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José Protasio Rizal Mercado y

Alonso Realond
Born on June 19, 1861, to Francisco Rizal
Mercado y Alejandro and Teodora Alonso
Realonda y Quintos in the town of Calamba
in Laguna province. He had nine sisters and
one brother. His parents were leaseholders
of a hacienda and an accompanying rice
farm held by the Dominicans.
Early Education:
At the age of 3, Rizal learned the alphabet from his mother

At the age of 5, while learning to read and write, Rizal already showed
inclinations to be an artist. he astounded his family and relatives with his
pencil drawings and sketches and with his moldings of clays

At the age of 8, Rizal wrote a Tagalog poem, "Sa Aking Mga Kababata", the
theme of which revolves around the love of one's language.

Rizal's parents employed private tutors to give him lessons at home.
Maestro Lucas
Dona Teodora Maestro Celestino Padua

was his mother she was first private tutor second private tutor
patient, conscientious, and,
she discovered that her son
had a talent for poetry
she encouraged him to
write poems
Maestro Leon
Uncle Jose Alberto Uncle Gregorios

tutor in Spanish and Latin gave wise direction in instilled into the mind
Classmate of Don Francisco the studies of Jose of Jose the love for
Tio Manuel Alberto

seeing Jose was frail in

nature, concerned himself
with the physical
development of his nephew
taught Jose to love for open
air and admiration for the
beauty of nature
Rizal goes to Binan, Laguna
In June 1869, Jose left for Binan
He was accompanied by Paciano his
older brother
Maestro Justiniano taught him
In academic studies, Rizal beat all Binan
He surpassed them all in Spanish, Latin,
and other subjects
December 17, 1870, Jose left Binan

after one year and a half of schooling
Education in
Ateneo De Municipal
Ateneo De Municipal was established by the
Jesuits, Rizal entered in 1872
He belonged to the class composed of Spaniards,
mestizos, and Filipinos
His teacher was Fr. Jose Bech
He was considered inferior and was placed at the
bottom of the class
By the end of the month, he became the emperor
and received a prize, a religious picture

To improve his Spanish Rizal took private lessons

at Santa Isabel College
During his 4th year in Ateneo, he received 5
medals and graduated as sobresaliente |
Ateneo De Municipal
He graduated on March 23, 1877 (16 years old)
Received the degree of bachelor of arts, with
highest honors, not a valedictorian
He was a member of the Academy of Spanish
Literature and the Academy of Natural Sciences
Wrote his first poem Mi Primera Inspiracion (My
First Inspiration) which was dedicated to his
mother on her birthday
Also wrote Through Education Our Motherland

Receives Light and The Intimate Alliance Between

Religion and Good Education which showed the
importance of religion in education.
Rizal was a campus leader and a poet |
Mi Primera Inspiracion

Why falls so rich a spray Why seems to me more endearing,

of fragrance from the bowers more fair than on other days,

of the balmy flowers the dawn's enchanting face

upon this festive day? among red clouds appearing?

Why from woods and vales The reason, dear mother, is

do we hear sweet measures ringing they feast your day of bloom:

that seem to be the singing the rose with its perfume,

of a choir of nightingales? the bird with its harmonies.

Why in the grass below And the spring that rings with laughter

do birds start at the wind's noises, upon this joyful day

unleashing their honeyed voices with its murmur seems to say:

as they hop from bough to bough? 'Live happily ever after!'

Why should the spring that glows And from that spring in the grove

its crystalline murmur be tuning now turn to hear the first note

to the zephyr's mellow crooning that from my lute I emote

as among the flowers it flows? to the impulse of my love.

Ateneo De Municipal
Was an active member and became secretary of
the Marian Congregation Religious Society
Studied painting under the famous Spanish
Painter, Agustin Saez
Improved his sculpture talents under the
supervision of Romualdo de Jesus
Engaged in gymnastics and fencing and continued
the physical training under his sports-minded Tio

Manuel. |
University of Sto. Thomas
After graduating, he continued his education
at UST
He finished a year in Philosophy and Letters
He decided to shift to a medical course
specializing in Ophthalmology
UST was under the Dominicans, rival of the
Jesuits in education
Remained loyal to Ateneo participated in
extracurricular activities in Ateneo and

completed a course in surveying |
University of Sto. Thomas
Reasons why Rizal wanted to study Medicine:

