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Korba prep school

Name: ………………………………… class:……………………………


1. Listen and tick the correct alternatives : (2 marks)

Lucy is describing her :

In the room there are:

2. listen and tick true or false: (1 marks)

false true
The wardrobe is next to the bed
The window has blue curtains
3. Listen and tick : Lucy goes to bed at (1mark)

4. Write similar ( S) or different ( D ) (1mark)

Nice/favourite ( )
5.Spelling: Listen and complete: (1mark)
My parents bedroom is ………………….of my bedroom and my brothers bedroom is also
very comfortable with nice ………………… I love my bedroom.

2-LANGUAGE (14 marks)

Task 1:Fill in the blanks with seven words from the box. (3.5 marks)

jogging / diet / stop / fit /fat / healthy/ must

Jessica: hi Carla! You are not fine. What’s the matter?

Carla: I’m very..................... Can you give some advice?

Jessica: sure. First, you should have a balanced....................and eat You
must........................eating pizzas, cakes, chocolate and ice cream. Second you
a lot of sport to keep...................... you can go ....................for one hour every day and you
will lose weight.

Carla: thank you my friend.

Task 2 :put the verbs in the past form (2.5 marks)

Last week , Sami(to go) ……………… to the beach with his family. He went to the gym to
do some exercises. Amal (play) ……………tennis with her friend Sara. They (to be)
………….. very happy because they met Brainy there and he (to be)………………. very funny.
Brainy (want)………………. to take a photo with them. It was a great day.

Task 3 :Fill in the blanks with “must”,” mustn’t” or “don’t”: (1,5marks)

To keep fit and healthy, you…………... practise sport and go jogging. You …………drink
much coffee and coke and be careful, …………eat much bread and spaghetti.
Task4: Circle the correct alternative. (3 marks)

Paul: I’m bored. What about (goes – go – going) to the cinema this afternoon?

Robin: but the weather is (rains – rainy – rain), and I’m not feeling well.

Paul: did you (went – go – going) to the doctor?

Robin: yes. He examined me and gave me some medicines. He also advised me to

(stayed - stay –staying) in bed (for –on –of) three days.

Paul: so you must (listen –follow- advise) the doctor’s advice.

Task 5 :Fill in the blanks with words from the box .(3.5 marks)

Rainy – sometimes - May – flowers – because – spring – sunny

There are four seasons . March ,April and ………………….. are the months of …………………..
I like this season because the weather is warm and ……………………..

There are so many colorful ……………………in the garden and many birds singing.

But I don’t like winter ……………………… It’s always cold and ………………………

It …………………..snows . So , we stay at home and watch TV.

My name is Lucy smith I am ten years old. And I live in Manchester in
England with my parents in a beautiful house my bedroom is very
comfortable and big I have a large bed and two bedside tables there are
nice pink rugs on the floor and a big wardrobe in front of the bed there
is also a window with blue curtains and nice posters on the walls the
posters are for my favourite pop groups I also have a desk a computer
and a chair I usually go to my bedroom at 6 o’clock and I do my
homework there. my parents bedroom is in front of my bedroom and
my brothers bedroom is also very comfortable with nice colours I love
my bedroom.

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