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11. A. He lost his wallet on a trip to Germany.

1. A.The woman and the man have plans to B. His private lessons did not help him.
eat out together. C. His German tutor charges a reasonable fee.
B.The woman would prefer to stay home this D. He plans to continue taking lessons.
C.The man has changed his mind about the new 12. A. The committee has just begun to write
restaurant. the report.
D.The man is sorry he cannot join the woman B. The report will be short.
for dinner. C. The committee members have just become
2. A. A plane trip. D. The report is finished except for the
B. A rental car. introduction.
C. A hotel room.
D. Concert tickets. 13. A. They should play another time.
B. They will probably have to play in the
3. A.The woman did not remember her gym.
appointment. C. He prefers to play in the gym
B.The woman needs to get a calendar. D. It is not supposed to rain tomorrow.
C. The appointment must be changed to a
different day. 14. A. Type the letter as it is.
D. The calendar shows the wrong month. B. Change some wording in his letter.
C. Send the letter without typing it.
4. A. The woman should continue driving. D. Check to make sure his facts are correct.
B. They will arrive late for dinner.
C. He forgot to make reservations. 15. A. The woman should call the professor the
D. He is not sure what is wrong with the car. next day.
B. He is canceling the choir rehearsal
5. A. She did not realize that their team had won. because of illness.
B. Their team nearly lost the game. C. The woman will feel better in a day or two.
C. She called to find out the score of the D. He will turn up the heat in the choir room.
D. Their team usually wins its games. 16. A. They should take another route to the
6.A. Join him and Mary at the movie. B. They turned onto the wrong road.
B. Ask Mary what she is doing tonight. C. The man will get to the bank before it
C. Invite a group of friends to go to the movie. closes.
D. Tell Mary about the movie. D. The bank will open soon.

7. A. Professor Campbell changed the conference 17. A. Go out to eat when the museum closes.
time. B. Check that the museum cafeteria is open.
B. He is planning to stay until the conference C. Leave the museum temporarily
is finished. D. Meet each other later in the day.
C. He will not attend the concert.
D. He will wait for the woman. 18. A. The woman should have thrown out the
newspapers herself.
8. A. She recently purchased laundry detergent. B. He does not know where her paper is.
B. She will buy some detergent for the man. C. The woman's paper is in the trash.
C. The Laundromat is around the corner. D. He does not have time to help her look for
D. The man can buy detergent at the store. her paper.

9.A. It is next to the Holiday Motel. 19. A. The woman can make her call
B. It is nicer than the Holiday Motel. tomorrow.
C. It is very inexpensive. B. There is a problem with the woman's
D. It is a little farther than the Holiday Motel. telephone.
C. The airline's offices are closed.
10. A. She does not believe it will snow. D. He does not know what the problem could
B. Snow in October is unusual. be.
C. Canadian winters are rather long.
D. Winter is her favorite season. 20. A. He is very hungry.
B. He has made plans to eat with someone C. The woman wants to borrow the man's
else. sociology notes.
C. He did not like what he ate for lunch. D. The woman has to organize her
D. He will go with the woman. psychology notes.

21. A. She is proud of the man. 30. A. The man will find a job if he continues
B. She does not want to see the man's test. to look.
C. She also got a good grade. B. The man should look for a job in a
D. She has not taken the test yet. different field.
C. The man can get a job where the woman
22. A. He will tell the woman what to do. works.
B. The meeting will have to be postponed. D. The man should keep his current job.
C. He will get the job done if he gets some
instruction. 31. A. She will be able to join the economics
D. He will need to throw away most of the seminar.
papers. B. She has a new printer for her computer.
C. She finished paying back her loan.
23. A. Find another sociology course. D. She got an A on her term paper.
B. Look for a job in the sociology department.
C. Ask someone to take notes for her on 32. A. The importance of paying back loans
Friday. promptly.
D. Change her work schedule. B. A way to help people improve their
economic conditions.
24. A. She can help the man until lunchtime. C. Using computers to increase business
B. She cannot read the applications until efficiency.
after her class. D. The expansion of international business.
C. She has a class after lunch.
D. She also plans to apply to graduate school. 33. A. It is the topic of his term paper.
B. He would like to find a job there.
25. A. Mary will trim her hedge. C. His economics professor did research work
B. Phil has a better chance of winning. there.
C. Mary will win the election. D. Microcredit programs have been very
D. Phil will sit on the ledge. successful there.

26. A. He thinks the woman's computer is 34. A. Cancel her credit card.
broken. B. Sign up for the economics seminar.
B. He worked on the woman's computer for C. Do research on banks in Asia.
too long. D. Type the man's term paper.
C. He sometimes gets headaches after doing
computer work. 35. A. The life of a well-known Canadian
D. He needs to take a longer break. architect.
B. The architectural design of a new
27. A. The library closed earlier than she museum.
expected. C. The variety of museums in Washington,
B. She could not find a birthday present. D.C.
C. She picked Jack up at the golf course. D. The changing function of the modern
D. The bookstore did not have what she museum.
was looking for.
36. A. Both were designed by the same
28. A. The equipment has already been locked architect.
up. B. Both are located in Washington, D.C.
B. The woman should be more careful with C. Both feature similar exhibits.
the equipment. D. Both were built around a central square.
C. He knows how to operate the equipment.
D. He will put the equipment away. 37. A. A classical temple.
B. A well-known museum.
29. A. The man did not give the woman the C. A modern office building.
notes she needed. D. A natural landscape.
B. The man's notes were hard to understand.
38. A. Traditional views on the purpose of a C. How they hunt.
museum. D. How they solve problems.
B. Traditional values of Native Americans.
C. Traditional notions of respect for elected 48. A. By changing its appearance.
leaders. B. By imitating signals that the other
D. Traditional forms of classical architecture. spiders send.
C. By spinning a large web.
39. A. They are examples of the usual D. By imitating insects caught in a web.
sequence of observation and explanation.
B. They provide evidence of inaccurate 49. A. Avoid attacks by other spiders.
scientific observation. B. Cross some water.
C. Their discovery was similar to that of the C. Jump to the edge of the tray.
neutrino. D. Spin a long thread.
D. They were subjects of 1995 experiments at
Los Alamos. 50. A. It would keep trying to reach the rock the
same way.
40. A. Its mass had previously been measured. B. It would try to reach the rock a different
B. Its existence had been reported by Los way.
Alamos National Laboratory. C. The scientists would move the spider to the
C. Scientists were looking for a particle with rock.
no mass. D. The scientists would place another spider
D. Scientists were unable to balance in the tray.
equations of energy without it.

41. A. That it carries a large amount of energy. 1. (A) Her notebook is missing.
B. That it is a type of electron.     (B) Her handwriting is difficult to read.
C. That it is smaller in size than previously     (C) She wasn't in class this morning, either.
thought.     (D) She's already lent her notes to someone
D. That it has a tiny amount of mass. else.
42. A. The clearing of New England forests.
2. (A) Get a schedule of events at the athletic
B. The role of New England trees in British
shipbuilding. center.
C. The development of the shipbuilding     (B) Refer to the bus schedule.
industry in New England.     (C) Wait for the shuttle in the student lounge .
D. The role of the British surveyor general in     (D) Borrow a schedule from another student .
colonizing New England.
3. (A) She looks good in blue.
43. A. Law.
    (B) She never wears sweaters.
B. Mathematics.
C. History.     (C) She might prefer another color.
D. Engineering.     (D) She enjoys receiving gifts.

44. A. Sugar maple. 4. (A) Someone painted it for her.

B. Oak.     (B) She finally had time to paint it.
C. White pine.     (C) She decided to paint it later.
D. Birch.
    (D) Some friends will help her paint it.
45. A. Its width.
B. Its height. 5. (A) Today's seminar was informative.
C. Its straightness.     (B) Another seminar will take place the
D. Its location. following
46. A. M     (C) Next week’s seminar is on a different topic
B. %
C. K
D. ->     (D) There will be two seminars next week.

47. A. How they swim long distances. 6. (A) He’s usually happy.
B. How they got their name.     (B) He listens to music when he’s in a good
mood.       (D) He hasn't been to the other shopping
    (C) He had to pay a high price for his stereo. center .
    (D) He's pleased with his purchase.
15. (A) She has to do some work tomorrow.
7. (A) He can send the woman additional       (B) She'll attend tomorrow's performance .
information.       (C) She doesn't intend to go to the play.
    (B) The woman received the wrong bill.       (D) She can't work at the theater tomorrow.
    (C) He agrees that the charges are too high.
    (D) He'll credit the woman's account. 16. (A) She hasn't seen Kate.
      (B) Kate has changed her plans.
8. (A) Answer her calls.       (C) The man had misunderstood her.
    (B) Take her home.       (D) The man should go to New York next
    (C) Write out a list of his calls. week.
    (D) Telephone her later in the day.
17. (A) He doesn't want to attend the graduation
9. (A) Taking a test. ceremony.
    (B) Giving Spanish tests to students.       (B) He's attended only one graduation
    (C) Paying for private lessons. ceremony.
    (D) Studying.       (C) The woman doesn't have to attend the
graduation ceremony.
10. (A) The window is broken.       (D) Attendance is taken at the graduation
      (B) He's nervous about opening the window. ceremony.
      (C) It's not possible to open the window.
      (D) It's too cold to open the window. 18. (A) Someone from the housing office fixed
11. (A) He wasn't offered the job he had talked faucet.
about .       (B) Allen called the housing office for her.
      (B) He didn't really want to work in the       (C) She replaced the faucet.
bookstore .       (D) Allen repaired the faucet.
      (C) He didn't know where the bookstore was.
      (D) He didn't refuse the bookstore job. 19. (A) He didn't know that the woman was class
12. (A) She needed to change the letter before       (B) He doesn't want to be treasurer.
mailing it.       (C) He doesn't think the woman should run
      (B) She didn't know how much postage was for
needed. office.
      (C) She didn't have the right coins to buy       (D) He didn't know the elections were today.
      (D) The stamp machine has been moved . 20. (A) He doesn't have much time for tennis .
      (B) He's enthusiastic about his new courses.
13. (A) They should go to lunch soon.       (C) He plays tennis better than she does .
      (B) He needs to make more coffee for lunch .       (D) He's not very interested in his school
      (C) There is enough coffee for several more work.
      (D) He won't drink any more coffee today. 21. (A) He'll drive the woman to the paint store.
      (B) He doesn't really like the painting .
14. (A) There are too many shopping centers       (C) He'll hold the painting for the woman .
already.       (D) He doesn't know where the painting is .
      (B) They aren't really going to build a
shopping 22. (A) The man hurried through breakfast.
center.       (B) The room is too warm for a sweater.
      (C) He knew about the planned construction .       (C) The man will be late if he doesn't hurry.
      (D) The man's appearance shows that he was Questions  31-34
31. (A) It's too noisy.
23 .(A) The doctor wasn't feeling well .       (B) It's not convenient to the university.
      (B) He didn't see the new doctor.       (C) The heating system is defective.
      (C) The doctor isn't new to the infirmary.       (D) The owner is unpleasant.
      (D) He met the doctor at a conference.
32. (A) Tell the owner two months in advance
24. (A) Pay Marsha for the bookshelf. that
      (B) Ask Marsha where the bookshelf is. she's moving.
      (C) Check for the book on Marsha's shelf.       (B) Alert the housing authorities to her
      (D) Ask Marsha if she has an extra bookshelf. problem.
      (C) Move to another apartment in the same
25. (A) The man can get some paper at the new building.
store.       (D) Leave by the end of the month.
      (B) She just opened a new box of paper.
      (C) She'll type the man's paper at her place . 33. (A) It must be on a higher floor.
      (D) The man can buy today's paper at the       (B) It must have quiet surroundings.
newsstand.       (C) It must be within driving distance of the
26. (A) She saw only part of it.       (D) It must be in a new building.
      (B) She couldn't go to see it.
      (C) She wasn't in charge of it. 34. (A) Rent would be very expensive.
      (D) She didn't understand it.       (B) Public transportation wouldn't be
27. (A) He doesn't like old movies.       (C) Apartment complexes in Windsor are old.
      (B) He didn't see a large number of movies .
      (C) He saw more movies than the woman did.       (D) Apartments in Windsor tend to be noisy.

