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If you have thought about becoming an Alta volunteer but worry that you’ll be getting into (1) waters in the classroom, this
article series is for you. For the next two weeks, you will have the opportunity to read about how seasoned Alta volunteers initially felt
when they first entered the classroom. This week, Paula Wellington-John (2)_ her first four months as an Alta volunteer at Alta’s Holy
Saviour AC Church class. “Alta is an organisation I was interested in many years ago, but I did not have the time to be (3) as a
tutor due to other commitments. Last year, as fate would have it, I saw the opportunity to take the first step in becoming a tutor by sitting
in and (4) Alta classes for four weeks. It was very informative. It confirmed and increased my interest so I attended intense training for
six days over six weeks on the Tutor Training Course. An Alta tutor is not sent out (5)_ ! The training was comprehensive, giving
volunteers practice in all the skills required to teach the programme.
1. A. uncharted B. impure C. pure D. cold
2. A. describes B. regards C. calls D. names
3. A. interested B. regarded C. involved D. encouraged
4. A. taking B. doing C. having D. observing
5. A. prepared B. unprepared C. preparing D. unpreparing
It may be that media have made the AI safety debate seem more (1) than it really is. After all, fear sells, and
articles using out-of-context quotes to (2) imminent doom can generate more clicks than nuanced and balanced ones.
(3) , two people who only know about each other’ s positions from media quotes are likely (4) think
they disagree more than they really do. For example, a techno-skeptic who only read about Bill Gates’ s position in a British tabloid may
mistakenly think Gates believes super intelligence to be imminent. Similarly, someone in the beneficial-AI movement (15)
knows nothing about Andrew Ng’s position except his quote about overpopulation on Mars may mistakenly think
he doesn’t care about AI safety, whereas in fact, he does. The crux is simply that because Ng’s timeline estimates are longer, he naturally
tends to prioritize short-term AI challenges over long-term ones.
1. A. conversational B. controversial C. conversantly D. controversy
2. A. proclaim B. abolish C. repeal D. decrease
3. A. However B. As a result C. Therefore D. Before
4. A. at B. off C. to D. with
5. A. which B. when C. what D. who
I had (1) very bad experience last Sunday. I bought a flash drive from a computer store in the local shopping centre. When I
went back home, I inserted it (2) my computer, but it was not recognised. I took it back to the store, but the store manager got
very angry. He pointed at a (3) on the flash drive, and said his store was not responsible for such a (4) because it had probably
been caused by my carelessness. I couldn’t say a word, and had to buy (5) flash drive.
1. A. X B. a C. the D. some
2. A. into B. in C. on D. to
3. A. scratch B. mark C. scuff D. crack
4. A. defect B. defection C. defective D. defectiveness
5. A. another B. other C. new D. the other
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an international nongovernmental organization for the (1) , research, and
restoration of the environment. The organization was (2) as a charitable trust on September 11, 1961, in Morges, Switzerland, under the
name World Wildlife Fund. It was an initiative of Julian Huxley and Max Nicholson.
It is the world's largest independent conservation organization with over 5 million (3) worldwide, working in more than 90 countries,
supporting 100 conservation and environmental projects around the world. It is a charity, with (4) 9% of its funding coming from
voluntary (5) by private individuals and businesses.
1. A. challenge B. keeping C. conservation D. awareness
2. A. produced B. discovered C. used D. formed
3. A. supporters B. residents C. inhabitants D. citiens
4. A. generally B. individually C. commercially D. approximately
5. A. deposits B. donations C. refunds D. loans
The study, published in the journal Nature Communications, found that in most cases the (1) higher than losses were
paying for stronger anti-poaching measures to keep elephant populations stable but the financial (2) did not
stack up in all areas. Dr. Robin Naidoo, the paper's lead author and , senior conservation wildlife scientist at WWF and his team found. In
the case of central Africa's forest elephants, which are harder for tourists to see and therefore attract fewer visitors, the costs of protecting
them (3) the benefits from tourism. Demand from south-east Asia has seen the price of ivory triple since 2009 and it is estimated that
one elephant is killed every 15 minutes. Corruption, a lack of resources, and, most importantly, increasingly sophisticated poachers have
hamstrung African countries' efforts to stem the trade.
Naidoo said that the research was not suggesting (4) issues should be the only consideration when protecting
elephants, but framing the poaching crisis as a financial one could motivate African governments and communities.
“It gives an additional reason for some groups of people, who may not (5)_ be motivated by intrinsic reasons for conversation, to engage
with biodiversity conservation. It makes it clear to them that it's not just in the best interests of the world to conserve this stuff, but
tangible reasons for a whole different group," he said.
1. A. expense B. money C. revenue D. expenditure
2. A. debate B. discussion C. conflict D. argument
3. A. exceed B. beat C. outdo D. go over
4. A. economical B. economy C. economic D. economics
5. A utterly B. wholly C. necessarily D. automatically
1. Let's stay for the weather report, and then we can watch something else.
A. tuned B. updated C. informed D. still
2. A rising unemployment rate is a sign of problems in the economy.
A. certain B. visible C. sure D. secure
3. Debate as to the purpose of this camp has been ongoing since several factors indicate that it may have had an motive.
A. mysterious B. ulterior C. hidden D. suspicious
4. The president is to minor surgery to remove a small growth from his hand.
A. overcome B. undergo C. encounter D. face
5. The news will upset him - we must think of a way to the blow
A. reduce B. mitigate C. soften D. pull
6. Having eaten too much, Mr. Clark found it really heard to go to work because he had an stomach.
A. upset B. painful C. hurt D. sad
7. Wealth and happiness were inextricably in Sophie's mind, so she spent her whole life chasing money.
A. connected B. separated C. related D. linked
8. Owners also provide labourers with credit, usually at a high rate, to enable them to buy essentials and support their
A. profit B. salary C. interest D. income
9. There was nothing more he could teach me, so I had to company with my first music teacher.
A. part B. separate C. divide D. stop
10. The security guards came and him out of the hospital because of his unacceptable behaviours to a doctor
A. kicked B. escorted C. pushed D. forced
11. She became deeply depressed as she tried to the demands of work and family life.
A. meet B. satisfy C. struggle D. juggle
12. When he was offered a main role in a film that was sure to be a box-office , he couldn’t turn it down.
A. success B. hit C. blockbuster D. destroyer
13. Less serious crimes will receive a sentence. For example, the offender may have to pay a fine or do community
A. light B. small C. slight D. agile
14. He sat on the edge of the cliff unaware of the danger.
A. blissfully B. jubilantly C. blithely D. happily
15. There are also many families on the of society who are living below the poverty line and struggling to make ends
meet every month.
A. verges B. borders C. margins D. frontiers
16. When you enjoy the taste of something and want to keep it in your mouth for a long time, we say you the taste.
A. feel B. get C. hold D. savor
17. In the past, he used to be a non-religious person. However, because of some unknown reasons, he has Christianity
A. changed to B. became C. converted to D. turned into
18. Be careful about joking since you might end up having to apologize if the person is offended.
A. excessively B. continually C. profusely D. lavishly
19. When participating in a fiery debate, try to give criticism with a view to helping the situations improve.
A. destructive B. constructive C. helpful D. positive
20. Once setting up a meticulous plan, start-up companies should stick to the in order to reach their goals.
A. expense B. account C. budget D. point
21. It’s neighborhood, which is why property prices are so low.
A. a sick B. an ailing C. an out of condition D. a run-down
22. If you take this job, you get free.
A. bed and sleep B. rooms and eating C. food and housing D. board and lodging
23. This cottage is to rent for the next nine months.
A. disposable B. available C. free D. open
24. This advertising campaign has done nothing to improve our .
A. corporate image B. business appearance C. company look D. company appearance
25. Please could you send me the forms I need to _ a work permit.
A. follow B. comply with C. process D. apply for
26. The shop sells washing machine and other domestic .
A. device B. appliances C. equipment D. engine
27. I had to walk up six flights of stairs because the lift was out of .
A. order B. service C. work D. hand
28. You must be exhausted after all that shopping - sit down and the weight off your feet.
A. make B. take C. put D. start
29. There will be a of the series over Christmas
A. film-length programme B. full-length showing C. feature-length episode D. film-length showing
30. Don’t just sit there through the channels. If there’s nothing on, then turn them off
A. jumping B. zapping C. leaping D. flipping
31. It’s a full house tonight, so I hope Harry doesn’t suffer from stage again when he goes on.
A. fear B. terror C. fright D. danger
32. As the actors were taking their curtain , the leading lady was given a huge bouquet.
A. call B. closure C. finish D. end
33. When the snow is being blown around in the wind, we can describe it as snow.
A. swirling B. rotating C. swinging D. falling
34. The cathedral looks lightly different in real life, but I’ve used a bit of artistic to help balance the composition.
A. freedom B. allowance C. permission D. license
35. His last novel was a masterpiece but hasn’t written anything new for years. He’s suffering from writer’s .
A. stop B. stuck C. hindrance D. block
36. Where are we, anyway? We seem to be .
A. at the end of the world B. in the back of beyond C. in the middle of nowhere
37. The views of the mountains and rolling green countryside are breathtaking.
A. snow-peaked B. snow-capped C. snow-flaked D. snow-covered
38. If you want more privacy, there's a beach an hour's drive outside the city.
A. winding B. secluded C. unobstructed D. unblocked
39. are rising between the residents of A and B, causing some to speculate that the fragile peace between the two countries
may soon come to an end.
