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Sagar makes a contract with Raman to pay Rs 30,000 if Raman marries Urmila.
Unfortunately, Urmila dies in a car accident. 
What happens to the contract and why ?

Case- Nandkishore Lalbagh vs New Era Fabrics Pvt.Ltd.& Ors . (2015) 9 SCC 755 ,
AIR 2015 SC 3796 , a contract for the sale of land with a factory was to be
performed only if the labor unions agreed to the sale and further if the change of
land use was approved by the appropriate authority. There was no approval by
the labor union nor by the relevant authority. 

What happens to the contract and why ?

Gian Chand Vs Gopala and Ors 1995 SCC (2) 528, JT 1995 (2) 513, in this case,
there was an agreement to sell the land that provided that the earnest money
would be returned in case the land is notified for acquisition. Unknown to the
parties, the land was already under notification.

What happens to the contract and why ?

Facts as stated are that defendants are owners of offices Nos.305, 306, 307 and
308, situated on third floor in the project AL-AMEERA CENTRE on plot No.150,
Survey sheet AM, situated in Artillery Maidan Quarters, Saddar, Karachi; plaintiff
agreed to purchase the same subject to payment of a total consideration of
Rs.18,917,500/- in 16 months/up-to mid of January 2016; that plaintiff paid an
amount of Rs.25,00,000/- as token money by three pay orders dated 17.09.2014
duly encashed by defendants; that it was agreed that before singing sale
agreement defendants will hand over duly paid/cleared bills of utility and also
NOCs clearance certificates from concerned authorities and association of
building that there are no remonstrations, dues etc. but the defendants miserably
failed to execute sale agreement and settle terms and conditions which are
necessary and also agreed between the plaintiff and defendants for performance
of contract, defendants did not provide copies of paid bills of utilities nor NOCs
and clearance certificates; that instead of complying with requisite formalities,
defendants maliciously sent notice dated 14.1.2015 to plaintiff for cancellation of
verbal agreement and forfeiture of amount paid; defendants delayed execution of
sale agreement and correction of year / figure

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