provide weekday discounts. The number of parking spaces may be increased by
HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED in response to the rise in weekend shoppers. If
enough people show interest, a weekend-by-weekend temporary parking plan might be
developed. Hypercity Retail (India) Limited should spend more on weekends, when more of
its customers attend events, and less on advertising and product displays throughout the

Customers preference of timing to visit HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA)


10 A.M - 1 P.M 8%
1 P.M – 3 P.M 17%
3 P.M – 6 P.M 35%
6 P.M – 10 P.M 40%


40% 10 A.M - 1 P.M
1 P.M – 3 P.M
3 P.M – 6 P.M
6 P.M – 10 P.M


Analysis: The previous pie chart shows that most of the clients of HYPERCITY RETAIL
(INDIA) LIMITED favour evening shopping. A quarter of the populace visits
HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED during the day, primarily after lunch.
I've come to the conclusion that HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED is more active
during the day and at night based on the facts presented above. In HYPERCITY RETAIL
(INDIA) LIMITED, the population density at night is higher than during the day. Always
accessible ONLY SMALL HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) There is a greater chance that
HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED will sell more goods at night than during the day.
provide special products all day long. By evening, it will probably have sold all of the things
on hand, if it sells anything at all during the day. Because of this, it will draw more people
who want to buy distinctive goods all day long. However, because it draws a lot of impulse
shoppers, HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED will also be able to sell other goods.

Comparison of customers purchasing with planned list of products and purchasing

products on unplanned basis

Yes 50%

No 40%
Ever 10%


50% no

Analysis: The data shows that more over half of the 350 survey participants arrived at Vishal
Mega Market prepared. 40% of visitors don't have a shopping list.
I've learned from customer feedback that most HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED
clients arrive with a list. Most customers of HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED
arrive without a list and select items based on personal preferences. Due to their mall visits,
this audience is exposed to HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED. They base their
purchases on brand, category, and all-around quality. Several couples dine and converse at a
food market after going shopping in a mall. A shopping list increases a customer's likelihood
of making a purchase. HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED needs to offer a larger
variety of essential items and a more logically organised product list in order to draw in more
Brand preference of customers in HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA)

Yes 10%
No 50%
Depends on category 40%


10% Yes No
40% Depends on category


Analysis: As shown in the graph above, just 10% of visitors to HYPERCITY RETAIL
(INDIA) LIMITED had a list of brands in mind, which is lower than the national average.
The creation of an advance list of brands is fiercely opposed by a whopping 155 percent of
respondents. According to the product categories they sell, 40% of survey respondents create
brand lists. As a result, I think that customers of HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA)
LIMITED do does not place a lot of importance on brand choice while making purchases. A
small number of consumers actively seek out brands, albeit the percentage varies by product
category. Given the small number of reputable brands that HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA)
LIMITED carries, it is unlikely that customers will make purchases based solely on the

HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED offers a wide range of locally branded goods
across many industries, including the food and fashion industries. Despite the fact that they
spend a lot, customers.
Because of their low cost, they must be of bad quality. since the vast majority of clients earn
modest to low salaries. There may be significant pricing differences between stores for
identical products in the same category. A product's pricing has an impact on its overall
quality. This enables product customisation for a wide range of consumer types. Customers
search for clothing-related vendors most of the time. A bigger percentage of customers
choose the brand of locally produced goods and food products they want to buy before

More branded products should be available in each category from MUCH HYPERCITY
RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED so that customers can compare and contrast the various

Cloths 40%
Grocery 40%
Gift Items 33%
Electronic Items 25%
Leather Items 2%
Any Other Item 12%

brands before making a purchase. As a result, more customers will stop by HYPERCITY
RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED, increasing the volume of sales.
Comparative analysis of brand choice across diverse product categories

20% Series1

The most popular brands are those for food and clothing, with 40% of respondents liking
each. For gifts, 33% of respondents choose a certain brand, and 25% do the same for
technical equipment. Only 2% of respondents choose one brand over another when it comes
to leather products, compared to 16% across all other categories.
This leads me to the conclusion that consumers choose brands for some things before making
a purchase, but not for services or other goods. Customers can choose their chosen brand of
electronic equipment in advance at the supermarket chain since HYPERCITY RETAIL
(INDIA) LIMITED carries a wide variety of branded electronic equipment. Customers

prefer their own food and apparel brands, and HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED
develops a number of regional brands in addition to well-known global brands like flying
machine jeans.