A. Tensions B. Strains C. Pressures D. Burdens
40. Increasingly, consumers are choosing to buy instead of factory-farmed animals.
A. open air poultry B. free range chickens C. farmyard chickens D. free running chicken
41. Don’t touch anything at the of the crime because we need to take fingerprints
A. place B. location C. scene D. situation
42. This is Kerry McDowell, from Beirut.
A. live reporting B. alive reporting C. reporting live D. reporting alive
43. Although I was hired for the job, I still have a doubt about whether I'm truly qualified for it.
A. bothering B. staying C. concerning D. nagging
44. Don’t let your fears your judgement.
A. sound B. light C. change D. color
45. The results of the customer satisfaction survey us to the conclusion that our service needs to be improved.
A. lead B. put C. take D. bring
46. When Mark finally got back to the hotel, he breathed of relief.
A. a sigh B. a cry C. a shout D.
47. He desperately wished to a living through writing but his writings are so dull that no publisher agree to publish them.
A. earn B. do C. save D. accumulate
48. The inner city's traffic eventually came to a as a seriously-injured accident happened.
A. delay B. inaction C. gridlock D. standstill
49. Although the Internet is thought to give children opportunities to their minds, reports has shown its negative effect on
children's mental health.
A. enlarge B. broaden C. spread D. open
50. To some extent, we should focus on what we have common rather than emphasizing our differences when being in a
A. in B. on C. of D. for
51. I should have been offered that job had I arrived in time for the interview, but I my chance.
A. threw B. flew C. blew D. drew
52. Being mistaken as a genuine precious artifact, the artificial vase was initially valued $2000.
A. for B. with C. at D. of
53. The goal of the conference is to a compromise between the two nations in terms of military and economy.
A. have B. reach C. make D. touch
54. There is an underlying rule in business that a small percentage reduction the cost of materials would mean a
significant increase in profit.
A. in B. with C. of D. for
55. It's not difficult to recognize the contrast between the lives of the poorest and the richest members of society.
A. acute B. tampering C. bribery D. sharp
56. President Gorbachev demanded and got more and more personal power, although he was able to use it effectively.
A. rarely B. scantily C. faintly D. hardly
57. She was one of the few of the younger generation who took the time to a conference questionnaire seriously.
A. get B. take C. put D. give
58. Now that you have spent all day typing the report, it's time for you to a rest.
A. pay B. make C. take D. give
59. She is narrating the accident in great so that the police can find the cause of it.
A. feature B. detail C. figure D. detachment
60. It was very kind of Peter to me a favor. Had it not been for his help, I would not have finished my cleaning.
A. do B. have C. give D. bring
61. After several days persuading, eventually I my parents' permission to attend my boyfriend's birthday party.
A. had B. took C. held D. got
62. To be honest, she shouldn't have believed in the stories he told. He's just a talker.
A. huge B. broad C. large D. big
63. So nerve-racking seemed the news that everyone their breath to wait for it.
A. keep B. hold C. put D. had
64. Despite their effort to boost the revenue of the company, they failed to the objective established 3 months ago.
A. attain B. regain C. retain D. obtain
65. The doctor advised her to a heart valves operation; otherwise, her health will get worse.
A. take B. get C. have D. do
66. I'm on cloud nine because the lecturer me a compliment at class this morning.
A. paid B. gave C. put D. gained
67. The last points he gave at the debate bear no to the overall topic, which enables the opponent team to win.
A. relationship B. relation C. relative D. related
68. Having a talented and successful brother, I'm often told to his example.
A. adopt B. pursue C. shadow D. follow
69. World war II definitely the growth of worldwide economy, contributing to poverty and death in participating
A. avoid B. curb C. evade D. recess
70. The government claim that every citizen in the country must the traffic rule in order to save their own life.
A. comply B. obey C. adhere D. perform
71. A number of elephants are being killed for ivory across the country.
A. large B. big C. broad D. ample
72. Eliud Kipchoge, an athlete from Kenya, is said to have the marathon record with the result of 02:01:39.
A. cracked B. clotted C. broken D. divided
73. It was a ten-year-old student on his way home that was injured in the road accident this morning.
A. seriously B. perilously C. gravely D. harmfully
74. In celebration for my parents' wedding anniversary, my father is going to call the restaurant to reserve a table of five.
A. to B. for C. on D. with
75. Had her younger brother dressed warm enough last night, he wouldn't have a cold this morning.
A. grabbed B. reached C. caught D. attained
76. After several years hard of hearing, my grandmother deaf the age of eighty-four.
A. made B. took C. went D. bore
77. Even though moving away, the boy next door still tried to with me via emails.
A. keep in touch B. be in contact C. make a call D. have a connection
78. It took the police half a year to investigate the case and find the evidence enough to accuse the murderer of his
A. heavy B. large C. hard D. strong
79. When I entered the room, Tom was sitting silently on the couch, in thought.
A. broad B. deep C. profound D. sunk
80. The building contractors are sensibly attributing the corruptive structure a major basement fault.
A. to B. for C. from D. with
81. The kidnapper promised not to the child harm if her affluent parents gave him a large amount of money.
A. make B. give C. do D. bring
82. The bank client was clever to a pretense of giving the robber some money while her colleague called the police.
A. take B. make C. have D. do
83. The little girl has such a deep a for her newly born brother that she spends almost all her day off playing with him.
A. emotion B. endearment C. passion D. affection
84. My sister is a spender who is willing to spend a huge amount of money on shopping.
A. heavy B. strong C. great D. big
85. Pollution is the of the environment in general and our health in particular.
A. commitment B. detriment C. measurement D. employment
86. The company's productivity has increased for the last 3 months.
A. highly B. entirely C. largely D. markedly
87. Slamming the door, one reporter stepped into the room and the news on a road accident.
A. broke B. cracked C. split D. wrapped
88. If he hadn't inherited an enormous legacy after his father's death, he would have nothing hand now.
A. on B. at C. in D. of
1. We’re living in an apartment for now, but soon we will move to a big house.
A. for the time being B. up to now C. so far D. immediately
2. Only allowing half an hour to get from the station to the airport is cutting it..............................., isn’t it?
A. good B. nice C. fine D. well
3. The manager got early retirement and a $600,000 golden................................when the company was restructed.
A. handshake B. ring C. crown D. money
4. I’ll be back in the twinkling of ................
A. an eye B. a lighting bolt C. a smile D. a laugh
5. Sharon always sticks her.......................into everyone else’s business.
A. head B. lips C. nose D. mouth
6. The weather is going to change soon; I feel it in my ...............
A. body B. legs C. skin D. bones
7. As it was very hot in summer, sales of bottles of water went..........................the roof.
A. through B. to C. above D. over
8. I wanted to ask her what she thought of her ex-husband, but I figured it was better to let sleeping.............................lie.
A. cats B. dogs C. fishes D. cows
9. All right then if you like I’ll put my cards on the table.
A. I’ll tell you a story. C. I’ll tell you what to do.
B. I’ll tell you something. D. I’ll tell you my honest opinion.
10. I think I understand the nuts and.......................of the operation.
A. screws B. hammer C. nails D. bolts
11. The pupil warmly......................hands with his old professor at the meeting.
A. took B. grasped C. shook D. held
12. At school, people always used to take the...............out of him for having red hair.
A. cat B. dog C. mickey D. rat
13. He didn’t bat an eyelid when he realized he failed the exam again.
A. didn’t want to see C. didn’t show surprise
B. wasn’t happy D. didn’t care
14. James sometimes seems quite unfriendly but...............heart he’s a good person.
A. at B. by C. in D. on
15. I dropped a............when talking with my best friend, and now he doesn't want to talk to me.
A. rock B. stone C. brick D. sand
16. What the president said is not to be printed. It's................the record.
A. on B. of C. off D. without
17. I can’t stand Mr. Brian. He’s always blowing his own is at everything - telling everyone how good he is at everything.