      (D) His children have seen many movies. Questions  35-38

28. (A) The airport is closed due to bad weather. 35. (A) Start a new program at State College.
      (B) An earlier closure affected the airport's       (B) Study at a different school.
schedule.       (C) Find a summer job.
      (C) The flight is following its regular       (D) Improve her grades.
      (D) The plane will return to its point of 36. (A) Journalism.
departure.       (B) Science.
      (C) Management.
29. (A) She hadn't begun to study biology.       (D) Art.
      (B) She hadn't liked the previous biology
course. 37. (A) Its reputation isn't as good as State
      (C) She did very well in elementary biology. College's
      (D) She'd already taken all the biology       (B) She can't get a good recommendation
courses . there.
      (C) The registration office hasn't answered
30. (A) She recently moved to Miami. her
      (B) She needed a vacation. letters yet .
      (C) She'll leave for Miami soon.       (D) She may not get accepted there .
      (D) She was pleased to get his postcard.
38. (A) Use her professors as references.
Part  B       (B) Study more to improve her grades .
      (C) Think more positively about the State
College program. deaths.
      (D) Write to the head of the art department .       (D) An increase in insects at the zoo.

Part  C 47. (A) Owl cages.

      (B) Insecticide spray.
Questions  39-41       (C) Sawdust.
      (D) Mousetraps.
39. (A) Summer vacation.
      (B) The housing office. 48. (A) Rats.
      (C) Resident advisers.       (B) Owls.
      (D) Check-out procedures.       (C) Mice.
      (D) Insects.
40. (A) Register for summer school.
      (B) Repair holes in room walls. 49. (A) They choked on sawdust.
      (C) Return their keys to the housing office.       (B) They were fed contaminated mice.
      (D) Call the housing office.       (C) They were bitten by deadly insects.
      (D) They escaped from the zoo.
41. (A) Their summer addresses.
      (B) Any damage to their rooms. 50. (A) To illustrate a principle about
      (C) When they plan to leave. environmental
      (D) Questions for the housing office. poisons.
      (B) To demonstrate the usefulness of
Questions  42-45 chemicals.
      (C) To show how bookkeepers raise mice in
42. (A) The liquefaction of gas. captivity.
      (B) Techniques used for refrigeration.       (D) To prove a point about the building
      (C) Materials used to make industrial industry.
      (D) The cost of transporting natural gas
1. A. The woman and the man have plans to
out together.
43. (A) It becomes brittle. B. The woman would prefer to stay home this
      (B) It expands. evening.
      (C) It oxidizes. C. The man has changed his mind about the
      (D) It bends. new
44. (A) It has a low melting point. D. The man is sorry he cannot join the woman
      (B) It's expensive.
      (C) It often contains impurities. for dinner.
      (D) Its properties are unpredictable.
2. A. A plane trip.
45. (A) Oxygen. B. A rental car.
      (B) Aluminum. C. A hotel room.
      (C) Nickel. D. Concert tickets.
      (D) Boron.
3. A. The woman did not remember her
Questions  46-50 appointment.
B. The woman needs to get a calendar.
46. (A) Behavior of owls in the wild. C. The appointment must be changed to a
      (B) Experiments at the London Zoo. different day.
      (C) An investigation of accidental animal D. The calendar shows the wrong month.
4. A. The woman should continue driving. C. The committee members have just
B. They will arrive late for dinner. become
C. He forgot to make reservations. acquainted.
D. He is not sure what is wrong with the car. D. The report is finished except for the
5. A. She did not realize that their team had won.
B. Their team nearly lost the game. 13. A. They should play another time.
C. She called to find out the score of the B. They will probably have to play in the
game. gym.
D. Their team usually wins its games. C. He prefers to play in the gym
D. It is not supposed to rain tomorrow.
6. A. Join him and Mary at the movie.
B. Ask Mary what she is doing tonight. 14. A. Type the letter as it is.
C. Invite a group of friends to go to the B. Change some wording in his letter.
movie. C. Send the letter without typing it.
D. Tell Mary about the movie. D. Check to make sure his facts are correct.

7. A. Professor Campbell changed the 15. A. The woman should call the professor the
conference next day.
time. B. He is canceling the choir rehearsal
B. He is planning to stay until the because of illness.
conference C. The woman will feel better in a day or
is finished. two.
C. He will not attend the concert. D. He will turn up the heat in the choir
D. He will wait for the woman. room.

8. A. She recently purchased laundry detergent. 16. A. They should take another route to the
B. She will buy some detergent for the man. bank.
C. The Laundromat is around the corner. B. They turned onto the wrong road.
D. The man can buy detergent at the store. C. The man will get to the bank before it
9. A. It is next to the Holiday Motel. D. The bank will open soon.
B. It is nicer than the Holiday Motel.
C. It is very inexpensive. 17. A. Go out to eat when the museum closes.
D. It is a little farther than the Holiday Motel. B. Check that the museum cafeteria is open.
C. Leave the museum temporarily
10. A. She does not believe it will snow. D. Meet each other later in the day.
B. Snow in October is unusual.
C. Canadian winters are rather long. 18. A. The woman should have thrown out the
D. Winter is her favorite season. newspapers herself.
B. He does not know where her paper is.
11. A. He lost his wallet on a trip to Germany. C. The woman's paper is in the trash.
B. His private lessons did not help him. D. He does not have time to help her look
C. His German tutor charges a reasonable for
fee. her paper.
D. He plans to continue taking lessons.
19. A. The woman can make her call
12. A. The committee has just begun to write tomorrow.
the B. There is a problem with the woman's
report. telephone.
B. The report will be short. C. The airline's offices are closed.
D. He does not know what the problem B. She could not find a birthday present.
could C. She picked Jack up at the golf course.
be. D. The bookstore did not have what she
20. A. He is very hungry. looking for.
B. He has made plans to eat with someone
else. 28. A. The equipment has already been locked
C. He did not like what he ate for lunch. up.
D. He will go with the woman. B. The woman should be more careful with
the equipment.
21. A. She is proud of the man. C. He knows how to operate the equipment.
B. She does not want to see the man's test. D. He will put the equipment away.
C. She also got a good grade.
D. She has not taken the test yet. 29. A. The man did not give the woman the
22. A. He will tell the woman what to do. she needed.
B. The meeting will have to be postponed. B. The man's notes were hard to understand.
C. He will get the job done if he gets some C. The woman wants to borrow the man's
instruction. sociology notes.
D. He will need to throw away most of the D. The woman has to organize her
papers. psychology
23. A. Find another sociology course. 30. A. The man will find a job if he continues
B. Look for a job in the sociology to
department. look.
C. Ask someone to take notes for her on B. The man should look for a job in a
Friday. different
D. Change her work schedule. field.
C. The man can get a job where the woman
24. A. She can help the man until lunchtime. works.
B. She cannot read the applications until D. The man should keep his current job.
after her class.
C. She has a class after lunch. 31. A. She will be able to join the economics
D. She also plans to apply to graduate seminar.
school. B. She has a new printer for her
25. A. Mary will trim her hedge. C. She finished paying back her loan.
B. Phil has a better chance of winning. D. She got an A on her term paper.
C. Mary will win the election.
D. Phil will sit on the ledge. 32. A. The importance of paying back loans
26. A. He thinks the woman's computer is B. A way to help people improve their
broken. economic conditions.
B. He worked on the woman's computer for C. Using computers to increase business
too efficiency.
long. D. The expansion of international business.
C. He sometimes gets headaches after
doing 33. A. It is the topic of his term paper.
computer work. B. He would like to find a job there.
D. He needs to take a longer break. C. His economics professor did research
27. A. The library closed earlier than she there.
D. Microcredit programs have been very C. Scientists were looking for a particle with
successful there. no
34. A. Cancel her credit card. D. Scientists were unable to balance
B. Sign up for the economics seminar. equations of energy without it.
C. Do research on banks in Asia.
D. Type the man's term paper. 41. A. That it carries a large amount of energy.
B. That it is a type of electron.
35. A. The life of a well-known Canadian C. That it is smaller in size than previously
architect. th
B. The architectural design of a new ought.
museum. D. That it has a tiny amount of mass.
C. The variety of museums in Washington,
D.C. 42. A. The clearing of New England forests.
D. The changing function of the modern B. The role of New England trees in
museum. British
36. A. Both were designed by the same C. The development of the shipbuilding
architect. industry in New England.
B. Both are located in Washington, D.C. D. The role of the British surveyor general
C. Both feature similar exhibits. in
D. Both were built around a central square. colonizing New England.

37. A. A classical temple. 43. A. Law.

B. A well-known museum. B. Mathematics.
C. A modern office building. C. History.
D. A natural landscape. D. Engineering.

38. A. Traditional views on the purpose of a 44. A. Sugar maple.

museum. B. Oak.
B. Traditional values of Native C. White pine.
Americans. D. Birch.
C. Traditional notions of respect for elected
leaders. 45. A. Its width.
D. Traditional forms of classical B. Its height.
architecture. C. Its straightness.
D. Its location.
39. A. They are examples of the usual
sequence 46. A. M
of observation and explanation. B. %
B. They provide evidence of inaccurate C. K
scientific observation. D. ->
C. Their discovery was similar to that of the
neutrino. 47. A. How they swim long distances.
D. They were subjects of 1995 experiments B. How they got their name.
at C. How they hunt.
Los Alamos. D. How they solve problems.

40. A. Its mass had previously been measured. 48. A. By changing its appearance.
B. Its existence had been reported by Los B. By imitating signals that the other
Alamos National Laboratory. spiders
C. By spinning a large web.
D. By imitating insects caught in a web. 7. (A) He can send the woman additional
49. A. Avoid attacks by other spiders.     (B) The woman received the wrong bill.
    (C) He agrees that the charges are too high.
B. Cross some water.
    (D) He'll credit the woman's account.
C. Jump to the edge of the tray.
D. Spin a long thread. 8. (A) Answer her calls.
    (B) Take her home.
50. A. It would keep trying to reach the rock the     (C) Write out a list of his calls.
same way.     (D) Telephone her later in the day.
B. It would try to reach the rock a
different 9. (A) Taking a test.
way.     (B) Giving Spanish tests to students.
    (C) Paying for private lessons.
C. The scientists would move the spider to
    (D) Studying.
rock. 10. (A) The window is broken.
D. The scientists would place another spider       (B) He's nervous about opening the window.
in       (C) It's not possible to open the window.
the tray.       (D) It's too cold to open the window.