Cash Payment 55%

Credit Card 19%
Debit Card 26%

Mode of payment of customers in HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED


Cash Payment
Credit Card Debit Card


Analysis: My research indicates that 55% of the customers of HYPERCITY RETAIL

(INDIA) LIMITED make cash payments. The bulk of customers of HYPERCITY
RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED use credit cards while making purchases, while 26% use debit
HIGH STREET RETAIL (INDIA) My research indicates that LIMITED has the highest
proportion of customers who pay with cash of any retailer. Customers who accept credit
cards are few in number, and those who accept debit cards are even fewer. It is reasonable to
assume that HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED expedites the exchange of cash
for items given that the majority of customers prefer cash payments. Since some customers

use credit cards or debit cards to make purchases, the business must wait. As a result, the
institution has to reduce the wait time.
Comparison of factors which encourages customers to come in to
Price 60%
Service 40%
Ambience 50%
Product Variety 65%
Product Quality 20%
Convenience 35%

40% 60% 65%
30% 40% 50% 35%
20% 20%

Analysis: The affordable rates and wide assortment of HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA)
LIMITED inspire people to purchase there. Due to the company's extensive selection,
almost 65 percent of respondents chose HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED. The
vast majority of clients even claimed that price reductions motivate them to come back.
Customers have constantly praised the service and ambiance of HYPERCITY RETAIL
see the ease of shopping as another factor in their loyalty. Since just 20% of customers are
pleased with the quality of the company's products, customers are encouraged to keep doing

I have discovered from my investigation that HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED
offers a wide range of goods. Because HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED offers a
large selection of goods in one place, customers like shopping there. Additionally, it is well
known that HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED offers its items at a lower price
than those of its rivals. In addition to providing outstanding customer service, HYPERCITY
RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED fosters an environment that encourages client loyalty.
Furthermore, HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED chose a position from where it
can easily attract new clients. The location of the out-of-town hypermarket MUCH
HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED was selected to allow customers to easily
commute to the establishment. Customers must be entirely satisfied with their purchases
from HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED in order for them to never consider
doing business with a competitor in the same sector.

Services of the sales personnel in HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA)


Very good 17%

Good 29%
Ok 36%
Poor 13%
Very poor 5%


15% 29%

10% 17%
Very good Good Ok Poor Very poor

Customers rate the sales representatives from HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED as
providing satisfactory service 36% of the time, good service 29% of the time, very good
service 17% of the time, poor service 13% of the time, and very poor service 5% of the time.
Customers’ mode of transport to HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED

Hired Vehicle 10%

Two-wheeler 40%
Four-wheeler 35%
Any Other 15%

15% Hired Vehicle
35% 40% Four-wheeler Any Other

Approximately 40% of the total respondent population rides a two-wheeler to HYPERCITY
RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED on a normal day. The results of the poll show that consumers
who arrive at HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED on four wheels to buy food make
up the second- and third-largest customer groups. Only 15% of respondents utilize rental cars
when travelling to HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED in their own cars, on average.
10% of the overall clients of the business use different forms of transportation.

According to the figures presented above, it appears that there are more four-wheelers than
two-wheelers arriving at Hypercity Retail (India) Limited. People are more inclined to ride
four-wheelers than two-wheelers to the market, claims Hypercity Retail (India) Limited.

Security has identified and detained anyone who drives a rental automobile to HYPERCITY
RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED. They might only be passing through, after all.
Parking space availability in HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED

Less than adequate 45%

Adequate 45%
Hypercity Retail (India) Limited than adequate 10%



Less than
45% Adequate

More than
45% adequate

The majority of respondents, as represented by the pie chart, think that HYPERCITY
RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED does not offer enough parking space. An equivalent number of
respondents said that there is enough parking at HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED.
Only 10% of those surveyed by HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED think there is
enough parking for everyone.

According to the information given, I'm going to assume that the customers of HYPERCITY
RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED aren't happy with the parking spaces that are available. Parking
spaces being scarce could result in HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED losing
customers. Although many customers claim that HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED

has enough parking, this poses a threat to the business because it is expected that more
customers will arrive. HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED customers may experience

Yes 65%

No 35%

parking difficulties during the holidays.

