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for mental health and

psychosocial support
in radiological and
nuclear emergencies
for mental health and
psychosocial support
in radiological and
nuclear emergencies
A framework for mental health and psychosocial support in radiological and nuclear emergencies

ISBN 978-92-4-001545-6 (electronic version)

ISBN 978-92-4-001546-3 (print version)

© World Health Organization 2020

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Acknowledgements v
Executive summary

1.1 Purpose of the document and target audience 3
1.2 Key concepts and definitions 3
2.1 Fear and anxiety related to radiation 9
2.2 Exposure to stress 11
2.3 People at risk 11
3.1 Coordination 13
3.2 Communication 14
3.3 Community resilience and engagement 15
3.4 Capacity building and training 17
3.5 Core ethical considerations for community-based MHPSS 19
4.1 Risks, vulnerability analysis and needs assessment 21
4.2 General mental health policy 21
4.3 Mapping of existing resources 21
4.4 MHPSS Integration into general health care 21
4.5 Monitoring and evaluation of MHPSS implementation 22
5.1 Psychological aspects of sheltering in place, evacuation and ITB 24
5.2 Psychological aspects of radiation monitoring and decontamination 25
5.3 MHPSS interventions at community level in response phase 26
6.1 Social consequences and stigma 29
6.2 MHPSS interventions at community level during the post-emergency phase 30
7.1 Practical tools for implementation of the Framework 33
7.2 Research needs 34

Glossary 39


roviding policy advice and assisting Member States in strengthening their national capacities
for preparedness, response and recovery after radiological and nuclear emergencies is an
integral part of the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) work towards implementation of
the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005). Monitoring of the IHR implementation through
annual reporting and Joint External Evaluation (JEE) missions indicate that half of WHO’s Member
States are still lacking essential elements of preparedness pertaining to radiation emergencies.

The lessons learned from nuclear accidents such as in Chernobyl in 1986 and in Fukushima in
2011 clearly demonstrate that in addition to direct risks to human health and the environment from
radiological hazards, the impact of such accidents is linked with subsequent protective actions and
negative socioeconomic changes. Similar to other disasters and emergency situations, nuclear
accidents have a profound impact on mental health, psychological and social standing, which in
turn affect people’s well-being, mental and physical health. Radiation emergencies, however, carry
substantial and unique stressors.

International radiation safety standards make provisions for the inclusion of measures to mitigate
such health impacts in emergency response and recovery plans, but they are limited in detail and
practical guidance. Furthermore, there are few practical tools for integrating mental health and
psychosocial support (MHPSS) for response to radiation emergencies. International radiation
safety standards make provisions for the inclusion of measures to mitigate such health impacts
in emergency response and recovery plans, but they are limited in detail and practical guidance.
Furthermore, there are few practical tools for integrating mental health and psychosocial support
(MHPSS) within response to radiation emergencies.

A framework for mental health and psychosocial support in radiological and nuclear
emergencies is the first of its kind to bring together existing knowledge at the intersection of
mental health and radiation protection. The framework was developed as an initial step towards
supporting the integration of these fields, through a straightforward discussion of the mental health
and psychosocial impacts exerted by radiation emergencies, as well as actions that can be taken to
mitigate these effects across the emergency cycle.

This publication was produced through considerable interdisciplinary collaboration. It would not have
been possible without invaluable contributions from a global network of experts and partners. We
would like to thank them for their important efforts towards making mental health and well-being an
imperative focus, thereby helping to reduce suffering and increase resilience following radiological
and nuclear emergencies.

Dévora Kestel Maria Neira

Director Director
Department of Mental Health Department of Environment,
and Substance Use Climate Change and Health
World Health Organization World Health Organization

WHO coordination and supervision
Zhanat Carr (Scientist, Department of Environment, Public Health and Climate Change, World Health
Organization, Geneva, Switzerland) initiated, coordinated and led the development and production of this
publication, provided technical input on matters related to radiation protection and ensured consistency with
the existing international safety guides.

Fahmy Hanna (Technical Officer, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse (MSD), World Health
Organization) provided oversight over the development of the first draft and technical input on the matters
pertaining to mental health, and ensured consistency with the existing IASC and WHO guidance.

Contributors and reviewers

Brian Ahier (Health Canada) – technical review Japan) – technical review
Margriet Blaaw (WHO consultant) – supported Keith Mortimer (Public Health England - Centre for
the development of the first draft of the Framework Radiation, Chemical & Environmental Hazards) –
guided by MSD team technical review
Tom Charnock (Public Health England - Centre for Michio Murakami and Tomoyuki Kobayashi
Radiation, Chemical & Environmental Hazards) – (Fukushima Medical University, Japan) – technical
technical review review.
Monica Dobbertin (DSA, Norway) – technical Anne Nisbet (Public Health England – Centre for
review Radiation, Chemical & Environmental Hazards) –
Christine Fassert (CETCOPRA, University Paris-1, technical review
Sorbonne) – technical review Matthias Port (Institute for Radiobiology, Germany)
Jacqueline Garnier-Laplace (NEA/OECD) – – technical review
contributed to the text for the Box 3 and technical Christiane Pölzl-Viol (BfS, Germany) – technical
review of the draft review
Robin Goodwin (Warwick University, UK) – Christoph Reiners (Wuerzberg University Hospital,
technical review Germany) – technical review
Johan Havenaar (Altrecht Institute for Mental Jun Shigemura (Department of Psychiatry,
Health, Utrecht, The Netherlands) – technical National Defense Medical College, Japan) –
review technical review
Eduardo Herrera Reyes (IAEA) – technical review Tobias Schlummer (Bundesministerium für
Alicja Jaworska (DSA, Norway) – technical review Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit,
Peter Kaiser (IAEA) – technical review Germany) – technical review
Juergen Kopp (German Commission on Emilie van Deventer (WHO) – technical review
Radiological Protection (SSK)) – technical review Ramon de la Vega (IAEA) – technical review
Tomoyuki Kobayashi (Fukushima Medical Samantha Watson (Public Health England - Centre
University, Japan) – technical review. for Radiation, Chemical & Environmental Hazards)
Yuji Kuroda (Fukushima Prefecture government, – technical review
Japan) – contributed with the text on Iitate village Wolfgang Weiss (radiation protection expert,
case study Box 4. Germany) – technical review.
Martin Krottmayer (IFRC) – technical review Matthias Zähringer (BfS, Germany) –
Masaharu Maeda (Fukushima Medical University, technical review

Graphics design, layout and editing

Shihab S Joi (Designer and editor) – graphic design, layout concepts and copy-editing
Kai Lashley (Further Consulting) – technical editing.

ERC emergency risk communication

IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency

IASC Inter-Agency Standing Committee

ICRP International Commission for Radiological Protection

IFRC International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

IHR International Health Regulations

ITB Iodine Thyroid Blocking

IHR International Health Regulations

M&E Monitoring and Evaluation

mhGAP-HIG Mental Health Global Action Programme Humanitarian Intervention Guide

MHPSS Mental Health and Psychosocial Support

NGO nongovernmental Organization

NPP Nuclear Power Plant

OCHA United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

PAHO Pan American Health Organization

PFA Psychological First Aid

PHC primary health care

UN United Nations

PTSD post-traumatic stress disorder

WHO World Health Organization

he health impact of radiological and which can exacerbate people’s distress. Substance
nuclear emergencies can last for decades. abuse, domestic violence, depression, anxiety,
Lessons learned from past radiological post-traumatic stress disorder and other
and nuclear accidents have demonstrated that the psychosocial outcomes become more likely after
mental health and psychosocial consequences such emergencies.
can outweigh the direct physical health impacts
of radiation exposure. International radiation Estimates indicate that at least one in five people
emergency preparedness and response standards affected by an emergency or a disaster will
outline provisions for mitigating these effects. Yet, experience a mental health condition, with certain
practical guidance for addressing the mental health groups particularly at risk. In the case of radiation
and psychosocial aspects of radiation emergencies emergencies, these groups may include:
remains scarce. ■ people directly affected;
■ children from affected areas and parents
A Framework for Mental Health and Psychosocial concerned about the long-term impact on their
Support in Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies children’s health;
was developed to fill this gap while building upon ■ pregnant women and lactating mothers from
existing World Health Organization (WHO) and Inter- affected areas;
Agency Standing Committee (IASC) guidelines for ■ people with underlying health concerns;
providing mental health and psychosocial support ■ people with low literacy levels and difficulty in
(MHPSS) in emergency settings. following risk communications;
■ first responders, clean-up workers and other
This framework aims to promote integration responders working in stressful conditions;
between the MHPSS and radiation protection ■ people living in residential facilities and
fields. It is intended for officials and specialists institutions;
involved in radiation emergency planning and risk ■ evacuees and members of hosting communities;
management as well as MHPSS experts working in ■ people with pre-existing mental health and
health emergencies. psychosocial concerns;
■ the workers of the nuclear facility and their
Individual and community mental health and families.
psychosocial well-being can be impacted Care should be taken to consider the unique needs
considerably during and after radiation emergencies of each of these groups.
due to a number of factors. In particular, fear and
uncertainty about radiation risks may be common. A number of actions discussed in this framework
In addition, emergency protective actions designed can be implemented to support the mental health
to protect human lives (such as iodine thyroid and psychosocial well-being of affected people
blocking, radiation monitoring and decontamination, and communities across the emergency cycle.
sheltering in place and evacuation), could have These actions are guided by several cross-

repercussions on the physical or mental health of cutting considerations of MHPSS planning and
the affected people. Furthermore, people may link implementation, which are discussed in the
various somatic illnesses with exposure to radiation document.
and thereby overwhelm unprepared health systems.

In addition to environmental and socioeconomic

impacts, radiation emergencies are characterized This framework aims
by multiple factors, including health risk uncertainty
and social stigma towards affected people
to promote integration
(including the workers of the affected nuclear between the MHPSS and
facility). These factors are sometimes coupled with
inconsistent media coverage and misconceptions radiation protection fields

Cross-cutting MHPSS considerations for the entire emergency cycle:
preparedness, response, and recovery

• Coordination through inter-sectoral MHPSS working groups can guide action.

Coordination • Coordination must involve functional lines of communication, clear operating
procedures and agreed roles and responsibilities.

• Implementing emergency risk communication (ERC) strategies – developed during

the preparedness stage and involving all stakeholders – increases the effectiveness
Communication of protective actions and can reduce fear.
• ERC should include clear messaging about protective actions that is inclusive,
adapted and disseminated by trained communicators who will listen to concerns.

• Affected people should be viewed as leaders in designing and implementing

Community MHPSS activities that build upon existing community support networks.
Engagement • Emergency response planners should identify trusted community leaders and
involve them in decision-making throughout the emergency cycle.

• Health-care workers, first responders and MHPSS providers should be trained in

Capacity basic psychosocial support and in basic radiation protection.
Building • Policies and procedures should be established to support the mental health and
well-being of first responders, clean-up and plant workers and health-care staff.

• Care must be taken to ensure the primacy of community needs and protection
Core ethics from exploitation, abuse and discrimination.
• Local culture and values should be respected and confidentiality maintained.