11. (A) He wasn't offered the job he had talked

1. (A) Her notebook is missing. about.
    (B) Her handwriting is difficult to read.       (B) He didn't really want to work in the
    (C) She wasn't in class this morning, either. bookstore .
    (D) She's already lent her notes to someone       (C) He didn't know where the bookstore was.
else.       (D) He didn't refuse the bookstore job.

2. (A) Get a schedule of events at the athletic 12. (A) She needed to change the letter before
center. mailing it.
    (B) Refer to the bus schedule.       (B) She didn't know how much postage was
    (C) Wait for the shuttle in the student lounge . needed.
¡¡       (C) She didn't have the right coins to buy
    (D) Borrow a schedule from another student . stamps.
      (D) The stamp machine has been moved .
3. (A) She looks good in blue.
    (B) She never wears sweaters. 13. (A) They should go to lunch soon.
    (C) She might prefer another color.       (B) He needs to make more coffee for lunch .
    (D) She enjoys receiving gifts.       (C) There is enough coffee for several more
      (D) He won't drink any more coffee today.
4. (A) Someone painted it for her.
    (B) She finally had time to paint it.
    (C) She decided to paint it later. 14. (A) There are too many shopping centers
    (D) Some friends will help her paint it. already.
      (B) They aren't really going to build a
5. (A) Today's seminar was informative.
    (B) Another seminar will take place the
      (C) He knew about the planned construction .
following week.
      (D) He hasn't been to the other shopping
    (C) Next week's seminar is on a different
center .
topic .
    (D) There will be two seminars next week.
15. (A) She has to do some work tomorrow.
      (B) She'll attend tomorrow's performance .
6. (A) He's usually happy.
      (C) She doesn't intend to go to the play.
    (B) He listens to music when he's in a good
      (D) She can't work at the theater tomorrow.
    (C) He had to pay a high price for his stereo.
    (D) He's pleased with his purchase. 16. (A) She hasn't seen Kate.
      (B) Kate has changed her plans.
      (C)The man had misunderstood her.
      (D) The man should go to New York next       (B) She just opened a new box of paper.
week.       (C) She'll type the man's paper at her place .
      (D) The man can buy today's paper at the
17. (A) He doesn't want to attend the graduation newsstand.
      (B) He's attended only one graduation 26. (A) She saw only part of it.
ceremony.       (B) She couldn't go to see it.
      (C) The woman doesn't have to attend the       (C) She wasn't in charge of it.
graduation ceremony.       (D) She didn't understand it.
      (D) Attendance is taken at the graduation
ceremony. 27. (A) He doesn't like old movies.
      (B) He didn't see a large number of movies
18. (A) Someone from the housing office fixed .
the       (C) He saw more movies than the woman did.
      (B) Allen called the housing office for her.       (D) His children have seen many movies.
      (C) She replaced the faucet.
      (D) Allen repaired the faucet. 28. (A) The airport is closed due to bad weather.
      (B) An earlier closure affected the airport's
19. (A) He didn't know that the woman was class
treasurer. schedule.
      (B) He doesn't want to be treasurer.       (C) The flight is following its regular
      (C) He doesn't think the woman should run schedule.
for       (D) The plane will return to its point of
office. departure.
      (D) He didn't know the elections were today.
29. (A) She hadn't begun to study biology.
20. (A) He doesn't have much time for tennis .       (B) She hadn't liked the previous biology
      (B) He's enthusiastic about his new courses. course.
      (C) He plays tennis better than she does .       (C) She did very well in elementary biology.
      (D) He's not very interested in his school       (D) She'd already taken all the biology
work. courses .

21. (A) He'll drive the woman to the paint store. 30. (A) She recently moved to Miami.
      (B) He doesn't really like the painting .       (B) She needed a vacation.
      (C) He'll hold the painting for the woman .       (C) She'll leave for Miami soon.
      (D) He doesn't know where the painting is .       (D) She was pleased to get his postcard.

22. (A) The man hurried through breakfast. Part  b Questions  31-34

      (B) The room is too warm for a sweater.
      (C) The man will be late if he doesn't hurry. 31. (A) It's too noisy.
      (D) The man's appearance shows that he       (B) It's not convenient to the university.
was       (C) The heating system is defective.
rushed.       (D) The owner is unpleasant.

23 .(A) The doctor wasn't feeling well . 32. (A) Tell the owner two months in advance
      (B) He didn't see the new doctor. that she's moving.
      (C) The doctor isn't new to the infirmary.       (B) Alert the housing authorities to her
      (D) He met the doctor at a conference. problem.
      (C) Move to another apartment in the same
24. (A) Pay Marsha for the bookshelf. building.
      (B) Ask Marsha where the bookshelf is.       (D) Leave by the end of the month.
      (C) Check for the book on Marsha's shelf.
      (D) Ask Marsha if she has an extra 33. (A) It must be on a higher floor.
bookshelf.       (B) It must have quiet surroundings.
      (C) It must be within driving distance of the
25. (A) The man can get some paper at the university.
new       (D) It must be in a new building.
34. (A) Rent would be very expensive. 43. (A) It becomes brittle.
      (B) Public transportation wouldn't be       (B) It expands.
available.       (C) It oxidizes.
      (C) Apartment complexes in Windsor are old.       (D) It bends.

      (D) Apartments in Windsor tend to be noisy. 44. (A) It has a low melting point.
      (B) It's expensive.
Questions  35-38       (C) It often contains impurities.
      (D) Its properties are unpredictable.
35. (A) Start a new program at State College.
      (B) Study at a different school. 45. (A) Oxygen.
      (C) Find a summer job.       (B) Aluminum.
      (D) Improve her grades.       (C) Nickel.
      (D) Boron.
36. (A) Journalism.
      (B) Science. Questions  46-50
      (C) Management.
      (D) Art. 46. (A) Behavior of owls in the wild.
      (B) Experiments at the London Zoo.
37. (A) Its reputation isn't as good as State       (C) An investigation of accidental animal
College's. deaths.
      (B) She can't get a good recommendation       (D) An increase in insects at the zoo.
there .
      (C) The registration office hasn't answered 47. (A) Owl cages.
her       (B) Insecticide spray.
letters yet .       (C) Sawdust.
      (D) She may not get accepted there .       (D) Mousetraps.

38. (A) Use her professors as references. 48. (A) Rats.

      (B) Study more to improve her grades .       (B) Owls.
      (C) Think more positively about the State       (C) Mice.
College program .       (D) Insects.
      (D) Write to the head of the art department
49. (A) They choked on sawdust.
PART CQuestions  39-41       (B) They were fed contaminated mice.
      (C) They were bitten by deadly insects.
39. (A) Summer vacation.       (D) They escaped from the zoo.
      (B) The housing office.
      (C) Resident advisers. 50. (A) To illustrate a principle about
      (D) Check-out procedures. environmental poisons.
      (B) To demonstrate the usefulness of
40. (A) Register for summer school. chemicals.
      (B) Repair holes in room walls.       (C) To show how bookkeepers raise mice in
      (C) Return their keys to the housing office. captivity.
      (D) To prove a point about the building
      (D) Call the housing office. industry.

41. (A) Their summer addresses. 1. A. The man should go to the museum by
      (B) Any damage to their rooms. shuttle bus.
      (C) When they plan to leave. 2. D. The man should have studied for the
      (D) Questions for the housing office. exam.
3. A. A new building.
Questions  42-45 4. B. Use computer in the lab.
5. A. She got her watch where his sister
42. (A) The liquefaction of gas. works.
      (B) Techniques used for refrigeration. 6. A. Find out if classes are cancelled
      (C) Materials used to make industrial 7. B. She is spending a lot of time in the
containers . library.
      (D) The cost of transporting natural gas
8. A. Try to fix what is wrong with the 37. D. When children lear to associate
computer. sounds
9. B. She wants the man to choose quickly. with meaning.
10. B. She can return the CD to Tom later. 38. B. How children are able to learn
11. B. Make an appointment at the clinic language.
soon. 39. B. Communication over long distances in
12. C. Look at other apartments before
deciding. North America.
13. D. He is not on the basketball team. 40. C. The fees of several couriers were
14. B. Buy the green shirt. included in the charge.
15. C. The woman is planning to start a new 41. D. A funeral.
job. 42. C. Attracting birds.
16. D. See a play with her aunt. 43. B. They like to eat them.
17. C. She thinks she will not need financial 44. D. They are baked in the oven.
aid. 45. A. It makes the clean and free of germs.
18. B. The woman does not have to pay extra 46. C. She collects birds nests.
47. A. How to prevent landslides in
for it. populated
19. A. A small town can have negative areas.
qualities. 48. B. They can reveal unsafe conditions for
20. D. He will not able to coordinate the building.
program again. 49. B. It helps keep the soil in place.
21. C. He is late for an appointment with the 50. D. A wall that stops water from draining.
man and woman.
22. B. She can get the materials they gave LISTENING 3
out at 1. B. She never heard of the comedy club
the meeting. 2. D. Check with the store later
23. A. He probably will not able to follow 3. B. She doesn’t play volley ball anymore
4. A. The man can’t afford to fail such an
professor’s advice.
important assignment
24. B. He doubts that the theater group will
perform a musical next year. 5. D. Finish her paper later that afternoon
25. C. He wants an appartment near his 6. B. He was unable to buy a gift
work. 7. A. He’d be happy to help the woman
26. D. The elections would be held later. move
27. A. He did not recommend the lecture. her desk
28. D. She intends to go see the movie. 8. –
29. C. Ways should he found to use less 9. A. He wants chocolate ice cream instead
water. 10. C. She liked the movie
30. C. The new manual has not been 11. –
completed 12. –
13. A. She really like the concert she
31. C. The class reading list.
32. D. The main character gets into trouble.
14. –
33. A. Some British reviewers wrote
favorably 15. B. He needs a table for six
about it. 16. A. He usually prefers to shop in the
34. C. Phases of language development in morning
young 17. A. Prepare the medicine for the man
children. 18. C. At dry cleanser’s
35. C. They are among the first sounds 19. B. There isn’t enough food for them both
babies 20. A. Her arm is healing quickly
make. 21. C. Both women have had there hair cut
36. A. Their voice box is not positioned there
correctly yet. 22. B. She agrees with the man
23. A. The man should tke which ever class 55. A. She got her watch where his sister
he works.
needs more 56. A. Find out if classes are cancelled
24. B. Hang up the handphone 57. B. She is spending a lot of time in the
25. – library.
58. A. Try to fix what is wrong with the
26. C. He always bears the buzzer
27. –
59. B. She wants the man to choose quickly.
28. A. She will arrive in the dallas earlier 60. B. She can return the CD to Tom later.
expetied 61. B. Make an appointment at the clinic
29. – soon.
30. A. Ed’s atitides would be easy to change 62. C. Look at other apartments before
31. B. He has to do a lot of reading for his deciding.
job 63. D. He is not on the basketball team.
32. A. She has taken a speed reading class 64. B. Buy the green shirt.
65. C. The woman is planning to start a new
33. B. Concern about the time commitment
34. D. At the dean’s office
66. D. See a play with her aunt.
35. – 67. C. She thinks she will not need financial
36. B. She has more experience making aid.
prints 68. B. The woman does not have to pay extra
than the man does for it.
37. A. By systematically reviewing each step 69. A. A small town can have negative
in qualities.
process 70. D. He will not able to coordinate the
38. B. He adjusted the pressure on the program again
71. C. He is late for an appointment with the
press incorrectly
man and woman.
39. C. Finding butterfly habitats
72. B. She can get the materials they gave
40. C. Many different butterfly species live out at the meeting.
there 73. A. He probably will not able to follow
41. B. Looking for mate the professor’s advice.
42. C. To observe the migration of the 74. B. He doubts that the theater group will
monarch perform a musical next year.
butterflies. 75. C. He wants an appartment near his
43. A. A lecture work.
44. B. To make it easier for people with 76. D. The elections would be held later.
disabilities to attend shows 77. A. He did not recommend the lecture.
78. D. She intends to go see the movie.
45. B. A student discount program,
79. C. Ways should he found to use less
46. A. Ticket stubs water.
47. B. A potential application of laser 80. C. The new manual has not been
technology completed yet.
48. B. It would be more durable than
conventional engines. 81. C. The class reading list.
49. B. Air 82. D. The main character gets into trouble.
50. A. A laser-powered train engine will be 83. A. Some British reviewers wrote
marketed soon. favorably about it.
51. A. The man should go to the museum by 84. C. Phases of language development in
shuttle bus. young children.
52. D. The man should have studied for the 85. C. They are among the first sounds
exam. babies make.
53. A. A new building. 86. A. Their voice box is not positioned
54. B. Use computer in the lab. correctly yet.
87. D. When children lear to associate
sounds with meaning.
88. B. How children are able to learn mood.
language.     (C) He had to pay a high price for his stereo.
89. B. Communication over long distances in     (D) He's pleased with his purchase.
North America.
90. C. The fees of several couriers were 7. (A) He can send the woman additional
included in the charge.
    (B) The woman received the wrong bill.
91. D. A funeral.
92. C. Attracting birds.     (C) He agrees that the charges are too high.
93. B. They like to eat them.     (D) He'll credit the woman's account.
94. D. They are baked in the oven.
95. A. It makes the clean and free of germs. 8. (A) Answer her calls.
96. C. She collects birds nests.     (B) Take her home.
97. A. How to prevent landslides in     (C) Write out a list of his calls.
populated areas.     (D) Telephone her later in the day.
98. B. They can reveal unsafe conditions for
building. 9. (A) Taking a test.
99. B. It helps keep the soil in place.     (B) Giving Spanish tests to students.
100. D. A wall that stops water from
    (C) Paying for private lessons.
    (D) Studying.

