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End of Term Test N°3

Name :……………………………………………….. Class : 7B…. N° :… •••7B1-2-3-4-5&6•••

I)Reading Comprehension : (5 mks)

1-Read the text and tick (√ ) the right answer :(1mk)

The text is about Robert ‘s:

a ) trip b) favourite teacher c) hobby

2-Complete the table with the right information :(1 mk)

Name Favourite subject

Robert ……………………
3-Read paragraph 2 and pick out two adjectives that describe Mr Smith (1mk)

►1- cheerful 2-………………. 3-…………………. 4-hard-working

4-Complete the sentence below with information from paragraph 3 :(1mk)

►The pupils enjoy Mr Smith’s lessons because ………………………………………….

5-What do the underlined words in the text refer to :(1mk)

a) I ( paragraph 1 , line 1) refers to……………………

b) He ( paragraph 2 , line 1) refers to …………………...

II)Language : (10 mks)

1-Circle the right option: (2.5 mks)

Jack is a pupil .Every day ,he gets up early and prepares himself to school.He puts

many things in his school bag.He puts notebooks , a (pencil-ruler-globe),

many pens ,and an ( ruler- pencils-eraser) Then ,he takes the bus and goes
to school. The school is big and nice . It has a large courtyard

( on-between-in the middle).Jack is good (at-on-of) all subjects .His teachers are
kind .They speak (fluent-fluency-fluently ) and slowly in class.

2-Fill in the blanks with 6 words from the box below : ( 3 mks)

luggage- can’t- sunny- picnic- traditional- - souvenirs- carry-helpful

Dear family ;

Hi.How are you ?

Yesterday , the weather was………………...and warm.My friend Aly invited me to Jerba.I

went by plane in the morning.The trip was nice. Aly helped me to …………………..the
suitcase .It was heavy and I ………………carry it. In the afternoon, we went to the souk .I

bought some ………………………..for you .There are many ………………….carpets .They

are very expensive and lovely .I liked Jerba .I met many people here .They are friendly
and……………….It was a nice day.


3-Match the underlined utterances with their right functions : (1extra

function ) (2 mks)

The dialogue Functions Answe

Sue:I can speak three languages;English , Spanish
and Chinese. (1) a) ability 1+….
Fred: I can’t speak Chinese (2), it is difficult but I b) giving permission 2+….
want to learn it. c) apologizing 3+….
Sue:You can join our club on Friday. d) inability 4+….
Fred: I’m sorry (3). I go to the gym on Friday. e) granting forgiveness
Sue:That’s all right(4). Come on Sunday.
Fred:That’s great.
4-Complete the dialogue below with the right utterances from the box: (2.5 mks)

Shopkeeper: Good morning………(1)…….

a- How much are they?
Ann: Yes , please……………(2)………
b- Can I help you?
Shopkeeper:………………(3)……… c- How many flowers do you want?
d- I want to buy some flowers.
Ann: 10 flowers , please………(4)…… e- Here you are.
Shopkeeper: 2 dinars each.
Answer: 1+…… 2+….. 3+….. 4+….. 5+…
Ann: …………………(5)…. Good bye.

Shopkeeper:Thank you.Good bye

III) Writing : (5mks)

Write a letter to your pen friend Peter in which you tell him what you and a group of
voluntary pupils do to keep the school clean.

The following hints may help you:

-During the break / a group of voluntary pupils /clean the floors / collect all the
garbage/plant trees…

-advise other pupils / mustn’t throw litter/ write on walls ...

-put litter in garbage cans / school tidy / proud of…

Dear Peter ;

I ‘m writing you this letter to tell you what we do to keep our school clean.









Please write me soon and tell me about your school.


LEVEL: 7H form END of -TERM TEST N°3 Souk Essebt Prep School
TIMING: 1 Hour Teachers:Miss Mouna
Miss Besma Hezzi
The text:

1- My name is Robert. I live in London .I am a pupil in a prep

school.I usually go to school by bus.At school ,I study many subjects.I

am excellent at all subjects but English is my favourite. My favourite

teacher is Mr Jack Smith.

2-Mr Jack Smith is my English teacher. He is 25 years old .He is from

Manchester.Mr Smith is always cheerful .He greets everyone with a

lovely smile.He is kind and helpful .He works hard in class and explains

the lessons clearly. He speaks slowly and fluently.

3-All the pupils love him and enjoy his lessons because they are

interesting. We are always attentive and we listen to him

carefully . We are all excellent at English.

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