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The five innovation competencies

Collaboration competence • Works effectively and respectfully

The ability to collaborate, be embracing and • Acts flexible and helpful
consciously take on different roles during the
• Gives and receives feedback

Implementation competence • Thinks and acts differently

The ability to make things happen and the • Accepts unsecurity
courage to take risks.
• Dares to fail

Navigation competence • Reflects critically

The ability to see what kind of knowledge • Uses processes
to gather to solve a task.
• Delves deeply into the matter

Communication competence • Listens effectively

The ability to communicate the end • Communicates clearly
product in a convincing manner.
• Formulates thoughts and ideas

Creative competence • Explores and investigates

The ability to interpret an assignment inde-
• Plays with different opportunities
pendently, develop ideas and pick and choo-
se the best ones. • Connects ideas
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