10. (A) The window is broken.

1. (A) Her notebook is missing.       (B) He's nervous about opening the window.
    (B) Her handwriting is difficult to read.       (C) It's not possible to open the window.
    (C) She wasn't in class this morning, either.       (D) It's too cold to open the window.
    (D) She's already lent her notes to someone
else. 11. (A) He wasn't offered the job he had talked
about .
2. (A) Get a schedule of events at the athletic       (B) He didn't really want to work in the
center. bookstore .
    (B) Refer to the bus schedule.       (C) He didn't know where the bookstore was.
    (C) Wait for the shuttle in the student lounge .       (D) He didn't refuse the bookstore job.
    (D) Borrow a schedule from another student .
12. (A) She needed to change the letter before
3. (A) She looks good in blue. mailing it.
    (B) She never wears sweaters.       (B) She didn't know how much postage was
    (C) She might prefer another color. needed.
    (D) She enjoys receiving gifts.       (C) She didn't have the right coins to buy
4. (A) Someone painted it for her.       (D) The stamp machine has been moved .
    (B) She finally had time to paint it.
    (C) She decided to paint it later. 13. (A) They should go to lunch soon.
    (D) Some friends will help her paint it.       (B) He needs to make more coffee for lunch .
      (C) There is enough coffee for several more
5. (A) Today's seminar was informative. cups.
    (B) Another seminar will take place the       (D) He won't drink any more coffee today.
week. 14. (A) There are too many shopping centers
    (C) Next week’s seminar is on a different topic already.
.       (B) They aren't really going to build a
    (D) There will be two seminars next week. shopping
6. (A) He’s usually happy.       (C) He knew about the planned construction .
    (B) He listens to music when he’s in a good
      (D) He hasn't been to the other shopping       (D) The man's appearance shows that he was
center . rushed.

15. (A) She has to do some work tomorrow. 23 .(A) The doctor wasn't feeling well .
      (B) She'll attend tomorrow's performance .       (B) He didn't see the new doctor.
      (C) She doesn't intend to go to the play.       (C) The doctor isn't new to the infirmary.
      (D) She can't work at the theater tomorrow.       (D) He met the doctor at a conference.

16. (A) She hasn't seen Kate. 24. (A) Pay Marsha for the bookshelf.
      (B) Kate has changed her plans.       (B) Ask Marsha where the bookshelf is.
      (C) The man had misunderstood her.       (C) Check for the book on Marsha's shelf.
      (D) The man should go to New York next       (D) Ask Marsha if she has an extra bookshelf.
25. (A) The man can get some paper at the new
17. (A) He doesn't want to attend the graduation store.
ceremony.       (B) She just opened a new box of paper.
      (B) He's attended only one graduation       (C) She'll type the man's paper at her place .
ceremony.       (D) The man can buy today's paper at the
      (C) The woman doesn't have to attend the newsstand.
graduation ceremony.
      (D) Attendance is taken at the graduation 26. (A) She saw only part of it.
ceremony.       (B) She couldn't go to see it.
      (C) She wasn't in charge of it.
18. (A) Someone from the housing office fixed       (D) She didn't understand it.
faucet. 27. (A) He doesn't like old movies.
      (B) Allen called the housing office for her.       (B) He didn't see a large number of movies .
      (C) She replaced the faucet.       (C) He saw more movies than the woman did.
      (D) Allen repaired the faucet.
      (D) His children have seen many movies.
19. (A) He didn't know that the woman was class
treasurer. 28. (A) The airport is closed due to bad weather.
      (B) He doesn't want to be treasurer.       (B) An earlier closure affected the airport's
      (C) He doesn't think the woman should run schedule.
for       (C) The flight is following its regular
office. schedule.
      (D) He didn't know the elections were today.       (D) The plane will return to its point of
20. (A) He doesn't have much time for tennis .
      (B) He's enthusiastic about his new courses. 29. (A) She hadn't begun to study biology.
      (C) He plays tennis better than she does .       (B) She hadn't liked the previous biology
      (D) He's not very interested in his school course.
work.       (C) She did very well in elementary biology.
      (D) She'd already taken all the biology
21. (A) He'll drive the woman to the paint store. courses .
      (B) He doesn't really like the painting .
      (C) He'll hold the painting for the woman . 30. (A) She recently moved to Miami.
      (D) He doesn't know where the painting is .       (B) She needed a vacation.
      (C) She'll leave for Miami soon.
22. (A) The man hurried through breakfast.       (D) She was pleased to get his postcard.
      (B) The room is too warm for a sweater.
      (C) The man will be late if he doesn't hurry. Part  B
Questions  31-34 38. (A) Use her professors as references.
      (B) Study more to improve her grades .
31. (A) It's too noisy.       (C) Think more positively about the State
      (B) It's not convenient to the university. College program.
      (C) The heating system is defective.       (D) Write to the head of the art department .
      (D) The owner is unpleasant.
Part  C
32. (A) Tell the owner two months in advance
that Questions  39-41
she's moving.
      (B) Alert the housing authorities to her 39. (A) Summer vacation.
problem.       (B) The housing office.
      (C) Move to another apartment in the same       (C) Resident advisers.
building.       (D) Check-out procedures.
      (D) Leave by the end of the month.
40. (A) Register for summer school.
33. (A) It must be on a higher floor.       (B) Repair holes in room walls.
      (B) It must have quiet surroundings.       (C) Return their keys to the housing office.
      (C) It must be within driving distance of the       (D) Call the housing office.
      (D) It must be in a new building. 41. (A) Their summer addresses.
      (B) Any damage to their rooms.
34. (A) Rent would be very expensive.       (C) When they plan to leave.
      (B) Public transportation wouldn't be       (D) Questions for the housing office.
      (C) Apartment complexes in Windsor are old. Questions  42-45

      (D) Apartments in Windsor tend to be noisy. 42. (A) The liquefaction of gas.
      (B) Techniques used for refrigeration.
      (C) Materials used to make industrial
Questions  35-38       (D) The cost of transporting natural gas

35. (A) Start a new program at State College.

      (B) Study at a different school.
      (C) Find a summer job. 43. (A) It becomes brittle.
      (D) Improve her grades.       (B) It expands.
      (C) It oxidizes.
36. (A) Journalism.       (D) It bends.
      (B) Science.
      (C) Management. 44. (A) It has a low melting point.
      (D) Art.       (B) It's expensive.
      (C) It often contains impurities.
37. (A) Its reputation isn't as good as State       (D) Its properties are unpredictable.
      (B) She can't get a good recommendation 45. (A) Oxygen.
there.       (B) Aluminum.
      (C) The registration office hasn't answered       (C) Nickel.
her       (D) Boron.
letters yet .
      (D) She may not get accepted there . Questions  46-50
46. (A) Behavior of owls in the wild. C. The appointment must be changed to a
      (B) Experiments at the London Zoo. different day.
      (C) An investigation of accidental animal D. The calendar shows the wrong month.
      (D) An increase in insects at the zoo. 4. A. The woman should continue driving.
B. They will arrive late for dinner.
47. (A) Owl cages. C. He forgot to make reservations.
      (B) Insecticide spray. D. He is not sure what is wrong with the car.
      (C) Sawdust.
      (D) Mousetraps. 5. A. She did not realize that their team had won.
B. Their team nearly lost the game.
48. (A) Rats. C. She called to find out the score of the
      (B) Owls. game.
      (C) Mice. D. Their team usually wins its games.
      (D) Insects.
6. A. Join him and Mary at the movie.
49. (A) They choked on sawdust. B. Ask Mary what she is doing tonight.
      (B) They were fed contaminated mice. C. Invite a group of friends to go to the
      (C) They were bitten by deadly insects. movie.
      (D) They escaped from the zoo. D. Tell Mary about the movie.

