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Dear Sianne,
Billy and Samuel.

I am interested in working for GOJEK for the position of Commerce Success Analyst.
I am very familiar with Customer Relations Management within the GOJEK
Commerce Enablement’s Division. Firstly, my interest in the position is partially due
to understanding CRM and Commerce Enablement from my previous employment. I
have some experience working GOJEK’s Commerce Enablement through my
previous internship in GOJEK. Secondly, I also have a passion in increasing SaaS
applicability in Indonesia due to the disproportionate level of digital literacy in

From my internship at MOKA POS, I have been introduced to how GOJEK utilizes
Microsoft Excel, G Suite, Workday, Slacks, and Google Sheets as tools to improve
their MAO and improve lives through their SaaS. by giving CRM consultation to
merchants regarding the MOKA product and how to maximize its features. From
what I’ve learned, I was able to contribute roughly 200 merchants to the Q4 in 2021
Connected Merchants Target and increased their CRM tools activity through 30
consultations in December. As a worker, I have learned to be consistent in my
performance, be responsible and uphold integrity as an employee and I am a
Bachelor of International Relations from Parahyangan Catholic University (UNPAR)
and I am also planning to continue my understanding of digital literacy in Business
through this working experience. GOJEK has facilitated my passion in increasing
digital literacy through showing me how disproportionately the average merchant
truly comprehends the benefits of SaaS and how I can contribute further in the

Therefor I sincerely hope that you would consider me for the position of Commerce
Success Analyst so that I can deliver meaningful contributions and also fulfil my
passion in increasing digital literacy for GOJEK users everywhere.
Joshua Cahyo Putra Djami.

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