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There are different ways to make film that have cg character.

What was interested in

performance character is the totality of the performance, physical emotional, facial, the eyes,
everything. The actor create emotion actor. You can capture the emotion, you can capture the
shadowty, the newancy of the movement, you can capture the eyes, capture the tick, everything,
capture it all. The amazing thing is the technology give me that portal to bring my fourteen years
old self to play this girl. Making a movie set on Pandora, Pandora doesn’t exist. Avatar don’t
existed night for tall. We have actors working in a value with marker on their body, they show
headric on their head and we capture a hundred percent of their performance in the digital world.
Our begin of the day the first thing we do can be worn captured suit and that is a skin type tp,
and totally film with ping pong like boos around us say they command track my arm and then
translate that into the virtual world. We have all these little cameras that send his little ray with
skip images view moving around so every little moves is your movements

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