50. (A) To illustrate a principle about 7. A. Professor Campbell changed the

environmental conference
poisons. time.
      (B) To demonstrate the usefulness of B. He is planning to stay until the
chemicals. conference
      (C) To show how bookkeepers raise mice in is finished.
captivity. C. He will not attend the concert.
      (D) To prove a point about the building D. He will wait for the woman.
8. A. She recently purchased laundry detergent.
1. A. The woman and the man have plans to B. She will buy some detergent for the man.
eat C. The Laundromat is around the corner.
out together. D. The man can buy detergent at the store.
B. The woman would prefer to stay home this
evening. 9. A. It is next to the Holiday Motel.
C. The man has changed his mind about the B. It is nicer than the Holiday Motel.
new C. It is very inexpensive.
restaurant. D. It is a little farther than the Holiday Motel.
D. The man is sorry he cannot join the woman
10. A. She does not believe it will snow.
for dinner. B. Snow in October is unusual.
C. Canadian winters are rather long.
2. A. A plane trip. D. Winter is her favorite season.
B. A rental car.
C. A hotel room. 11. A. He lost his wallet on a trip to Germany.
D. Concert tickets. B. His private lessons did not help him.
C. His German tutor charges a reasonable
3. A. The woman did not remember her fee.
appointment. D. He plans to continue taking lessons.
B. The woman needs to get a calendar.
12. A. The committee has just begun to write B. There is a problem with the woman's
the telephone.
report. C. The airline's offices are closed.
B. The report will be short. D. He does not know what the problem
C. The committee members have just could
become be.
D. The report is finished except for the 20. A. He is very hungry.
introduction. B. He has made plans to eat with someone
13. A. They should play another time. C. He did not like what he ate for lunch.
B. They will probably have to play in the D. He will go with the woman.
C. He prefers to play in the gym 21. A. She is proud of the man.
D. It is not supposed to rain tomorrow. B. She does not want to see the man's test.
C. She also got a good grade.
14. A. Type the letter as it is. D. She has not taken the test yet.
B. Change some wording in his letter.
C. Send the letter without typing it. 22. A. He will tell the woman what to do.
D. Check to make sure his facts are correct. B. The meeting will have to be postponed.
C. He will get the job done if he gets some
15. A. The woman should call the professor the instruction.
next day. D. He will need to throw away most of the
B. He is canceling the choir rehearsal papers.
because of illness.
C. The woman will feel better in a day or 23. A. Find another sociology course.
two. B. Look for a job in the sociology
D. He will turn up the heat in the choir department.
room. C. Ask someone to take notes for her on
16. A. They should take another route to the D. Change her work schedule.
B. They turned onto the wrong road. 24. A. She can help the man until lunchtime.
C. The man will get to the bank before it B. She cannot read the applications until
closes. after her class.
D. The bank will open soon. C. She has a class after lunch.
D. She also plans to apply to graduate
17. A. Go out to eat when the museum closes. school.
B. Check that the museum cafeteria is open.
C. Leave the museum temporarily 25. A. Mary will trim her hedge.
D. Meet each other later in the day. B. Phil has a better chance of winning.
C. Mary will win the election.
18. A. The woman should have thrown out the D. Phil will sit on the ledge.
newspapers herself.
B. He does not know where her paper is. 26. A. He thinks the woman's computer is
C. The woman's paper is in the trash. broken.
D. He does not have time to help her look B. He worked on the woman's computer for
for too
her paper. long.
C. He sometimes gets headaches after
19. A. The woman can make her call doing
tomorrow. computer work.
D. He needs to take a longer break.
27. A. The library closed earlier than she 33. A. It is the topic of his term paper.
expected. B. He would like to find a job there.
B. She could not find a birthday present. C. His economics professor did research
C. She picked Jack up at the golf course. work
D. The bookstore did not have what she there.
was D. Microcredit programs have been very
looking for. successful there.

28. A. The equipment has already been locked 34. A. Cancel her credit card.
up. B. Sign up for the economics seminar.
B. The woman should be more careful with C. Do research on banks in Asia.
the equipment. D. Type the man's term paper.
C. He knows how to operate the equipment.
D. He will put the equipment away. 35. A. The life of a well-known Canadian
29. A. The man did not give the woman the B. The architectural design of a new
notes museum.
she needed. C. The variety of museums in Washington,
B. The man's notes were hard to understand. D.C.
C. The woman wants to borrow the man's D. The changing function of the modern
sociology notes. museum.
D. The woman has to organize her
psychology 36. A. Both were designed by the same
notes. architect.
B. Both are located in Washington, D.C.
C. Both feature similar exhibits.
D. Both were built around a central square.

30. A. The man will find a job if he continues 37. A. A classical temple.
to B. A well-known museum.
look. C. A modern office building.
B. The man should look for a job in a D. A natural landscape.
field. 38. A. Traditional views on the purpose of a
C. The man can get a job where the woman museum.
works. B. Traditional values of Native
D. The man should keep his current job. Americans.
C. Traditional notions of respect for elected
31. A. She will be able to join the economics leaders.
seminar. D. Traditional forms of classical
B. She has a new printer for her architecture.
C. She finished paying back her loan. 39. A. They are examples of the usual
D. She got an A on her term paper. sequence
of observation and explanation.
32. A. The importance of paying back loans B. They provide evidence of inaccurate
promptly. scientific observation.
B. A way to help people improve their C. Their discovery was similar to that of the
economic conditions. neutrino.
C. Using computers to increase business D. They were subjects of 1995 experiments
efficiency. at
D. The expansion of international business. Los Alamos.
B. By imitating signals that the other
40. A. Its mass had previously been measured. spiders
B. Its existence had been reported by Los send.
Alamos National Laboratory. C. By spinning a large web.
C. Scientists were looking for a particle with D. By imitating insects caught in a web.
mass. 49. A. Avoid attacks by other spiders.
D. Scientists were unable to balance B. Cross some water.
equations of energy without it. C. Jump to the edge of the tray.
D. Spin a long thread.
41. A. That it carries a large amount of energy.
B. That it is a type of electron. 50. A. It would keep trying to reach the rock the
C. That it is smaller in size than previously same way.
th B. It would try to reach the rock a
ought. different
D. That it has a tiny amount of mass. way.
C. The scientists would move the spider to
42. A. The clearing of New England forests. the
B. The role of New England trees in rock.
British D. The scientists would place another spider
shipbuilding. in
C. The development of the shipbuilding the tray.
industry in New England.
D. The role of the British surveyor general
colonizing New England. 1. (A) Her notebook is missing.
    (B) Her handwriting is difficult to read.
43. A. Law.     (C) She wasn't in class this morning, either.
    (D) She's already lent her notes to someone
B. Mathematics.
C. History.
D. Engineering. 2. (A) Get a schedule of events at the athletic
44. A. Sugar maple.     (B) Refer to the bus schedule.
B. Oak.     (C) Wait for the shuttle in the student lounge .
C. White pine. ¡¡
D. Birch.     (D) Borrow a schedule from another student .

3. (A) She looks good in blue.

45. A. Its width.     (B) She never wears sweaters.
B. Its height.     (C) She might prefer another color.
C. Its straightness.     (D) She enjoys receiving gifts.
D. Its location.
4. (A) Someone painted it for her.
46. A. M     (B) She finally had time to paint it.
B. %     (C) She decided to paint it later.
    (D) Some friends will help her paint it.
C. K
D. ->
5. (A) Today's seminar was informative.
    (B) Another seminar will take place the
47. A. How they swim long distances. following week.
B. How they got their name.     (C) Next week's seminar is on a different
C. How they hunt. topic .
D. How they solve problems.     (D) There will be two seminars next week.

48. A. By changing its appearance.

6. (A) He's usually happy.       (C) She doesn't intend to go to the play.
    (B) He listens to music when he's in a good       (D) She can't work at the theater tomorrow.
    (C) He had to pay a high price for his stereo. 16. (A) She hasn't seen Kate.
    (D) He's pleased with his purchase.       (B) Kate has changed her plans.
      (C)The man had misunderstood her.
7. (A) He can send the woman additional       (D) The man should go to New York next
information. week.
    (B) The woman received the wrong bill.
    (C) He agrees that the charges are too high. 17. (A) He doesn't want to attend the graduation
    (D) He'll credit the woman's account. ceremony.
      (B) He's attended only one graduation
8. (A) Answer her calls. ceremony.
    (B) Take her home.       (C) The woman doesn't have to attend the
    (C) Write out a list of his calls. graduation ceremony.
    (D) Telephone her later in the day.       (D) Attendance is taken at the graduation
9. (A) Taking a test.
    (B) Giving Spanish tests to students. 18. (A) Someone from the housing office fixed
    (C) Paying for private lessons. the
    (D) Studying. faucet.
      (B) Allen called the housing office for her.
10. (A) The window is broken.       (C) She replaced the faucet.
      (B) He's nervous about opening the window.       (D) Allen repaired the faucet.
      (C) It's not possible to open the window.
      (D) It's too cold to open the window. 19. (A) He didn't know that the woman was class
11. (A) He wasn't offered the job he had talked       (B) He doesn't want to be treasurer.
about.       (C) He doesn't think the woman should run
      (B) He didn't really want to work in the for
bookstore . office.
      (C) He didn't know where the bookstore was.       (D) He didn't know the elections were today.
      (D) He didn't refuse the bookstore job.
20. (A) He doesn't have much time for tennis .
12. (A) She needed to change the letter before       (B) He's enthusiastic about his new courses.
mailing it.       (C) He plays tennis better than she does .
      (B) She didn't know how much postage was       (D) He's not very interested in his school
needed. work.
      (C) She didn't have the right coins to buy
stamps. 21. (A) He'll drive the woman to the paint store.
      (D) The stamp machine has been moved .       (B) He doesn't really like the painting .
      (C) He'll hold the painting for the woman .
13. (A) They should go to lunch soon.       (D) He doesn't know where the painting is .
      (B) He needs to make more coffee for lunch .
      (C) There is enough coffee for several more 22. (A) The man hurried through breakfast.
cups.       (B) The room is too warm for a sweater.
      (D) He won't drink any more coffee today.       (C) The man will be late if he doesn't hurry.
      (D) The man's appearance shows that he
14. (A) There are too many shopping centers was
already. rushed.
      (B) They aren't really going to build a
shopping 23 .(A) The doctor wasn't feeling well .
center.       (B) He didn't see the new doctor.
      (C) He knew about the planned construction .       (C) The doctor isn't new to the infirmary.
      (D) He hasn't been to the other shopping       (D) He met the doctor at a conference.
center .
24. (A) Pay Marsha for the bookshelf.
15. (A) She has to do some work tomorrow.       (B) Ask Marsha where the bookshelf is.
      (B) She'll attend tomorrow's performance .       (C) Check for the book on Marsha's shelf.
      (D) Ask Marsha if she has an extra building.
bookshelf.       (D) Leave by the end of the month.

25. (A) The man can get some paper at the 33. (A) It must be on a higher floor.
new       (B) It must have quiet surroundings.
store.       (C) It must be within driving distance of the
      (B) She just opened a new box of paper. university.
      (C) She'll type the man's paper at her place .       (D) It must be in a new building.
      (D) The man can buy today's paper at the
newsstand. 34. (A) Rent would be very expensive.
      (B) Public transportation wouldn't be
26. (A) She saw only part of it. available.
      (B) She couldn't go to see it.       (C) Apartment complexes in Windsor are old.
      (C) She wasn't in charge of it.
      (D) She didn't understand it.       (D) Apartments in Windsor tend to be noisy.

27. (A) He doesn't like old movies. Questions  35-38

      (B) He didn't see a large number of movies
. 35. (A) Start a new program at State College.
      (C) He saw more movies than the woman did.       (B) Study at a different school.
      (C) Find a summer job.
      (D) His children have seen many movies.       (D) Improve her grades.