A. balloon B. breath C. mind D. trumpet
18. Where were you? I have been looking for you high and low.
A. here and there B. everywhere C. nowhere D. both A and B
19. My little house is spick and span.
A. neat B. clean C. well looked after D. all are correct
20.Working irregular hours is all part and parcel of being a journalist.
A. integral B. crucial C. essential D. all are correct
21. Chales is having a lot of problems with his business but at least he is keeping his head above the water.
A. not downing B. keeping dry C. managing to survive D. trying to swim
22. In the end she lost her temper and told her daughter to hold her tongue.
A. stand still B. speak up C. start speaking D. be quiet
23. If you don’t hurry in completing your schoolwork, you’ll do a better job.
A. get off B. take your time C. lie down D. carry out
24. He’s so careful when he plays sports that injuries are unusual for him.
A. few and far between C. under the weather
B. out of order D. all at once
25. The businessman inspected the contract carefully before signing it.
A. looked over B. counted on C. looked out D. looked into
26. “What’s wrong?” – I’m a bit.......................color.”
A. in B. under C. at D. off
27. Jack has egg........................because he couldn’t remember how to spell “Batman”!
A. on his teeth B. on his face C. on his shirt D. on his fingers
28. She do everything well.
A. paints B. pains C. chances D. rains
29. “It’s after 12 o’clock. I think it’s time to.........................”
A. punch the hay B. lay the hay C. hit the hay D. push the hay
30. “Our business is really improving. We’ve been..............................all year.”
A. in the black B. in the white C. in the red D. in the gray
31. While I was away from the store, my brother .....................
A. filled out for me C. filled in for me
B. filled on for me D. filled for me
32. I have to borrow some money from my dad. Right now, I’m ...............
A. over B. done C. broke D. fine
33. please his new wife, but she never seems satisfied.
A. bent over forwards C. bent over backwards
B. bent through forwards D. bent through backwards
34. The rest of the team complained that Sarah wasn’t.............................her weight.
A. pushing B. pulling C. losing D. gaining
35. I’ll meet you at 9 o’clock...................If you’re late, we’ll be in trouble.
A. sharply B. sharp C. bluntly D. blunt
36. John is so far behind in his studies. Besides classes, he plays sports and works at a part-time job. It seems he has
A. bitten off more than he can swallow C. bitten off more than he can chew
B. bitten out more than he can swallow D. bitten out more than he can chew
37. Business is really going poorly these days. We’ve been...............................for the past three months.
A. in the white B. in the red C. in the black D. in the pink
38. His honesty is........................Nobody can doubt it.
A. in question C. without question
B. beside the question D. out of the question
39. It finally.........................home to me that it was time to buy a place of my own.
A. gave B. came C. reached D. hit
40. Well, it’s 7 p.m. I’d better hit the.........................if I want to get home before it’s dark.
A. roof B. street C. way D. road
41. You saved my life. I thank you from the.............................of my heart.
A. centre B. top C. bottom D. depths
42. The flights are full at the moment, so you’ll have to ...................
A. take pot luck B. get a better luck C. run stroke of luck D. be down on your luck
43. You can’t just bury the sand and hope that this problem goes away.
A. mind B. head C. hand D. foot
44. Mr Simkins is the the company as he just has just been promoted to the position of Managing
A. cheese B. bread C. meat D. apple
45. The new manager found the situation so complicated that he couldn’t see the wood for the ...................
A. wood B. trees C. leaves D. fruit
46. Recently, the company has received a..............................of complaints from the customers about poor products.
A. pack B. pool C. barrage D. back
47. “So, is everything plain as a pikestaff?” – “Oh, yes indeed sir!”
A. clean B. clear C. messy D. in position
48. I would stay away from that guy if I were you, he has a screw loose.
A. is dangerous B. is annoying C. is a flirt D. is crazy
49. Just keep your wig on. Everything is going to be alright, okay?
A. hold your wig so it won't fall off C. calm down
B. get another haircut D. throw a fit
50. We are having a potluck dinner at Tim's house tomorrow. Everybody is invited!
A. dinner where everybody brings something to eat B. dinner where everybody chips in
C. dinner where only soup is served D. dinner where people eat and play games at the same time
51.I need everybody's help. The wedding is tomorrow and we haven't even started with the decorations yet. We have no time to lose.
A. been procrastinating B. to remember what time it is
C. extra time D. to start right now
52. “The suitcase isn’t too heavy, is it” – “No, it’s as light as.............................”
A. dust B. lighting C. a feather D. a fish
59. Well, well, if it isn’t Kathy Lewis! You’re a sight for.........................eyes.
A. old B. blue C. sore D. crocodile
60. Writing rhymes for birthday cardsis really easy. It’s money for old .....................
A. rags B. bread C. rope D. hills
61. I like my new job. The only fly in the fact that I have to work every other weekend.
A. fat B. porridge C. soup D. ointment
62. He had a soft........................for his granddaughter and thoroughly spoilt her.
A. heart B. way C. smile D. spot
63. We looked in every.........................and cranny for the missing ring but we couldn’t find it anywhere.
A. nook B. gap C. hole D. niche
64. He just want one............................before settling down and getting married.
A. final fling B. last leap C. happy hop D. joyful jump
65. Everyone bossed me about at work. I’m nothing but a ....................
A. lame duck B, general dogsbody C. blue-eye boy D. marked man
66. It’s a.......................shame that so little is done nowadays to help the homeless in our large cities.
A. sweeping B. crying C. dying D. pitying
67. My aunt is a bit of a wet.........................She’s always spoiling everyone’s fun.
A. rag B. sheep C. rat D. blanket
68. Normally she smoked 15-20 cigarettes a day, but whenever she was worried or nervous, she smoked like ...............
A. a chimney B. a forest fire C. a steam engine D. a salmon
69. News of the new pay agreement spread like...............................throughout the factory.
A. wildfire B. wildlife C. the plague D. a flood
70. You’re not geeting enough to eat, Jane! Look at you, you’re as thin as a .................
A. stick unsect B. rake C. finger D. wire
71. I think he’ll pay you back your money
A. dogs B. cats C. cocks D. pigs
72. I was excited to start taking night classes after work, but now, without enough time to devote either to school or to my job, I feel like
I'm falling between.......................................stools.
A. one B. two C. three D. four
73. When your programme first started I thought it was the best thing since sliced .....................
A. cake B. break C. bread D. bead
74. I don't mind driving this time-she's scratched my................................plenty of times.
A. head B. back C. stomach D. heart
75. She is a rising star as a standup comedian, always able to bring down the.......................................during each performance.
A. house B. rain C. roof D. kennel
76. “You’re drunk!” – “No, I’m as sober as.......................”
A. a priest B. Sunday C. a judge D. a Muslin
77. From the moment they first met, they got on like ....................
A. two peas in a pod C. a house on fire
B. fish and chips D. clockwork
78. He does not really go around with many People because-he's a bit of a lone wolf.
A. single person B. lonely person C. unhappy person D. simple person
79. He may be shy now, but he’ll soon come out of his..................................when he meets the right girl.
A. shoe B. shell C. shed D. hole
80. The car swerved to avoid a cyclist and just missed hitting a passer-by by ...................
A. a slight edge B. a narrow escape C. a close thing D. a hair’s breadth
81. You know times have been bad lately, Peter, but keep your................................up; things are bound to get better soon.
A. chin B. head C. socks D. mind
82. “What’s wrong with Tom today? He’s unusually quiet” – “He’s got something on his..............................I expect”
A. brain B. mind C. thoughts D. brow
83. I was all set to take the job in Tokyo, but at the last minute, I...............................and decided to stay in Britain.
A. pull my finger out C. held my horses
B. got cold feet D. called it a day
84. It was a joke! I was pulling your ...................
A. thumb B. hair C. toe D. leg
85. He likes being a a small pond.
A. cat B. snail C. shark D. fish
86. I usually buy my clothes.........................It’s cheaper than going to a dressmaker.
A. off the peg B. on the house C. in public D. on the shelf
87. I agree that this is a bit of a........................shot, but we’re desperate – we have to do something to try to save the company.
A. hot B. long C. wild D. high
88. Of course you won’t become more intelligent if you eat a lot of fish – that’s just an old.................................tale.
A. maid’s B. ladies’ C. wives’ D. mothers’
89. Enjoy your meal! Home grow, home .......................
A. make B. made C. makes D. making
90. He travels...........................for 20 years and then he decided to return home.
A. father away B. far and wide C. far from it D. farthest of all
91. He said it is a difficult problem, but I don’t agree. It me!
A. as easy as cake C. as easy as pie
B. as easy as muffin D. as easy as cupcake
92. "Where did you hear about that?" - "Just word of.................................."
A. eyes B. nose C. mouth D. ears
93. "I have decided that this summer I am going to learn how to scuba dive." - "Me too! I have already paid for the course. Great
A. think B. hear C. listen D. tell
94. "Whenever that professor says something I don't like, I have to bite my....................................."