KEY MHPSS ELEMENTS OF at the emergency response planning stage, are

RESPONSE PLANNING also essential MHPSS preparedness actions
MHPSS planning should be informed by a risk, that can support resilience during and after
vulnerability and needs assessment. While there radiation emergencies.
may be many aspects of mapping potential risks
and hazards, MHPSS risk mapping aspects include Finally, indicators for monitoring and evaluation
identification of the potential adverse impacts of (M&E) of MHPSS activities should be identified at
radiation protection actions, of appropriate counter the planning stage to measure the impact of these
measures, of system weaknesses, of priority needs efforts during and after the emergency.
and of capability or resource gaps.
Planning for radiation emergencies also includes EMERGENCY RESPONSE
overall mental health policy development, including During a nuclear emergency, communities at risk
provisions for emergency situations, such as of exposure may be asked to implement protective
contingency plans, operational MHPSS procedures, actions, such as sheltering in place or evacuation.
identified priorities and criteria for resource These measures, while necessary, can also result
allocation, as well as plans for their evaluation and in fear, anxiety, confusion and anger. Care should
revision. Mapping existing resources, including all be taken to provide targeted mental health and
available formal and informal support mechanisms, well-being support and accurate information to
and integration of MHPSS into primary care starting affected people.

If evacuation is necessary, managers of agencies may be common following radiation emergencies,
and institutions involved in emergency response and can lead to some people’s hiding their health
should make certain that families remain together condition in order to avoid being discriminated
and that evacuees are involved in decision-making against and thereby prevent them from seeking
with regard to logistics and living arrangements. help. Dissemination of accessible, accurate and
Iodine thyroid blocking (ITB) may also be required timely information tailored to specific groups can be
urgently following a nuclear accident. This protective effective in promoting social cohesion and reducing
action should be preceded and accompanied by an further risk of stigmatization. Actions during the
information campaign to reduce anxiety and promote recovery phase should also focus on positive
awareness of the proper administration. elements of mental health and well-being, and
promote the integration of MHPSS activities within
Individual radiation monitoring and decontamination existing support structures.
can be uncomfortable and provoke anxiety. The
procedure should be arranged so that people
undergoing triage, monitoring and decontamination
are reasonably safe and comfortable. It is
Key messages
also recommended that, when necessary, This framework represents an initial step
decontamination proceed with appropriate religious towards integrating MHPSS within existing
and cultural considerations in mind. These radiation emergency preparedness and
arrangements should be accompanied by proper response arrangements.
communication tools that explain the process and
Radiation emergencies have unique
the need for the protective actions.
mental health impacts. Mental health and
psychosocial consequences, such as fear,
In addition to these targeted actions, community-
anxiety, emotional and behavioural changes,
level MHPSS interventions can also be implemented
may outweigh the direct health impact of
and should be done in collaboration with relevant
radiation exposure radiological or nuclear
community stakeholders. These interventions,
when feasible, can include re- establishment of
community activities, such as cultural and religious A public health approach with an emphasis
events; ensuring access to education for children; on MHPSS interventions is essential
and restoration of informal support networks. These for planning and responding effectively to
actions should comply with radiation protection radiation emergencies and must include
requirements and aim to promote healthy living. inter-disciplinary capacity building to ensure
MHPSS is integrated within existing
MHPSS CONSIDERATIONS POST- arrangements for response.
Because of the long-lasting impact of radiation Cross-sector coordination between radiation
emergencies, MHPSS actions should be protection and MHPSS actors, community
implemented with a focus on medium- and long-term engagement, targeted risk communication
community mental health services and psychosocial and applying core-ethics principles are crucial
interventions following the emergency. Engaging for preparedness, response and recovery
with affected communities in such recovery efforts after radiation emergencies.
and giving them a stake in the process will result Practical tools need to be developed in order
in the shared ownership of the outcomes of such to promote the integration of MHPSS within
efforts, which is instrumental for building trust. existing radiation emergency preparedness
Coupled with communication campaigns tailored plans and protection actions.
for specific population groups, these efforts can be
crucial for people’s well-being and the long-term Research is needed to further understand
resilience of the community. mental health vulnerability to radiation
emergencies and strengthen the evidence
Social stigma towards evacuees and others affected base for appropriate MHPSS actions.


Image © EPA

he health effects of radiological and small amount of radioactive material). Examples of
nuclear emergencies (grouped in this radiation emergencies include, among others:
document under the term radiation
emergencies), range from short-term to long- term
and can last for decades. Survivors of the Hiroshima
and Nagasaki atomic bombings, for instance, were The aim of this
at risk of developing certain types of cancer and
cardiovascular diseases over their lifetime. In framework is to support
addition, they were reported as having nightmares
more than 50 years after the bombings, and remain
the development of
fearful for the health of future generations (1). preparedness, response
Radiation emergencies range from large scale and recovery policy,
incidents with catastrophic consequences (such as
a detonation of an improvised nuclear device or use
plans and procedures
of a nuclear bomb), to small scale incidents that do for mental health and
not pose any significant risk to public health (such
as a loss of a nuclear density gauge containing a psychosocial support

■ nuclear installations accidents, such as those in In addition, existing safety standards do not explicitly
Fukushima, Japan in 2011, in Chernobyl, Ukraine address the importance of planning in advance for
in 1986, and the Three Mile Island accident in management of the psychosocial impact of such
Pennsylvania, USA in 1979; emergencies. Given that psychological impacts of
■ radiological accidents related to lost sources and emergencies and of emergency protective actions
radioactive waste, such as Goiania accident in implemented during response are often greater
Brazil in 1987; than the actual physical impact of radiation, it is
■ radiotherapy accidents that may affect a few essential that psychological and mental health
people or hundreds of people, such as the aspects of radiological or nuclear emergencies
accident in Epinal, France in 2004; are integrated at all stages of the emergency cycle
■ malevolent events, such as a dirty bomb from preparedness to long-term recovery (Fig. 1).
explosion or the Polonium-210 poisoning
incident in the UK in 2006.

Any of these scenarios may have a strong impact Generic Safety Requirements
on the mental health of affected people, emergency
responders, their families and others. Malevolent
(GRS-Part 7) state in
events may also be particularly distressing and Requirement 16:
become precursors to further mental-health related
“Non-radiological consequences of a nuclear
risks, even when the mortality rate may be low.
or radiological emergency and of an emergency
Past nuclear accidents have resulted in low response shall be taken into consideration in
levels of radiation exposure for the majority deciding on the protective actions and other
of affected people, for whom non-radiological response actions to be taken in the context
health consequences have outweighed the direct of the protection strategy. Arrangements
radiological consequences (2). Both the Chernobyl shall be made for mitigating the non-
and Fukushima nuclear accidents were reported to radiological consequences of an emergency
have considerable diverse and long-lasting social,
and those of an emergency response and for
psychological and mental health consequences
responding to public concern in a nuclear or
affecting individuals and societies (3-5).
radiological emergency. These arrangements
Existing International safety standards provide shall include arrangements for providing
high-level requirements for radiation emergency the affected people with (a) information
preparedness and response (EPR), most of which on any associated health hazards and clear
are based on radiation protection concepts and instructions on any actions to be taken (…);
quantities (6-9). These include provisions for (b) medical and psychological counselling, as
mitigation of non-radiological consequences, which appropriate; (c) adequate social support, as
are defined as “adverse psychological, societal, or appropriate” (7).
economic consequences of nuclear or radiological
emergency,” or, “of an emergency response affecting
human life, health, property, or the environment” (7).
Nuclear accidents and radiological emergencies
Despite these relevant requirements for inclusion of may also have severe economic consequences
mental health and psychological support in the EPR (12,13). Crops and other affected agricultural
and recovery arrangements, to date there are no and wildlife products may be lost; evacuees may
detailed practical tools and protocols describing how remain unemployed indefinitely; and sales of local
exactly these requirements are to be implemented products, trade and tourism could fall. In a difficult
within the overall protection strategy for radiological economic situation, psychosocial consequences of
or nuclear EPR (10, 11). a nuclear accident will be further aggravated.

Depending on the prevailing circumstances during treatment to describe non-clinical interventions
the response to an emergency situation and on for people with mental disorders. Exact definitions
radiation safety requirements, certain components of these terms vary between and within aid
of the framework proposed in this document may or organizations, disciplines and countries. A glossary
may not apply. is shown in the Glossary.

1.1 PURPOSE OF THE DOCUMENT AND Phases of a radiation emergency

TARGET AUDIENCE The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
This framework builds upon the existing World defines two phases of emergency response in
Health Organization (WHO) and Inter-Agency its General Safety Guide GSG-11 (9): urgent and
Standing Committee (IASC) guidelines and early response, followed by transition and recovery
recommendations for managing mental health and phases (Fig. 1).
psychosocial consequences of emergencies and ■ Urgent response phase: The period within the
disasters. It aims at supporting the development emergency response phase from the detection of
of preparedness, response and recovery policies, conditions warranting emergency response actions
plans and procedures, which would include that must be taken promptly in order to be effective
provisions for mental health and psychosocial until the completion of all such actions. Such
support. The goal is to broaden the scope and emergency response actions include mitigation
strengthen the arrangements for preparedness and actions by the nuclear facility operator and urgent
response to radiation emergencies by incorporating protective actions on site and off site. The urgent
relevant national and local plans related to the response phase may last from hours to days
mitigation of mental health and psychosocial depending on the nature and scale of the nuclear
consequences of emergencies and disasters. or radiological emergency.

The target audience includes any officials and ■ Early response phase: The period of time,
various specialists involved in radiation emergency within the emergency response phase, from which
response planning, and response and consequence a radiological situation is already characterized
management. sufficiently well, allowing for early protective actions
and other response actions to be identified, until the

completion of all such actions. The early response
Definitions phase may last from days to weeks depending on
In line with the IASC Guidelines on mental health and
psychosocial support in emergency settings (14),
and in line with WHO terminology, the composite
term mental health and psychosocial support
(MHPSS) is used in this document to describe any This framework
type of local or outside support that aims to protect
or promote psychosocial well-being and/or prevent
aims at supporting
or treat mental disorder. Although the terms mental the development of
health and psychosocial support are closely related
and overlap, for many stakeholders involved in preparedness, response
EPR, they require different, yet complementary,
and recovery policies, plans
and procedures, which
Responding agencies outside the health sector tend
to speak of interventions supporting psychosocial would include provisions
well-being. Health sector agencies refer to mental
health, yet historically have also used the terms
for mental health and
psychosocial rehabilitation and psychosocial psychosocial support

Fig. 1: Phases of radiation emergency cycle



Transition of the nuclear/radiological emergency

Declaration of the emergency class EMERGENCY RESPONSE




Hours Days Days

to to to
days weeks a year

• Sheltering
• Evacuation
• Relocation
• Iodine thyroid blocking
• Restrictions on food/
drinking water
• Urban/Rural/Environmental

Examples of protective action (may be: combined, adapted or prevailing circumstances)

Source: (9) Graphic recreated with permission © IAEA

the nature and scale of the nuclear or radiological exposure for involved personnel will be considered
emergency. as planned exposure).