28. (A) The airport is closed due to bad weather. 36. (A) Journalism.
      (B) An earlier closure affected the airport's       (B) Science.
      (C) Management.
schedule.       (D) Art.
      (C) The flight is following its regular
schedule. 37. (A) Its reputation isn't as good as State
      (D) The plane will return to its point of College's.
departure.       (B) She can't get a good recommendation
there .
29. (A) She hadn't begun to study biology.       (C) The registration office hasn't answered
      (B) She hadn't liked the previous biology her
course. letters yet .
      (C) She did very well in elementary biology.       (D) She may not get accepted there .
      (D) She'd already taken all the biology
courses . 38. (A) Use her professors as references.
      (B) Study more to improve her grades .
30. (A) She recently moved to Miami.       (C) Think more positively about the State
      (B) She needed a vacation. College program .
      (C) She'll leave for Miami soon.       (D) Write to the head of the art department .
      (D) She was pleased to get his postcard.
Part  C
Part  B
Questions  39-41
Questions  31-34
39. (A) Summer vacation.
31. (A) It's too noisy.       (B) The housing office.
      (B) It's not convenient to the university.       (C) Resident advisers.
      (C) The heating system is defective.       (D) Check-out procedures.
      (D) The owner is unpleasant.
40. (A) Register for summer school.
32. (A) Tell the owner two months in advance       (B) Repair holes in room walls.
that she's moving.       (C) Return their keys to the housing office.
      (B) Alert the housing authorities to her
problem.       (D) Call the housing office.
      (C) Move to another apartment in the same
41. (A) Their summer addresses.
      (B) Any damage to their rooms.
      (C) When they plan to leave.
      (D) Questions for the housing office.

Questions  42-45

42. (A) The liquefaction of gas.

      (B) Techniques used for refrigeration.
      (C) Materials used to make industrial
containers .
      (D) The cost of transporting natural gas

43. (A) It becomes brittle.

      (B) It expands.
      (C) It oxidizes.
      (D) It bends.

44. (A) It has a low melting point.

      (B) It's expensive.
      (C) It often contains impurities.
      (D) Its properties are unpredictable.

45. (A) Oxygen.

      (B) Aluminum.
      (C) Nickel.
      (D) Boron.

Questions  46-50

46. (A) Behavior of owls in the wild.

      (B) Experiments at the London Zoo.
      (C) An investigation of accidental animal
      (D) An increase in insects at the zoo.

47. (A) Owl cages.

      (B) Insecticide spray.
      (C) Sawdust.
      (D) Mousetraps.

48. (A) Rats.

      (B) Owls.
      (C) Mice.
      (D) Insects.

49. (A) They choked on sawdust.

      (B) They were fed contaminated mice.
      (C) They were bitten by deadly insects.
      (D) They escaped from the zoo.

50. (A) To illustrate a principle about

environmental poisons.
      (B) To demonstrate the usefulness of
      (C) To show how bookkeepers raise mice in
      (D) To prove a point about the building
LISTENING 2 83. A. Some British reviewers wrote
51. A. The man should go to the museum by about it.
shuttle bus. 84. C. Phases of language development in
52. D. The man should have studied for the young
exam. children.
53. A. A new building. 85. C. They are among the first sounds
54. B. Use computer in the lab. babies
55. A. She got her watch where his sister make.
works. 86. A. Their voice box is not positioned
56. A. Find out if classes are cancelled correctly yet.
57. B. She is spending a lot of time in the 87. D. When children lear to associate
library. sounds
58. A. Try to fix what is wrong with the with meaning.
computer. 88. B. How children are able to learn
59. B. She wants the man to choose quickly. language.
60. B. She can return the CD to Tom later. 89. B. Communication over long distances in
61. B. Make an appointment at the clinic
soon. North America.
62. C. Look at other apartments before 90. C. The fees of several couriers were
deciding. included in the charge.
63. D. He is not on the basketball team. 91. D. A funeral.
64. B. Buy the green shirt. 92. C. Attracting birds.
65. C. The woman is planning to start a new 93. B. They like to eat them.
job. 94. D. They are baked in the oven.
66. D. See a play with her aunt. 95. A. It makes the clean and free of germs.
67. C. She thinks she will not need financial 96. C. She collects birds nests.
aid. 97. A. How to prevent landslides in
68. B. The woman does not have to pay extra populated
for it. 98. B. They can reveal unsafe conditions for
69. A. A small town can have negative building.
qualities. 99. B. It helps keep the soil in place.
70. D. He will not able to coordinate the 100. D. A wall that stops water from
program again. draining.
71. C. He is late for an appointment with the
man and woman. LISTENING 3
72. B. She can get the materials they gave
out at 101. B. She never heard of the
the meeting. comedy club
73. A. He probably will not able to follow 102. D. Check with the store later
the 103. B. She doesn’t play volley ball
professor’s advice. anymore
74. B. He doubts that the theater group will 104. A. The man can’t afford to fail
perform a musical next year. such an
75. C. He wants an appartment near his important assignment
work. 105. D. Finish her paper later that
76. D. The elections would be held later. afternoon
77. A. He did not recommend the lecture.
106. B. He was unable to buy a gift
78. D. She intends to go see the movie.
107. A. He’d be happy to help the
79. C. Ways should he found to use less
woman move
80. C. The new manual has not been her desk
completed 108. –
yet. 109. A. He wants chocolate ice cream
81. C. The class reading list. instead
82. D. The main character gets into trouble. 110. C. She liked the movie
111. – 142. C. To observe the migration of
112. – the monarch
113. A. She really like the concert she butterflies.
attended 143. A. A lecture
114. – 144. B. To make it easier for people
115. B. He needs a table for six with
116. A. He usually prefers to shop in disabilities to attend shows
the morning 145. B. A student discount program,
117. A. Prepare the medicine for the 146. A. Ticket stubs
man 147. B. A potential application of
118. C. At dry cleanser’s laser
119. B. There isn’t enough food for technology
them both 148. B. It would be more durable than
120. A. Her arm is healing quickly
121. C. Both women have had there conventional engines.
hair cut there 149. B. Air
122. B. She agrees with the man 150. A. A laser-powered train engine
123. A. The man should tke which will be
ever class he marketed soon.
needs more
124. B. Hang up the handphone 1. A. The woman and the man have plans to eat
125. – out
126. C. He always bears the buzzer together.
127. – 2. A. A plane trip.
128. A. She will arrive in the dallas 3. D. The calendar shows the wrong month.
earlier than 4. B. They will arrive late for dinner.
expetied 5. B. Their team nearly lost the game.
129. – 6. A. Join him and Mary at the movie.
130. A. Ed’s atitides would be easy to 7. B. He is planning to stay until the conference
change is
131. B. He has to do a lot of reading finished.
for his job 8. D. The man can buy detergent at the store.
132. A. She has taken a speed reading 9. B. It is nicer than the Holiday Motel.
class 10. C. Canadian winters are rather long.
133. B. Concern about the time 11. B. His private lessons did not help him.
commitment 12. A.The committee has just begun to write the
134. D. At the dean’s office report.
135. – 13. B. They will probably have to play in the
136. B. She has more experience gym.
making prints 14. B. Change some wording in his letter.
than the man does 15. B. He is canceling the choir rehearsal because
137. A. By systematically reviewing of
each step in illness.
process 16. C. The man will get to the bank before it
138. B. He adjusted the pressure on closes.
the printing 17. C. Leave the museum temporarily
press incorrectly 18. C. The woman's paper is in the trash.
139. C. Finding butterfly habitats 19. A. The woman can make her call tomorrow.
140. C. Many different butterfly 20. D. He will go with the woman.
species live there 21. B. She does not want to see the man's test.
141. B. Looking for mate 22. C. He will get the job done if he gets some
23. A. Find another sociology course.
24. B. She cannot read the applications until after 6. A. Find out if classes are cancelled
her 7. B. She is spending a lot of time in the
class. library.
25. C. Mary will win the election. 8. A. Try to fix what is wrong with the
26. C. He sometimes gets headaches after doing computer.
9. B. She wants the man to choose quickly.
computer work.
10. B. She can return the CD to Tom later.
27. D. The bookstore did not have what she was
11. B. Make an appointment at the clinic soon.
looking for. 12. C. Look at other apartments before deciding.
28. D. He will put the equipment away. 13. D. He is not on the basketball team.
29. A. The man did not give the woman the notes 14. B. Buy the green shirt.
she 15. C. The woman is planning to start a new job.
needed. 16. D. See a play with her aunt.
30. A. The man will find a job if he continues to 17. C. She thinks she will not need financial aid.
look. 18. B. The woman does not have to pay extra
31. B. She has a new printer for her computer. for it.
19. A. A small town can have negative qualities.
32. B. A way to help people improve their
20. D. He will not able to coordinate the
program again
conditions. 21. C. He is late for an appointment with the
33. D. Microcredit programs have been very man and
successful there. woman.
34. B. Sign up for the economics seminar. 22. B. She can get the materials they gave out at
35. B. The architectural design of a new museum. the
36. A. Both were designed by the same architect. meeting.
37. D. A natural landscape. 23. A. He probably will not able to follow the
38. B. Traditional values of Native Americans. professor’s advice.
39. A. They are examples of the usual sequence 24. B. He doubts that the theater group will
perform a
musical next year.
observation and explanation.
25. C. He wants an appartment near his work.
40. D. Scientists were unable to balance 26. D. The elections would be held later.
equations of 27. A. He did not recommend the lecture.
energy without it. 28. D. She intends to go see the movie.
41. D. That it has a tiny amount of mass. 29. C. Ways should he found to use less water.
42. B. The role of New England trees in British 30. C. The new manual has not been completed
shipbuilding. yet.
43. C. History. 31. C. The class reading list.
44. D. Birch. 32. D. The main character gets into trouble.
45. A. Its width. 33. A. Some British reviewers wrote favorably
about it.
46. D. ->
34. C. Phases of language development in
47. D. How they solve problems. young
48. B. By imitating signals that the other spiders children.
send. 35. C. They are among the first sounds babies
49. B. Cross some water. make.
50. B. It would try to reach the rock a different 36. A. Their voice box is not positioned
way. correctly yet.
37. D. When children lear to associate sounds
Listening with
1. A. The man should go to the museum by 38. B. How children are able to learn language.
shuttle bus. 39. B. Communication over long distances in
2. D. The man should have studied for the North
exam. America.
3. A. A new building. 40. C. The fees of several couriers were
4. B. Use computer in the lab. included in the
5. A. She got her watch where his sister works. charge.
41. D. A funeral.
42. C. Attracting birds.
43. B. They like to eat them. 6.A. Join him and Mary at the movie.
44. D. They are baked in the oven. B. Ask Mary what she is doing tonight.
45. A. It makes the clean and free of germs.
46. C. She collects birds nests. C. Invite a group of friends to go to the movie.
47. A. How to prevent landslides in populated
D. Tell Mary about the movie.
48. B. They can reveal unsafe conditions for
49. B. It helps keep the soil in place.
50. D. A wall that stops water from draining. 7. A. Professor Campbell changed the conference
1. A.The woman and the man have plans to B. He is planning to stay until the conference
eat out together. is finished.
B.The woman would prefer to stay home this C. He will not attend the concert.
D. He will wait for the woman.
C.The man has changed his mind about the new
D.The man is sorry he cannot join the woman for 8. A. She recently purchased laundry detergent.
B. She will buy some detergent for the man.
C. The Laundromat is around the corner.
2. A. A plane trip.
D. The man can buy detergent at the store.
B. A rental car.
C. A hotel room.
9.A. It is next to the Holiday Motel.
D. Concert tickets.
B. It is nicer than the Holiday Motel.
C. It is very inexpensive.
3. A.The woman did not remember her
D. It is a little farther than the Holiday Motel.
B.The woman needs to get a calendar.
10. A. She does not believe it will snow.
C. The appointment must be changed to a
different day. B. Snow in October is unusual.
D. The calendar shows the wrong month. C. Canadian winters are rather long.
D. Winter is her favorite season.
4. A. The woman should continue driving.
B. They will arrive late for dinner. 11. A. He lost his wallet on a trip to Germany.
C. He forgot to make reservations. B. His private lessons did not help him.
D. He is not sure what is wrong with the car. C. His German tutor charges a reasonable fee.
D. He plans to continue taking lessons.
5. A. She did not realize that their team had won.
B. Their team nearly lost the game. 12. A. The committee has just begun to write
the report.
C. She called to find out the score of the game.
B. The report will be short.
D. Their team usually wins its games.
C. The committee members have just become D. He does not have time to help her look for her
acquainted. paper.
D. The report is finished except for the
19. A. The woman can make her call
13. A. They should play another time. B. There is a problem with the woman's
B. They will probably have to play in the gym.
C. The airline's offices are closed.
C. He prefers to play in the gym
D. He does not know what the problem could be.
D. It is not supposed to rain tomorrow.