A. tongue B. mouth C. lips D. eyes
95. Well in the first place all the windows are broken, which is a real pain in the neck
A. a bad ache B. a serious ache C. a serious problem D. a bad shock
96. I'd like to do something to change the world but whatever I do seems like a drop in the......................................"
A. bucket B. garbage C. rubbish D. river
97. It you get lost, just ask me for directions. I know this part of town .......................
A. like the back of my hand C. like the back of my arm
B. like the forth of my leg D. ike the forth of my foot.
98. I’m...........................of doing nothing but work. Let’s go out tonight and have fun.
A. sick and tired B. sad and tired C. sad and sick D. angry and tired
99. Don’t count your chickens ..................
A. before they hatch C. but count the foxes
B. ecause it won’t make them fly D. but they’re on the table
100. A stitch in time .....................
A. is a stitch in space C. hurts nobody
B. saves nine D. changes the path
101. The time was a charm for Korea’s Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympic bid committee.
A. forth B. first C. second D. third
102. Despite being an underdog, Division B team gave the best team of the tournament run for their .
A. heritage B. cost C. price D. money
103. The government has intervened by infusing billions of dollars to get the banks off the .
A. hook B. bottom C. color D. weather
104. I was left out in the in the annual promotions in the company.
A. dark B. rain C. cold D. snow
105. You expect our plant to manufacture 40,000 parts in a week. You’re trying to the ocean on this one.
A. ruin B. boil C. damage D. heat
106. The new fashion of YSL is really the thing at the moment.
A. out B. for C. at D. in
107. The employees have been working to get the job finished ahead of the deadline.
A. narrow-down B. in-and-out C. flat-out D. worn-in
108. Many people claim that insults or negative comments are , but in reality, many of them are upset by such things.
A. great minds think alike B. Jacks-of-all-trades
C. beggar on horseback D. like water off a duck’s back
109. Cheating on a diet is a................Before you know it, you’ll be fat again.
A. slippery slope B. bumpy street C. dangerous mountain D. mysterious case
110. There is a surprise party for Susan this Saturday so please don’t .
A. run of the mill B. spill the beans
C. get the ball rolling D. find our feet
111. Why don't you and tell him to leave?
A. have egg all over my face B. take the bull by the horns
C. paint the town red D. throw in the towel
112. Alex was a distinguished entertainer, a of fresh air in an industry full of people all trying to copy each other.
A. choking B. hallucination C. breeze D. breath
113. We sat out on the porch, just shooting the .
A. bird B. gun C. breeze D. wind
114. When I was a little girl, my whole family always had lots of pets – dogs, cats, hamsters …- the whole yards.
A. four B. ten C. eight D. nine
115. The DJs began a non-stop performance that pumped up adrenalin levels as the began rocking to the lively rhythm.
A. eager beavers B. big apples C. chocolate candies D. party animals
116. I was so nervous that my stomach was .
A. in knots B. at risk C. under the weather D. off color
117. Here is a copy of the new Perry Hodder novel. It’s .
A. fresh as a daisy B. down-and-out C. hot off the press D. down in the dumps
118. Discount broker TD Waterhouse has stirred up a hornet’s with the announcement that it will introduce margin trading into
the UK.
A. family B. nest C. group D. team
119. We didn’t come across a single bar that didn’t have at least ten different brews .
A. at hands B. under sale C. for stocks D. on tap
120. Public schools have dropped the when it comes to teaching kids about art and music.
A. jaws B. knife C. ball D. eggs
121. Suganya stood by her husband in weal and woe.
A. during the operation B. during illness
C. during happy time D. in prosperity and adversity
122. They thought that I would simply give up if my complaint had to go to court, but they'll soon realize that they've caught a Tartar!.
A. dealt with an unexpectedly powerful person B. trapped wanted criminal with great difficulty
C. met with disaster D. caught a naïve person
123. You will really need to drive your point home in this discussion.
A. return to place of rest B. emphasize your opinions
C. find the roots of your speech D. make your point back to original position
124. The coach kept her players on a leash throughout the year.
A. tight B. short C. big D. small
125. You can’t expect her to finish this project in the time allotted; .
A. you reap what you sow B. beauty is only skin deep
C. face the music D. Rome wasn’t built in a day
126. The night is - it’s not very late yet, so we still have time to have a good time.
A. short B. soon C. early D. young
127. The child was throwing a tantrum in the middle of the store.
A. evil B. caution C. attention D. temper
128. We’ve been tearing our out trying to decide what to do.
A. hair B. brain C. mind D. head
129. If you want to get a good apartment, you may have to give the manager some money under .
A. hands B. the door C. the table D. the carpet
130. Every time you invest money, you’re fate.
A. taking B. tempting C. playing D. making
131. Waiting for the result of my medical tests, I was like a on hot tin roof.
A. dog B. pig C. fly D. cat
132. If you cry wolf too often, people will stop believing you.
A. listen eagerly B. turn pale
C. give false alarm D. keep off starvation
133. When the business went bankrupt, twenty years of hard work went up in smoke.
A. was in flames B. was given away
C. disappeared D. failed completely
134. I poured my to my ex-husband about his new marriage.
A. heart B. love C. words D. mouth
135. He to get the highest scores in the last exams.
A. searched high and low B. moved heaven and earth
C. hit the hay D. changed hands
136. The company has its in a row for a move into the Asian market
A. body B. ducks C. fingers D. success
137. A fanatical Manchester United supporter, Brian said: “I usually just wear jeans and a T-shirt but today I’m .”
A. as drunk as drunk B. out of my depth
C. down in the dumps D. dressed to kill
138. The meteorology department was quite off the in predicting rainfall this week.
A. grade B. point C. shoulder D. mark
139. I didn’t want to go to the exhibition, but Linda twisted my .
A. leg B. intention C. nose D. arm
140. The government is a tightrope in wanting to reduce interest rates without pushing up inflation.
A. walking B. taking C. making D. catching
141. He waited for after the election before making any new decisions.
A. the dogs to sleep B. the wind to blow
C. the dust to settle D. the sand to bury
142. He doesn’t hit the often, but when he does, he can be nasty.
A. books B. bottle C. jackpot D. sack
143. My father loves his work. Even after retiring, he still puts his hand to the plough with various projects..
A. takes up agricultural farming B. gets involved in unnecessary things
C. takes interests in technical work D. gets busy working
144. I’m sorry to leave you in the lurch but I can’t do the presentation with you this afternoon..
A. come to compromise with someone B. annoy somebody
C. desert someone in his difficulties D. put someone at ease
145. Whenever I meet him, there’s always a of nails.
A. table B. chair C. bench D. bed
146. We should the day while the prices are low. That won’t last forever.
A. seize B. make C. call D. take
147. “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”
A. Being apart from someone you love makes you love them more.
B. Our heart needs absence to grow.
C. Being apart from someone you love makes you love them less.
D. Absence makes us grow older.
148. We'd done a lot of climbing in Scotland but the Himalayas were .
A. a streak of luck B. a whole new ball game
C. a slap on the wrist D. apples and oranges
149. He was accused by his opponents of being a man of straw and lacking in decisiveness.
A. a very active person B. a worthy fellow
C. an innocent person D. a person with weak character
150. The government was cooking the and misleading the public.
A. food B. candies C. books D. status
151. His smart new laptop fell off the back of a lorry.
A. His new laptop is already broken. B. His new laptop is stolen property.
C. He bought his new lorry very cheaply. D. He was given a new laptop as a surprise present.
152. My new colleague is a bit of a rough but I think I'm going to like him once I get used to him.
A. stone B. rock C. diamond D. pearl
153. I need to change jobs - after 15 years here I feel I'm in a .
A. rut B. rug C. rag D. ring
154. Mr. Johnson was very particular about the arrangement of his classroom, so the thing he hated most was when his students
caused a ruckus with their wild horseplay.
A. rough noisy play B. pretending to be animals
C. making animal noises D. playing sports
155. Even though Candace already had a new job, she submitted her two week notice and conducted herself in a
professional way at her old job because she didn’t want to burn bridges.
A. Candace didn’t want to ruin her positive relationship with her old employer.
B. Candace wasn’t ready to start her new job.
C. Candace was really going to miss her old job.
D. Candace was waiting until her last day to rub it in everyone’s face that she was leaving.
156. Mrs. Robinson expects Cassie and my presentation to be good, but we have been working on it every night for the last week, so
we are really going to knock her socks off.