Customers preference towards Kirana store:

0 0



Analysis: Customers claimed they visited their neighbourhood store 65 percent of the time
and none at all 35 percent of the time when asked about their visits to Kerana stores,
according to a survey. This statistic shows that despite shopping at other stores, the vast
majority of customers still prefer Kerana. Customers who have never set foot inside a Kerana
store, on the other hand, are a more recent development.

Even if a customer is physically present at HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED,
the information I've been given makes me think that most customers choose to shop at a
nearby kerana store. HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED sees kerana outlets as
direct competitors as a result. Whether or not this is true, one of the main deterrents to buying
at the Kerana store is the limited selection of goods. They most likely don't just want to shop

at the kerana store; Hypercity Retail (India) Limited are most likely interested in having a
good time.
Comparison of HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED with any Kirana store

Servic Variet Qualit Convenienc Experienc
Price e y y e e Ambience
LIMITED 70% 50% 100% 40% 25% 90% 95%
Kirana store 30% 50% 0% 60% 75% 10% 5%

100 95
80 90
60 75
40 70
20 50 40
30 25

Analysis: The following graph contrasts HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED with
a nearby Kerana business. On every metric, HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED
underperformed. Many customers think that HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED
offers lower pricing than the neighbourhood kerana store because of its convenient location.
The survey found that about half of respondents preferred the Kirana store to HYPERCITY
RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED. Every customer who has stopped by the establishment claims
that HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED carries a wider selection of goods than
Kerana. Customers have praised HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED's goods and

assistance. When it comes to product quality, 60% of buyers prefer Kirana Store over
HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED, while 40% do the opposite. Only 25% of
those polled find HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED convenient, compared to
75% who find a Kerana store convenient. 90% of study participants said they enjoyed
shopping at the HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED outlet in Kirana (105 percent).
A majority of customers agree that HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED has a more
upscale environment than Kerana Store, with only 5% thinking the environment at Kerana
Shop is comparable to or better.
I assumed a kerana store was one of the rivals as it was mentioned as HYPERCITY
RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED's competition. Additionally, it poses a challenge for
HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED because traditional kerana shops have been
found to boost client satisfaction. Customers of kerana shop must trust HYPERCITY
RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED in order for them to become HYPERCITY RETAIL
(INDIA) LIMITED customers, hence it must constantly improve its features and outperform
kerana store.

Comparison of HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED with others Organized

retailers based on following points
Pric Servic Variet Qualit Convenienc Experienc
e e y y e e Ambience
LIMITED 45% 50% 55% 52% 54% 46% 58%
O. Org. Retails 55% 50% 45% 48% 46% 54% 42%

35 Big bazaarO. Org. Retails
30 Series 2


I thought there was a lot of competition for HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED,
including other organised retailers. Numerous traits of other organised retail that could lead
to higher levels of customer satisfaction endanger the success of HYPERCITY RETAIL
(INDIA) LIMITED. A concerted effort must be made to improve each of HYPERCITY
RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED's characteristics if it is to outperform the other organised
retailers in the market.


Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis is a business approach

that assesses both internal and external elements that have an impact on an organization's
operations. The competitive and macroeconomic conditions in India make it easier to identify
and assess a company's strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This is a
business. The advantages and cons of HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED Retail
Ltd. are carefully analysed, as well as the company's prospects and risks. A SWOT analysis
must identify and evaluate both internal and external elements that could affect an
organization's success if it is to be effective. Through the identification of new opportunities,
management of competitive threats, improvement of resource efficacy, and reduction of
commercial and policymaking risks, it might help strategists maximise the performance of
the firm.

When performing a SWOT analysis, the advantages listed below should be taken into
account: The competitive advantage that Retail Limited has
Strengths are a company's assets and capabilities that can be used to create, maintain, and
grow a competitive edge.

• HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) PVT. LTD. (It has helped the business achieve market
share for new products very quickly. creating a pronounced competitive edge in a market that
is becoming more competitive. The market share of HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA)
LIMITED Retail Ltd. in retail (clothing) is growing quickly as a result of the launch of
cutting-edge new products. Private company HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED
is established in London.

Why does the product mix used by HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED work? A
vast range of product combinations are available from Retail Ltd. As a result, it makes it
possible for the retail (apparel) industry to cater to a wide variety of customers, including but
not limited to those with different needs.

• Due to its varied revenue model, HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED has grown
into a number of non-service-related industries. As a result, it has been able to diversify its
revenue sources, leaving the service sector and entering new industries like retail clothing.

