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Enter the Portal 1 – Final Test: Modules1-4

Final Test: Modules 1-4

A. Cross out the odd word.
1. science – history – project – maths
2. dentist – teen – nurse – doctor
3. classmate – uncle – aunt – cousin
4. bed – wardrobe – flat – bookcase
5. hand – leg – head – hat
6. bus – taxi – car – roller coaster
7. bookshop – restaurant – hospital – neighbourhood score 7

B. Circle the correct options.

1. Your answer is correct. Here’s your prize / competition.
2. I’m sleepy / difficult. I want to go to bed.
3. Evelyn talks / speaks three languages.
4. I get up early / late on weekdays. At about seven o’clock.
5. The aquarium is boring / exciting. I really like it!
6. We must study / learn for the test.
7. It’s just a two-minute walk. It’s not near / far.
8. When the weather / place is good, my friends and I go cycling.
9. I love candyfloss! I usually / never eat it at the amusement park.
10. Brenda wants to borrow books from the bank / library. score 10

C. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

upstairs maybe active view only houseboat souvenir thousand

1. This is a from Egypt.

2. Jake doesn’t live in a flat. He lives on a .
3. The youth club is open at the weekend.
4. The from the castle is fantastic.
5. I can’t go to the supermarket now. later.
6. My bedroom is .
7. There are one students in my school.
8. Tony is very . He does athletics and goes swimming
every day.
score 8

Copyright © MM Publications
Enter the Portal 1 – Final Test: Modules1-4

1. What’s your favourite subject? a. Nice to meet you.
2. Goodbye. b. It’s five o’clock.
3. Hello. My name is Rita. c. Sure. Here you are.
4. How are you? d. See you.
5. Can I use your game console? e. It’s science.
6. What’s the time? f. Fine, thanks. score 6

A. Complete with the correct question word. Use Who, What, Where or When.
1. A: are you from?
B: I’m from New Zealand.
2. A: is that?
B: It’s my sister, Lily.
3. A: does your brother have a tennis lesson?
B: Every Wednesday and Friday.
4. A: I don’t really like basketball. about you?
B: Actually, I’m crazy about it.
5. A: does he look like?
B: He’s tall and chubby. score 5

B. Choose a, b or c.
1. Look at rabbits over there!
a. that b. these c. those
2. Put the soft drinks the fridge.
a. in b. under c. between
3. Frank gets home the afternoon.
a. in b. on c. at
4. Is there ice skating rink in your neighbourhood?
a. the b. an c. a
5. The bin is the door.
a. behind b. under c. in
6. We haven’t got tickets, so we go on the Ferris wheel.
a. can b. do c. can’t
score 6

Copyright © MM Publications
Enter the Portal 1 – Final Test: Modules1-4

C. Complete with the correct form of the verb be.

1. A: you good at basketball?
B: No, we . We never play it.
2. I very tired. I can’t cook now.
3. She a doctor and she works at a hospital.
4. A: it Friday today?
B: No, it . It Thursday.
5. I don’t really like sports, so PE my favourite subject.
score 8

D. Complete with the Present Simple of the verbs in brackets.

1. you (go) shopping alone or with friends?
2. We (not/ride) our bikes in the garden.
3. My cousin (not/live) in Peru. He (live)
in Mexico.
4. A: he (watch) TV after school?
B: No, he doesn’t. He only (watch) TV at the weekend.
5. I (often/drink) a milkshake when I go to the mall.
6. you (always/walk) to school?
7. They (usually/not/work) outdoors.
8. your mum (make) pizza at the
score 10

E. Complete with must or mustn’t.

1. You talk on your mobile phone when you drive.
2. You be quiet in the library.
3. Children listen to their parents.
4. Students always do their homework.
5. You eat or drink in the classroom.
6. Everyone brush their teeth in the morning.
score 6

F. Complete with the correct form of the verb have got.

1. I a car, but I a bike. I don’t like cycling.
2. A: your family a cat?
B: No, but we a parrot.
3. My flat three bedrooms.
4. A: you a brother?
B: No, I , but I two sisters.

score 8

Copyright © MM Publications
Enter the Portal 1 – Final Test: Modules1-4

Listen to four dialogues and circle the correct options.
1. Scott is English / Irish.
2. Mary is chubby / slim.
3. Brian usually does his homework / hangs out with friends on Friday.
4. Ronald’s MP4 player is upstairs / downstairs.
score 8
Read the text and circle the correct options.
Hello, I’m Jake and I’m fourteen years old. I’ve got two brothers, Leo and Tom. On weekdays, we all
have breakfast together, and then we go to school. We sometimes take the school bus, but we usually
just walk there. My favourite school subject is PE, and in my free time I go cycling in the park. I really
like it. I’ve got a beautiful blue bike and I can ride it very well. We’ve got two pet cats at home. Their
names are Fluffy and Snowy, and they sleep under Tom’s bed every night. On Saturdays, I often
spend time at the skatepark with friends, and my brothers go to the youth club.

1. Jake and his brothers usually / sometimes take the bus to school.
2. The cats’ names are Leo / Fluffy and Snowy.
3. The cats sleep under Jake’s / Tom’s bed.
score 8
4. Jake goes to the skatepark / youth club on Saturdays.

Write a short paragraph about yourself. Answer the questions below:
• What’s your name?
• How old are you?
• Have you got any brothers or sisters?
• Have you got a pet?
• Do you live in a flat or a house?
• What have you got in your bedroom?

score 10
Copyright © MM Publications

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