20. A. He is very hungry.

14. A. Type the letter as it is.
B. He has made plans to eat with someone else.
B. Change some wording in his letter.
C. He did not like what he ate for lunch.
C. Send the letter without typing it.
D. He will go with the woman.
D. Check to make sure his facts are correct.

21. A. She is proud of the man.

15. A. The woman should call the professor the
next day. B. She does not want to see the man's test.
B. He is canceling the choir rehearsal because C. She also got a good grade.
of illness.
D. She has not taken the test yet.
C. The woman will feel better in a day or two.
D. He will turn up the heat in the choir room.
22. A. He will tell the woman what to do.
B. The meeting will have to be postponed.
16. A. They should take another route to the
bank. C. He will get the job done if he gets some
B. They turned onto the wrong road.
D. He will need to throw away most of the
C. The man will get to the bank before it papers.
D. The bank will open soon.
23. A. Find another sociology course.
B. Look for a job in the sociology department.
17. A. Go out to eat when the museum closes.
C. Ask someone to take notes for her on Friday.
B. Check that the museum cafeteria is open.
D. Change her work schedule.
C. Leave the museum temporarily
D. Meet each other later in the day.
24. A. She can help the man until lunchtime.
B. She cannot read the applications until after
18. A. The woman should have thrown out the her class.
newspapers herself.
C. She has a class after lunch.
B. He does not know where her paper is.
D. She also plans to apply to graduate school.
C. The woman's paper is in the trash.
25. A. Mary will trim her hedge. D. The man should keep his current job.
B. Phil has a better chance of winning.
C. Mary will win the election. 31. A. She will be able to join the economics
D. Phil will sit on the ledge.
B. She has a new printer for her computer.
C. She finished paying back her loan.
26. A. He thinks the woman's computer is
broken. D. She got an A on her term paper.
B. He worked on the woman's computer for too
32. A. The importance of paying back loans
C. He sometimes gets headaches after doing promptly.
computer work.
B. A way to help people improve their
D. He needs to take a longer break. economic conditions.
C. Using computers to increase business
27. A. The library closed earlier than she
expected. D. The expansion of international business.
B. She could not find a birthday present.
C. She picked Jack up at the golf course. 33. A. It is the topic of his term paper.
D. The bookstore did not have what she was B. He would like to find a job there.
looking for.
C. His economics professor did research work
28. A. The equipment has already been locked D. Microcredit programs have been very
up. successful there.
B. The woman should be more careful with the
34. A. Cancel her credit card.
C. He knows how to operate the equipment.
B. Sign up for the economics seminar.
D. He will put the equipment away.
C. Do research on banks in Asia.
D. Type the man's term paper.
29. A. The man did not give the woman the
notes she needed.
B. The man's notes were hard to understand. 35. A. The life of a well-known Canadian
C. The woman wants to borrow the man's
sociology notes. B. The architectural design of a new museum.

D. The woman has to organize her psychology C. The variety of museums in Washington, D.C.
notes. D. The changing function of the modern

30. A. The man will find a job if he continues

to look. 36. A. Both were designed by the same
B. The man should look for a job in a different architect.
field. B. Both are located in Washington, D.C.
C. The man can get a job where the woman C. Both feature similar exhibits.
D. Both were built around a central square. C. The development of the shipbuilding industry
in New England.
D. The role of the British surveyor general in
37. A. A classical temple. colonizing New England.
B. A well-known museum.
C. A modern office building. 43. A. Law.
D. A natural landscape. B. Mathematics.
C. History.
38. A. Traditional views on the purpose of a D. Engineering.
B. Traditional values of Native Americans.
44. A. Sugar maple.
C. Traditional notions of respect for elected
leaders. B. Oak.
D. Traditional forms of classical architecture. C. White pine.
D. Birch.
39. A. They are examples of the usual
sequence of observation and explanation.
45. A. Its width.
B. They provide evidence of inaccurate scientific
observation. B. Its height.

C. Their discovery was similar to that of the C. Its straightness.

neutrino. D. Its location.
D. They were subjects of 1995 experiments at
Los Alamos.
46. A. M
B. %
40. A. Its mass had previously been measured.
C. K
B. Its existence had been reported by Los Alamos
National Laboratory. D. ->

