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1)Age (years)

→ 16–20

→ 21–29

→ 30–39

2)Education level

→ Up to schooling

→ Undergraduate

→ Postgraduate


→ Male

→ Female

4)Average time spent on social media (in a day)

→ 0–3 h

→ 3–6 h

→ Above 6 h

1. Problematic usage of the internet (PUI)
→ It is very difficult for me to wait and see what’s new on social media platforms which I like to
→ I have taken a conscious attempt to spend reduced time on social media platforms but haven’t
→ I often lose track of time when I am online

→ I feel worthless offline, but online I feel live and notable

→ I feel guilty about the extent of time I spend on social networking sites (SNSs)

2. Impact on mental and psychological health (IMPH)

→ I feel lonely most of the time

→ I am more comfortable in the virtual world than in the real world

→ I avoid talking to people around me

→ I use social media whenever I feel sad and low

3. Fear of missing out (FOMO) (Przybylski et al., 2013)

→ I frequently check my phone to stay updated about my friends and what’s new in their life

→ When I do something good or had a good time, I must share the details online i.e. I update my
status on virtual platforms without failing
→ Even when I go on vacation, I continue to keep tabs on what my friends are doing

→ Sometimes, I wonder if I spend too much time keeping up with what is going on

4. Social media fatigue (SMF) (Bright et al., 2015):

→ I am likely to receive too much information when I am searching on social media

→ The volume of information accessible on various social media platforms is enormous and beyond
my capacity
→ The huge volume of information that is available on social media makes me anxious and stunned

→ I feel overloaded with information while searching on social media

5. Desire to disconnect (DD)

→ I want to move from the chaos of this wired life to live with more lively activities

→ I am perfectly fine with abandoning my dependence on technology

→ I look forward to a short break from connectivity for a better experience when spending time
with my loved ones
6. Joy of missing out (JOMO)

→ I feel happier in the absence of limited or no connectivity

→ I avoid using my smartphone when on vacation

→ Disconnecting allows me moments of rest and peace from my daily routine

→ Disconnecting helps me in restoring balance in life

Impact on Mental and
Psychological Health

Fear Of Missing Out


Social Media Fatigue Problematic Use of

(SMF) Internet (PUI)

Desire to Disconnect

Joy of Missing Out


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