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City of Ilagan Campus

City of Ilagan 3300 Isabela Philippines



1. What do you think about the idea of?

a. John Locke - Moral education, according to Locke, is more important than other types of
education. In his opinion, the goal of education is to produce a virtuous man rather than a
scholar. More specifically, education seeks to instill what Locke refers to as the Principle of
Virtue, or the competence to undermine one's direct desires and preferences to the correct
standards. The goal of education, according to Locke, is to produce a person who obeys
reason rather than passion.

b. Spencer - "The great aim of teaching is not knowledge, but action," said Herbert Spencer.
This quotation, I believe, means that education is more than just knowledge; it is also the
actions you take to put that knowledge to use. For example, you can gain knowledge and
have just as much understanding as your tiny little brain can process, and yet if you never put
what you've managed to learn to use, why have it at all? This quote is actually quite
significant. If some people had not acted on what they knew, we might not have half of what
we have today. But we continue to advance in everything around us because we share our
knowledge rather than keeping it to ourselves.

c. John Dewey - Dewey emphasized that education must prepare students for an unpredictable
future, and as a consequence, a high priority must be given to developing better habits,
adaptability, and the motivation to adapt how to learn. Classroom teachers and schools are
responsible for developing character as well as teaching knowledge and skills.

d. George Counts - George Counts desired for teachers to lead society rather than follow it.
Teachers were leaders who should be authorities who could choose between competing goals
and values. Teachers should be concerned not only with school issues, but also with
controversy economic, political, and moral issues.

e. Theodore Brameld - Brameld did believe that by establishing a new social order by
education, society would be able to meet its basic needs. He believed that education had the
power to shape people into a cohesive and compassionate society.

f. Pailo Freire - Students will be unready once the time arrives for them all to manipulate that
information if teachers continue talking to them and keep ignoring any opinions they may
have. Moreover, if teachers adopted Freire's model of equal interaction between student and
teacher, students would be much more highly probable to be already had to have the
opportunities to pursue the information they've gained and give it all back to the teacher in
their own words, allowing them to better understand it.

2. Choose one Education Philosopher and explain why we should apply his Philosophy in our
education system.
- Progressive education, according to John Dewey, is essentially a view of education that emphasizes
the need to learn by doing. Progressivism is a philosophy that believes ideas should be tested to
determine their genuineness. The value of student questions, according to this philosophy, is very
important because it leads to learning. Progressivism incorporates cross-disciplinary learning and
problem solving into its instruction. It states that learning occurs best when students are involved and
have the opportunity to experiment with ideas.

Comment (Relevance to given topic and originality of ideas) ---------------------------------------- 15%
Grammar (Correctness in agreement, tense, number, word order, articles, preposition, etc.) ---- 15%
Mechanics (Spelling, Punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing, indentation and essay format) – 10%
Vocabulary (Range, word, idiom and usage choice) ---------------------------------------------------- 10%
Total: 50%

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