What Are The Things That Only You Can Bring To This World

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What are the things that only you can bring to this world?

Rumi says, "If all you can do is crawl, start crawling." In other words, do something
even if it’s small. These wise words are especially pertinent in a world that appears to be
more complex and polarized than ever before. The first thing that I can bring to this world is
my creativity; I am not a particularly creative person, but I enjoy using my creativity to
generate new ideas and solutions. The second one is my willingness to learn; as I previously
stated, I am not a particularly creative person, but I'm always willing to learn and I use that
willingness to constantly improve and grow as a person. Finally, there's my smile, yes, smile!
I may not smile often, but I can proudly state that I have never intentionally broken anyone's
heart. I've never abused anyone. I'm a selective friend; I don't best friend everyone, but for
people who mean a lot to me, I make sure they see my craziness. I make an effort to love
someone or to express my affection and concern for them. That qualifies me to spread
happiness. I can also be a doctor, not the best one though, but I try to make people feel better
about themselves.

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