■ Transition phase (sometimes called the The duration of these phases varies depending
intermediate phase): The period during which the on the type and scale of emergency; and there
primary focus is to characterize the radiological is generally an overlap in the MHPSS needs
situation on-site and off-site to support risk of populations across these phases. MHPSS
management decisions). interventions should never jeopardize the
implementation of protective actions to reduce
■ Long-term recovery phase: This is a period people’s exposure to radiation.
characterized as an existing exposure situation For the purpose of this document, the two phases of
(in the case of decommissioning and response (urgent and early response) are grouped
environmental decontamination activities, potential into one emergency phase. The emergency phase

typically ends when the situation is under control,
the off-site radiological conditions have been
characterized sufficiently well to identify whether Key concepts
further protective actions (such as food restrictions
and temporary relocation) are required and put into Basic concepts of radiation protection
effect. Both transition and recovery phases have are provided in Box 1 for those who are
also been grouped into a post-emergency phase. not familiar with the field of radiation

protection, and the main risk factors
resulting from a radiation emergency
(shown in Fig. 2) that affected people
may face. Further reading is available
elsewhere (16).
MHPSS interventions The basic concepts of MHPSS are described
should never jeopardize the in Box 2, which radiation protection
specialists can use to familiarize themselves
implementation of protective with the main concepts of MHPSS and their
actions to reduce people’s use in emergency situations.

exposure to radiation

Fig. 2: The main pathways of exposure to ionizing radiation

Internal exposure
from inhalation of External exposure
radioactivity in directly from cloud
the air

External exposure
from radioactive
materials deposited
on the ground

Internal exposure
to radiation from
contaminated food,
milk and water

Source: (15) Graphic recreated with permission © IAEA

Box 1: Basic facts about radiation (16)

Ionizing radiation is a type of energy released workplace (occupational exposure) or at a

by unstable atoms that travels in the form medical facility; or as a result of an accident
of electromagnetic waves (gamma or or emergency.
X-rays) or particles (such as neutrons, alpha-
and beta-radiation). The spontaneous Excessive exposure to radiation may damage
disintegration of atoms is called radioactivity. living tissues and/or organs, depending
People are exposed to natural radiation on the amount of radiation received. The
sources, as well as man- made sources on extent of the potential damage depends
a daily basis throughout their lives. Natural on the type of radiation, the sensitivity of
radiation comes from many naturally- the affected tissues and organs, exposure
occurring radioactive materials found in pathway, the radioactive isotopes involved,
soil, water and air. Every day, people inhale individual characteristics of the exposed
and ingest radionuclides from air, food and person (such as age, gender and underlying
water. conditions), and other factors.

Radiation exposure may be internal or The amount of radiation received is

external (or a combination of both) and measured by a radiation dose. The risk of
can be acquired through various exposure developing specific health effects depends
pathways (Fig. 2). on radiation dose. At very high doses,
radiation can impair the functioning of
■ Internal exposure to ionizing radiation tissues and/or organs and produce acute
occurs when a radionuclide is inhaled, ingested effects such as skin redness, hair loss,
or otherwise enters into the bloodstream (for radiation burns, acute radiation syndrome
example, by injection or through a wound). or even death. The higher the dose, the
It will stop when the radioactive isotope is more severe the biological effects. If the
eliminated from the body. radiation dose is low and/or it is delivered
over a long period of time (low dose rate),
■ External exposure may occur when airborne the risk is substantially lower because the
radioactive material (such as dust, liquid, damage to cells and molecules may be
or aerosols) is deposited and contaminates repaired by the body.
skin or clothes. It can also occur without
contamination, resulting from being in close At the very low doses comparable
proximity to an external radioactive source with natural background radiation, it is
and being irradiated, for example, by an X-ray- impossible to attribute health effects such
generating device. External irradiation stops as cancer to radiation due to the limitations
when the radiation source is shielded or when of available modern scientific tools. It should
the person moves outside the radiation field. be noted that effects of this type may never
occur, but their likelihood is proportional to
People can be exposed to ionizing radiation the radiation dose. The risk is higher for
under different circumstances, for example at children and adolescents, as they are
home, due to natural background radiation; significantly more sensitive to radiation
as a result of a planned intervention at a exposure than adults.

Box 2: Basic facts about MHPSS (14, 17)

Mental health is defined by WHO as a state conflict is estimated to have depression,

of well-being in which every individual anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and
realizes her or his own potential, can cope other mental health disorders.
with the normal stresses of life, can work
productively and fruitfully and is able to In people affected by the Fukushima disaster,
contribute to her or his community. for example, high rates of the following
mental health disorders were reported:
The interconnection between the nonspecific psychological distress (8.3-
individual’s emotions, thoughts, feelings, 65.1%), depressive symptoms (12-52.0%),
internal reactions, and the external and post-traumatic stress symptoms (10.5-
environment, interpersonal relationships, 62.6%) (18).
community and/or culture (i.e. social
context), is referred to as psychological International guidelines recommend services
reactions. Psychosocial support refers at different levels, from basic services to
to actions relating to the social and clinical care, and indicate that mental health
psychological needs of individuals, families care needs to be made available immediately
and communities. for specific, urgent mental health problems
as part of the health response (14, 17) The
The mental health and psychosocial impact psychosocial impact is more severe when
of emergencies people are separated from their family or
Emergencies damage community and family friends, their living conditions significantly
resources and undermine personal coping change or are no longer safe and people
strategies and social connections, which cannot access assistance.
would normally support people. Human,
social and economic consequences are There are a number of factors that could
long-term and far-reaching and affect entire lead to limited access of MHPSS services,
communities and societies. including their location, cost, security
issues, poor awareness of the services or
Almost all people affected by emergencies stigma associated with mental health, or
will experience psychological distress, which because local services are simply lacking.
for most people will improve over time. Therefore, alternative solutions to include
Among people who have experienced war (and disseminate information about) MHPSS
or disaster in the previous 10 years, one services should be considered during the
in five (22%) living in an area affected by planning stage.

A key to organizing MHPSS is to develop a multi- interaction and social cohesion activities within
layered system of complementary support that communities. Activities in this layer are often
meets the needs of different groups (19). MHPSS integrated into health, protection and education
components range from basic psychosocial support sectors and should be accessible to the entire
through to specialized mental health care (Fig. 3) as affected population, where possible. Examples
described below. of activities include Psychological First Aid (PFA)
■ Social considerations in basic services and and recreational activities. Basic psychosocial
security – This promotes positive mental health support can be provided by trained emergency
and psychosocial well-being, resilience, social responders, community members and volunteers.

■ Community and family psychosocial support – period of time that they have difficulty coping in their
This includes promotion of positive mental health daily lives. Examples of activities include treatment
and psychosocial well-being and prevention centres for survivors and alternative approaches to
activities, with a specific focus on groups, families drug therapy. Services are provided by specialists
and individuals at risk. Examples of activities within health-care and social welfare systems.
include peer support and group work. Community
and family psychological support can be provided The term first responders used in this framework refers
by trained emergency responders, community to individuals and teams that are involved in activities
members and volunteers. which address the immediate and short-term effects
■ Focused psychosocial support – This includes of an emergency. This includes: on-scene personnel
prevention and treatment activities for individuals from the police, fire brigades, hazmat teams of civil
and families who present with more complicated protection and emergency medical services. It also
psychological distress and for people at risk of includes personnel in hospital emergency rooms,
developing mental health conditions. Examples of crisis management institutions and those involved in
activities include basic psychological interventions, detection, verification and warning (20). In addition,
such as individual and group counselling, which other personnel may be called upon, depending on
are often provided in health-care and social care the scenario and scale of the event (for instance,
facilities with accompanying outreach work, or in various health-care professionals were requested to
community facilities where feasible and culturally assist with the identification of bodies following the
acceptable. Focused psychosocial support can 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.
be provided by both specialists and trained and In general, such responders do not have training in
supervised non-specialists. response to radiation emergencies, particularly for
■ Clinical services – This includes specialized psychological support, and may need to be equipped
clinical care and treatment for individuals with with easy-access information, pocket-size leaflets,
chronic mental health conditions and for people fact sheets, frequently asked questions and answers,
suffering such severe distress and over such a checklists, and so on.

Fig. 3: The IASC Intervention pyramid for MHPSS in emergencies

Clinical mental health care

Clinical services (by primary health-care staff or mental
health professionals)

Basic emotional and practical support to

selected individuals or families
Focused psychosocial
Activating social networks
Supporting child-friendly spaces

Strengthening community Advocacy for good humanitarian practice:

and family support basic services that are safe, socially
appropriate, and that protect dignity

Social considerations in
basic services and security

Source: (19) Graphic adapted from the IASC mhGAP-HIG guidelines, with permission


Exposure to stress Public communication

Fear and anxiety Impact of

protective actions

Social Stigma

here is a range of psychosocial aspects officials, or lack of information about ionizing

that need to be considered when planning radiation, its health effects, and how it is measured,
for radiation emergencies. While these can further increase short- and long-term anxiety
psychological aspects apply to everyone, certain following an emergency involving potential or actual
groups will require special attention (Fig. 4). radiation exposure (21, 22).

2.1 FEAR AND ANXIETY RELATED TO The negative public perception of the exposure to
RADIATION ionizing radiation, and by proxy, everything related
There are a number of reasons why exposure to to nuclear energy, is linked with the history of the
radiation may be particularly frightening. Exposure nuclear bombings in Japan in 1945, their associated
to ionizing radiation is not immediately evident, death and devastation (23), as well as more recent
visible, or otherwise detectable without special emergencies involving nuclear power plants. In
equipment, and so it is not possible for individuals addition, cancer, birth defects and hereditary
to assess whether they are within a safe distance effects are also often linked with exposure to
from a dangerous source of radiation, whether radiation in the mind of the public, which is often
they might be contaminated externally, or have misled by mass media and films in popular culture.
unknowingly inhaled or ingested radioactive In addition, scientific evidence on the health effects
substances. Lack of knowledge among the general of low doses of radiation remains susceptible
public and sometimes also among government to uncertainties.

Fig. 4: At-risk groups that require MHPSS during radiological
and nuclear emergencies

First responders, health

People in close workers, clean-up
proximity to extremely workers, reporters
stressful events, such and other responders
as an explosion at an working under
accident site hazardous or stressful

Parents and future People in residential

parents concerned facilities/institutions
about the long-term (assisted living,
effects of radiation and retirement homes,
health of their children correctional facilities)

Children from affected Evacuees, as well as the

areas, who may members of hosting
face discrimination, communities, whose
stigmatization and lives were affected by the
bullying at school evacuation.

People with additional

People with pre-existing
physical health needs,
mental health and
such as those ill, older
psychosocial needs
or with a disability

People with a low The workers (and their

level of literacy, who families) of the nuclear
may struggle to follow facility where the
advice and instructions accident took place, who
provided by risk may be blamed for the
communicators accident


Understandably, any potential hazard that may situations, such as emergencies, often lead to
pose a risk for children and future generations changes of behaviour patterns (30). For instance,
touches upon emotional reactions, thereby adding there is an increasing trend of substance abuse
to the fear of radiation. Negative risk perception in people to cope with significant stress and its
about the genetic effects of radiation exposure was symptoms, including depression, anxiety or PTSD
associated with depressive symptoms among the (31). This is particularly true for those affected by an
evacuees from Fukushima prefecture in Japan (25). emergency due to a nuclear accident.
Fear of exposure to radiation and a high number
of healthy people worried about their exposure 2.3 PEOPLE AT RISK
levels (so-called worried well) may overwhelm the Not everyone has or develops significant
capacities of local health-care facilities (21). psychological problems during emergencies. Many
people show resilience, meaning they are able
There are also wider political dimensions which to cope relatively well in adverse situations; this
will further influence the psychosocial climate in includes some individuals within at-risk groups.
the affected regions and nations. Fukushima was Although such people at-risk may need additional
linked to the growth of public distrust in the nuclear support, they often have the capacities and social
industry and the government. As seen after the networks that enable them to contribute to their

accident in Chernobyl, which occurred in the final families and maintain active relationships in social,
days of the former Soviet Union, the uncertainties religious and political life (14).
associated with the aftermath of a nuclear accident
can become additional factors in destabilizing the
pre-existing national or local political situation, and
thus contribute to further anxiety among those Depending on the
affected. Box 3 describes lessons learned from
these two nuclear emergencies. emergency context,
particular groups of people
Exposure to any severe stressor, such as disasters are at increased risk of
and catastrophes, is a risk factor for a range of long-
term mental health conditions including anxiety experiencing social and/or
and mood disorders as well as acute stress and psychological problems
grief reactions.

