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A Causative organism of malaria is a parasite called plasmodium Falciparum

B Characteristics of Anopheles Gambiae

a. It is a large mosquito
b. When standing it tilt with hand downward and tail upward in the air
c. She prefer to eat indoors on human blood
d. Usually feed at night
e. After feeding it need blood meal to be nutrient that is used to develop her eggs .

C There are two ypes of malaria

1. Uncomplicated Malaria : Patient with fever or history of fever in the last 24hours who
has a positive Rapid Diagnostic Test or blood smear test and no symptoms of severe
2. Severe Malaria : a patient with parasitologically confirmed malaria ,who is very ill and
has one or more of the clinical manifestations below
- Impaired consciousness
- Coma
- Prostration
- Failure to feed
- Multiple convulsion
- Circulatory collapse
- Shock
- Clinical jaundice
- Abnormal spontaneous bleeding
- Pulmonary oedema

D 1. First line treatment : this involves the use of Artemether Lumefantrine (ACT)

This is a fixed dose combination (FDC) of artemether 20mg and lumenfantrine 120mg or
artemether 8omg and lumenfantrine 480mg .it exist such as coatem ,riamet ,combisunate
Other treatment include, use of antipyretics .analgesics

2 Second line treatment: second line treatment for malaria is the use of Quinine in tablet
or parenterally. The indication for using quinine is where patient has confirmed malaria
and has already taken a full course of the first line anti malaria treatment

Dosage: quinine tablet 300mg as a dose, for adult 600mg every 8 hrs for 3,7,10
days ,children 10mg /kg every 8hrs for 3,7,10 days ,I.V Adult – 20mg /kg 4hrly ,followed
by 10mg/kg every 8hrs ,IV for children 20mg /kg followed by 10mg /kg every 12hrs .

All treatments include : anti pyretics ,analgesics

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