A. Cassie and the speaker are not prepared to give a good presentation.
B. Cassie and the speaker intend on hitting Mrs. Robinson rather than presenting.
C. Cassie and the speaker’s presentation will far exceed Mrs. Robinson’s expectations.
D. Cassie and the speaker’s presentation will meet Mrs. Robison’s expectations.
157. When Brian felt pretty good about getting the a pair of roller-skates for his birthday, until he saw his twin brother Ryan open up
his GameBox X-9000, and then Brian felt like he got the short end of the stick.
A. Brian felt like Ryan received a better gift than he.
B. Brian was quite pleased with his roller skates.
C. Brian wanted a long stick that he could use to support himself on hikes.
D. Brian feels bad for Ryan because Ryan wanted roller-skates.
158. After Michael missed three shots in a row and passed the ball to a player on the other team, the boys were only up by two and
they suspected that Michael would be the Achilles' heel of the team.
A. A person who performs well under pressure B. A valuable contributor to a cause shared by many
C. A weakness in an otherwise strong entity D. A person who inspires others to succeed
159. After promising to go to Beth's parent's cabin for the weekend, Molly got invited to the coolest party of the year and now Molly is
really in .
A. a hurry B. a pickle C. a mess D. horns of dilemma
160. I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but I’m the fastest kid on my block and the smartest too.
A. blow my own trumpet B. stew in my own juice
C. buy time D. bite the bullet
161. While Jane's cake pops are both delicious and artistic, nobody can hold a candle to Kristie’s pecan pie.
A. Kristie's pecan pie is not visually pleasing. B. Kristie's pecan pie is very hot when it comes out of the oven.
C. Kristie's pecan pie is better than all others. D. Kristie's pecan pie is in serious need of improvements.
162. When Angelo called Devon "stinky pants" on the playground, Devon wanted to call Angelo a mean name too, but Devon's
mother had always taught him to turn the other cheek.
A. forgive an act of aggression B. return an act of aggression with greater force
C. return an act of aggression with equal force D. hide from aggression in order to protect oneself
163. Although I hate green peppers, I ordered them on the pizza because everybody else wanted them and I didn't want to go against the
A. oppose or resist a strong force B. just go along with whatever is the easiest
C. raise one's voice to an inappropriate level D. ignore something unpleasant
164. Julie thought her mom would let her go to the party, but no .
A. offence B. dice C. sure D. Possibility
165. Ever since Amy’s uncle bought the farm, she’s been faced with the difficult decision of dividing the inheritance amongst the
A. acquired agricultural areas B. passed away
C. moved out D. made a lot of money
166. The Vikings thought that they would easily beat the other team, but when it was tied with a minute left in the fourth quarter,
they knew that this game was really coming down to the wire.
A. went down the drain B. failed completely
C. finished with victory D. would not be decided until the end
167. Tom wanted to get down to , but the lawyer kept chatting about the weather.
A. keen mustard B. brass tacks
C. big guns D. green light
168. She has an oily tongue, but bad heart.
A. hungry person B. flattery C. strong critic D. rich food
169. He was jumping the when he gave up his job to start university. Now he has found out he can't get a grant.
A. ship B. land C. opportunity D. gun
170. Can you and tell us if we are going to lose our jobs or not?
A. cut to the chase B. get cold feet
C. drop a ball D. do time
171. They rejected our proposal, so it’s back to the .
A. first start B. drawing board C. big picture D. early birds
172. This matter has been hanging fire for the last many months and must therefore be decided one way or the other.
A. going on slowly B. hotly debated C. stuck up D. ignored
173. In the armed forces, it is considered a great privilege to die in harness.
A. die on a horse back B. die in the battlefield
C. die while still working D. die with honour
174. Politicians these days are more interested in playing to the than exercising real influence on world events.
A. gallery B. exhibition C. public D. top
175. Sanjay is very different about passing the Civil Services Examination this year.
A. dead sure of B. very hopeful of
C. lacking self confidence about D. reasonably certain of
176. Leaders should not only make speeches they should also be prepared to .
A. ring a bell B. bell the cat C. go bananas D. strike luck
177. He didn't mean it - he said it in the of the moment..
A. spur B. spot C. temper D. heat
178. You can't have your cake and eat it - if you want more local services, you can't expect to pay less tax.
A. enjoy forever B. run away from responsibility
C. have it both ways D. absolve yourself of guilt
179. Just hold your , Bill! Let's think about this for a moment.
A. breath B. hands C. brain D. horses
180. I agree with you really. I'm just playing advocate so you know what those who disagree with you may say.
A. devil’s B. evil’s C. opponent’s D. angel’s
181. He keeps trying to get it published but I think he's a dead horse.
A. playing B. flogging C. riding D. pushing
182. You shouldn’t tell the group about Dad’s problems because you don’t your dirty laundry.
A. show B. air C. talk D. dry
183. Jane announced her pregnancy at Lucy’s wedding; Lucy was upset that Jane stole her thunder.
A. dressed more stylishly than her B. gave birth sooner than her
C. stole her rings D. took attention away from her
184. Almost all the pilgrimages are financed on a ; the overwhelming majority of the pilgrims come from the poorer
sections of society.
A. tight rope B. loose end C. tin roof D. Shoestring khó khăn
185. I would love to go back to college, but unfortunately, that ship has sailed.
A. a missed opportunity B. the ship is gone
C. the time would be back D. there is little possibility
186. ‘With a bit of luck, we'll be finished by the end of the year.’ ‘Yes, and might fly!’.
A. crows B. pigs C. birds D. cats
187. I know I haven’t trained much for the marathon, but I’m going to throw to the wind and run anyway.
A. stones B. caution C. sand D. money
188. But he didn't tell me the whole story. And half the truth is often a/an lie.
A. total B. complete C. absolute D. whole
189. How could he afford that watch? – Who knows, perhaps with a five-finger discount!
A. 50% discount B. pay with cash
C. discount in hands D. steal
190. She had the car stereo on at full .
A. volume B. speed C. level D. blast
191. If you think that you are going to win the jackpot this week, you are off your rocker.
A. insane B. sensible C. indecisive D. boisterous
192. You're like a bear with a this morning. What's wrong with you?
A. sweet tooth B. broken leg C. sore head D. twisted ankle
193. I didn't have the idea what he was talking about.
A. clearest B. foggiest C. dullest D. weakest
194. I'm afraid you're casting pearls before swine with your good advice - he won't listen. Đàn gảy tai trâu
A. missing the boat B. looking for a needle in a haystack
C. opening a can of worms D. beating a dead horse
195. 25 people have replied to the invitation, but I've on the side of caution and put out 30 chairs.
A. swinged B. sat C. erred tránh rủi ro D. looked
196. Buying from a catalogue can mean buying a .
A. dog in a cage B. bird in a nest
C. cat in a bag D. pig in a poke mua mà ko rõ về nó
197. They’ve been on the of the wave ever since their election victory..
A. crest B. ride C. height D. prime
198. When my father lost his job and we had to live on my mother's earnings, we really started to feel the pinch.
A. eat less than before B. have problems with money
C. spend more and more D. search for a job
199. Thanks, a strong cup of coffee in the morning is just what the ordered.
A. teacher B. doctor chính xác thứ mình muốn C. boss D. manager
200. He's a real doubting – he simply wouldn't believe I'd won the car until he saw it with his own eyes.
A. Johnson B. Peter C. James D. Thomas kẻ đa nghi
206. I’m desperate to know my exam results, but I’ll just have to hang in until they are published.
A. hand B. there đợi C. here D. white flag
208. We’ll just have to the bullet and get on with it.
A. shoot B. lick C. bite cắn răng chịu đựng D. chew
210. A: Can I put it down now? B: Yes, but It’s fragile so does it.
A. heed B. care C. easy D. fluent
211. He escaped from the secret police by the of his teeth.
A. shed B. skin suýt soát C. skill D. set
213. This mess wouldn't have happened had you been on the .
A. spot B. ball phản ứng nhanh C. whole D. tidy
214. Can I come and have a look at your house? - Yes all means.
A. on B. at C. by tất nhiên D. in
215. He told me about his close when he was beaten.
A. death B. danger C. detect D. shaves suýt soát chết
216. The company blamed a storm of bad trading conditions for a 90 percent fall in profits.
A. perfect tồi tệ nhất B. terrible C. unexpected D. strange
217. "If you corners on your car repairs, your vehicle won't last as long as you want", Ann said.