However, there are substantial differences There are numerous interacting social, psychological
between natural disasters and nuclear accidents and biological factors that influence whether people
in terms of the psychosocial impact associated develop psychological problems or exhibit resilience
with many factors such as human and material in the face of adversity, which makes it difficult to
losses, psychological acceptance, community determine who will be most affected.
cohesiveness, stigmas, and media influence, which
can all exacerbate stress levels. Depending on the emergency context, particular
groups of people are at increased risk of experiencing
The threat to health is a particularly powerful social and/or psychological problems. Although
stressor for populations affected by radiological or many key forms of MHPSS should be available to
nuclear emergencies (2, 4, 22, 27-29). In addition, the emergency-affected population in general, good
protective actions such as iodine thyroid blocking programming specifically includes the provision of
(ITB), radiation monitoring and decontamination, targeted support to the more vulnerable groups of
screening, food and drinking-water restrictions, people (14). It is important to recognize that within
sheltering in place and evacuation could be a source and across each at-risk group (detailed in Fig. 4)
of stress in affected people. In general, stressful there is a diversity of risks, problems and resources.

Box 3: Lessons from Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear accidents

The Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986, physical symptoms (2).

and the Fukushima combined natural
and nuclear disaster in 2011, were both Evacuation, temporary relocation and
rated at the highest level of severity by the resettlement following the nuclear accident
International Nuclear Event Scale. Even at Fukushima were all equally stressful for
though the duration, quality and quantity more than 150 000 people, including more
of radioactive releases, as well as levels of than 50 000 voluntary evacuees, and the
human exposure to radiation and the direct receiving communities. Over 100 evacuees
health consequences are very different died by disaster-related suicides, exceeding
between the two cases, both bear similarities the number in Miyagi and Iwaki Prefectures,
in terms of psychosocial and mental health where there were a greater number of
consequences. direct deaths due to the tsunami (25). These
mental health consequences resulted from
These effects arise from exposure to the long-term evacuation leading to uncertain
same type of severe stress. In the event future and social issues including prejudice
of a nuclear accident, the three major or stigma.
contributing elements are: (i) the unknown
nature of radiation and uncertainty related Both nuclear accidents have highlighted the
to the extent risk for people’s health: (ii) need to apply a public health approach and
implementation of the protective actions scrutinize the protective strategy, focusing
taken (such as evacuation, temporary on the impact it may have on the affected
relocation, resettlement), resulting in people’s well-being and mental health. Calling
drastic socioeconomic consequences and evacuees “victims”, along with the effect
changes for the affected communities, and of emergency interventions, strongly affect
the problem of returning to normal life psychological health, with the likelihood
following the disaster: and (iii) stigmatization of chronic levels of stress increasing over
of affected people, mostly evacuees and time (4, 5). Studies from Chernobyl have
residents of the affected settlements. demonstrated that psychological effects of
the accident did not always manifest in a
Evacuation following Chernobyl was clinical form such as anxiety or depression.
problematic. The reports on health effects Surveys reported negative emotional and
of radiation were inconsistent, and medical behavioural changes such as substance
professionals blamed Chernobyl for abuse and risky attitudes among youth often
people’s health problems, even when there based on the fatalistic idea of “we’re all going
was no evidence of the association with to die soon anyway”.
radiation exposure (24). Ultimately, 350 000
people living near the nuclear plant were Experience from Chernobyl and Fukushima
permanently relocated, with 600 000 military showed that these nuclear emergencies
and civilian personnel from the former resulted in low and very low exposure levels
Soviet Union recruited as clean-up workers. of ionizing radiation, respectively, which
The biggest health impact of Chernobyl were far outweighed by the psychological
has been on mental health, specifically and social effects of the emergencies among
major depression, anxiety disorders, post- the affected populations. Such lessons
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), stress- provide a useful insight for application of
related symptoms and medically unexplained MHPSS after a nuclear accident.





ertain aspects of MHPSS planning and to an emergency, resulting in an eventual
implementation during response and successful recovery (7). National arrangements for
recovery phases are cross-cutting and cross-sector coordination are also included in the
apply throughout the entire emergency cycle for requirements for countries’ preparedness for health
all type of emergencies, particularly the so-called emergencies as postulated in the International
“5 Cs”, including coordination, communication, Health Regulations (IHR) (2005) (32).
community engagement, capacity building and
core ethical aspects of community-based MHPSS Similar to radiation emergencies management,
interventions, as described below. MHPSS is a cross-cutting issue where no one
agency is responsible for solely delivering it
3.1 COORDINATION within emergency settings; as an interdisciplinary
International safety standards for preparedness area, it remains the responsibility of multiple
and response to radiation emergencies underline agencies, sectors and clusters. Effective MHPSS
the importance of cross-sector coordination to programming requires inter-sectoral coordination
ensure timely and efficient planning and response among diverse actors and stakeholders (14). A

recent report summarizing MHPSS experience, responsibilities and lines of communication
lessons learned and challenges, identified lack of should be defined, agreed on and clear to
coordination between agencies providing MHPSS all involved.
in the areas affected by the Fukushima nuclear ■ Description of agreed roles, responsibilities,
accident as one of the main challenges in the post- capabilities and protocols should be shared
accident recovery period (33). between the involved authorities and
organizations. This will facilitate the development
Within a country affected by a radiation emergency, of an integrated response plan (7).
MHPSS would be most relevant for health, social ■ General health and mental health professionals
well-being, education, emergency response and should advocate and work in partnership with
civil protection sectors involved in the response. other sectors (for instance, communication,
An MHPSS working group is typically led by a education, community development, disaster
health agency and aims to balance diverse, yet coordination, child protection, police) to ensure
complementary approaches of other sectors. There that relevant MHPSS interventions are timely
are various configurations in leadership of MHPSS and properly implemented.
working groups, with the exact configuration
decided at country level by the actors involved. 3.2 COMMUNICATION
Each of the involved sectors will usually identify During public health emergencies, people need
a focal point responsible for the agency’s MHPSS to know what health risks they face, and what
activities. Focal points representing their respective actions they can take to protect themselves.
sectors will then form a cross-sector coordination Accurate information provided early, often, and in
working group, also typically managed by the languages and channels that people understand,
health sector. trust and use, enables individuals to make
choices and take actions to protect themselves,
In an emergency context, an MHPSS working their families and communities from threatening
group serves as the platform or forum where health hazards.
agencies providing MHPSS programmes (either
stand-alone or integrated into their work with other Emergency risk communication (ERC) is an
affected sectors, such as education, culture and integral part of any response. It is the real-time
sport, travel and tourism) can meet to discuss exchange of information, advice and opinions
technical programming issues related to the between experts, community leaders or officials,
emergency response. and the people who are at risk (34).

An effective coordination plan is part of the overall During emergencies, humanitarian crises and
response plan. It builds on the available mapped natural disasters, effective ERC allows people
resources, and includes the following elements. most at risk to understand and adopt protective
■ A roster should be drafted of emergency behaviours. Preparation for ERC includes
response organizations and human resources establishing an open dialogue with all relevant
who will establish a multi-sector MHPSS working stakeholders during the preparedness stage
group when needed. The group should have shown in Fig. 1. It allows authorities and experts
representation from wider systems, such as to listen to and address people’s concerns and
existing community support mechanisms, formal needs so that the advice they provide is relevant,
and non-formal school systems, general health trusted and accepted. This is essential not only for
services, general mental health services, social limiting the exposure to a hazard and minimizing
services, and so on (14). the consequences of the emergency, but also to
■ Focal points responsible within relevant reduce anxiety among the affected populations
agencies in relevant administrative regions and facilitate access to care for those who need
should have functional links for communication it. Planning and response activities for emergency
and established operating procedures. Tasks, situations are shown in Fig. 5.


WHO guidelines for communicating risk in public radiation exposure, thereby risking overwhelming
health emergencies (34) provide the following health-care facilities (21).
■ Build trust and engage with communities of 3.3 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AND
affected people. RESILIENCE
■ Integrate ERC into health and emergency The IAEA General Safety Guide 11 (GSG-11),
response systems (including governance, defines community resilience as the capacity
leadership and coordination across sectors and of a community to be able to recover quickly and
stakeholders, building information systems and easily from the consequences of a nuclear or
providing resources in terms of finance and radiological emergency (9).
capacity building).
■ Use strategic planning (i.e. assessment and Community resilience depends on a number of
evaluation of interventions in order to improve factors, each of which plays an important role
public awareness and influence behaviour depending on the type of the emergency, type of the
before, during and after a public health community and its resources, and type of the setting
emergency) for effective and targeted ERC involved. These factors include but are not limited
practices. to: local networks and relationships, leadership

and governance, local collective knowledge,
Public communication is one of the most health conditions, available resources, economic
challenging aspects in the management of radiation conditions, and so on.
emergencies (35, 36). It can be delivered by different
stakeholders involved in response and through
various media, and may often be incomplete,
inconsistent, contradicting and confusing. In any major
Social media play a critical role in managing ERC. A
emergency, an increase in
recent study evaluated the Twitter communications the need for information
can severely stress and
right after the Fukushima nuclear accident,
highlighting the point that scientific information
delivered through social media channels was exceed the capacity of
mixed with emotion, non-scientific information
and rumours, which contributed to the public the communications
anxiety, confusion and to some degree, divided the
society (37).
In any major emergency, a sudden increase in Community-based approaches to MHPSS in
the need for information can severely stress emergencies are based on the understanding that
and sometimes exceed the capacity of the communities can be drivers for their own care and
communications infrastructure (21). Lack of should be meaningfully involved in all stages of
information, lack of its clarity and consistency have MHPSS responses.
also been shown to increase public concerns (38).
Emergency-affected people are first and foremost
Poor communication may contribute to increased to be viewed as active participants in improving
anxiety, distrust of authorities, and stigmatization individual and collective well-being, rather than as
of the affected people (22, 24, 25, 39, 40). In passive recipients of services that are designed
addition, lack of information and inadequate risk for them by others. Thus, using community-based
communication may lead to the increased number MHPSS approaches facilitates families, groups and
of the worried well – people who will seek medical communities to support and care for others in ways
help due to perceived health problems rather than that encourage recovery and resilience.

Fig. 5: Recommended actions for emergency communication in planning and response

Develop a public Prepare clear messages to

communication strategy inform the affected population
that includes both media about actual and perceived
and social media outreach. risks and prognosis, as well as
Extensive media attention protective actions to be
could be helpful, but accurate administered and precautionary
impartial messaging is critical measures people could apply to
to prevent the media focus on help themselves (44).
the response from becoming
negative or hypercritical (35)
Prepare information for different
emergency scenarios and
Coordinate your messages different protective actions,
with other responding such as evacuation, sheltering,
agencies and relevant experts ITB, decontamination
to prevent inconsistent procedures and so on.
messaging. Specific guidance
on communicating in
emergencies is provided
Identify and train crisis
elsewhere (34, 43).
as part of pre-crisis planning.
Prepare them to listen to the
Be consistent in your concerns of the public with
messages and information. empathy. Trust is central to
Consistency enhances trust risk communication – these
by the public. communicators must be trusted
sources for information if their
messages are to be received
and acted on (34).

