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Preparation Worksheet for Block Test

Fungi Kingdom
1. Write 5 characteristics of fungi.
-most are saprobes
-most multicellular, except yeast=unicellular
-Lack true root, stem, leaf
2. Differentiate between parasitic and saprophytic.
Parasitic=obtain the organic substance from other living organisms
Saprophytic=obtain the organic substance from dead matter or organism
3. Describe diagram c.

penetrates the host's tissues and absorbs nutrients and water

4. a. Describe the process below.
b. What type of reproduction is this?
c. What type of fungi that undergo this kind of reproduction?

5. Look at the structure of fungi below. Classify the fungi into a phylum and describe
their characteristics.
6. Describe what happens to this bread.

7. a. Label the parts of the fungi below.

b. What is the function of part b and d?

D=coenocytic hyphae

8. Fill in the tables below to differentiate different phyla of fungi.

Fungi phylum Hyphae Sexual Asexual Fruiting Species
reproduction reproduction body example
and its

Zygomycota coenocytic zygosporangiu sporangium none

9. Look at the following diagram.


Which of the two is coenocytic hyphae? How do you know?

10. Given the following life cycle.

List down the structure that:

a. Haploid
b. Diploid
c. Which structure that will release basidiospores?

11. The following shows the life cycle of Zygomycota.

a. Describe what happens in step 4.
b. What happens in plasmogamy and karyogamy?

12. The following shows ascomycota.

a. How many ascospores will be produced from an ascus?

b. What will happen to the ascospores?

13. The following structure shows lichen reproduction.

a. Label the parts A-D.
b. What is the role of lichen?
c. State the habitat of lichen.
14. What are the factors that will affect the tempe making?
15. Write some roles of fungi that can be served as food and fermentation products.

Plant Kingdom
16. Look at the following image.

What are the characteristics of the plants above?

17. Label the male and female gametophyte of the diagram below.

18. Given a structure below.

a. What phylum does this plant belongs to?
b. Explain structure no 1?
c. Is it monoecious or dioecious?
d. What is the function of structure no 4?

19. Label the structure below.

20. a. Briefly explain the life cycle below.

b. Which part/s is/are haploid?
c. If the chromosome number in the leaf of the mature sporophyte is 34, what will be
the number of the chromosomes of their spores?
21. State some roles of bryophyta in daily life.

22. Compare the structures of pteridophyte group below.

a. Lycopsida:
b. Psilopsyda
c. Pteropsyda
d. Sphenopsyda
23. State the characteristics of gymnosperm and angiosperm.
24. Label the name of each plant below.


a. Explain the diagram of double fertilization below.

b. Why does it called as “double fertilization”?

26. Label A, B, C in gymnosperm life cycle below.

26. Label the parts of flower below.




27. Differentiate monocot and dicot based on the following:

a. stem
b. cotyledon
c. leaf
d. root

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