A. cure B. can C. cut cắt giảm D. call
219. Dai is such a horse. I had no idea he'd created an interesting group on Facebook.
A. black B. dark C. devil D. coral
220. Don't throw in the . We can win this competition.
A. tower B. basket C. towel từ bỏ D. owlet
221. I truly wanted to come to see you, but my friend's birthday party on my parade.
A. blew B. sank C. fell D. rained lm hỏng
222. The girl he loves has a new boyfriend. Now, he is in the dumps.
A. down chán nản B. rolling C. dancing D. falling
223. I told her about my secret. I hope that she doesn't the cat out of the bag.
A. get B. take C. put D. let tiết lộ
225. Don't the beans! This thing is a secret of us.
A. spill tiết lộ B. spread C. spray D. drop
226. I’ve got to run an errand. I’ll be back in a minute.
A. manage the company C. do the household chores
B. work on a night shift D. do the homework
227. I think our enthusiastic volunteers are the salt of the .
A. ocean B. crop C. earth rất tốt D. world
228. After finishing the exam, John looked like a cat on hot .
A. blocks B. bricks C. wheels D. roof lo lắng
229. With the new advertising strategy, our business will be in the .
A. dark B. black sinh lời C. grey D. blue
230. Her plans are not realistic - they'll never be more than a dream.
A. perfect B. mythic C. light D. pipe mơ viển vông
231. My friend told me that he wants to live a of roses without hard work, winning the Jackpot made his dream come true.
A. garden B. bed sống sung sướng C. rain D. heaven
232. My grandmother's 89, but she's as fit as a .
A. fish B. fiddle khỏe như vâm C. fine D. fidget
233. A: Anna works 6 days a week. B: Really? She works like a .
A. charm B. mouse C. tiger D. Trojan lm vc chăm chỉ
234. I into my creditor this morning.
A. came B. jumped C. bumped D. launched
235. I’ll have always been by the end of a month.
A. broke cháy túi B. taken C. lost D. broken
236. Oh my dear, last time I saw you, you were just knee-high to a .
A. nightingale B. giraffe C. grasshopper còn nhỏ D. cricket
237. A: When we were using map to find the true way, Titan just went straight to the forest and got lost. B: Fools rush in where
angel fears to .
A. tread B. treadle C. thread D. read
238. The subject of bullying in my school is a potato.
A. hot B. heat C. trendy D. host
239. A: Do you like reading newspapers? B: No, I don't. I only read newspapers once in a moon.
A. blood B. black C. blue hiếm khi D. bad
240. the word until you have a plan.
A. Mom's B. Mum C. Mun D. Mum's giữ bí mật
241. A: Do you think things will work out for the best?
B: I'm sure they will. Every cloud has a lining.
A. sapphire B. diamond C. rubby D. silver trong cái rủi có cái may
242. This problem is very easy; you can understand it. It's not rocket , is it?
A. science khó B. society C. knowledge D. research
243. At my new class, I feel like a fish out of .
A. tank B. sea C. lake D. water ko thoải mái
244. I’ve never traveled alone before, but perhaps I’ll give it a .
A. trying B. shot thử lm j C. whisle D. test
245. I can't go out tonight. I need to _ the books.
A. take B. get C. hit học D. look
246. If you don't confess your love now, you may find that you've missed the .
A. trip B. chance C. boat bỏ lỡ cơ hội D. opportunity
247. They’re the moon about their trip to Japan.
A. over hạnh phúc B. through C. on D. above
248. After years of rivalry with her cousin, she decided to an olive branch and go have fun together
A. bring about B. give away C. hold out giảng hòa D. carry away
249. Don't sell yourself - you've got the skills and the experience.
A. cheap B. few C. poor D. short bán rẻ
250. She has a great confidence on herself. She thinks she is the bee's .
A. brain B. honey C. knees thông minh D. queen
251. We can guess what she thinks. She is an book.
A. widen B. opened C. wise D. open
252. A: I meet Son Tung MTP yesterday. B: Get of here.
A. in B. out thật ko C. through D. away
253. Does this emotional story the cockles of your heart?
A. warm lm ai vui B. wing C. fly D. fall
254. Nowadays, the market is very competitive. It's just a dog- -dog world.
A. bark B. bite C. swallow D. eat cạnh tranh
255. It is impossible for me to keep the child sitting quietly. He is always the move.
A. on B. in C. by D. getting
256. Finally, it comes to me that he doesn't love my anymore.
A. across B. straight C. home nhận ra D. clear
257. This girl keeps talking about my ex-lover. Does she want to the knife in the wound?
A. twist B. cut C. get D. hold
258. You should buy this mobile phone on .
A. agreement B. approval thuận mua vừa bán C. support D. assurance
259. She will be on time. Punctuality is her name.
A. nick B. secret C. middle đặc điểm D. exact
260. I've got a 99 point for the Idioms Test Week 3. I was on the edge of my !
A. head B. plane C. wing D. seat
261. I never feel satisfied with what I have and always want to push the .
A. develop B. envelope C. limit D. horizon
262. After we had broken up, I had a in a bonnet about you.
A. burn B. fire C. bee ám ảnh D. sorrow
263. I met him just the nick of time.
A. in đúng lúc B. on C. right D. exactly
264. I have failed to win him. But I know that I can do better, so I will start scratch.
A. in B. at C. from D. onward
265. I wonder whether he could change his bad habits or not. A leopard can't change its .
A. spots giang sơn dễ đổi… B. skin C. acnes D. fur
266. She was in deep because her parents had just passed away.
A. situation B. water C. time D. life
267. Having a bad mark on the semester exam, I had to the music from my parents.
A. listen B. face nghe chửi C. hear D. stand
268. I red when I bumped into my boyfriend flirting a girl in the way to school yesterday.
A. saw B. met C. watched D. smelt
269. I'm ears - tell us what they had to say.
A. together B. all nghe chăm chú C. whole D. with
270. Our children have been going out for 3 hours. They are the of me.
A. worried B. anxious C. death lo lắng D. unhappy
271. Breaking up with my ex-boyfriend turned out a in disguise.
A. mask B. blessing rất tốt C. explanation D. face
272. She finally arrived. Better than never!
A. now B. no C. late D. have
273. I think you should cut him some . He is tired.
A. relaxed B. time C. breath D. slack giảm yêu cầu
274. I am going to wait for him to show me he loves me because actions speak than words.
A. louder B. better C. worse D. later
275. As the saying goes - it's no use crying over spilt .
A. milk B. water C. oil D. lemonade
276. My ex-boyfriend came to help me when my car broke down. He was my in shining armor.
A. hero B. superman C. knight tử tế D. prince
277. I a clanger and he knows all about your secret.
A. make B. create C. bring D. drop lỡ mồm
278.The truth stands out a .
A. way B. route C. game D. mile dễ thấy
279. I have no money left. One of my friends takes me to the .
A. hell B. white C. heaven D. cleaner lừa tiền
280. A: You know that your ex-lover is going to get married next month, do you?
B: You could have me down with a feather. We just broke three days ago!
A. knocked lm ngạc nhiên B. sank C. hit D. kick
281. He dreamed of reaching the heights of Number 1 in the charts.
A. top B. giddy C. dizzy vị trí qtr D. peak
282. Selfishness is the kiss of for friendship.
A. reincarnation B. death hủy hoại C. devil D. wind
283.He left no unturned in his search for his natural mother
A. rubble B. rock C. stone D. ice
284. The company is ready to sign the agreement now, but it two to tango and the negotiations may continue for
several days yet.