These approaches also contribute to restoring many parents expressed distrust towards the
and/or strengthening those collective structures information they received, questioning the reliability
and systems essential to daily life and well-being of the information, and shared their frustration at
(41). WHO recognizes community engagement the impact this had on their ability to make informed
as one of the main factors required for an efficient decisions for their families, such as the choice of
response to public health emergencies. In order to food to purchase (42).
achieve this emergency response, planners should
identify people that the community trusts and build Among the Fukushima evacuees, the lack of
relationships with them; involve them in decision- information and low health literacy levels caused
making to ensure interventions are collaborative, anxiety (45). However, engaging people in joint
contextually appropriate and that communication is activities that had a common objective, resulted
community-owned (34). in the sense of shared ownership of the activity’s
outcome and thereby reinforced trust, a sense of
Building trust and engaging with the affected solidarity, unity and mutual understanding (Box 4).
communities was underlined as one of the
key interventions in the WHO guidelines on In any crisis, the first point of contact is the immediate
communicating during public health emergencies family, friends, colleagues, neighbours or other
(34). Indeed, after the Fukushima nuclear accident, next to kin. In most instances, communities have


© Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine

some ways (such as systems, people, resources) the minimum standard. With respect to MHPSS
to support those in need, in the event there are capacity building, main training efforts should focus
emotional, physical, social or financial problems. on the development of skills among health-care
workers who have had little training in MHPSS (14).
These might be religious institutions, community
activity groups, associations and societies among These workers should be supervised by mental
health specialists – or be under their guidance – for
other groups, who may have a better understanding a substantial amount of time to ensure the lasting
of local needs and be better positioned to respond effects of training and responsible care. Workshops
in a more sensitive manner. Emergency planners on supervision skills and ongoing support
should identify such community resources in should be offered by and to the mental health
advance as part of a MHPSS resource-mapping specialists involved.
exercise. It is important to recognize, establish
contact and collaborate with people within these Training initiatives should consider national social
community resources prior to the emergency, and and health care systems to avoid creating parallel
also involve them during the response and recovery systems of care. When planning the training
following the emergency. process, coordination between governmental and
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) should
3.4 CAPACITY BUILDING AND occur so that the content is consistent, roles are
TRAINING clearly defined and use of resources is maximized.
Capacity development is the process by which
organizations improve and maintain their During emergencies, non-professional caregivers
human resources and how individuals within an and responders may be rapidly trained to provide
organization develop and retain the competencies PFA (46). They should also be provided with
(knowledge, skills and attitudes) needed to carry orientations on potential consequences of
out their duties competently, and preferably beyond radiological and nuclear incidents, and be trained

Box 4: Building trust by engaging community – Iitate village experience

Nearly a decade has passed since the local people could connect, help each other
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and engage in a social activity in the affected
accident, which left local residents coping communities.
with various psychosocial and economic
problems. While radiation remains their The study used a holistic approach which
concern, their trust in the authorities has assumed that people’s well-being and
yet to be restored. The majority of people the sociocultural reconstruction of their
have not returned to their homes since they living environment are closely interrelated.
were forced to evacuate because of the The collaboration with local public health
nuclear accident. The relocation experience workers, community leaders and local
has changed the lives of both evacuees residents allowed for:
and hosting communities; it challenged the ■ integration of local knowledge into the
traditional sense of community and had broader understanding of the psychosocial
a major impact on the well-being of the and socioeconomic consequences of the
people affected. Living in the aftermath of 2011 disaster;
a nuclear disaster undermined their trust in ■ joint development of information/ education
scientists and medical experts. materials and dissemination activities;
■ shared ownership of these materials; and
During the evacuation period, Fukushima ■ restoration of trust and people’s engagement
Medical University experts interviewed in the recovery measures/ programmes
more than 1000 residents of Iitate village implemented by authorities.
who were evacuated after the accident.
Scientists collaborated with local public The lives of people affected by the 2011
health workers to design and conduct a nuclear accident had diverse, complex and
health survey and to discuss the results of challenging problems. To fully understand
interviews with the study participants. the extent of the problems, the authorities
tasked to manage the recovery process
This approach helped to identify health needed to engage directly with local
and social concerns of local people. After communities. This process continues and
the evacuation order was lifted in 2017, is the only way to rebuild the broken trust
peer groups were created to monitor local between people and authorities/experts.
people’s well-being. The purpose of doing
so was to build a support system where Source: (45)

to provide the affected population with basic workers experience insufficient managerial and
information about risk and preventive measures, organizational support, and this is often reported
as well as supporting them in accessing further to be their biggest stressor (14). It is therefore
information and support. Considering the potential essential to protect and promote the well-being of
scale of radiological or nuclear emergencies, staff involved in emergency response. As mentioned
training may incorporate an element of ongoing previously, first responders, clean-up workers and
support or supervision by MHPSS professionals. health workers, act under stressful and sometimes
hazardous conditions (47-49).
Staff members working in emergency settings
tend to work many hours under pressure and After the Fukushima accident, nurses who had more
within difficult security constraints. Many aid knowledge of radiation tended to have better mental


health, suggesting that education and training about communities safe. Most specific to psychosocial
the health risks of radiation exposure is important support programmes in emergencies are the six core
for health-care professionals (47). Working hours principles of the IASC Guidelines on mental health
and staff response to stress should be monitored and psychosocial support in emergency settings
on an ongoing basis (50) and potential work-related (14). In particular, when promoting a community-
stressors should be addressed. based approach to MHPSS it is paramount that the
following point be addressed.
Human resources management and staff support is ■ When planning and implementing interventions,
an important component of integrating MHPSS in donors or responders must, as stated above,
the general system of EPR. The following actions consider the needs, best interests and
are instrumental in addressing the issue. resources of the affected population.
■ Prepare a staff-support policy to prevent ■ Care must be taken that all those engaged in
or mitigate the effects of stress among first any aspect of community-based MHPSS are
responders, clean-up workers, power-plant aware of the ethical prohibition against sexual
workers and their families (49). exploitation and abuse.
■ Recruit and train MHPSS providers (professionals ■ Confidentiality must be maintained. This
and volunteers) (14), including provision of basic includes providing services in such a way that
information on radiation safety. vulnerable groups can receive services
■ Provide education and professional development without being specifically identified by their
training, support and supervision for general vulnerabilities.
health-care providers on the use of MHPSS ■ There should be no racial, sexual, linguistic or
interventions (19). religious discrimination when providing MHPSS
■ Provide PFA training for all care providers, to communities; everyone should be supported,
including first responders (46). including indigenous people, migrants,
minorities, people with disabilities, regardless of
3.5 CORE ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS a person’s gender orientation or identity.
FOR COMMUNITY-BASED MHPSS ■ Responders should have the capacity to respect
In general, ethical guidelines in MHPSS work are local cultures and values, and to adapt their skills
similar to those applied in radiation protection. to suit local conditions.
The four core ethical values underpinning the ■ Potentially negative effects of programming
radiation protection system are: beneficence/non- should be discussed with the community early

maleficence, prudence, justice and dignity. These on and monitored throughout the response so
core ethical values apply to all three principles of they can be promptly addressed.
radiological protection: justification, optimization
and dose limitation to further improve accountability,
transparency and inclusiveness (51).

MHPSS ethical guidelines are specifically governed

MHPSS ethical
by beneficence/non-maleficence and do more good guidelines are specifically
than harm (where any harm should be outweighed
by the benefit of the intervention) as well as those governed by beneficence/
that relate to the quality and effectiveness of the
non-maleficence and do
more good than harm, as
Ethical considerations for MHPSS in emergency
settings are elaborated in various guidelines (41). well as those that relate to
Applying ethical principles to community-based
MHPSS in emergency settings helps to avoid
the quality and effectiveness
potentially risky or unsafe practices and to keep of the intervention


he International Commission for demonstrated to be justified, with account taken not

Radiological Protection (ICRP) defines only of those detriments that are associated with
the justification principle of the system of radiation exposure but also of those detriments
radiological protection as a “process of determining associated with impacts of the actions taken
whether... a proposed action, or set of actions, in on public health, the economy, society and the
an emergency or existing exposure situation is environment” (7). Examples of such impacts include
likely to be beneficial overall (that is, whether the possible deaths among patients evacuated without
benefits to individuals and society outweigh any the necessary medical care and possible reduced
costs or harm) (52). life expectancy due to resettlement, as well as non-
radiological health impacts, such as psychological
It further states that the consequences of the and mental health consequences (4, 53).
implemented protection strategy are “not confined
to those associated with radiation exposure but The use of evidence-informed MHPSS interventions
include other risks and the costs and benefits of the can reduce distress, enhance well-being, improve
activity. Sometimes, the radiation detriment will be functioning for affected communities and ultimately
a small part of the total. Justification thus goes far contribute to a positive outcome of response and
beyond the scope of radiological protection” (52). recovery. Effective planning therefore involves
Similarly, General Safety Requirements (GSR) Part an understanding of the factors and incorporation
7 clearly states: “Each protective action… shall be of them at all stages of emergency management,


as well as MHPSS education and training for ■ involve different sectors;
planners and responders. Key elements follow of ■ prepare a contact list of relevant national and
the process to address MHPSS aspects during the international public mental health experts who
planning phase. may give appropriate advice when needed;
■ engage local community leaders, activists and
4.1 RISKS, VULNERABILITY ANALYSIS other members (engaging community members
AND NEEDS ASSESSMENT during the disaster planning process is vital and
Assessments of vulnerability and needs of MHPSS should facilitate this action);
plans require multiple steps during the planning ■ consult people and communities about the
phase. They begin with conventional radiation lessons learned from their previous experiences
hazards and risk mapping, which includes identifying with emergencies and about their perceived
the most plausible emergency scenarios for a given needs (54);
country or region and the resources likely needed ■ establish priorities and criteria for the allocation
to respond to them. Beyond this, additional steps are of (often limited) resources (54);
particular to MHPSS preparedness. This includes ■ test the response and contingency plans regularly
the following actions, among others. using exercises for different scenarios (54);
■ Identify potential adverse mental health ■ include, in the response plan, essential
impacts of certain protective actions (such operational procedures for evacuation of mental
as administration of potassium iodine pills, health facilities (if applicable).
sheltering in place, evacuation, individual
monitoring and decontamination). For instance, 4.3 MAPPING OF EXISTING
sheltering in place for a prolonged time or RESOURCES
temporary accommodation of evacuees in Mapping of existing resources begins with
schools and gyms after the Fukushima nuclear identifying and recording (mapping) all available
accident exacerbated the mental health and formal and informal community support mechanisms
psychological consequences of the affected (including those resources within each sector which
communities. would be involved in emergency response). This
■ Consider possible MHPSS interventions for includes various psychosocial resources, such
each protective action to prevent and reduce as experienced and/or trained professionals and
such adverse consequences. volunteers, specialized MHPSS services, availability
■ Identify weaknesses in the existing public of exercises, which have drawn on lessons from past
MHPSS systems and resources. experiences. It also includes information materials
■ Assess and prioritize the identified needs and in various media on individual coping and life skills,
gaps in the capabilities and resources required available social support mechanisms, and the
to respond. capacities of communities, NGOs and government
■ Establish regular intervals to review and update (all levels) (14).
the risk and vulnerability analysis and needs
4.2 GENERAL MENTAL HEALTH POLICY Mental health and psychosocial aspects must be an
Considering the complex nature of the stressors integral part of the public health risk assessment, and
to which a population may be exposed during emergency preparedness, response and recovery
any disaster, including radiation emergencies, it is plans for all types of emergencies regardless of the
recommended that a general public mental health origin and source of the emergency (17), including
policy or plan (unrelated to emergency situations) radiological and nuclear emergencies.
is put in place (17). This would be in addition to
an MHPSS contingency plan, which specifically In addition, mental health-care interventions should
addresses emergency situations. The latter includes be carried out within primary health care (PHC) as
the following actions (14): well as general hospitals and outpatient facilities.

