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Lassa fever is also called lassa Hemorrhagic fever ,it is a viral infection that is caused by Lassa
virus that is transmitted by rat .It has been known since 1950s but the virus was identified in
1969 when two missionary Nurses died from it in the town Lassa in Borno State Nigeria .


A. AGENT ; The causative agent is lassa virus a member of Arenavirus family .

B. SOURCE OF INFECTION : The primary host of virus is the Natal Multimammate
Mouse (Mastomys Natalensis )
C. INFECTIVITY :The virus is found in the feaces or urine of animal accessing grains in
D. RESERVOIR OF INFECTION : Mouse is the major known reservoir of infection .
E. PERIOD OF COMMUNICABILITY : Infective between 15-21 days
Age – the disease occur in all age group
Sex – no sex differences
The environmental source of infection are contaminated water ,food with feaces or urine
materials from the infective rat .
Lassa virus is present in wild Multimammate rats or African Rat (mastomys),which shed
the virus in their urine and feaces .Once the mouse has become a carrier it will excrete the
virus throughout its lifetime .Transmission normally occurs through contamination of
broken skin or mucous membrane via direct or indirect contact with infected rodent
excreta or floors ,home surfaces ,in food or water .
Transmission is also possible where rodents are caught abd consumed as food .
Person to person transmission include :
a. In the laboratory
b. In health care setting
c. Via sexual intercourse

Incubation period : 7 – 21 days


- Infection is mild and symptomless 80% of cases but can cause severe illness and is
fatal in 1-3%of patient
- At onset – fever and shivering ,malaise ,headache ,generalized aching ,sore throat
- Followed with – nausea and vomiting ,diarrhea and cough
- Temperature rises to 40oc ,extreme lethargy and exhaustion
- By the 2nd week oedema of the head and neck
- Encephalopathy ,pleural effusion,ascites.

DIAGNOSIS: Clinical diagnosis is difficult because it can be confused with other

infection such malaria ,typhoid fever and other viral hemorrhagic fever. laboratory investigations
can be used for confirmation .


- Rehydration
- Symptomatic treatment
- Use of antiviral drug e.g Ribavirin which is effective when started within the first 6
days of illness and should e given intravenously for 6days


There is no vaccine for prevention

Rodent control

Good storage system of food

Good personal hygiene


- Deafness
- Seizures
- Miscarriage in pregnant women
- Death

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