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Teenagers and social media

It is a widely belief that teenagers spend too much time in front of TV, computer and mobile
phones, especially on social media. Most people agree that is a big problem. What causes
that problem and how it can be solved?
In my view, young people really spend a lot of time on social media today. They chat with
their friends, write posts and upload pictures. The problem is that they don't exercise
enough or just go outside to walk. It seems to me more and more teenagers today are
overweight. Furthermore, social media could be sometimes dangerous because adolescents
post too much private information.
In my opinion, it is necessary to introduce some changes. What I propose is to restrict the
amount of time spend on electronic gadgets. For example, if teenagers spend more than 3
hours a day on social media, parents should talk to them and limit that time. Another
solution is to represent dangers of Internet by presentations in school and warn the children
that way of life is really unhealthy.
To sum up, spending too much time on any kind of modern technology can be dangerous
and cause health problems, in nearly or long-term future. In my opinion, the solutions I have
proposed will affect on teenagers' opinions and alter their lifestyle.

Dino Vitković, 1.s

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