© WHO/ Francisco Guerrero

Mental health care can also be integrated into of an emergency are provided elsewhere (19, 46).
specialized services such as paediatrics, emergency
medicine, obstetrics and gynaecology as well as for Mental health and psychosocial interventions
other noncommunicable diseases (19). should also be organized in other pre-existing
structures within the community, such as in schools,
All too often, unfortunately, there is neglect of or community centres, youth and senior centres.
even resistance to the involvement of mental health Engagement of community members, such as
professionals in a public health response during an religious leaders, and use of existing community
acute crisis (55). Mental health and psychosocial resources should be maximized.
support professionals and PHC staff trained in
MHPSS have key skills that can be applied during 4.5 MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF
an emergency, such as experience of working with MHPSS IMPLEMENTATION
individuals or communities who are distressed Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is necessary
or expressing distrust and frustration. They may to assess whether a programme, project or
also provide useful support to other health and intervention is achieving the desired results. For
emergency response workers in helping to manage M&E to effectively measure status before, during
aspects of the response. Therefore, incorporating and after a project, it must be built into the activities
MHPSS into the overall emergency response of a programme from the very beginning (56).
is justified.
For the purpose of this framework, the term
Clinical on-the-job training and support of PHC and monitoring refers to the visits, observations and
general health workers by mental health specialists questions to be asked while a programme is being
are essential components for successful integration implemented to see if it is progressing as expected.
of mental health care into the general health system. One of the key issues in monitoring MHPSS
A standard tool for integrating mental health care programmes is to ensure that the programme is
into non-specialized health care in humanitarian doing no harm. Similarly, the term evaluation, as
emergency settings is available and could be used used here, refers to examining a programme at
as a model for other types of emergencies (19). the beginning, middle (if timing allows), and after it
The recommendations for clinical management of has been completed to see if it achieved the
mental health disorders during the response phase desired results.


Activities should be monitored and evaluated management, problem-solving or conflict
through indicators that need to be determined, management skills);
if possible, before starting the activity. Indicators ■ social behaviour (for instance, helping those in
should focus on inputs (available resources, need, using violence, bulling, or other aggressive
including pre-existing services), processes (aspects behaviour, and so on);
of programme implementation and utilization) and ■ social connectedness (such as quality and
outcomes (such as level of distress, functioning number of connections an individual has with
of beneficiaries, livelihoods). Provisions should be other people in their social circles of family,
made to register the evacuees and those who were friends, co-workers and acquaintances).
resettled as a result of a radiological or nuclear
accident, to enable the monitoring and follow-up of Outcome indicators are indicators that represent
such groups, if needed. measure of an outcome demonstrating that
family, community and social structures promote
The IASC Reference Group on Mental Health psychosocial well-being of their members (56).
and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings Examples may include the following:
has developed a common M&E framework (56) to ■ level of family connectedness or cohesion;
supplement the IASC Guidelines on mental health ■ level of social capital, both cognitive (level of
and psychosocial support in emergency settings. trust and reciprocity within communities) and
structural (membership and participation in
The IASC framework defines indicators as a unit of social and community networks or groups);
measurement and specifies what is to be measured; ■ percentage of target communities where steps
indicators are intended to answer whether or not have been taken to identify, activate or strengthen
the desired impact, outcomes or outputs have local resources that support psychosocial well-
been achieved. Indicators may be quantitative being and development;
(for instance, percentages or numbers of people) ■ percentage of formal and informal social
or qualitative (such as, perceptions, quality, type, structures that include specific mental health
knowledge, capacity). Both impact and outcome and psychosocial activities and support;
indicators are used. ■ number of affected people who use different
formal and informal social structures (such
Impact indicators are aligned with the goal as educational facilities, health care, social
statement and aim to reflect the result (or impact) services, women’s groups and youth clubs);
of actions on a broader scale. There are different ■ number of people in at-risk groups engaged in
methods of measuring impact that involve both livelihood opportunities.

quantitative and qualitative indicators. In the IASC
framework, impact is recognized as a change at the
individual level and that of the collective or group
(56). Examples of impact indicators follow:
■ functional ability to carry out essential daily
activities, which will differ according to factors Clinical on-the-job
such as culture, gender, age, and so on;
■ subjective well-being indicators such as feeling training and support of
calm, safe, strong and hopeful, or on the contrary
– anxious, vulnerable, lost and sad);
general health workers by
■ extent of prolonged disabling distress and/ or mental health specialists
presence of mental, neurological and substance
use disorders; are essential components
■ ability of people with mental health and
psychosocial problems to cope with problems
for successful integration
(for instance, through communication, stress of mental health care


pending on the scale and the scenario Sheltering in place may have to be implemented as
of a nuclear or radiological emergency, an urgent protective action, but this could also add
public health interventions should to other stressors. Individuals sheltering in place
be complemented with a range of MHPSS must remain indoors, whether they are at home,
interventions. This chapter does not intend to work, school, shopping, in a place of worship, at
discuss the urgent protective actions which may a friend’s house or elsewhere. A response that
be used in emergencies but provides an overview requires sheltering in place can last from a few
of key MHPSS considerations for the emergency hours to several days or weeks, and may require
response phase. individuals to be separated from family members.
Depending on the type of emergency, individuals
5.1 PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF sheltering in place may have varying access to
SHELTERING IN PLACE, EVACUATION supplies, materials and information. For instance,
AND ITB if a dirty bomb is detonated in an area, groups of
Sheltering in place, evacuation and relocation are individuals may have to shelter to a single room
protective actions that may affect mental health and and tape the windows, doors and air vents shut to
psychosocial well-being after nuclear emergencies, prevent exposure to radiation. This can result in
as was seen after the Chernobyl accident in 1986 fear, confusion and anger (57).
and after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
and Tsunami and the subsequent nuclear accident, ITB must be administered quite rapidly in case of a
both of which caused displacements of populations nuclear accident involving a release of radioactive
in affected areas (4, 24, 25). iodine (58). Administration of ITB should be


accompanied by an information campaign explaining to evacuees has been shown to reduce the mental
in simple terms the rationale and modalities for health and psychosocial impact of the evacuation;
effective ITB administration (a leaflet about ITB such spaces should therefore be incorporated into
should be disseminated in advance at the planning the planning of temporary facilities (14).
phase to reduce anxiety regarding the potassium
iodine’s side-effects). 5.2 PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS
Evacuation (discussed in Box 5) may be especially DECONTAMINATION
stressful for more vulnerable people in the The decontamination process, if required, may be
community, such as those with pre-existing health very stressful for those affected, especially when a
conditions, severe physical, intellectual, cognitive large group of people needs to be decontaminated
or psychosocial disabilities. In some cases it may and the waiting period is long. Anxiety may be
lead to drastic consequences, as seen among the increased by uncertainty, fear of contamination,
critically ill evacuees of health-care facilities after not being allowed to leave the scene, discomfort
the Fukushima disaster (4, 53). In addition, when and potential embarrassment associated with
large numbers of people relocate, frustration and undergoing decontamination. The necessity of
tension may arise between evacuees and the handing over personal objects and asking people
receiving communities (14). to undress during decontamination adds to feelings
of discomfort, embarrassment and insecurity,
Among other protective actions, mitigation of and will require specific cultural and religious
psychosocial impacts of sheltering in place which awareness (60).
may last up to several days – including a potential
lack of access to information, supplies or support for People may be frightened, but evidence
the duration – should be incorporated within training suggests that panic is rare (61-63). To reduce
of responders and integrated into MHPSS planning. public anxiety and to promote public compliance
Recent experience with social distancing and with decontamination procedures, emergency
confinement implemented as a countermeasure in responders should communicate openly and
many countries affected by the global COVID-19 honestly with members of the public about the
pandemic, saw lessons offered on management of nature of the event, the actions they are taking,
MHPSS consequences of such interventions, which and provide health-focused explanations about why
could be applied in case of a radiation emergency decontamination is necessary (61, 64).
as well (59).
In fact, good communication is essential during
If safety measures allow, evacuees should be actively decontamination. The use of pictograms and written
involved in the implementation of urgent protective information may be helpful (65), especially because

actions, such as evacuation, as much as possible. personal protective equipment may hamper first
Explanations must be provided why it is necessary responders in their communications. As much
to leave behind personal belongings and pets, and
to communicate that shelter or temporary relocation
is organized with the aim of keeping members of
families and communities together (54). Community Evacuation,
leaders should be consulted regarding decisions on
where to locate religious places, schools and water
sheltering and relocation
supply, if temporary shelters and camps are to be are protective actions that
built. This activity should be started in the planning
phase of emergency preparedness and response, may affect mental health
and these relationships maintained so they can
be activated quickly in the event of an emergency.
and psychosocial wellbeing
Providing religious, recreational and cultural space after nuclear emergencies

Rethinking contamination
The English word contamination when
translated to some other languages often has
a negative connotation and is expressed by
words synonymous to words like dirty and
filthy. When communicating to the public
and developing communication materials,
leaflets, and so on, emergency responders
as possible, the affected communities should be and planners should be mindful of this issue
involved in the decision making process with regard and make sure the messages to the public
to implementation of the protective actions. are clear and free from such connotations.
Careful and sensible language may be
In addition, it is necessary to allow for sufficient space required, and clarification may be needed to
for people to move, to prevent them from feeling explain the use of specific terminology.
trapped, while at the same time providing screens
that allow for privacy when undressing. Clothes
should be made available to replace the removed interventions are suggested (Fig 6). These should
contaminated clothing. During the decontamination only be carried out if they can be done safely (that is,
process, children should be accompanied by a they do not contradict the provisions for preventing
parent, caregiver or an adult otherwise known to and reducing radiation exposure).
the child.
Recent experience with the response to COVID-19
has demonstrated that a prolonged confinement
5.3 MHPSS INTERVENTIONS AT period, as a hazard containment measure, may
COMMUNITY LEVEL DURING THE cause adverse behavioural and emotional reactions,
RESPONSE PHASE such as increased domestic violence, alcohol
Subject to the prevailing circumstances and abuse, depression and anxiety. WHO and IASC offer
radiation safety requirements, authorities dealing comprehensive guidance on MHPSS interventions
with response should consider implementing for managing these consequences (59). These
MHPSS as soon as feasible in the response, interventions target various vulnerable groups within
through implementing planned MHPSS procedures. the population, such as older people, who might be
In addition to formal arrangements between left alone in confinement and have limited ability to
responding agencies, this may also entail ad- use modern communication devices; people with
hoc engagements with existing or newly-formed chronic diseases or disabilities; pregnant or lactating
social structures, forums, associations, NGOs women; and of course children. These interventions
and other actors to implement community-focused may be easily adopted for other health crises,
interventions. Some forms of community-focused including radiological and nuclear emergencies.


Box 5: Basic facts about evacuation and relocation

Early phase of the response using a structure for protection from an

In the early phase of a nuclear emergency airborne plume and radionuclides deposited
(within the first few hours/days), urgent outdoors.
protective actions regarding movement of
people may be implemented to prevent Later phase of the response
radiation exposure. Decisions are based on As the amount of environmental and human
nuclear power plant accident conditions, monitoring data increases, the situation
amount of radioactivity released into the becomes less uncertain and other protective
atmosphere, prevailing meteorological actions may be implemented, taking into
conditions (such as wind speed and direction, account the prognosis of the radiological
precipitation), among other factors. situation over the long term.

