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Liam Kelly 8cc 2008 Mrs. Bell Introduction Rasicm relies on many things to survive. In my essay I will just talk about the three reasons that I think are the the most apparent. The first reason is jealousy. If a racist person is not jealous, then why hate the victims? The second reason is hate. If you dont hate the victims then why are you discriminating against them? The third reason is becuase it make the racist feel better. In colonial America, it was poorest whites that hated the African Americans the most becuase they were only one class above them. Paragraph #1 Jealoulsy is the first one of my reasons. I belive it is one of the most important factors that people have for being racist. I am reading a book with racism in it called Roots which walks through the life of a man named Kunta Kinte. He grows up in village named Juffre where he becomes a man. He is then taken away by slavers. He is taken to a plantation where the black people are called the n word and are whipped. The whites hate the slaves although some whites are nice to them. Becuase the whites are so cruel and racist, the African Americans take their anger out on them. In the story, one African American sees his overseer, the person who watches them while they work, raping his daughter. The African American cuts off his genetalia and knocks him out. The African American drags the Caucasian to a tree and hangs him. Kunta belives that the African Americans only revolt when something is done to them personally. I belive myself that is true. Paragraph #2 Hate is another reason racsim survives. In Anne Franks Diary, it shows that Hitler and the Nazis hate the Jews and send them on trains to work for them in concentration camps. Hitler probably did not hate the Jews at first but grew to hate them. Hitler needed someone to blame for his problems like when he was kicked out of an art school only for Jews. Hitler used his hatred of the Jews as a tool to attract people to join the Nazi party. Paragraph #3 The third reason is because it makes the racist feel better to be racist. In Freedom writers one of the Hispanics draws a picture of an African American who has huge lips that hang out over his face. He then passes it along the class and eventually to the African American who in shame lowers his head and pulls his hat over his face. The teacher, Mrs.Gruell, takes the paper with the picture on it and says this is how a holocaust starts. The Hispanic is questioned on why he would do that and he responded that it made him feel better. It made him feel higher. These are some of the things that happen in our society today. Many African Americans along the west coast of America resent new immigrants from Asia because they become rich faster and the African American popultion is sometimes the poorest.

Conclusion In the end, racism will lose the war between peace and racism. Racism has always been part of society. The goverment has created laws that will permit the next generation to be without racism. We will be the first generation in the history of the world to be unified in everything and to live together peacefully.

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