A. takes hợp tác từ 2 phía B. makes C. gets D. does
285. He began to change his after realizing how much money he could earn.
A. ways B. mood C. tune thay đổi giọng điệu D. misdeed
286. He got his new car for a .
A. rainy day B. song rẻ C. cheap D. long time
287. He is quiet, modest sort of man who doesn’t believe in his own horn.
A. raising B. growing C. rising D. tooting khoe khoang
288. Can you guys please be quiet? Your music is distracting me from my work.
A. chin B. loud C. feel D. chill chuyện luyên thuyên
289. My sister has a bun the oven.
A. in B. on C. up D. onto
290. She is a cheese in the company.
A. good B. best C. big D. small
291. George is cool as a and this should be just another operation for him.
A. mandarin B. kumquat C. cucumber D. peach
292. Stop trying to butter me !
A. on B. outside C. up nịnh D. in
293. The medical school's graduates are considered to be the of the crop and can get jobs wherever they want to.
A. top B. ice C. cream ng tốt nhất D. best
294. Would you stop telling me to clean my room already? Sheesh, you sound like a record!
A. block B. broken C. broke D. bizarre
295. We believe in parents and teachers calling the .
A. tune ra quyết định B. tone C. shot chỉ huy D. midwife
296. The company stopped using certain chemicals only after some workers the whistle on it.
A. puffed B. winded C. tuned D. blew tố cáo
299. When I kissed her the first time, I was full of the of spring.
A. flowers B. steps C. melody D. joys
300. I keep buying lottery tickets - hope springs .
A. eternal B. forever C. endless D. immortal
301. Some one is going to have to take the responsibility for this disaster. Who is going to ?
A. carry the can chịu trách nhiệm B. fit the bill C. catch the worms D. hatch the chicken
308. This firm’s gone to the since the new manager took over.
A. ducks B. cats C. dogs trở nên tệ hơn D. horses
310. Their accounts were completely phony. They had been cooking the for years.
A. spinner B. trade C. killing D. books gian lận sổ sách
312. Janet has to travel a lot in her new job. She is always on the .
A. field B. mood C. way D. go di chuyển
313. I dropped a when talking with my best friend, and now he doesn’t want to talk to me.
A. rock B. stone C. brick lỡ lời D. sand
314. I’m not surprised to hear that Karl got drunk again last night – that guy drinks like a .
A. chicken B. beef C. fish uống nhiều D. sheep
317. He led poor Amy a life. She was desperately lonely and poor.
A. cat’s B. rat’s C. dog’s sống khổ D. horse’s
318. I always get in my stomach before visiting the dentist. butterfly
320. He literally was at death’s when a kidney became available for transplant.
A. verge B. edge C. border D. door sắp chết
321. We were having dinner in a restaurant last night when this guy at the next table .
A. flew by the seat of this pants B. flushed out of some place
C. flew into the face of danger D. flew off the handle mất kiểm soát
322. That new motorbike I bought is really a white , it is expensive and too big for these streets.
A. elephant đắt B. horse C. tiger D. hippopotamus
324. The opposition will be elected into government at the next election, without a .
A. shade B. shadow C. benefit D. hue
326. Ever since his promotion, he’s become too big for his .
A. boots kiêu căng B. shoes C. jacket D. socks
327. Your store needs a bold sign that will catch the of anyone walking down the street. That may help to sell more
A. eye thu hút B. peek C. flash D. glimpse
328. I’ve been doing my best to reduce the backlog, but I must admit that I’ve hardly put in the problem so far.
A. damper B. a dent C. a brave face D. a foot
329. You need in your belly if you want to make it in the music business.
A. food B. bread C. power D. fire quyết tâm
330. Josh had a hard time comparing the iPhone to the Samsung phone because to him they were apples and oranges.
A. containing too many technical details B. very similar
C. completely different D. very complicated
332. There’s a list of repairs as long as .
A. your arm B. a pole C. your arms D. a mile
333. I to answer all their questions.
A. did my level best B. worked my fingers to the bone
C. pulled my weight D. raise a finger
334. I tried to talk to her, but she was as high as a .
A. kite B. house C. sky D. wall
335. I know you’re upset about breaking up with Tom, but there are plenty more .
A. horses in the stable B. cows in the shed
C. tigers in the jungle D. fish in the sea
336. I’ll have to go to the funeral of Ms. Jane, a of mine.
A. body and soul B. heart to heart C. flesh and blood máu mủ ruột giàD. skin and bones
338. Unfortunately, the injury may keep him out of football . He may never play again.
A. for good mãi mãi B. now and then C. once in a while D. every so often
339. Sometimes in a bad situation, there may still be some good things. Try not to throw out the with the bathwater.
A. fish B. duck C. baby D. child
340. John: “Oh, I forgot my girlfriend’s birthday last week.” – Anne: “ ”.
A. Not on your life B. So I guess you are in the doghouse again đuổi khỏi nhà
C. Sure, knock on wood D. You really should get a life
342. Thanks to her regular workouts and sensible diet she certainly strikes me as in the .
A. pink khỏe B. blue C. red D. purple
343. Wendy is on the horns of a dilemma , she just wonders whether to go for a picnic with her friends or to stay at home with her
A. unwilling to make a decision B. able to make a choice
C. eager to make a plan D. unready to make up her mind
344. At every faculty meeting, Ms Volatie always manages to put her foot in her mouth.
A. move rapidly B. trip over her big feet
C. fall asleep D. say the wrong thing
345. That the genetic differences make one race superior to another is nothing but a story.
A. tall chuyện bịa B. cynical C. exaggerated D. untrue
346. At first, no one believed she was a pilot, but her documents colour to her statements
A. provided B. got C. borrowed D. lent
347. Failing to submit the proposal on time was for Tom
A. a real kick in the pants B. an open and shut case
C. a shot in the dark D. a nail in the coffin hủy hoại
348. You should accept the Nokia mobile phone as a 16-birthday present from your parents delightedly. Don’t .
A. look gift horse in the mouth B. buy it through the nose
C. pull my leg D. take it for granted
351. Shake a leg or you will miss the train.
A. hurry up B. slow down C. watch out D. put down
352. I’m going on business for a week, so I’ll be leaving everything .
A. on your guards B. up to your eyes C. in your capable hands D. under the care of you
353. I refuse. To believe a word of it. It’s a cock-and- story.
A. hen B. goose C. bull D. duck
354. One way to let off after a stressful day is to take some vigorous exercises.
A. cloud B. tension C. steam D. sweat
355. He sent his children to the park so that he can have some .
A. fresh and quiet B. quiet and peace C. peace and quiet D. fresh and peace
356. She is walking on . She doesn’t know how to say.
A. air B. road C. street D. garden
357. When you do something, you should .
A. pay through the nose B. turn over a new leaf
C. weigh up the pros and cons D. huddle into a pen
358. Someone who is inexperienced is .
A. red B. blue C. black D. green
359. The year-end party was out of this world. We had never tasted such delicious food.
A. enormous B. terrific C. strange D. awful
360. The nominating committee always meets behind closed doors, lest its deliberations become known prematurely.
A. privately B. safely C. publicly D. dangerously
361. She’s so , you really have to watch what you say or she’ll walk out of the room.
A. high and dry B. prim and proper
C. rough and ready D. sick and tired
362. Like everyone else, Sue has her of course but on the whole, she’s quite satisfied with life.
A. ups and downs B. ins and outs C. safe and sound D. odds and ends
365. He was as sick as a when he realized he had thrown away his lottery.
A. carrot B. parrot C. idiot D. rabbit
367. I don’t understand what you are saying. What a load of .
A. crap vô lí B. trap C. tab D. crab
368. Sara bought in a lot of business last month. She should ask for a pay rise while she’s still on a .
A. roam B. roll C. rush D. run
369. Unfortunately, some politicians often hit the belt to discredit their opponent.
A. below B. under C. over D. above
371. If you know what you really want, you should to get it.
A. pull their weight B. go all out C. pull your socks up D. fight tooth and nail
372. She in order to send her children to school.
A. cut corners B. worked her fingers to the bone
C. made a meal of it D. called it a day
373. When you’re trying to start a business, you should utilize every minute you have.
A. breaking your back B. raising a finger
C. pulling your socks up D. going through thick and thin vượt qua kk
374. I was surprised to find he’d gone behind my .
A. hat B. back C. thought D. leg
375. After all, he only . He never does what he promised.
A. speaks with a forked tongue B. has a foot in the grave
C. smells a rat D. jumps through hoops
377. She completed the 500 meters in time.
A. record B. folded C. broken D. taken
379. The President is determined to for peace.
A.pull his socks up B. make a meal C. go the extra mile D. raise a finger
380. We cannot afford to carry members who are not .
A. doing things by their halves lm nửa vời B. making a meal of it
C. knowing beans about it D. pulling their weight
381. It’s obvious that she’s lying through her .
A. hat B. teeth C. back D. head
382. He has not submitted his dissertation so he’s in deep .
A. problem B. water C. trouble D. position
383. We need to explore all before doing something that is not very safe to a great number of people in order to minimize
unfavourable consequences.
A. places B. avenues C. ships D. possibilities
384. I was a when I arrived home after my long trip. I had been flying for over 30 hours, and two of the planes were delayed.
A. wet blanket B. cog in the machine
C. broken record D. real basket
385. The accident happened a long time ago so she could only draw a .
A. blank B. line C. picture D. mind
386. It’s important that you get your together in such an event.
A. legs B. act C. shoes D. pants
387. Property prices in this area have gone through the over the past few years.
A. ceiling B. ground C. roof D. top
388. I can’t wrap my head around how some fashion brands are able to offer clothes that costs .
A. next to nothing B. a fortune C. an arm and a leg D. criminally expensive
389. Doing a bungee jump is something that I hope to off my bucket list on this New Zealand trip.
A. cross B. throw C. bring D. blow
390. I totally my budget on my last trip to the U.S. Accommodation cost way more than I’d expected.
A. went B. stored C. blew D. bought
391. I think shoes are frivolous and not worth dropping big on. I’d rather spend my money on technological gadgets.
A. money B. bucks C. spendings D. expenditures
392. He would really get a out of his mother if he didn’t passed the exam.
A. blood B. book C. fire D. rise
393. Remember when a bowl of Pho only cost 5000 VND? Those were the !
A. salad days B. good old days C. gone days D. good days
394. If you get lost, just ask me for directions. I know this part of town like the of my hand.
A. palm B. back C. finger D. nail
396. I don’t like to team up with them since they always ask me to do the work.
A. dog B. rat C. goat D. horse
397. James must have forgotten his umbrella somewhere. He looked like a drowned _ when he came home.
A. cat B. rat C. hen D. pig
398. I was really when my dog died.
A. down in the dumps B. over the moon
C. walking on air D. made my blood boil
399. Please don’t keep asking for the answer. Use your .
A. nerve B. mind C. thinking D. noodle
400. Everyone was having a of time at the party when he came.
A. shark B. whale C. shrimp D. fish
1. When your programme first started I thought it was the best thing since sliced ........
A. cake B. break C. bread D. bead
2. I was excited to start taking night classes after work, but now, without enough time to devote either to school or to my job, I feel like
I'm falling between two …...