Evacuation is the urgent removal of Temporary relocation is a non-urgent

populations within a radius around the event movement of people from a contaminated
site, which is most effective when used as area to temporary housing to avoid chronic
a precautionary action before an airborne radiation exposure. It may be a continuation
release takes place. of the urgent protective action of evacuation
(as a longer-term action). If return after
Sheltering in place is an urgent protective relocation is not foreseeable within one
action implemented primarily to provide or two years, relocation is considered as
shielding against external exposure and by permanent and is often called resettlement.

Fig. 6: MHPSS interventions at community level during the response phase

Encourage the re-establishment

of normal cultural and religious
events (including grieving rituals
in collaboration with spiritual and
religious practitioners)

Involve adults and adolescents in

concrete, purposeful, common
Encourage the organization of
interest activities (such as assisting
normal recreational activities
in caring for the ill, especially those
for children and encourage
cared for at home, and organizing
resumption of schooling for
events aimed at healthy lifestyle
children, even if only partially

Encourage activities Minimize harm related

that facilitate to alcohol and drugs
the inclusion of through advocacy and
vulnerable people communication


hen the emergency phase is over, the After a population has been exposed to severe
public health system should focus on stressors, it is preferable to focus on medium-
implementing ongoing surveillance and long-term development of community, and on
and risk assessment procedures as well as access the evidence-based mental health services and
to health care services and ongoing long-term psychosocial interventions, as explored in Building
follow-up when appropriate. back better (66). Radiation emergencies may have
a long-lasting impact on affected communities,
Large and inclusive stakeholder involvement is their health and the economy that may persist
required for lifting of protective actions, enabling for decades, as has been seen from the past.
long-term recovery, and returning to a sense of Therefore, these consequences require long-term
normality, that is, appropriate rehabilitation of living follow-up and community support (54).
conditions (while balancing radiological and non-
radiological aspects, to define the new situation) Unfortunately, while the impetus and funding
(9). Communication resources are also important in for MHPSS programmes are highest during or
assisting affected communities understand the new immediately after acute emergencies, mental health
situation, allowing them to manage their radiological and psychosocial effects tend to last much longer
risk as feasible within their cultural context. than the acute crisis phase. In Fukushima, reduced


levels of stress were reported among the evacuees Stigma and discrimination can be just as
who were allowed to return to their homes after pronounced following exposure to ionizing
completion of decontamination works (67). radiation (25, 47). For instance, the Japanese word
“hibakusha”, which refers to atomic bomb survivors,
The development of services within a long-term has been used to stigmatize survivors of the atomic
perspective focuses on establishing sustainable bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1, 23). In
access to mental health services for the whole Chernobyl, clean-up workers, people evacuated
community and is not restricted to subpopulations and those residing in the areas contaminated
identified based on exposure to radiation. However, by radioactive fallout, were officially labelled
services delivered within a single integrated, “Chernobyl victims” and were compensated in
community-based system can, when necessary, various ways (for instance, annual medical follow-
be tailored to address the needs of different up, rehabilitation holidays in special sanatoriums,
subpopulations. Examples include the provision small cash amounts, and so on). This reinforced
of outreach services/awareness programmes to the stigmatization of the affected people and led to
vulnerable affected communities or marginalized the perception of their reliance on external support,
groups who are reluctant or unable to attend clinical which eventually led to hostility towards Chernobyl

services (41). victims by the surrounding communities that had
initially accepted them (2).
Social stigma in the context of health is a negative
association applied to a person or group who
have had a specific disease. In an outbreak, this
Fear of discrimination
may mean people are labelled, stereotyped, may lead to self-stigma,
discriminated against, treated separately, and/
or who experience loss of status because of a when people lose self-
perceived link with a disease (68).
confidence and suffer from
Such treatment can negatively affect those with social isolation
the disease, as well as their caregivers, family,
friends and communities. People who do not have
the disease but share other characteristics with After the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011,
this group may also suffer from stigmatization. For bullying caused by stigma and prejudice toward
example, the COVID-19 pandemic has provoked evacuees, including children, became a social
social stigma and discriminatory behaviours against problem (39). One of the major concerns raised by
people of certain ethnic backgrounds as well as both relocated people and those who had stayed
anyone perceived to have been in contact with the at their homes, was the fear of discrimination (42).
virus. It is understandable that there is confusion, Fear of discrimination may also lead to self-stigma,
anxiety and fear among the public. Unfortunately, when people lose self-confidence and suffer from
these factors also fuel harmful stereotypes. social isolation (1).

Evidence clearly shows that stigma and fear around Young people are especially vulnerable to stigma,
communicable diseases hamper the response (69, as they may worry about being viewed negatively
70). Building trust in reliable health services and by their peers due to assumptions made about the
evidence-based advice counters this fear, which effects of radiation, such as on pregnancy outcomes
allows people to empathize with those affected, and the health of their future children (1, 3). It has
understand the disease itself and adopt effective, been reported that young women from Fukushima
practical measures to keep themselves and their often try to conceal the fact that they once lived in
loved ones safe (59). Fukushima (42). In addition, Fukushima Daiichi

nuclear power plant workers (and their family engages communities in the decision-making
members) were also stigmatized and blamed by process. Such an approach creates the sense of
the public for the consequences of the accident. shared ownership among the public and rebuilds
Discrimination, stigma and slurs against the nuclear trust in official structures. The communication
workers were reported as key contributing factors strategy should include educating the public about
for adverse mental health effects 2 to 3 months risks of radiation exposure to prevent unnecessary
post-disaster (71). fear and social stigmatization of affected people,
sharing positive coping mechanisms and
To address and manage stigmatization of people, encouraging health-seeking behaviour (34).
the International Federation of Red Cross and Red
Crescent Societies (IFRC) has made a number of Interventions should emphasize the importance
recommendations in its 2019 resolution (72). These of accepting evacuees into the host community,
include the following: alongside the establishment of social support
■ Commit to focusing on the positive elements of systems to (temporarily) integrate them there; and
mental health and psychosocial well-being for educating community workers as well as community
individuals, families and communities through leaders (such as village heads, health and social
mental health promotion and prevention workers, teachers, journalists, religious leaders)
activities, rather than taking a deficit and illness in core psychological care skills (41). These core
approach to humanitarian work. skills include PFA, emotional support, providing
■ Work through existing mechanisms of support information/answering frequently asked questions,
that individuals, families and communities encouraging healthy behaviours and so on.
recognize, trust and can access.
■ Integrate MHPSS into other relevant Interventions should also include the creation
programming areas and structures to reduce of inclusive, community-based self-help support
stigma linked with accessing MHPSS. groups. Such groups work to foster mutual
■ Provide timely, accurate and relevant information emotional support and typically focus on sharing
about mental health and psychosocial well-being problems and formulating solutions, or searching
tailored to specific target groups via suitable for effective ways of coping with the stress of the
communication methods (including social emergency and evacuation. Groups can even
media), depending on context and audience. develop community-level initiatives or income-
■ Messages about mental health and psychosocial generation opportunities for their members.
well-being should aim to positively influence Economic development initiatives that incorporate
attitudes and behaviours towards affected psychological support assist people to return to a
people and not place them at risk of further sense of normality and also re-establish a disrupted

isolation and stigmatization. socio-economic fabric of the society and should
be encouraged (41).
A range of standard MHPSS interventions are
recommended in the aftermath of emergencies, During disasters
among those discussed here. As stated throughout
this framework, communication and education of
and emergencies, mental
the public is critical during the post-emergency health and social welfare
phase, as this fosters transparency and trust. Every
effort should be made to rebuild trust in social plans are often disrupted
structures through community empowerment (34). due to the immediate need
This creates mechanisms for filling gaps created
by the breakdown of social support networks and to address the emergency


© Getty Images

At-risk groups require particular attention, especially for people with severe mental health conditions
children. Activities should be implemented that or neurological conditions who may not have
support children and adolescents to understand had access to relevant medication during
the situation, reduce their anxiety and improve their the emergency;
well-being. Such activities should incorporate time ■ making available psychological interventions
for play as well, with the goal of allowing this group where possible for people impaired by prolonged
to return to normality. distress.

During disasters and emergencies, mental health

and social welfare plans are often disrupted due
to the immediate need to address the emergency.
During the post-emergency phase, efforts should be
made to re-establish and support relevant national
mental health and social welfare policies and plans
for care of people with mental health issues and Activities should be
implemented that support
disorders. The long-term goal is a functional public
health system with MHPSS as a core element (66).
Elements of this system include: children and adolescents to
■ creating linkages between affected people and
social and health services; understand the situation,
■ establishing a referral and treatment system for
patients with mental health needs;
reduce their anxiety and
■ ensuring the continuation of essential services improve their well-being


Risk Evidence


Accident requirements


Human capacity

Reduction Capacity building

Decision making Disaster



Mental health

Protection Challenges
Review an

Resources Preparedness


Discrimination Proactive approaches






raditionally, MHPSS actions have been exist in countries that demonstrate the feasibility
focused solely in the response and of implementing programming focused on the
recovery phases. Until recently, this integration of MHPSS activities with disaster risk
approach had been aligned with typical models reduction perspectives including in preparedness.
promoting effective response for intervention in Reports on best practices of MHPSS implementation
emergencies. However, the field of disaster and and case studies from other types of emergencies
emergency management has recently begun to can be considered (see Box 6).
shift from these reactive approaches to a more
proactive disaster risk reduction approach. The challenges for implementing the MHPSS
requirements in national and local plans and
This shift has been formally marked by disaster arrangements may include but are not limited to the
risk reduction agreements, such as the Sendai following:
Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030, ■ lack of financial resources and human capacity;
and the efforts to expand widespread adoption of ■ stigma surrounding mental health issues;
disaster risk reduction practices in recent years ■ limited communication and lack of coordination
(73). Nonetheless, while psychosocial support is between mental health and radiation protection
explicitly mentioned in the 2015 Sendai Framework and emergency response sectors;
for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and identified ■ limited experience and limited scientific evidence
among functions in the WHO Health emergencies base to support the MHPSS implementation
and disaster risk management framework (74), requirements in the context of preparedness
uptake of proactive approaches has been limited and response to radiological and nuclear
among MHPSS actors globally. Yet, some examples emergencies.


Box 6: MHPSS capacity building in Caribbean countries – a case study

In 2017, many Caribbean countries were of MHPSS professionals who would respond
drastically affected by category- five to emergencies and further disseminate the
hurricanes Irma and Maria. During the training. Thereafter, refresher trainings were
emergency response and recovery, MHPSS held, each focusing on specific components
needs were often unmet and many areas of response, such as needs assessment,
struggled to recover. The majority of affected M&E and community violence, which were
countries had developed comprehensive then placed in an online platform for wider
MHPSS plans, but implementation was dissemination.
limited due to workforce, financial and
practical constraints. In the aftermath of 2017, PAHO also
recognized the impact that stigma and
In order to address this gap for future traditional gender roles among Caribbean
hazardous events, the Caribbean communities continue to have in determining
Development Bank partnered with the help-seeking behaviour. To address this
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) PAHO and the Caribbean Development
to implement an 18-month project in Bank developed an awareness campaign
Caribbean countries. The project began with with the slogan “Stronger Together” based
four objectives: on the “one love, one family” principle
■ capacity building of many Caribbean cultures. Its goal is to
■ communication and awareness disseminate information on coping skills
campaigns during an emergency but also to counter
■ M&E the stigma around seeking help, particularly
■ country-specific development of among males. This campaign consists of
actionable plans. public service announcements, audio and
video testimonials, social media posts and
A four-day train-the-trainers course for illustrated comics of PFA.
mental health professionals was held in
2018 to build capacity for providing PFA and These approaches were tested and
applying the Mental Health Global Action significantly contributed to increased
Programme Humanitarian Intervention Guide capacity for effective MHPSS responses in the
(mhGAP-HIG); it included developing a roster aftermath of hurricane Dorian in late 2019.