• The business must treat its employees decently if it wants to succeed in the retail (apparel)
market. HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED's staff needs adequate talent
management and skill development opportunities to support the company's long-term growth
and success.

Why HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED Retail Ltd stands apart from the
competition because to its track record of successful consumer-driven innovation.

HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED Retail Ltd. is experiencing numerous issues.

What does a SWOT analysis's definition of "weaknesses" mean?


weaknesses in Retail Ltd.'s competencies, resources, and/or strengths. The advantages of
Retail Ltd. are not based on what it lacks, but rather on what it has. To make sure that
apparent vulnerabilities are not the result of poor strategic judgments or poor strategic
planning, decision-makers must assess the apparent vulnerabilities.

Why It was expensive to replace the current staff at HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA)
LIMITED Retail Ltd. Few employees control the company's knowledge base, and it's
challenging to replace them given the state of the economy. • Companies like HYPERCITY
RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED Retail Ltd struggle to create lucrative local monopolies and
specialty markets in the current economic climate. The company's approach is apparently
failing, as evidenced by HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED Retail Ltd.'s
dwindling customer base.

• While the Retail (Apparel) company expands more quickly, HYPERCITY RETAIL
(INDIA) LIMITED Retail Ltd.'s market share decreases as revenues rise. HyperCity Retail
(India) Limited must assess the numerous market developments affecting the Services
industry in order to decide its next steps. HIGH STREET RETAIL (INDIA)

• As dealer networks lost importance, HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED Retail

Ltd. was forced to create a new, reliable supply chain and logistics network, which increased

Why Retail Ltd's business model is simple to imitate by competitors in the industry, making
it a useful knowledge resource. HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED Retail Ltd.
Company Name must create a platform model that connects suppliers, vendors, and end users
in order to effectively address these difficulties.

Due to the history of HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED Retail Ltd. using cutting-
edge technologies to lower prices throughout the supply chain, supplier loyalty is at an all-
time low.

The opportunity portfolio of HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED Retail Ltd. is

diverse. Opportunities are repeatedly highlighted in the SWOT Analysis. Your explanation of
an opportunity is beyond my comprehension.

• There are several methods for a firm to expand and become profitable, with increasing
earnings and growing market share just two of them.
• Making use of specialist social media platforms and independent retail partners could
reduce the price of launching new products. According to HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA)
LIMITED, launching a new product and taking advantage of rising demand can be
accomplished by beginning small and growing after initial success. The UK serves as the
company's main headquarters for HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED. Due to its
global strategies and execution ability, HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED Retail
Ltd. has an advantage over nearby rivals.

A low rate of inflation improves market stability and makes it possible for HYPERCITY
RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED to provide customers loans at lower interest rates, enhancing
their purchasing power. A reduced unemployment rate enhances the stability of the market
and enables HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED Retail Ltd. to provide customers
with loans at lower interest rates, boosting their spending power and encouraging the
company's growth. These developments will increase interest in the products sold by

• Due to the quick technical development and innovation, industrial productivity has
increased, enabling suppliers to provide a wider range of goods and services. This might
make it possible for HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED to significantly broaden
the scope of its product offering, particularly if it moves into related industries.

Why Due to positive consumer feedback, HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED

Retail Ltd. now has a significant opportunity. Customers enjoy HYPERCITY RETAIL
(INDIA) LIMITED Retail Ltd's lower-priced products, and the company has strong brand
recognition in the premium market. The business may be able to arrive at a win-win scenario,
enhancing profitability.

• Consumer preferences change frequently, requiring corporate flexibility. Due to rising

disposable money, easy access to knowledge, and rapid technological innovation, customers
are becoming more and more willing to test and experiment with new products. LOTS OF
HYPERCITY In order to successfully execute its overall strategy, Retail Ltd. must keep a
careful eye on both the Retail (Apparel) sector and the larger Services industry.

Knowing what a "threat" is is crucial when conducting a SWOT analysis.

• Client perceptions and macroeconomic conditions can have a significant negative impact on
a company's business strategy. Threats cannot always be eradicated, even if they can be
• As the interval between new product introductions in the services sector shortens,
competition is escalating. Due to the current situation, businesses like HYPERCITY
RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED Retail Ltd. face more competition. • The economy is slowing
because baby boomers are ageing and retiring, and the next generation is trying to make up
for their decreased purchasing power. Younger consumers are less likely to be brand loyal,
and Hypercity Retail (India) Limited is keen to try out new products, therefore the company's
profit margins might eventually drop.