A. chairs B. arms C. swings D. stools
3. I think he’ll pay you back your money –
A. birds B. cats C. cocks D. pigs
4. I don't mind driving this time-she's scratched my................plenty of times.
A. head B. back C. stomach D. heart
5. At school, people always used to take the...............out of him for having red hair.
A. cat B. dog C. mickey D. rat
7. I dropped a............when talking with my best friend, and now he doesn't want to talk to me.
A. rock B. stone C. brick D. sand
8. The two groups of bullies fought tooth and before the police came last night.
A. claw B. nail C. feet D. both A and B
9. My little house is spick and span.
A. neat B. clean C. well looked after D. all are correct
15. She always turned her term paper in at the eleventh .........
A. minute `B. second C. hour D. time
16. Boss: So, Rita, you left work early yesterday?
Worker: Yeah, and did I ever get in hot water for that!
A. be in trouble B. so sorry C. get so tired D. take a warm bath
18. We don't go there often - just off...............on.
A. or B. and C. but D. then
21. They simply didn’t know what they were doing and they were led by a manipulative government.
A. head B. hand C. leg D. nose
22. I’ve got to run an errand. I’ll be back in a minute.
A. manage the company B. do the household chores
B. work on a night shift D. do the homework
23. They ignore people who...............the lights.
A. pass B. jump vượt đèn đỏ C. get D. play
24. Only allowing half an hour to get from the station to the airport is cutting it..............., isn’t it?
A. good B. nice C. fine D. well
27. The rest of the team complained that Sarah wasn’t.....................her weight.
A. pushing B. pulling C. losing D. gaining
28. Although a deal has been agreed, it is not yet ....-and-dried.
A. fried B. tried C. cut ko thể thay đổi D. run
29. It seems that Charles will give it up. I suppose he is a lost .....
A. cause B. reason C. aim D. purpose
30. She do everything well.
A. paints B. pains cố gắng lm j C. rains D. chances
31. He argued with her until he the face.
A. black B. grey C. yellow D. blue
32. My sister a ghost when she saw the man at the window.
A. black B. grey C. yellow D. white
34. I'll be back in the twinkling of .
A. an eye B. a lighting bolt C. a smile D. a laugh
35. Sharon always sticks her.......................into everyone else’s business.
A. head B. lips C. nose D. mouth
41. I invested all my money in that failed company and now I find my whole investment has gone down the drain. A.has
been overtaken B. has been confirmed
C. has been wasted D. has been confused
44. "Her husband is awful; they fight all the time but I think it tango."
A. one B. two C. three D. four
55. Jack has egg because he couldn't remember how to spell "Batman"!
A. on his teeth B. on his face xấu hổ C. on his shirt D. on his fingers
56. He seems like a good..............I'll take a chance on him.
A. yolk B. leave C. egg đáng tin D. ink
58. I think I understand the nuts and of the operation.
A. screws B. hammer C. nails D. bolts chi tiết
59. His girl friend bade defiance to his wish to go for movie and instead they went for lunch in hotel. A.
ignorance B. Following C. Cheating D. obedience
60. All great people names are written in history who blazed the trail for their nations.
A. To stop a movement B. To join a movement
C. To protect a movement D. To start a movement
65. Don't you think you by not showing up at the meeting you underwent so much of trouble to organize?
A. made your head spin. B. burnt your bridges hủy hoại danh tiếng
C. cut corners D. got a taste of your own medicine
66. Never was there a time when I did not to help them; but now as I seek their support, they don't even have the
courtesy to offer the least possible help.
A. make heads or tails B. make my day
C. go out of record D. bend over backwards cố gắng
67. If someone drinks like a..................that means that the person drinks far too much alcohol.
A. Pig B. Fish C. Chicken D. Pelican
68. You are a good person, but your political ideas are half-baked.
A. Boring B. Carefully thought C. Very relevant D. Not well considered
69. We are encouraging Maggie to audition for the musical play and not hide her light under a bushel.
A. Hide a candle inside a box B. Conceal or obscure her talents
C. Have no sense of responsibility D. Stay inside the house
70. What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?
A. Why are you so quiet? B. Why are you so nervous?
C. Why are you so angry? D. Why are you so hungry?
72. He was murdered in cold blood.
A. thoughtlessly B. coolly C. deliberately D. unfeelingly
73. Suganya stood by her husband in weal and woe.
A. during the operation B. during illness
C. by hook or crook D. in prosperity and adversity
74. While I have a bath, you may chew the cud.
A. Kill time B. Go through legalities
C. Reflect upon one’s past suy nghĩ cẩn thận D. Have breakfast
75. In the beginning of his career, he was practically rolling in money.
A. saved lot of money B. very rich
C. wasting a lot of money D. spending more than his earnings
76. He never wanted to keep her under his thumb and so he let her do what she liked.
A. in his presence all the time B. unduly under control
C. below his thumb D. restricted
77. One should not stay idle at home; but be up and doing.
A. reading B. working C. sleeping D. active
78. The cashier wiped the nose of his employer by presenting false bills.
A. doomed B. abused C. cheated D. slapped
79. The captain played with determination because the honour of the team was at stake.
A. at the top B. appropriate C. very low D. in danger
80. The CBI officials followed up the clue, but it proved to be a mare’s nest.
A. baseless B. time consuming C. useless D. an unfound rumour
81. We are afraid that you may be led astray in Arvind’s bad company.
A. misguided B. lose the job C. killed D. get into trouble
82. An honest person never plays fast and loose with his friends.
A. delay tactics B. to be inconsistent C. deceives D. ignores
83. The result of the examination dashed my hopes.
A. failed B. killed someone C. frustrated D. brought great happiness
84. He has an oily tongue
A.Much food B. strong critic C.flattery D. hungry person
85. She exhibited remarkable sang froid during the crisis.
A. composure B. temper C. anger D. irritation
86. Mrs Rashmi has been in the blues for the last several weeks.
A. unwell B. abroad C. lonely D. depressed
87. Believe me, I am all at sea.
A. puzzled bối rối B. drowning C. very happy D. out of reach
88. None of this hanky panky, please talk straight.
A. jugglery đáng nghi B. indifference C. diversification D. obsession
89. The company has been handed over to new masters, lock, stock and barrel.
A. partially B. completely C. financially D. administratively
90. The project of building ended in smoke.
A. to fall through thất bại B. to catch fire
C. to give no practical result D. ended in the destruction of building
91. When I saw him in the morning, he looked like a duck in a thunderstorm.
A. peaceful B. distressed vô vọng C. entrapped D. timid
92. Be careful! She's just a snake in the grass.
A. to try to find information secretly
B. to move towards someone very quietly and stealthily
C. a person who shows no respect for others
D. a person who pretends to be your friend but cannot be trusted
93. Frank was seen grease his boss's palm.
A. to rub somebody's hand with oil B. to bribe somebody đút lót
C. to be in full cooperation with somebody D. to deal with someone
94. As she is only girl in a big family, so she is all in all in her home.
A. Every person B. Particular thing same in all
C. Call all at once D. Most important
95. On the eve of inspection everything was kept in apple pie order.
A. In random order B. Related to fruits packing
C. Related to dry fruit packing D. In perfect order
96. All three brothers are at logger heads because of land dispute
A. In difficulty B. to be at strife xung đột
C. very happy together D. None of above
97. The quarrel between two friends has grown more bitter now and they are at dagger's drawn.
A. to have bitter enmity thù hằn B. to be very friendly
C. to be unknown D. to be very familiar
98. This is a treat that gives you plenty of bang for the buck.
A. More for your money nhiều tiền B. Not for money
C. More for your nature D. More for your smile
99. You certainly couldn’t call him modest because he is always blowing his own trumpet.
A. saying how fit he is B. saying how healthy he is
C. saying how clever he is khoe khoang D. saying how kind he is
100. They go to the beach when they should be hitting the books and then they wonder why they get low marks.
A.Scrutinizing B.Studying C. Reflecting D. Chew over

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