7.1 PRACTICAL TOOLS FOR implementation and accompanying communication

IMPLEMENTATION OF THE materials, such as questions and answers,
FRAMEWORK frequently asked questions, lists of dos and don’ts
This framework offers general guidance and and infographics.
directions for its implementation at the national,
regional, or local levels by relevant stakeholders – Relevant examples of such tools have been
emergency planners, responding agencies, health developed for other types of emergencies (17).
authorities, and so on. Practical tools to apply the Notably, within the humanitarian emergencies
framework need to be further developed. These and natural disaster sectors, as well as recent
may include decision-making flow charts, checklists experiences with communicable disease outbreaks,
and sample protocols, defining the indicators for such as Ebola virus disease, Zika virus disease

and COVID-19, offer a plethora of examples of discrimination and stigmatization among the people
application of such tools and services, some of affected by the nuclear accident in Fukushima
them being tailored for specific groups or a specific despite many news reports highlighting this issue.
setting. For instance, WHO has developed a number Few cross-sectional and longitudinal studies
of guidance materials addressing MHPSS needs of on nuclear power plants reported the impact
COVID-19 response, including considerations for of discrimination and stigmatization on mental
people self-isolating, as well as special innovative health, but even for non-occupational settings, this
tools targeting young children (59, 75). relationship is yet to be elucidated. Future studies
focusing on discrimination and stigmatization
7.2 RESEARCH NEEDS and on interventions against such behaviour are
Despite the numerous reports of experiences from needed. Additional research gaps include:
various disaster settings the majority of the existing ■ comparative analysis of the effectiveness and
body of evidence is of descriptive nature, which impact of various MHPSS interventions types;
provide rather weak support for evidence-based ■ research on the underlying reasons of
recommendations on implementing MHPSS in the vulnerability, the roles of various factors
context of radiological and nuclear emergencies. modifying the vulnerabilities and differences
Therefore, epidemiological studies of an analytical between various groups of the population;
type would strengthen the evidence base of ■ development of a standard research protocol
future policy recommendations pertaining to and compatible surveys allowing for inter-
MHPSS implementation. comparison or pooling of data;
■ Identification of best approaches towards
A systematic review on the mental health impact the interdisciplinary engagement of radiation
of the Fukushima accident looked at 79 recently protection and social sciences and humanities for
published studies (18). Few of the studies in that developing a harmonized guidance (drawing on
systematic review assessed the affected people’s expertise in radiation protection, social sciences
resilience, however. Future studies must be and humanities) and improve international
structured to provide adequate and effective care norms and standards for MHPSS applications in
as well as improve an understanding of resilience radiation emergencies;
to the affected survivors. In summarizing the future ■ development of interdisciplinary training and
research needs, the authors stated: “the majority education curricula that would address the
of these studies were devoid of configured control MHPSS needs for preparedness and response
groups, so future research needs to establish to radiation emergencies.
meticulously designed methodologies to confirm
these findings... there was no study reporting on
psychological intervention methods or effects”.

A systematic review by the same research
group focused on emotional and behavioural
consequences of the nuclear accident in Fukushima,
such as stigmatization of affected people, suicide
risk, and tobacco and alcohol use among the
survivors of the disaster, as well as their perception
of radiation risk to their own health and health of
Future studies must
future generations (76). Here, too, methodologies be structured to improve
of the studies were not standardized. Future
studies focusing on intervention methods and their an understanding of
outcomes will therefore be crucial.
resilience to the affected
There were a limited number of studies regarding survivors



© Annie Bodmer-Roy/Save the Children

public health approach is essential Contingency planning and coordination are critical
to address the mental health and to prepare communities and health professionals
psychosocial consequences of to respond adequately to, and recover from, any
radiological and nuclear emergencies (10, 11). emergency. Applying evidence-based mental health
services throughout the entire emergency cycle
Many of the social and mental health sequelae of will contribute to efficient response, improve the
radiation emergencies are similar to those in other recovery and ensure communities build back together
emergency situations. Nonetheless, acute fear, and flourish.
psychological responses to somatic illnesses and
injuries, and long-term development of medically Historically, the fields of radiation protection and
unexplained symptoms are particularly likely in MHPSS have worked independently. This framework
radiological or nuclear emergencies (3, 36, 77). sets a unique precedent and represents an
initial step towards integrating them during the entire
Many of the proposed mental health and emergency cycle. By detailing the mental health
psychosocial interventions do not require a high and psychosocial aspects of emergencies,
level of specialized skill or expensive equipment particularly those from radiological and nuclear
to be implemented but require a multi- disciplinary accidents, this framework marks a significant
approach, cross-sector coordination, systematic attempt to bridge the gap between these two fields.
capacity building through training of staff (to It is hoped that such integration will lead to better
effectively communicate to those affected), and preparedness, better response and better outcomes
methods to disseminate information on radiation for all those affected by emergencies.
risks that allow the public to address them.

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Cluster: For the purpose of this document, a cluster for human life, health, property and the environment.
is used here to refer to a group of agencies that This includes nuclear and radiological emergencies
gather to work together towards common objectives and any other types of conventional emergencies
within a particular sector of emergency response. such as natural disasters, outbreaks, fires and
The cluster approach, instituted in 2006 as part of releases of hazardous chemicals.
the United Nations Humanitarian Reform process,
is an important step on the road to more effective Emergency risk communication: The real time
humanitarian coordination. exchange of information, advice and opinions
between experts, community leaders or officials
Community resilience: The capacity of a and the people who are at risk, which is an integral
community to be able to recover quickly and easily part of any emergency response.
from the consequences of an emergency or disaster.
Emergency worker: A person having specified
Community: Specific group of people, often living in duties as a worker in response to an emergency.
a defined geographical area, who share a common
culture, values and norms, are arranged in a social Evacuation: A rapid, temporary removal of people
structure according to relationships developed within from an area to avoid or reduce short-term radiation
the community over a period of time. Members of a exposure in an emergency.
community gain their personal and social identity by
sharing common beliefs, values and norms, and also Exposure (to radiation): A state or condition of
share common needs and a commitment to meeting being subject to irradiation from a source that is
them. Communities also contain organizations and outside the body (i.e. external exposure) or within
institutions such as schools, health centres, religious the body (such as internal exposure).
organizations and civil society organizations, which
serve supportive functions for individuals, and offer Exposure pathway: A route by which radiation or
a sense of belonging, safety and protection. The radionuclides can affect a living body.
community context is embedded within the larger
societal level, which involves higher-level social, Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC):
economic and political structures. Established by the United Nations (UN) General
Assembly, this is the longest-standing and highest-
Decontamination: A complete or partial removal level humanitarian coordination forum of the UN
of contamination by a deliberate physical, system, bringing together the executive heads of 18
chemical or biological process. This definition is UN and non-UN organizations to ensure coherence
intended to include a wide range of processes for of preparedness and response efforts, formulate
removing contamination from people, equipment policy and agree on priorities for strengthened
and buildings, while excluding the removal of humanitarian action.
radionuclides from within the human body, or the
removal of radionuclides by natural weathering Mental health: A state of well-being in which
or migration processes, neither of which are every individual realizes her or his own potential,
considered to be decontamination. can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work
productively and fruitfully and is able to contribute to
Disaster: A disaster is a serious disruption of the her or his community.
functioning of a community or a society involving
widespread human, material, economic or Mental health and psychosocial support
environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds (MHPSS): any type of local or external support that
the ability of the affected community or society to aims to protect or promote psychosocial well-being
cope using its own resources. and/or prevent or treat mental health condition.
The global humanitarian system uses the term
Emergency: A non-routine situation or event that MHPSS to unite a broad range of actors responding
necessitates prompt action, primarily to mitigate a to emergencies such as the COVID-19 outbreak,
real or perceived hazard or adverse consequences including those working with biological approaches

and sociocultural approaches in health, social, (including radioactive waste) or its release to the
education and community settings, as well as to environment; (c) loss of control over a nuclear reactor
underscore the need for diverse, complementary core, nuclear chain reaction, radioactive source
approaches in providing appropriate support. or any other source of radiation. It relates to the
probability that specific deleterious consequences
Primary care: A key process in the health system, may arise, to the magnitude and character of such
including first-contact, accessible, ongoing, consequences, and to the factors contributing to the
comprehensive and coordinated care. First- vulnerability of the exposed subject. Depending on
contact care is accessible at the time of need; the context, the term “risk” may be used to represent
ongoing care focuses on the long-term health a quantitative measure or as a qualitative concept.
of a person rather than the short duration of the
disease; comprehensive care is a range of services Radioactive material: This refers only to the
appropriate to the common problems in the presence of radioactivity, and gives no indication of
respective population and coordinated care refers the magnitude of the hazard involved. I, it refers to a
to the role by which primary care acts to coordinate material designated in national law or by a regulatory
other specialists that the patient may need. Primary body as being subject to regulatory control because
care is a subset of PHC. of its radioactivity.

Primary health care (PHC): The concept elaborated Radiological or nuclear emergency: An
in the 1978 Declaration of Alma-Ata, which is based emergency involving a hazard due to: (a) the
on the principles of equity, participation, intersectoral energy resulting from a nuclear chain reaction or
action, appropriate technology and a central role from the decay of the products of a chain reaction
played by the health system. (nuclear emergency); or (b) other types of radiation
exposure (radiological emergency). The term
Psychological First Aid (PFA): Humane, “radiation emergency” is used in some cases when
supportive and practical assistance to fellow human an explicit distinction in the nature of the hazard is
beings suffering serious crisis events, and who immaterial (e.g. national radiation emergency plan).
may need support. It includes the following themes:
providing practical care and support, which does Relocation: Non-urgent movement of people from
not intrude; assessing needs and concerns; helping a contaminated area. It is a longer-term protective
people to address basic needs (for example, food action that may be a continuation of the urgent
and water, information); listening to people, but protective action of evacuation. A permanent
not pressuring them to talk; comforting people and relocation (also referred to as “resettlement”)
helping them to feel calm; helping people connect to continues for more than a year and return is not
information, services and social supports; protecting foreseeable; otherwise it is temporary relocation.
people from further harm.
Risk communication: An intervention performed
Radiation emergency: See also “radiological before (as part of preparedness activities), during
or nuclear emergency”. For the purpose of this and after the emergency phase (to support
document the term radiation emergency is used in recovery), to enable everyone at risk to make
place of the term “radiological or nuclear emergency”, informed decisions to protect themselves, their
which is commonly used in the International Basic families and communities against threats to their
Safety Standards of the International Atomic Energy survival, health and well-being.
Sheltering in place: An urgent protective action
Radiation risk: Detrimental health effects of used during nuclear emergencies to provide
exposure to radiation (including the likelihood of shielding against external exposure and to reduce
such effects occurring), and any other safety-related the intake of airborne radionuclides through
risks (including those to the environment) that might inhalation by using a structure for protection from an
arise as a direct consequence of: (a) exposure airborne plume and/or deposited radionuclides (for
to radiation; (b) presence of radioactive material example, recommending people to stay indoors).


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