• The business of HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED Retail Ltd. in India and
abroad may suffer from a trade war between the United States and China, the effects of
Brexit on Europe, and widespread political unrest in the Middle East. Retail Ltd. operates in
several countries, including India.

• An improvement in US-China trade ties may have an impact on the expansion objectives of
HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED Retail Ltd. A full-scale trade conflict might
break out, making it challenging for the company to grow in China.

HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED Retail Ltd. may face legal action as a result
of institutions' growing distrust. This is because it might be challenging to follow WTO
regulations and legislation in different markets. Currently, it costs too much money and takes
too much time to participate in legal processes. Economic growth may decrease if
investments in developing markets decline.

• One of the main issues with the partnership between local businesses and HYPERCITY
RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED Retail Ltd. in the international market is the loss of
intellectual property rights. Comparatively speaking, China's system of intellectual property
rights is weaker than that of other developing nations like Brazil.



The results of this poll show that most people prefer to shop at malls over huge bazaars
since malls provide a wider selection of brands. People love to hang out in shoe stores, which
are common in shopping malls and are well-liked by the public. On the weekends, people go
to the mall or the movies to have fun and do something. In contrast, mall gift shops and
jewellery stores hardly ever or never see any customers. This will have the unexpected result
of making it harder for the most known bazaars in the world to attract and keep clients from
other places. Long-term, this will make it more difficult for them to generate income.
Hypercity Retail (India) Limited needs to carry a wide selection of branded goods in order to
attract and retain mall shoppers. It might sell some of the most expensive clothing and
jewellery brands on the market to attract customers who care about labels. The bulk of its
customers, according to Hypercity Retail (India) Limited, only make one or two purchases
per week or month. Customers have praised Hypercity Retail (India) Limited for its efforts in
providing high-quality goods and services at competitive prices. Customers at Hypercity
Retail (India) Limited have a variety of options.

Hypercity Retail (India) Limited, according to the firm, is the most well-known organised
retail brand in India since it is expanding into major cities, drawing more customers, and
running well. SAVINGS MARKET is a well-known nickname for the financial services

The consumer base is aware of the great savings Hypercity Retail (India) Limited gives.
India currently boasts more than 50 enormous markets, and it seems that as more people seek
giant markets, there are an increasing number of large markets as well. A hypermarket like

Hypercity Retail (India) Limited sells a variety of goods, including clothing, food,
stationery, kitchenware, electronics, leather goods and accessories (like watches), crockery
and decorative items, sporting goods (like shoes), and chocolate. The business is in direct
competition with all of the specialty stores that provide a wide range of products as well as
promotions and discounts all year long. The Kirana Shops (formerly Sabka Bazaar), The
Vishal Retail Group (previously Reliance Retail), and The Sabka Bazaar network are a few
well-known shops (formerly Kirana).

The survey's results also show that because malls have a wider variety of name-brand
products than big bazaars, most people prefer to purchase there. People love to hang out in
shoe stores, which are common in shopping malls and are well-liked by the public. On the
weekends, people go to the mall or the movies to have fun and do something. In contrast,
mall gift shops and jewellery stores hardly ever or never see any customers. This will have
the unexpected result of making it harder for the most known bazaars in the world to attract
and keep clients from other places. Long-term, this will make it more difficult for them to
generate income. Hypercity Retail (India) Limited needs to offer more name-brand goods
in its stores in order to entice and retain customers. If the establishment wants to lure
customers to the mall and retain them there, this is crucial. It might decide to work with some
of the most well-known high-end clothes and jewellery companies in the industry to attract
customers who care about brands.



Why If Hypercity Retail (India) Limited offers a wider variety of branded goods than its
rivals do, customers who are already familiar with a brand may be more likely to shop there.
Hypercity Retail (India) Limited must guarantee that its clients have access to a wide range
of parking options for a variety of reasons.

Each category of customer deserves its own cash register, which should be kept separate
from the others. To reduce foot traffic and give consumers more time, customer service desks
and places where credit card payments can be made should, whenever possible, be kept apart.
The agreement that was made will increase the likelihood that customers of the huge
marketplace will do business with them. The service offered by the salesman may be viewed
as above average when compared to the industry norm. It is only feasible to guarantee that
the customer will be satisfied if the salesman exhibits real concern for them during the entire
transaction. It has been proposed that well-known bazaars might offer extra perks to patrons
during off-peak hours to entice them to visit during various times of the year. If shoppers
visit a big market after it closes and discover great deals, they will learn about Hypercity
Retail (India) Limited. To effectively handle client inquiries and complaints, a customer
service department must be established. No matter what time of day or night it is, the person
in charge of the service desk at a big bazaar should always be able to give clients all the
information they require. Numerous upgrades to the underlying infrastructure are necessary
in order to manage the large people that frequent the main market on Saturdays and Sundays.