He wanted to be a physician so that he could

cure his mother’s failing eyesight
Fr. Pablo Ramon, the Father Rector of
Ateneo whom he consulted for a choice of
career, finally answered his letter and
recommended medicine |
University of Sto. Thomas
Pre-Med Course
Curso de Ampiacion or Advanced course in
Physics, Chemistry, and Natural History.
Out of the 28 young men taking Ampliacion only
four including Rizal were granted the privilege of
taking simultaneously the preparatory course
and the first year of medicine
Rizal also received his four-year practical training
in medicine at the Hospital de San Juan de Dios
in Intramuros
During his last year at the University, Rizal

obtained a global grade of Notable (Very Good) in

all of his subjects, and he was the second-best
student in a decimated class of seven who passed
the medicine course. After this, Rizal decided to
study in Spain. |
Education in
Education in Europe
His departure for Spain was kept secret from Spanish
Authorities, friars, and even his parents especially his
mother because she would not allow him to go
To avoid detection, he used the name, Jose Mercado
On May 3, 1882, he boarded Salvadora bound for
Singapore where he was the only Filipino passenger
On November 3, 1882, he enrolled in Universidad
Central de Madrid taking up two courses: Philosophy
and Letters and Medicine
On June 21, 1884, he conferred the degree of
Licentiate in Medicine
The Following academic year, he studied and passed

all subjects leading to the degree of doctor of

medicine |
Education in Europe
Unfortunately, he was not able to submit the thesis
required for graduation nor paid the corresponding fees
With that, he was not awarded his Doctor’s Diploma
Jose Rizal also finished his studies in Philosophy and
Letters with higher grades
He was awarded the Degree of Licentiate in Philosophy
and Letters by the Universidad Central de Madrid on
June 19, 1885, with a rating of excellent.
Jose Rizal went to Paris and Germany in order to
specialize in ophthalmology
In 1885, after studying at the Universidad Central de
Madrid, Rizal, who was then 24 years old, went to Paris to

acquire more knowledge in ophthalmology |
Education in Europe
University of Paris (France)
University of Heidelberg (Germany)
Earned second doctorate
Inducted as a member of the Berlin Ethnological Society
and the Berlin Anthropological Society Under the
patronage of the famous pathologist Rudolf Virchow |
University of Heidelberg
On February 3, 1886, after gathering some experience in
ophthalmology, he left Paris and went to Heidelberg,
He worked at the University Eye Hospital under the
direction of Dr. Otto Becker, a distinguished German
On April 22, 1886, Rizal wrote a poem entitled A Las
Flores de Heidelberg (To the Flowers of Heidelberg)
because he was fascinated by the blooming flowers along
the Neckar River, which was the light blue flower called
On August 14, 1886, Rizal arrived in Leipzig. There, he
attended some lectures at the University of Leipzig on
history and psychology |
Reasons Why Rizal chooses to reside in Germany

To gain further studies in science and languages

To observe the economic and political conditions
of the German nation
To associate with famous scientists and scholars
Lastly to publish his novel Noli Me Tangere |
Spain as a realization
It was a venue for realizing Rizal's dreams.
He finished his studies in Madrid and this to him was the
realization of the bigger part of his ambition.
His vision broadened to the point of awakening in him an
understanding of human nature, sparking in him the
realization that his people needed him.
It must have been this sentiment that prompted him to
pursue, during the re-organizational meeting of the
Circulo-Hispano-Filipino, to be one of its activities, the
publication of a book to which all the members would
contribute papers on the various aspects and conditions of
Philipines life. |
Spain as a realization
The proposal for the book was unanimously approved.
In 1884, difficulties and objections were raised and a
number of gentlemen stood up and refused to discuss the
matter any further. Rizal decided not to press the issue any
In 1885, although the book was never written, Pedro
Paterno published his Ninay, a novel subtitled Costumbres
filipinas (Philippines customs), thus partly fulfilling the
original purpose of Rizal's plans. |
Noli Me Tangere
The idea of writing a novel grew on him, and later he
decided t write and worked hard for Noli Me Tangere
He never told anyone about it until it was finished, though
some of his companions knew what he was doing
He wrote half of the novel in Madrid, a quarter of it in Paris,
and the rest in Germany
The book was published in Berlin, Germany in 1887. |

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