Army Logistician (Transforming Army Oil Analysis)

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4/13/2020 Army Logistician (Transforming Army Oil Analysis)

Transforming Army Oil Analysis

by Captain Daniel A. Jensen

All of us are aware that the Army is constantly changing. The main
catalyst for this change is the rapidly evolving technology exploding
across our society today—technology that the Army must continue to
exploit as it transforms to the Future Force. The Army Oil Analysis
Program (AOAP) is not exempt from the changes being fostered by
new technologies.AOAP is a technology-based maintenance tool that
provides diagnostic services to the Army and the other armed services
worldwide. AOAP must capitalize on evolving technology so it can
continue to enhance Army maintenance capabilities, reduce the burden
on the soldier, and provide better diagnostics and prognostics in the
future. Logisticians should be familiar with AOAP—how the program
started, how it functions, and where Army Transformation will take it.

AOAP History

The Army has been a leader in instituting proactive maintenance by

monitoring oil lubricants for indications of contaminants. Ironically,
AOAP began in 1961 after several defective Army helicopter
transmissions were detected by a Navy laboratory through oil analysis.
The Army recognized that oil analysis could be a valuable maintenance
diagnostic tool, so it opened its first oil analysis laboratory at Fort
Rucker, Alabama, in September 1961 to provide support to its
expanding aeronautical fleet. On the laboratory’s first day of operation,
a defective aircraft engine was identified through spectrometric wear
metal analysis. That was the beginning of what was to become known
as the Army Oil Analysis Program.

Between 1961 and 1975, oil analysis was used exclusively to monitor
aeronautical components. Then, in early 1975, a significant change
took place when AOAP’s capabilities were expanded to include ground
combat equipment. The program’s expansion to ground equipment
meant that AOAP also would need to perform analytical tests capable
of determining lubricant condition. In 1977, tactical and wheeled
vehicles were added to AOAP’s workload, with other Army systems
(such as locomotive, construction, materials-handling, support, and
generator end item components) added in 1979. 1/4
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Transforming Army
Oil Analysis
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An oil sample is taken from a UH–60 Black Hawk
helicopter for analysis.

AOAP Today

The Department of the Army’s Deputy Chief of Staff, G–4, is the

proponent for the oil analysis program, with the Army Materiel
Command (AMC) G–3 acting as the designated responsible agent. The
AMC G–3 delegates responsibility for plans, policies, and technical
advice and assistance to the AMC Logistics Support Activity (LOGSA) at
Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. The Army Tank-automotive and
Armaments Command (TACOM), as commodity manager of petroleum
systems, is responsible for funding and sustainment of AOAP-unique
laboratory equipment.

Guidelines for wear-metal criteria are based on Department of

Defense- and Joint Oil Analysis Program-approved formulas for testing
spectrometric and physical properties (such as the presence of
contaminants). The AOAP laboratories make recommendations to
customer units based on the results of this testing. Currently, over 34
aeronautical systems and components and 472 ground systems and
components are enrolled in AOAP. These enrolled systems are
monitored by 25 AOAP laboratories (23 fixed facilities and 2 mobile
labs) and joint laboratories worldwide.

The labs analyze over 1.1 million samples per year, recommending
services and maintenance actions to be performed as needed. This
translates into cost savings totaling millions of dollars annually in
equipment maintenance, replacement of internal oil-wetted
components, and labor and materials costs associated with the
acquisition, transportation, handling, storage, and hazardous-materials
disposal of waste byproducts (oil and filters).

AOAP Transformation

LOGSA currently is working on the initial tenets of an AOAP restructure

and overhaul plan. The need for reshaping AOAP’s program
management was first highlighted in 1997, when the Chief of Staff of
the Army directed the Army G–4 to review the aeronautical and
nonaeronautical components enrolled in AOAP, streamline support to
the field, and incorporate affordable new technology. Based on this
directive, the LOGSA AOAP Program Manager (PM) developed a
Restructure Concept Plan that was approved by the Army G–4 in
February 2002. 2/4
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The restructure plan proposes to reduce the maintenance burden on

soldiers, reduce funding requirements, and improve AOAP as an
analytical maintenance diagnostics tool by—

• Reducing the number of systems and components enrolled in the

• Reducing the frequency of sampling.
• Reducing the number of laboratories performing analyses.
• Leveraging technology in order to develop and
install inline and onboard sensors and develop the potential of portable
handheld screening devices in the future.
• Refining and using AOAP-generated data to identify design changes
and improve sustainment actions in the emerging Future Logistics
Enterprise. This would be accomplished by collecting, aggregating, and
analyzing data obtained through the Global Combat Support System-
Army, Logistics Modernization Program, and Logistics Integrated Data

Collaborative Alliance

One of the key components in the AOAP restructure and overhaul plan
is a collaborative alliance among LOGSA, TACOM, and the Tank-
automotive and Armaments Research, Development, and Engineering
Center (TARDEC). This alliance will establish a tighter link to the
petroleum and lubricants business area and the research and
development community. The ultimate goal of the alliance is to
develop and execute a plan that will eliminate the need for regularly
scheduled oil sampling for analysis by AOAP.

To facilitate this process, TARDEC is working on an approved Army

Science and Technology Objective (STO) effort to develop onboard oil
condition monitoring sensors for engine lubricants, transmission oils,
and hydraulic fluids. The STO will be broken down into sequential

• Investigate fundamental technologies.

• Test selected technologies and investigate methods to integrate
hardware and software.
• Select the most promising technologies and
assemble prototypes for engine-stand testing.
• Select the best technical approach for initial prototype field testing.

TARDEC has evaluated several sensors to date and is pursuing

additional sensors for testing potential technologies, including
microwave, nanoelectromechanical, magnetic-electric induction,
conductivity, dielectric constant, spectroscopy, and microviscometer.
The AOAP PM has formed a collaborative alliance with the Army
Aviation and Missile Command’s engineering components, the Aviation
and Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Center, and the
Program Executive Office Aviation to improve oil-and-grease analysis
support as one of several maintenance diagnostic tools for increasing
readiness and flight safety.

AOAP continues to be a vital maintenance diagnostic tool. The program

historically has increased operational readiness, enhanced flight safety,
reduced catastrophic failures and maintenance efforts, and saved the
Army millions of dollars annually through oil analysis monitoring. AOAP
will provide an even greater service by optimizing its valued
capabilities through restructuring and through capitalizing, leveraging,
and exploiting evolving technology. ALOG

Captain Daniel A. Jensen is an Emergency Operations Center shift 3/4
4/13/2020 Army Logistician (Transforming Army Oil Analysis)

leader at the Army Materiel Command Logistics Support Activity

(LOGSA) at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. He has a bachelor’s degree in
agricultural education from the University of Minnesota and is a
graduate of the Quartermaster Officer Basic and Advanced Courses.

The author thanks Daniel T. McElroy, a supervisory logistics

management specialist at LOGSA, and Geoffrey B. Embrey, the Acting
Deputy to the Commander of LOGSA, for their contributions to this

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Oil Analysis
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