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For the theoretical framework, the researchers used the theories of Multimodal

Chemosensory Integration through the Maxillary Palp in Drosophila, and Menthol: a simple
monoterpene with remarkable biological properties. The researchers think that the menthol
which is the primary ingredient in peppermint is the reason why fruit flies hate the smell of it. As
stated in the research, menthols are known to exhibit biological activity like antibacterial,
antifungal, an effective fumigant. The olfaction of fruit flies work through their maxillary palp,
which modulates their taste behavior, and when additional information is added, it causes a
change in their behavior. You may go to page 19 of the manuscript for a more detailed
So, as you can see on the paradigm, the peppermint which contains menthol will be made
into a repellent, this is to add information to the maxillary palp of the fruit flies, the researchers
think that change in their behavioral response will happen, which will then lead to reduction of
food contamination.

So, in this table, you can see the comparison of fruit fly landing rate in each experimental
set. To briefly discuss the difference in each experimental group, they have different number of
drops of peppermint essential oil extract. In experimental group 1, 1 drop. Experimental group 2,
2 drops. And for Experimental group 3, 3 drops. So, you can see the results in both fruit samples,
that the higher the drop of peppermint essential oil extract, the lower the chance of fruit fly
landing. Which proves that our hypothesis 1 A and B to be correct.

Intro/BOS – Marc
Transition – Now on the next slide we will proceed with the statement of the problem
SOP – Mitzi
Transition – With the statement of the problems in mind, the researchers formulated null and
alternative hypothesis for each statement of the problem. (Mitzi)
Hypothesis – Krista
Transition – Following the hypothesis, the researchers have found various theories that will
support the research conducted. (Krista)
Theoretical Framework – Rose
Transition – In this chapter, we will be discussing the Research Design, Materials, Procedure,
and the Statistical Treatment. (Eya)
Research Design - Eya
Materials – Eya
Transition – Along with the research design and materials, we also have the procedures. (Eya)
Procedure – Gerund
Transition – And lastly under the research methodology is the statistical treatment. (Gerund)
Stat Treatment – Owen
Video – As part of our research procedure, the researchers made a video as a way to address the
gap created by the new normal. (Rose)
Transition – Marc
SOP1 Findings, Conclusion, Recommendations – Marc
Transition – Marc
Table 1 – Rose
Transition - Liam
SOP2 Findings, Conclusion, Recommendations – Liam
Transition – Beria
SOP3 Findings, Conclusion, Recommendations – Beria
Transition – In the following, we’ll present the data found using the statistical treatment (Beria)
Tables/Graphs – Owen
Outro – That is all for our presentation. We are now ready for your questions. (Rose)

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