Everything you need to complete all of your shopping needs is available at this vast shopping
centre. With a wide range of products available, this organisation provides a competitive
pricing option. Hypercity Retail (India) Limited has had a successful and long-lasting run in
the retail sector overall from the company's establishment. It has established a reputation in
the market as a company that provides competitively low costs as a result of the aggressive
way in which it sets prices. The majority of the organization's entire revenue comes from its
customers. The bulk of the company's clients, according to the organisation, are middle-class
families with two to three kids. Shopping and attending major bazaars are two of the most
popular activities that Indian families enjoy doing together, according to Hypercity Retail
(India) Limited. Particularly with younger generations, this is true. Huge bazaars are
renowned for both their immense size and the sizable number of visitors they draw from all
over the world. It is customary when visiting sizable bazaars to buy an item to match the
clothing you are wearing then and then. A potential customer's decision to buy is influenced
by a wide range of factors when it comes to digital marketing. The next paragraphs will go
into greater detail on each of these factors. Here are a few more instances for you to think
about. Customers have access to a wide range of advantages, including but not limited to
exclusive discounts, door-to-door delivery (for a small additional cost), happiness,
convenient payment options, favourable customer feedback, and courteous service. The
flexibility of completing transactions through digital marketing, where customers may do it
whenever they want and with any form of payment they choose, is often what draws
customers to these types of businesses.

The study's findings show that companies that promoted the aforementioned activities
through digital marketing saw an increase in sales, revenue, and brand awareness.
Additionally, using internet marketing lets you sell your products globally without having to
physically deliver them to each individual customer. A large selection of products is sold by
the omni-channel hypermarket Hypercity Retail (India) Limited. Among them are clothes,
food, chocolates, electronics, leather products, jewellery, crockery, and other ornamental
objects. A wide range of goods, including but not limited to clothing, food, crockery,

stationery, electronics, leather goods, watches, jewellery, home accents, sporting goods, and
chocolates, are available for purchase from the company Hypercity Retail (India) Limited.
Much As an omni-channel hypermarket, Hypercity Retail (India) Limited sells a wide range
of goods, including clothes, food, stationery, electronics, leather goods, jewellery, crockery
and other decorative items, sporting goods, and chocolates. You can buy these items offline
or online. Hypercity Retail (India) Limited is a one-stop shop for clothing, food, stationery,
cuisine, electronics, leather goods, watches, jewelery, crockery, decorative items, sporting
goods, and chocolates. One of the services provided by Hypercity Retail (India) Limited is
the ability to arrange home delivery. The business competes directly with any niche retailer
that offers a broad selection of goods and runs year-round sales. The study's findings show
that Hypercity Retail (India) Limited has a sizable customer base, the vast majority of whom
are happy with the products and services the business offers. There are already 34 Hypercity
Retail (India) Limited sites in India, however it seems like the number of these locations is
growing at an alarming rate as more customers seem to want them.

The business Hypercity Retail (India) Limited, which provides customers with a
diversified assortment of products over a large range of subcategories, is a great example of
this. It was transformed into a shopping mall that catered to people from middle-class
families. Pizza to baby food is just a few of the many products this store sells, all of which
are gathered in one convenient area. Its main objective is to market goods and services to the
city's middle-class citizens, who make up the vast bulk of visitors to the area. Even the vast
majority of consumers who regularly visit big bazaars restrict their purchases to necessities.
People go here from all over the world not just to purchase at the massive bazaar, but also to
take tours and partake in other activities.