C. Scientists were looking for a particle with no

mass. 47. A. How they swim long distances.
D. Scientists were unable to balance equations B. How they got their name.
of energy without it.
C. How they hunt.
D. How they solve problems.
41. A. That it carries a large amount of energy.
B. That it is a type of electron.
48. A. By changing its appearance.
C. That it is smaller in size than previously
thought. B. By imitating signals that the other spiders
D. That it has a tiny amount of mass.
C. By spinning a large web.
D. By imitating insects caught in a web.
42. A. The clearing of New England forests.
B. The role of New England trees in British
shipbuilding. 49. A. Avoid attacks by other spiders.
B. Cross some water. 32. A way to help people improve their
C. Jump to the edge of the tray.
33. Microcredit program have been very
D. Spin a long thread. successfull there
34. Sign up for the economic seminar
35. The architectural design of a new
50. A. It would keep trying to reach the rock the museum
same way. 36. Both were designed by he some architect
B. It would try to reach the rock a different 37. A natural landscape
way. 38. Traditional value of native america
39. They are examples of the usual sequence
C. The scientists would move the spider to the of....
rock. 40. Scientist were unable to balance
D. The scientists would place another spider in 41. That is had a tiny
the tray. 42. The role of new england
43. History
44. Britch
1. Comsky 45. It width
2. Other food 46. →
3. Order sandwich 47. How to solve the problems
4. Perpus near health care 48. By immitating signals
5. Disappointed university 49. Cross same water
6. The weather clear 50. It would try to reach the rock a different
7. He borrow her book way
8. Tell the prof schedule every week 1. The women and the man have plans to
9. will open a little longer eat out together
10. Prof cannot comes janet presentation 2. The calendar shows the wrong month
11. all have been prepared by profesor 3. They will arrive late for dinner
12. no need to pay the library penalty 4. Their team nearly lost the game
13. look at the wall student center 5. He is planning to stay until the
14. She help him after lunch conference finished
15. painting are good because show talent si 6. The man can buy detergent at the store
cowok 7. It is nicer than the holiday motel
16. the woman will lend/borrow a book) 8. Canadian winters are rather long
17. Exhibition to nevada 9. His private lesson did not help him
18. her/his computer is broken all day 10. The committee has just begun to write
19. refund because concert cancelled the report
20. movies watched on the big screen 11. They will probably have to play in the
21. woman don’t wacth because ticket run gym
out 12. Change some woring in his letter
22. cheap table 13. He is cancelling the choir rehearsal
23. he was also tired from the beginning og because of illness
the gym 14. He sometime get headches after doing
24. did not join the party mark compouter work
25. she lend sosiology book him 15. The man will find job if he continues to
26. they both go/went to the carner fair look
27. the laptop is faster the old one
28. print in the library
29. she cannot help picking up 51. Comsky
30. find someone to share an apartement 52. Other food
with 53. Order sandwich
31. She has a new printer for her computer 54. Perpus near health care
55. Disappointed university
56. The weather clear 2. Batu terbentuk dari lava (stone formed
57. He borrow her book from lava)
58. Tell the prof schedule every week 3. Exhibition meteor
59. Took akan buka sedikit lebih lama (will 4. Kesuksesan saat disekolah tidak
open a little longer) menjamin (success in the school does not
60. Prof cannot comes janet presentation guarantee)
61. Semua sudah dipersiapkan oleh prof (all 5. Kemampuan manusia (human ability)
have been prepared by profesor) 6. Personality
62. Tidak usah membayar denda perpus (no 7. Preservation old artefar
need to pay the library penalty) 8. Acidic
63. Liat di mading student center (look at the 9. Container
wall student center) 10. Ultraviolet
64. She help him after lunch 11. Sekarang banyak dilihat hasil
65. Lukisannya bagus karena fotokopinya (now many of the
memperlihatkan talent si cowok (painting photocopied results)
are good because show talent si cowok) 12. Post and present technology
66. Wanita itu akan pinjamkan buku (the 13. As people think
woman will lend/borrow a book ) 14. Setting arrangement
67. Exhibition to nevada 15. Retract table
68. Komputernya rusak seharian (her/his 16. Dahulu listrik belum ditemukan (in the
computer is broken all day) past electricity has not been found)
69. Ada refund dan kecewa konser batal 17. Role of sound
(refund because concert cancelled) 18. Alarm signal
70. Film ditonton dilayar lebar (movies 19. Gather around it
watched on the big screen) 20. Queen
71. Cewek tidak jadi nonton karena tiket
habis (woman don’t wacth because ticket 1. She has a new printer for her computer
run out) 2. A way to help people improve their
72. Mejanya murah (cheap table) economic
73. Cowok juga capek pas awal gym (he was 3. Microcredit program have been very
also tired from the beginning og the successfull there
gym) 4. Sign up for the economic seminar
74. Mereka tidak ikut party mark (did not 5. The architectural design of a new
join the party mark) museum
75. Cewek dipinjami buku sosiologi cowok 6. Both were designed by he some architect
(she lend sosiology book him) 7. A natural landscape
76. Mereka berdua pergi ke carner fair (they 8. Traditional value of native america
both go/went to the carner fair) 9. They are examples of the usual sequence
77. Laptopnya lebih cepat dari yang lama of....
(the laptop is faster the old one) 10. Scientist were unable to balance
78. Print di perpus (print in the library) 11. That is had a tiny
79. Cewek tidak bisa bantu jemput (she 12. The role of new england
cannot help picking up) 13. History
80. Cari orang untuk diajak sekamar 14. Britch
apartement (find someone to share an 15. It width
apartement with) 16. →
81. Mereka berdua tertarik mancari job 17. How to solve the problems
bareng (interesting to find job/career 18. By immitating signals
together) 19. Cross same water
20. It would try to reach the rock a different
1. Bicara tentang batu yang ditemukan (talk way
about stones found)
1.    (man)        : I saw your mother at the bakery this (woman)   : I’m sorry. I went out for dinner with
morning.  my parents last night. 
(woman)   : Really? Did you say hello? My moth (narrator) : Where were the woman and her pare
er works there.  nts? 
(narrator) : Who is the woman’s mother likely to (A) At the cinema 
be?  (B) At a restaurant 
(A) A chef  (C) At home 
(B) A cook  (D) At a museum 
(C) A baker  6.    (woman)   : I’m so happy because the class is ove
(D) A salesperson  r. 
2.    (woman)   : The President can’t attend the banqu (man)        : Me too. 
ette. (narrator) : What does the man mean? 
(man)        : I already know. His spokesman told (A) He has something to do. 
me.  (B) He’s also happy that the classes are finished. 
(narrator) : What does the man mean?  (C) He is in the classroom. 
(A) He gets the news about the President.  (D) He’s glad to talk about the classroom. 
(B) He has been told by the spokesman.  7.    (man)        : This is so ridiculous! You shouldn’t
(C) He calls the President’s spokesman.  have done that! 
(D) He finds the spokesman. (woman)   : I know. We just want to give him a su
3.    (man)        : The letter for our client has not arriv rprise on his birthday! 
ed yet. Do you know why the delay is?  (narrator) : Whose birthday is it? 
(woman)   : I’m so sorry. Actually, the courier ha (A) The man’s birthday 
s not sent it yet.  (B) The woman’s birthday 
(narrator) : Where does the dialog probably take (C) A friend’s birthday 
place? (D) Their mother’s birthday 
(A) in a restaurant  8.    (woman)   : Do you like photography? 
(B) in a bank  (man)        : Yes, I do. But I’m not an expert. 
(C) in a post office  (narrator) : What does the man mean? 
(D) at the train station  (A) He exports some photos. 
4.    (woman)   : How long have you been here?  (B) He takes a photo. 
(man)        : I’ve been here for half an hour.  (C) He is not very skilled. 
(narrator) : What does the man mean?  (D) He is an expert. 
(A) He has been there for an hour  9.    (man)        : I don’t understand anything about la
(B) He has left before an hour  w. 
(C) He has waited for just some minutes.  (woman)   : Why don’t you see a lawyer to help y
(D) He has been there for thirty minutes. ou? 
5.    (man)        : I was looking for you at your house l (narrator) : What is the woman’s suggestion? 
ast night.  (A) Asking for help from a lawyer 
(B) Becoming a lawyer.  (man)        : I’ve been in the book store. I have ju
(C) Seeing the women’s lawyer.  st bought the newest chemistry book. 
(D) Finding a lawyer for the woman.  (narrator) : What does the man mean? 
10. (woman)    : Do you need help?  (A) He has the newest chemistry book by his own. 
(man)        : No, thanks. It’s not a big deal.  (B) He has just borrowed a chemistry book. 
(narrator) : What does the man mean about the d (C) He did not find the newest chemistry book in the
eal?  book store. 
(A) It’s short.  (D) He have looked for the chemistry book in the libr
(B) It’s simple.  ary. 
(C) It’s nice.  15. (man)         : Have you told Diana about the meeti
(D) It’s important.  ng cancellation? 
11. (man)         : I can’t hear the stereo.  (woman)   : I’m going to tell her later. 
(woman)   : You can turn it up.  (narrator) : What does the woman mean? 
(narrator) : What does the woman mean?  (A) Diana has already known about it. 
(A) The stereo is very loud.  (B) Diana has just been told about it. 
(B) She does not want to hear the stereo. (C) The woman has not told Diana yet. 
(C) The stereo is loud enough.  (D) The woman doesn’t know either. 
(D) The man can increase the volume.  16. (woman)    : I have to go home right now. Do you
12. (woman)    : Good morning. I have a reservation f still want a ride with me? 
or a single room under the name Mrs. Jazz.  (man)        : I need to stay for fifteen minutes long
(man)        : Good morning, mam. Your room nu er. 
mber is 324, and here is your key.  (narrator) : What does the man mean? 
(narrator) : Where does the conversation probabl (A) He wants to ride with the woman. 
y take place?  (B) The man will drive the woman home. 
(A) In a bank  (C) The woman may leave the man there. 
(B) In an airport  (D) He is not going home alone. 
(C) In a store  17. (man)         : Do you have any plans for the weeke
(D) In a hotel  nd? I’m going to my grandma’s house. 
13. (man)         : This is a very nice place! Beautiful m (woman)   : No, I don’t. I’m not going anywhere. 
ountain and green trees! I am glad to be here. (narrator) : What does the woman mean? 
(woman)   : Same with me.  (A) She is going somewhere. 
(narrator) : What does the woman mean?  (B) She wants to go with the man. 
(A) She feels the same as the man.  (C) She will stay at home. 
(B) She has a different feeling from the man.  (D) She is visiting her hometown.
(C) She is not happy being there.  18. (woman)   : Do you think that this sandwich needs
(D) She doesn’t share with the man.  some ingredients? 
14. (woman)    : Where have you been?  (man)        : No, it’s so good already. 
(narrator) : What does the man mean? 
(A) The sandwich is so bland.  (man)        : You can say that again. 
(B) He has a sandwich for lunch.  (narrator) : What does the man mean? 
(C) The sandwich needs some more ingredients.  (A) He shares the woman’s opinion. 
(D) The sandwich is delicious.  (B) He doesn’t believe the woman. 
19. (man)         : It’s 2 pm already. When will the cour (C) He disagrees with the woman. 
se begin?  (D) He has his own opinion about the weather.
(woman)   : It will begin at 6 pm.  24. (man)         : Do you know where Jimmy is? 
(narrator) : What does the woman mean?  (woman)   : I think he is consulting his thesis to t
(A) She doesn’t want to go to class.  he professor. 
(B) The course starts in the evening.  (narrator) : What does the woman mean? 
(C) She takes the course with the man.  (A) Jimmy’s father is a professor. 
(D) The course is canceled.  (B) Jimmy wants to be a professor. 
20. (woman) : It’s a sunny day. Let’s go outside toget (C) Jimmy is discussing his thesis. 
her.  (D) jimmy is typing his thesis. 
(man) : OK. Let’s go.  25. (woman)    : What are you doing? 
(narrator) : What does the man mean?  (man)        : My previous test score was not very
(A) He wants to enjoy the sunny day.  good. Now I’m studying harder for the next test t
(B) He wants to stay at home.  omorrow. 
(C) He wants to go with his son together.  (narrator) : What does the man mean? 
(D) The woman can go alone.  (A) He’s not sure about the exam. 
21. (man)         : You look so upset. Are there any pro (B) He received a passing grade. 
blems with your flight ticket?  (C) He does not satisfy with his previous test score. 
(woman)   : No, there isn’t. I just don’t feel well t (D) His test score is very good. 
oday.  26. (man)         : This essay has still many mistakes. 
(narrator) : What does the woman mean?  (woman)   : Why don’t you discuss with your frie
(A) She will buy the ticket today.  nd to minimize the mistakes? 
(B) She has some problem with her flight ticket.  (narrator) : What does the woman suggest? 
(C) She is not very healthy.  (A) Re-writing the essay 
(D) She does not feel that her flight is well-prepared.  (B) Throwing the essay 
22. (woman)    : I heard your baby cried last night.  (C) Deleting the mistakes 
(man)        : He couldn’t sleep.  (D) Consulting the essay 
(narrator) : What does the man mean?  27. (woman)    : I’m so thirsty. 
(A) His baby slept.  (man)        : Let’s go to my kitchen. I have some o
(B) His baby was playing in bed.  range juice there. 
(C) His baby doesn’t like to sleep.  (narrator) : What does the man mean? 
(D) His baby was awake.  (A) He wants to offer her orange juice. 
23. (woman)    : The weather makes me uncomfortabl (B) He asks for a glass of orange juice. 
e.  (C) He peels oranges in his kitchen. 
C. Using computers to increase business
(D) He has just picked some oranges. 
28. (man)         : Ma’am, is it our math test today? 
D. The expansion of international business.
(woman)   : I’m sorry. We don’t have enough tim
(ada yg jawab B ada yg jawab C, coba denger
e. We have to postpone it until next time. 
lagi be gek)
(narrator) : What does the woman mean? 
(A) The math test will still be held that day.  33. A. It is the topic of his term paper.
(B) It is impossible to have the test today.  B. He would like to find a job there.
(C) The test is still going on.  C. His economics professor did research work
(D) The test has just been handed out.  there.
29. (woman)    : Excuse me. May I help you, Sir?  D. Microcredit programs have been very
(man)        : No, I’m just browsing.  successful there.
(narrator) : Where does the conversation probabl
y take place?  34. A. Cancel her credit card.
B. Sign up for the economics seminar.
(A) In a fast-food restaurant 
C. Do research on banks in Asia.
(B) In a grocery store 
D. Type the man's term paper.
(C) In a harbor 
(D) In an internet center
35. A. The life of a well-known Canadian
30. (man)         : I don’t like the taste of the drink. 
(woman)   : Really? I’ll get another drink for you
B. The architectural design of a new museum.
C. The variety of museums in Washington, D.C.
(narrator) : What does the woman mean?  D. The changing function of the modern
(A) He should finish the drink  museum.
(B) The drink is good. 
(C) She wants the man to buy her a drink  36. A. Both were designed by the same
(D) She will buy him another drink architect.
B. Both are located in Washington, D.C.
C. Both feature similar exhibits.
Part B selalu sama. Semoga tetep sama.
D. Both were built around a central square.
31. A. She will be able to join the economics
37. A. A classical temple.
B. She has a new printer for her computer.
B. A well-known museum.
C. She finished paying back her loan.
C. A modern office building.
D. She got an A on her term paper.
D. A natural landscape.

32. A. The importance of paying back loans

38. A. Traditional views on the purpose of a
B. A way to help people improve their
B. Traditional values of Native Americans.
economic conditions.
C. Traditional notions of respect for elected 44. A. Sugar maple.
leaders. B. Oak.
D. Traditional forms of classical architecture. C. White pine.
D. Birch.
39. A. They are examples of the usual
sequence of observation and explanation. 45. A. Its width.
B. They provide evidence of inaccurate scientific B. Its height.
observation. C. Its straightness.
C. Their discovery was similar to that of the D. Its location.
D. They were subjects of 1995 experiments at 46. A. M
Los Alamos. B. %
C. K
40. A. Its mass had previously been measured. D. -->
B. Its existence had been reported by Los Alamos
National Laboratory. 47. A. How they swim long distances.
C. Scientists were looking for a particle with no B. How they got their name.
mass. C. How they hunt.
D. Scientists were unable to balance equations D. How they solve problems.
of energy without it.
48. A. By changing its appearance.
41. A. That it carries a large amount of energy. B. By imitating signals that the other spiders
B. That it is a type of electron. send.
C. That it is smaller in size than previously th C. By spinning a large web.
ought. D. By imitating insects caught in a web.
D. That it has a tiny amount of mass.
49. A. Avoid attacks by other spiders.
42. A. The clearing of New England forests. B. Cross some water.
B. The role of New England trees in British C. Jump to the edge of the tray.
shipbuilding. D. Spin a long thread.
C. The development of the shipbuilding industry
in New England. 50. A. It would keep trying to reach the rock the
D. The role of the British surveyor general in same way.
colonizing New England. B. It would try to reach the rock a different
43. A. Law. C. The scientists would move the spider to the
B. Mathematics. rock.
C. History. D. The scientists would place another spider in
D. Engineering. the tray.

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