It accomplishes this purpose in part by offering its clients a tranquil setting to hang out in.
People are drawn to shopping malls because of the wide variety of goods they offer, whether
they are there to shop or just to visit as guests. The most popular goods to buy in Delhi's vast
market, which has more than a million distinct stalls, are clothing, food, and other items
related to food. The biggest problem with huge bazaars is frequently stated as the lack of
enough parking spaces for customers' cars. It's probable that fewer people will shop at the
enormous market if there is nowhere for them to park their cars. It has been reported by a
large number of people that finding a parking spot at the mall was easy, which may be
because there are many spots available. The firm conducted a survey to identify which shops
in a huge bazaar were the most competitive in comparison to those that were the least
competitive. The Tata Groups (Croma), Hypercity Retail (India) Limited, Delhi Bazaar,
Hypercity Retail (India) Limited, Reliance Retail, and Sabka Bazaar were found to be the
most competitive retailers in the market for kerana shops and discount specialty stores.
Hypercity Retail (India) Limited's study served as the basis for this conclusion.



Everything you need to complete all of your shopping needs is available at this vast
shopping centre. With a wide range of products available, this organisation provides a
competitive pricing option. Hypercity Retail (India) Limited has had a successful and
long-lasting run in the retail sector overall from the company's establishment. It has
established a reputation in the market as a company that provides competitively low costs
as a result of the aggressive way in which it sets prices. The majority of the organization's
entire revenue comes from its customers. The bulk of the company's clients, according to
the organisation, are middle-class families with two to three kids. Shopping and attending
major bazaars are two of the most popular activities that Indian families enjoy doing
together, according to Hypercity Retail (India) Limited. Particularly with younger
generations, this is true. Huge bazaars are renowned for both their immense size and the
sizable number of visitors they draw from all over the world. It is customary when
visiting sizable bazaars to buy an item to match the clothing you are wearing then and
then. A potential customer's decision to buy is influenced by a wide range of factors
when it comes to digital marketing. The next paragraphs will go into greater detail on

each of these factors. Here are a few more instances for you to think about. Customers
have access to a wide range of advantages, including but not limited to exclusive
discounts, door-to-door delivery (for a small additional cost), happiness, convenient
payment options, favourable customer feedback, and courteous service. The flexibility of
completing transactions through digital marketing, where customers may do it whenever
they want and with any form of payment they choose, is often what draws customers to
these types of businesses.

The study's findings show that companies that promoted the aforementioned activities
through digital marketing saw an increase in sales, revenue, and brand awareness.
Additionally, using internet marketing lets you sell your products globally without having
to physically deliver them to each individual customer. A large selection of products is
sold by the omni-channel hypermarket Hypercity Retail (India) Limited. Among them are
clothes, food, chocolates, electronics, leather products, jewellery, crockery, and other
ornamental objects. A wide range of goods, including but not limited to clothing, food,
crockery, stationery, electronics, leather goods, watches, jewellery, home accents,
sporting goods, and chocolates, are available for purchase from the company Hypercity
Retail (India) Limited. Much As an omni-channel hypermarket, Hypercity Retail (India)
Limited sells a wide range of goods, including clothes, food, stationery, electronics,
leather goods, jewellery, crockery and other decorative items, sporting goods, and
chocolates. You can buy these items offline or online. Hypercity Retail (India) Limited is
a one-stop shop for clothing, food, stationery, cuisine, electronics, leather goods, watches,
jewelery, crockery, decorative items, sporting goods, and chocolates. One of the services
provided by Hypercity Retail (India) Limited is the ability to arrange home delivery. The
business competes directly with any niche retailer that offers a broad selection of goods
and runs year-round sales. The study's findings show that Hypercity Retail (India)
Limited has a sizable customer base, the vast majority of whom are happy with the
products and services the business offers. There are already 34 Hypercity Retail (India)
Limited sites in India, however it seems like the number of these locations is growing at
an alarming rate as more customers seem to want them.

The business Hypercity Retail (India) Limited, which provides customers with a
diversified assortment of products over a large range of subcategories, is a great example
of this. It was transformed into a shopping mall that catered to people from middle-class

families. Pizza to baby food is just a few of the many products this store sells, all of
which are gathered in one convenient area. Its main objective is to market goods and
services to the city's middle-class citizens, who make up the vast bulk of visitors to the
area. Even most consumers who regularly visit big bazaars restrict their purchases to
necessities. People go here from all over the world not just to purchase at the massive
bazaar, but also to take tours and partake in other activities.

It accomplishes this purpose in part by offering its clients a tranquil setting to hang out
in. People are drawn to shopping malls because of the wide variety of goods they offer,
whether they are there to shop or just to visit as guests. The most popular goods to buy in
Delhi's vast market, which has more than a million distinct stalls, are clothing, food, and
other items related to food. The biggest problem with huge bazaars is frequently stated as
the lack of enough parking spaces for customers' cars. It's probable that fewer people will
shop at the enormous market if there is nowhere for them to park their cars. It has been
reported by many people that finding a parking spot at the mall was easy, which may be
because there are many spots available. The firm conducted a survey to identify which
shops in a huge bazaar were the most competitive in comparison to those that were the
least competitive. The Tata Groups (Croma), Hypercity Retail (India) Limited, Delhi
Bazaar, Hypercity Retail (India) Limited, Reliance Retail, and Sabka Bazaar were found
to be the most competitive retailers in the market for kerana shops and inexpensive
speciality stores. Hypercity Retail (India) Limited's study served as the basis for this




1. Name: -
2. Age: -
3. Gender: -
4. Address: -
5. Qualification: -
6. Profession: -
7. Ph.
8. What’s your monthly income?
a) Below 10,000
b) 20,000 – 40,000
c) 40,000 – 60,000
d) Hypercity Retail (India) Limited than 60,000


1. How frequently do you visit HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED?

a) Weekly
b) Monthly
c) Quarterly
d) On unplanned basis
2. Apart from HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED do you intend to visit any other
retail outlet in a mall?

a) Yes b) No

2.(a). If yes then what are the other retail outlets do you intend to visit in a mall?

a) Garment Outlet
b) Footwear Outlet
c) Food Court
d) Entertainment
e) Gift Corner
f) Jeweler and Watches store

3. What is the purpose behind visiting HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED?

a) Shopping
b) Outing
c) Others

4. What type of products do you mostly purchase in HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA)

a) Cloths
b) Grocery
c) Food Item
d) Leather Item
e) Electronic Item
f) Gift Item
g) Any other Item

5. On an average how much amount of money do you spend in a visit to HYPERCITY

a) Below 500
b) 500 – 1000
c) 1000 – 1500

d) 1500 – 2000
e) Hypercity Retail (India) Limited than 2000

6. How much time do you spend in a visit to HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED?
a) Less than half an hour
b) Half an hour to 1 hour
c) 1 hour to 1 ½ hours
d) 1 ½ hours to 2 hours
e) Hypercity Retail (India) Limited than 2 hours

7. Which days of the week do you prefer to visit HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA)
a) Weekdays
b) Weekends

8. Which time of the day do you mostly prefer to visit HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA)
a) 10am – 1pm
b) 1pm - 3pm
c) 3pm-6pm
d) 6pm – 10pm
9. Do you go with a planned list of products to be purchased from HYPERCITY
a) Yes b) No c) some time

10. Do you prepare a list of brands in advance when you visit to HYPERCITY RETAIL
a) Yes b) No c) Depends on category

11. In which categories of products do you pre-decide the brands?

a) Cloths
b) Leather Items
c) Electronic Items
d) Grocery
e) Gift Items
f) Any other Item

12. What is your mode of payment in HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED?

a) Cash payment b) Credit Card c) Debit Card

13. What encourages you to visit HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED?

a. Price
b. Service
c. Product Variety
d. Product Quality
e. Convenience

14. Which type of your convenience to HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED?

a) Hired vehicle
b) Two-wheeler
c) Four-wheeler
d) Any other

15. How is the parking space availability in HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED?
a) Less than adequate
b) Adequate
c) Hypercity Retail (India) Limited than adequate

16. Do you go to Kirana store?

a) Yes b) No

17. Compare your nearest Kirana store with HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA) LIMITED.
a) Price
b) Service
c) Variety
d) Quality
e) Convenience
f) Shopping Experience
g) Ambience

18. Compare others organized retail stores with HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA)
LIMITED on the following parameters.
a) Price
Organized Retailer
b) Service
Organized Retailer
c) Variety
Organized Retailer
d) Quality
Organized Retailer
e) Convenience
Organized Retailer
f) Shopping Experience
Organized Retailer
g) Ambience
Organized Retailer


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► Kotler Philip, marketing management, (Pearson education, 12th edition)

► Malhotra K. Naresh, marketing research (An applied orientation), Research design,
(Prentice Hall of India pvt. 5th edition)
► Berman B and Evans J.R, Retail Management (Pearson education, 10th edition)
► Louden D.L. & bittadelia consumer behavior (tata Mc. Graw hill, 4th edition)
► Newman A.J. and Cullen P,Retailing,Environment and operations (Vikas,1st Ed.)


 Retail seminar. In
 Literature review on HYPERCITY RETAIL (INDIA)

**************** Thanking You*******************


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